Take the Department Store Back To the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 179: After Yuan Tan fell a cup

Yuan Tan came to the Confucian Temple.

Hundreds of years of heaven and big trees abound, they are Konglin, lush and lush.

The meaning of shade and the people of the world.

The scale of the Confucian Temple does not lose to the treasure temples of later generations.

And the degree of solemnity is still above.

On the huge square, there is a statue of the saint Kong.

Below the statue is an altar, and there is a square platform in front of the altar.

Around the square, there are five-element flags, and the royal flags given by the emperors of the past dynasties.

These banners were held high by Confucian scholars wearing Confucian costumes.

In front of these flags, that is, around the square platform, there were three hundred boys and girls sitting on their knees. Although their faces were immature, they showed even more incomparable integrity.

The whole ceremony was too solemn, it was on par with the emperor's enthronement.

This ceremony shocked everyone.

Including Yuan Tan, Guo Jia, and even the five big and three rough Dian Wei also appear to be stern.

A thousand-year-old Confucian sage does not need to fight for glory, and nature shines on all things.

Guo Jia took a deep breath. The Kong family was incapable of enemies and could not be destroyed. Therefore, he persuaded Yuan Tan Heping to subdue.

And Yuan Tan also knew this well, so he came here.

Guo Jia thought to himself that today's scene will be spread to the world in the future. How things will develop, can you persuade this generation of Yan Shenggong, the next step is to rely on the personal ability of the old man.

Obviously, Kong Rong guided Yuan Tan to sacrifice to Kong with extremely high specifications.

This is the respect for Kong Shengren and the recognition of Yuan Tan's status.

"After the fourth generation and the third deity, the eldest son of the Yuan family is coming..."

The twentieth generation descendant, the future Sage Master Kong Yi sings.

Three hundred children were born, paying respects to the ground.

Immediately, the solemn horn sounded across the sky.

Yuan Tan began to worship Confucius for the first time in his life.

The sky does not give birth to Kong Zhongni, and the ages are like a long night. This is a passage recorded in the Spring and Autumn Period.

If Zhongni is not born in the sky, people have lived forever like in the dark night.

Kong Rong's heart is murderous and silent, just doing a good job of presiding.

Silently said: "The saint ancestor is above, and the descendants kill people before the ancestors' spirits. It is also out of helplessness and also for the future of the Confucian family. Please forgive me from the ancestors."

So I bowed down, as if it were normal.

Later, the memorial ceremony was over.

Kong Rong motioned to Wang Xiu to serve the wine, saying: "The eldest son, on behalf of the Yuan family, pays homage to my ancestors of the Confucian family.

So first I picked up a glass and drank it solemnly.

The killing of Yuan Tan was the next thing, and the gift at this moment was also from the heart.

Kong Rong looked at the empty wine glass at this moment, as long as he smashed to the ground, the dead man would appear and chop Yuan Tan into mashed meat.

Yuan Tan didn't even know that he was going to die. At this moment, facing the saint, he was quite emotional.

He picked up another glass of wine and read: "At the beginning of human beings..., Xi Xiangyuan. If you don't teach...the way of teaching, you need to specialize..."

Do not lose the classics of the Analects.

The world-class original version of the Three-character Sutra appeared on this ancient land nearly a thousand years in advance.

If half of the Analects governs the world, then the Three-Character Classic is the enlightenment of every student, and the principles contained therein run through everyone's life.

You can't memorize the Analects, but you can't memorize the unfamiliar three-character classics.

It is the condensation of the entire Confucianist era, outlook on life, values, and world outlook.

In many cases, the Three-Character Classic has almost replaced the Analects, guiding the direction of the people's progress.

"This..." Kong Rong listened, and at first he didn't care, thinking that Yuan Tan was in the middle of writing, but soon, the 19th generation of the Confucian King Yan Sheng was shocked.

Guo Jia's eyes widened, and every three words gave him a world.

Four hundred and three hundred children, boys and girls, all looked at worship. Their young hearts yearned for the classic irrigation, and they all began to chant: "The beginning of man..."

The immature voice echoed in the Confucian Temple, echoed in this world, but it gave people a different kind of solemnity.

The young voice, and the voice of the beginning of man.

The gazes of the Confucian scholars and scholars holding the various banners almost ate Yuan Tan.

It seems that these virgins are all specially selected by Kong Rong. They are all talented and intelligent. There will be many celebrities and talents in the future.

But halfway through his back, he stopped.

Yuan Tan also acted recklessly and read the Three-Character Classic. However, at this moment, he felt a burden, a mission on his shoulders, and it was natural to go with the flow, and he began to teach these children.

Wearing a large Hanfu, he walks among the children in a small Hanfu, an instructive figure.

"There is Dianmo, there is instruction, there is oath, the secret of books."

"My Zhou Gong, I make Zhou rituals; I focus on the six sense organs, and keep and govern the body."

"Daily, big and small, note the book of rituals; narrate the holy words, prepare for rituals and music."

Under Yuan Tan's teaching, the children shook their heads and recited them as a whole.

In these three-character classics, no one does not comprehend the truth, even if it is reckless as Dianwei, the same is true.

At this moment, the brilliance of the Master shined in the Confucian Temple.

Be a teacher for one day, and be a father for life.

