Take the Department Store Back To the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 722: I'll watch you pretend

   New Yecheng.

   Smoke is rising, and sparks are rising.

  Like a fire monster, lying tightly on the great plain.

   There was a loud voice from inside.攫攝攫

   A blind spot outside the city wall.

   The grass was shaking constantly, as if some terrible creature was approaching.

   Zhuge Liang crawled in front, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei followed.

   For Guan Gong, it was the first time for Guan Gong to stand tall and fight in the dark.

   They passed the reserved tunnel quietly.

When    emerged from the city, Wenpin Wei Yan had been waiting here for a long time.

   Zhuge Liang cleaned up the dirt on his body and put on a good Lun towel hat, "Two generals, how is the situation in the city?"

   Wenpin had a serious expression. At this moment, seeing that the strategy was going well, he had to admire the white-faced scholar, "Sergeant Zhuge, the Shence Army won this battle beautifully, and I will definitely not be able to go to sleep right away."

   Wei Yan looked down on Zhuge Liang a little, and said, "Many houses caught fire before. Now the Shence Army is helping the people put out the fire, and the city is very messy."

   Zhuge nodded brightly, what he wanted was this messy effect, and the army assembly would definitely be smoother.

  Who would have thought that Liu Beijun still had a killer after a ‘disastrous defeat’.

   "Military strategist, give the signal, five thousand sharp soldiers can't wait." Zhang Fei urged.

   "No, let's go all the way to Yuan Tan's mansion to see where the situation is." Zhuge Liang did not agree.

   Wei Yan felt that Zhuge Liang was too cautious, thinking it was a waste of time.

   Other people also have this view.

   But in Zhuge Liang's view, if they can get close to the mansion smoothly, the army will be able to surround it.

   Guan Yu touched his beard and said, "Military strategist, let's set off quickly, the sky is about to dawn."

   after a while.

   Zhuge Liang and the others came to Yuan Tan’s mansion smoothly. Looking around, although most of the burning houses had been blown to their faces, there was still a spark, and thick smoke was faintly visible.

   The soldiers and civilians in the city walked around to fetch water, and all the wells in the streets everywhere were used. There are so many people and messy, I think this is the reason that I can get here smoothly.

   "Let me see what's going on inside." Zhuge Liang shook his fan and said.

   The four generals nodded.

   Zhuge Liang looked at the four of them.

   The four nodded again, thinking that you will go up and see it.

   Zhuge Liang was depressed, and no one had the price of foresight. Feeling that we still need a victory as soon as possible to convince the crowd, I had to say: "Who will help me."

   Guan Yu turned his head and looked up.

   are indifferent.

   Zhang Fei said, "General Wen, General Wei, you can help the military division."

   Wenpin and Wei Yan were also unwilling, so they walked over, each with one leg.

   Zhuge Liang was able to lie down on the wall. After a long time of concentration, he came down and said with joy: "There are no lights in the mansion. This must be Yuan Tan who is recovering from his injuries."

   Guan Yu and the others heard the words, their confidence doubled. You must know that they fought Yuan Tan many times. In the last fight, as long as they collided with Yuan Tan's weapons, they trembled, their hair exploded, and they couldn't work hard at all.厺厽品书网 vodtw.org 厺厽

   They didn't know it was overcharged, they just thought it was a strange force.

   Yuan Tan was injured this time, and with a sudden attack, there is absolutely no problem in taking it down.

on the other hand.

Inside the mansion, under Yuan Tan's order, the lights were controlled.

   The hall was dark, but Yuan Tan himself, Dian Wei Xuchu, and Jia Xu Guo Jia were all seated inside. The other generals were already lurking outside and waiting for orders.

In the houses around   , thousands of the most elite warriors were hidden, and every house was full.

   Fangs have been arranged, just waiting for the prey to be hooked and killed in one bite.

   And, outside the hall, on the only ground to enter, the traps were dug and hidden.

   This will make it safer here.

   With dawn soon.

   Jia Xu and the others felt that Yuan Tan should have been worrying too much, how could the enemy still have the ability to attack here.

   At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps sounded.

   In the darkness, Zhao Daniu walked in and said solemnly: "Lord, the enemy has come."

   Jia Xu and Guo Jia were shocked.

