"Hey, Zhou Shao, don't be like this," Seeing Zhou Heng's silly look, Qin Fen couldn't help but be a little afraid, "What happened to you?"

She poked Zhou Heng's shoulder with her finger: "What are you standing there for?"

"Why do you ask?" Qin Fen said, "Looking at the construction era, Coastal University, sometimes, this bell tower should have one, right?"

Yes, the clock tower looked old and out of date. The outside walls were covered with vines and plants, and there was no one to take care of it. It didn't look like a new building at all.

How is this possible? Zhou Heng could sense the rich black baleful qi within the tower. With such a concentration of baleful qi, it was very easy for it to affect the surrounding living beings, let alone the campus where humans gather.

There was only one explanation for why Zhou Heng discovered this evil aura when it was separated by something similar to a barrier. At the same time, it was that the magic energy within Zhou Heng's body had a natural reaction to the evil aura, and once he was close enough to it, the magic energy within his body would naturally become active. Relying on the Heavenly Master System's analysis of the magical energy, Zhou Heng's body could determine that the undulations from the magical energy were due to the sensing of the surrounding baleful energy.

In other words, Zhou Heng used his own unique method to see through the barrier to seal his baleful qi. To others, this was just an ordinary bell tower, it was no different from any other old buildings.

"Now that you say it like that," Qin Fen looked up and down the clock tower in front of her, "I think it's a little strange too."

"Hmm?" Zhou Heng looked at Qin Fen. Even if he obtained it, he would be able to see through the secrets of the bell tower?

"This bell tower is already so old," Qin Fen said doubtfully. "Since the music building has been renovated, why not renovate the bell tower as well?"

Why? Zhou Heng was able to answer half of this question. If he were to release the excessively dense Evil Qi below the Bell Tower, it would affect the living conditions of the nearby humans, so he definitely could not touch the Bell Tower. As for why the school leaders did not move against it, Zhou Heng did not know. Could it be that the school head was like Zhou Heng, knowing the secrets of the clock tower?

When Fatty Chen brought him to register, he brought Zhou Heng to meet Principal Wang, and the three of them even had a meal together. At that time, Zhou Heng could not see anything special about Principal Wang. Zhou Heng felt that the development of the situation was making him more and more confused.

"Hey!" Qin Fen reminded Zhou Heng, "Don't do anything reckless, you got a lock on your head!"

Zhou Heng nodded his head. He saw the large lock that was covered in rust, and it looked like he would be able to break the lock if he used even a little bit of strength. But he couldn't do so yet, because once he opened the front door of the clock tower, no one could say what would happen. However, he was certain that the moment he opened the door, the people around him would be affected.

Therefore, Zhou Heng couldn't open the lock now.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" Qin Fen asked.

"There's no need. It's almost time for class." Zhou Heng said as he started to walk back. He was going to return to the clock tower when no one was around.

"Yohoho!" Qin Fen's face revealed an expression of curiosity, "You, who've been absent from work for a month, you're actually thinking about attending class?"

Qin Fen bounced around beside Zhou Heng. "Let me see if the sun has risen from the west!"

"Oh, right, what happened tonight," Qin Fen suddenly said. "You know about it right?"

"Hmm?" Zhou Heng was startled, "What is it?"

"Such a nobleman like you has forgotten too many things!" Qin Fen really wanted to jump up and knock Zhou Heng on the head, but she thought that it was better not to.

"It's the school's celebration today, so there's A Lou's performance tonight!" Qin Fen reminded her.

"Oh, I didn't forget." Zhou Heng indeed did not forget, but at the moment, he was only thinking about going back to the Bell Tower at night when no one was around, so he did not think that Qin Fen would want to discuss this matter with him.

"Although A Lou is unwilling to tell you," Qin Fen said, "She really hopes that you can come and watch. For this performance, she has seriously prepared for a long time!"

Zhou Heng nodded. He could feel Bai Lu's love for the piano, and when he heard the piano playing, Zhou Heng could see the excitement in his eyes. This girl, who appeared to be too indifferent to anything, only became active when he heard the piano. In Bai Lu's eyes, Zhou Heng was neither the underworld boss's good brother nor a hidden corpse suspect. Zhou Heng was just a pianist who had already gained a lot of knowledge from the piano at a young age.

Bai Lu hoped to get confirmation from Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng could not even understand the Five Line Cards, much less communicate with Bai Lu.

If not for Zhou Heng, Bai Lu probably would have treated Ye Yan as her close friend.

But there was no "if" in the world.

Zhou Heng had appeared and even messed up the exposed world.

Thump, thump, thump!

Bai Lu's slender fingers continuously moved in the air. She did not have a piano in front of her, so she did not make any sounds.

"Little girl," The elder sister who was tidying her hair looked at the dew with curiosity and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry." White Dew blushed. Right now, she was preparing her makeup for the night's performance. Looking at herself in the mirror, she suddenly became lost in thought. Unconsciously, her fingers began to play.

Bai Lu quickly shook her head.

"Aiya!" Big Sis, who was fiddling with her hair, said, "Don't move your head."

"I'm sorry." Bai Lu apologized again.

"I see you're shy," Big Sis continued. "You must have someone you like, right?"

At this moment, Bai Lu still had not put on her makeup, but her red cheeks had already turned into two blobs. Did she have anyone she liked? Bai Lu's first reaction was actually that guy who was hugging the cat, but she immediately rejected her idea. She was only worshipping Zhou Heng's piano skills, she couldn't really say that she liked Zhou Heng.

"Someone that you like," Big Sis was still talking to herself, "must be very outstanding, right?"

Just then, Ye Yan suddenly pushed open the door.

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