The Yellow River is roaring.

Although drift ice occasionally appears in this season, it cannot stop the rush of the river.

North shore.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were undefeated against Zhao Yundian and Wei. They did not collapse, but their eldest brother and the army eventually collapsed.

Liu Bei was the first to collapse.

Although his double-stranded sword is also a well-known weapon in the world, it is not Yuan Tan's opponent at all.

The three tricks failed, and it collapsed.

Under this circumstance, Liu Bei reluctantly moved his army to attack the Eight Gates.

When his soldiers entered the battlefield, they found that the banner of the Shence Army was like a forest and the enemy was like a cloud, as if they had entered a cannibal maze. They were immediately dizzy and couldn't find the north at all.

The formation of the Shence Army was just a revolving assault, which defeated the enemy.

Therefore, the head-on fight between the two sides has evolved into a chase.

In the endless field, the Shence Army pursued more than a thousand fleeing enemies.

Liu Bei couldn't find North even if he cried in the rebellious army.

I thought I would be able to leave with the belongings smoothly, but I didn't expect that people would have been waiting for him here long ago.

What made him even more unacceptable was that he didn't attack him, didn't ambush him, and the battle was upright, but the defeat was just as tragically.

This made Liu Bei unable to find even an excuse for failure.

Every soldier's fall, every soldier's scream, made a scar in his heart.

This is the family business he has accumulated after ten years of struggle.

To accumulate such a huge family business empty-handed, do you know how exciting and difficult the process is?

When I watched it, I was emptied casually.

This blow to his confidence must be tremendous.

Already there is nothing to love.

Who can stand this?

Zhang Fei couldn't accept it anyway.

"Fight with Yuan Tan!" Zhang Fei held his genuine snake spear, the blue veins on his forehead and neck rising straight, his face was unspeakably hideous. After all, since his debut, there has never been a fiasco like today. Counting it down, it seems to be the first time he has been defeated head-on.

For a hero, it must be hard to swallow this breath.

"Third brother!" Liu Bei stopped him.

Guan Yu also lost his calm at this moment, and said anxiously: "Brother, if you go to death like this, who will protect your eldest brother? You see, the cavalry of the Shence Army is turning around and will immediately surround us completely."

Sure enough, the situation is already very serious, and it has reached the threshold of life and death.

Zhang Fei was not afraid of life and death, but was silent.

"I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day. But today, our brothers will never just die here!"

Liu Bei's eyes brightened, and his perseverance played a decisive role. He was not discouraged by this bankruptcy defeat, but set escape as his life goal tentatively.

But at the moment his army was in chaos, and only a few soldiers on horseback followed.

But because they had horses, they ran ahead of the defeated army. Because of this, the escaping troops are only now beginning to pass by them.

A soldier immediately raised Liu Bei's banner. He had not dared to raise it before, because he was really afraid of attracting the enemy's attention.

But no soldiers gathered under the banner. Instead, they dodge far away when they saw the banner, and they had no choice but to escape for their lives.

With the arrival of a large number of defeated soldiers, the surrounding situation became more chaotic.

"Big brother!" Guan Yu had a clever idea, first grabbing Liu Bei's banner, and said: "You might as well pretend to be a soldier, and my third brother and I are going to attract the enemy's attention, so you can also take the opportunity to cross the river."

This trick has been used throughout ancient and modern military history. How many heroes and emperors have used it.

Still enduring for a long time, we can see the mystery.

"This..." Is Liu Bei a person who wants to survive and ignore the life and death of his brother?

Regardless of whether he agreed or not, Guan Yu took off Liu Bei's prestigious helmet.

When he saw the earlobe shoulders, he pondered a little, and felt that Liu Bei still couldn't live without his helmet. He took the inferior helmet of a soldier and put it on Liu Bei, and specially helped to roll up the big ears and put it into the gap in the helmet.

Zhang Fei also went to help, took off Liu Bei's iron armor, and put it on wooden armor.

It was found that something was wrong, so Liu Bei finally took off the brocade robe and replaced it with linen clothes, only to find the flaw.

"Second brother can't!"

"The third brother!"

Liu Bei repeatedly stopped, and could not stop him, eventually becoming a soldier.

"The three of you protect my eldest brother, and you will be rewarded with great rewards when you look back!"

Guan Yu gave orders and immediately turned on his horse, put Liu Bei's banner behind his back, and rode away.

"Big brother, see you in Qingzhou!" Zhang Fei followed closely and drove away.

For a while.

Guan Yu killed two soldiers of the Shence Army, immediately attracted attention, and roared, "Yuan Tan Xiaoer, dare to fight me to the death!" Before the words fell, he galloped away.

"This is Guan Yu!" The soldiers of the Shence Army were furious. After all, he ran away just after talking about the fight to the death, this kind of behavior is too irritating.


Guan Yu successfully attracted attention.

But Liu Bei, who was disguised as a soldier, fled in the other direction instead.

Ten minutes later.

Liu Bei was in the midst of the chaos and found that no one in the surrounding soldiers noticed him, so he felt relieved.

However, with the sound of horse hooves, the situation became more chaotic.

"The eldest son has an order. Those who kneel and surrender will be exempted from death, and those who stubbornly resist and escape will be killed without mercy!"

The soldiers of the Shence Army caught up.

Liu Bei found that many of his soldiers knelt down and surrendered. He didn't resent these soldiers. When the situation came, surrendering was also natural.

As the large number of soldiers stopped, Liu Bei and the small group of people who continued to escape must be particularly conspicuous.

Liu Bei heard the sound of horses hooves coming closer and closer, turned around and saw that it turned out to be Yuan Tan. His liver and gallbladder broke When he ran hard, he still did not forget to close his ears and grow his arms. Obviously he also knew that his figure was the most terrible flaw at the moment, but as long as he was careful, he wouldn't be afraid of being seen through.

The screams before death came from behind him.

He couldn't help but looked back again and found that the few confidantes had fallen in a pool of blood.

As the figure of Yuan Tan Yuema Swagger came into view, Liu Bei faced a choice, whether to resist desperately or to surrender?

He knows that if he resists, he will undoubtedly die.

But surrender...

Really unwilling.


Yuan Tan ignored a small deserter, and Er Gouzi next to him rushed over.

"My life is over!" This thought flashed through Liu Bei's mind. With the arrival of the evil spirits and evil spirits of Ergouzi and others, he knelt down without saying a word and shouted: "Grandpa, please be forgive. You are a benevolent and gracious hero. The villain surrendered, don't kill the villain... ."


Ergouzi's warhorse stood up, angrily in his heart, watching that the man's merits had been achieved, and only surrendered now. What did you do earlier? The typical one does not shed tears without seeing the coffin, and the heart will not die until the Yellow River.

Now the Yellow River is in front, give up your heart?

With Yuan Tan's status, he would definitely not kill a small soldier who had surrendered. He rode his horse and stretched out his spear, knocking on Liu Bei's helmet, "Have you seen Liu Bei?"

"..." Liu Bei.

Face the wind!

Liu Bei remembered this sentence, and following his fiasco before'Shi Feng', this sentence has become a slogan, which will obviously be spread all over the world soon.

This made him humiliated, evil grew out of his guts, and he gradually touched the dagger in his arms.

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