   Before the words fell, there was already a vague sound of killing.

   After just a few breaths, the voice is clear and audible.

   Obviously the enemy is coming very fast.

   Of course, this is why Yuan Tan deliberately let them in.

   At this moment, the line has become a battlefield, if you look at the overall situation. The hundreds of guards in the mansion, like a tide, retreated to the outside of the hall to guard in all directions.

   And in all directions, there are Liu Beijun soldiers who are constantly jumping over the wall and filed in. They are like a tide, and their mood is both exciting and inspiring.

   The gap between the forces of the two sides is huge here, and Liu Beijun has completed the advantage. Although Yuan Tan has Dian Wei Xuchu by his side, Liu Beijun is also related to Yu Zhang Fei, as well as generals such as Wenpin Wei Yan.

   has formed a situation of crushing.

  The strategy was successful, and Yuan Tan was killed, and his name went down in history.

   Liu Bei's army has high morale.

   Outside the mansion, an army of tens of thousands of divine strategies approached quietly. The killing of the enemy was just a charge.

   But Liu Beijun's eyes were all focused on the upcoming victory. And they are desperate and will not pay attention to outside affairs.巘戅vOdT戅

  The soldiers naturally knew that there was a battle like today, and it all depended on Zhuge Liang. In the plan, I am afraid that there are four or five strategies that have been softened together. Wolong is a real Wolong, and the rumors are true.

   The two sides are outside the hall, using the open space as a buffer zone to form a confrontation.

   Following the divine strategy guard at the entrance of the hall retreated, Yuan Tan walked out.

   "The military division is here!"

   I heard a shout from the enemy line.

   Yuan Tan looked around and saw Zhuge Liang sitting on a small cart, twisting around.

   This small cart is different. It is the same as a big seat collapsed. There are four small pulleys on the bottom and two pushers on the back. Only one soldier is needed to be able to push away.

   This reminds Yuan Tan of modern wheelchairs.

  Wherever Zhuge Liang was pushed, the soldiers would waver and make way for the wheelchair.

   Jia Xu and Guo Jia looked at each other, thinking that since ancient times, there have been thousands of battles and countless famous generals confronted each other. Sitting in this kind of car, this person is the only one.

   Even Liu Beijun was surprised, obviously they didn't know that there was such equipment.

   Zhuge Liang came to the front of the line and stopped. At this moment, Yuan Tan was very excited and happy. Sitting in the car, gently shook the feather fan, and said lightly: "Lord, hehehe, is it my trick?"

   Guan Yu saw this, touched his beard, and turned his head aside.

  攫攫攫. Zhang Fei and the others didn't know why, they were not at all happy to see Zhuge Liang appearing like this.

   "..." Yuan Tan, I will watch you pretend to be forced. Looking at the ground in front of Zhuge Liang, Youdao was pretending to be struck by lightning. In order to give more surprises for a while, pretending to be weak and said: "Zhuge Liang, you are so cunning..."

   "Hehehe~www.readwn.com~ Soldiers are not tired of fraud." Zhuge Liang was proud, patted the feather fan lightly in his heart, and pointed to the ground under his feet, "If you don't want to die, come over and surrender."

   He could completely rush through with his army, but when things came to this situation, Yuan Tan had become a turtle in the urn, and there was no chance.

  厺厽Miaobifang miaobifang.com厺厽. People are fish, I am a knife. Simply killing the past to cook cannot satisfy Zhuge Liang's growing appetite.

  Only the enemy's fear, despair, and timidity can satisfy his urgent psychological needs.

   In fact, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have similar thoughts. After all, who is Yuan Tan, such an opportunity is hard to find once in a thousand years. The last time was Xiang Yu, the king of Chu over 400 years ago, but Liu Bang also didn't get the chance in person.

   Jia Xu sneered at a later place, "Guo Jia Army Master, Zhuge Liang thinks he has a good plan, there will be a good show."

   Guo Jia looked impatient, "Just in front of Zhuge Liang, it's just a trap."

  Dianwei, of course they also know that they are so broken, get up and take two steps, get up! He will stand up soon!

   It seems that God conforms to the will of the people.

   Zhuge Liang is also extremely excited at the moment, it is difficult to sit still when a person is excited.

  巘戅Miaobifangshu. Stood up.

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