Sanbai Tongsheng stared at Yuan Tan with red eyes. They finally knew why Yan Sheng Gong received this person with such a high standard.

He is so young, but so honorable.

His brilliance must illuminate this troubled world and guide Confucianism.

The Confucian clansmen were very excited.

Kong Yi even said: "Everyone, do you know who I saw on this stage?"

The next generation of Yan Sheng Gong immediately instructed to add incense!

The cloud-like incense rose into the sky, as if to convey this masterpiece to the ears of the ancestor.

Kong Rong was completely shocked at this moment, "This..., did you do it, Grand Master?"

Guo Jia took a step forward, as if to Kong Rong said to everyone, "Has anyone else done it? Is there anything anyone can do?"

In fact, Guo Jia was in turmoil at the moment. These words were not meant to make Kong Rong admire. He himself was already a five-body cast.

Originally, he was worried that Yuan Tan's abilities were insufficient, and he could not hold the ground in front of the Qianqiu Confucian Temple.

Unexpectedly, not only did it calm down the scene, it was a feat through the ages.

At this moment, Yuan Tan is no longer a simple master in his mind.

In this troubled world, there are many people who may suppress the Kong family with military force.

However, the only one who suppressed the Confucian family by using texts was the eldest son.

Of course, Yuan Tan had a panoramic view, and he was ashamed to say that he was really sorry for Wang Yinglin, the original author of the Three-Character Classic.

But if you think about it, after you show up, there are two things to say about whether you can have this person.

The classics have been lost, so I have to plagiarize some of them.

So it seems that there will be big steals in the future.

Forgive sins and forgive sins.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

"In the beginning of human beings, do the good..." Kong Rong looked at the wine glass in his hand, suddenly hesitated.

Knowing that he had let Li at the age of three, he was suddenly shocked. When did he become a rude and murderous beast?

This is not in line with the teaching of the saints.

In addition, Yuan Tan made the Three-character Classic, whose name, after all, will remain in the long history of Confucianism forever.

If Confucius was born, he will live forever. Killing Yuan Tan would be tantamount to returning to Chang Ye.

Kong Rong knew that he could no longer kill the young man in front of him. If others wanted to kill him, he had to protect him.

He was a little stunned by everything that happened suddenly, which was transformed too quickly.

But he had to change. In fact, these three-character classics could not be equated with the Analects, but they were already world-famous.

"To worship Kong Sheng today, I have a lot of experience. Sheji is the most important thing, but the ruler is the light!" Yuan Tan finished speaking, and drank the wine in one cup.

In the admiration, shock, and admiration of the crowd, when they were excited, they threw the wine glass.

Dropping a glass of wine is enjoyable.

Yuan Tan felt happy.

"No!" Kong Rong exclaimed.

Yuan Tan frowned, what's the situation? Don't you just throw you a cup? Does it need to be so distressed to die?

Master Yan Sheng, you are too careful, right?

One wine glass is exchanged for a three-character classic. Where do you think you can find this good thing?


"Kill Yuan Tan!"

Before Yuan Tan's thoughts had dissipated, the voice of killing him came from all directions.

Listening to the sound, you know that the momentum is fierce, and the comer is not good.

Sun Guan led five hundred swordsmen and axemen to appear.

The entire Confucian Temple was suddenly turbulent.

Yuan Tan narrowed his eyes and his face was gloomy.

Guo Jia stopped Dian Wei who was about to do it. He believed that Kong Rong would definitely do something.

The beginning of man...

Seeing that the big change was imminent, the children were panicked and could not help chanting the Three-Character Sutra~www.readwn.com~ When the scriptures echoed, they gradually calmed down.

Sun Guan's mood was not peaceful at this moment, but rather excited, especially excited.

You must know that they also have self-knowledge, it is impossible to leave anything in history by themselves, but Yuan Tan can.

"Kill!" Sun Guanjian pointed to the past, the broad sword was already raised.

"Kill!" Each of the five hundred swordsmen and axe hands was full of enthusiasm. In the future, their names will be remembered by the world.

As the most elite fighters under Kong Rong's command, they have longed for such a day for a long time.

The scriptures also echoed in Kong Rong's heart.

No matter how eagerly he wanted to kill Yuan Tan before, but now, he must not kill Yuan Tan, nor allow anyone to hurt Yuan Tan.

"What are you doing, are you going to rebel?"

Kong Rong threw the wine glass, rushed forward, spread his arms, and in front of Yuan Tan, he did not hesitate to stop Sun Guan and the others.


Yuan Tan's eyes widened, isn't it because Kong Rong instigated it?


The dead men were dumbfounded, knowing that they were completely obedient to kill them.

Dian Wei, the enemy general, has not yet come forward.

It was Kong Rong, their lord, who stood up to protect Yuan Tan.

Still say that to them.

"Master, did you make a mistake?" Sun Guan said in horror.

Kong Rong put down his arm, stood with his hand, and said lightly: "I didn't make a mistake." It is inevitable that someone will criticize him in the future, and he must face it calmly.

The dead men came out with a belief in death, and the blood was already boiling, but it became the result.

It's more ice than falling into an ice hole.

Sun Guan was furious, and the five hundred dead men furious.

Too prickly.

Master Yan Sheng, you always talk like farting, how did you do it?

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