Under the school plaza's stage.

Snowlight General, Miss Tong, Qin Fen and Zhou Heng were already seated. Other than them, there wasn't even a single other spectator in the empty plaza, and there weren't even any school leaders who accompanied them to watch the ceremony. Why did it have to be like this? Miss Tong could not understand Snowlight General's actions, but luckily, the bet between her and Snowlight General was over. After Snowlight General returns, the two might not even have the chance to meet again.

That's great. Miss Tong thought.

The stage was arranged outside, not inside, because the square was known as the Eye of the Great Eye. If one were to look down at the Coastal University, they would see that the plaza and the lake formed a pair of roughly symmetrical eyes, while the stadium with runways engraved on it became a laughing mouth. As for the most central part of the "face", it was a nose formed by a tall clock tower. Therefore, whatever collective activities Coastal University had, would be held in the most meaningful place, Great Obscure. Great Obscure's other eye, the Great Neihu, was a good place for the school's couples to fall in love.

Snowlight General did not ask the school to change the party to a room with better stage effects. After all, he did not come for the performance.

His performance was just a cover, all he had to do was to keep Miss Tong by his side on this special day tonight.

As a general, he did not always look like a general, but in terms of planning, he felt that he deserved the title of general and the emblem of the Xue Guang family.

"The party is about to begin." Miss Tong turned her head and said to Snowlight General. The date for the gala was the same as the time it was initially set. Snowlight General did not ask for the school to move forward or for them to move ahead.

Everything was just right.

"Doesn't the general feel that this situation is too calm?" Miss Tong asked with a smile.

"There are some programs that only a few elites appreciate," Snowlight General said in a more serious tone, "The number of people is becoming more and more meaningless in this era." The Snowlight General's words implied that it was obviously the world's most populous China that was being ridiculed.

Snowlight General looked at Miss Tong: "If Tong Dang likes the performance of an elite, you can consider coming back with me." It was obvious from her words that she was trying to poach Ye Xiao.

"But I still think it's better to have more people." Miss Tong casually replied, but she was extremely surprised in her heart. Could it be that the Snowlight General caused so much trouble just to dig him out of Pirate? It was true that they were getting closer and closer to the day Miss Tong would head north, but even if they managed to dig him out, it would only be a matter of time before they change him to another Feng Shui Master.

Miss Tong did not feel that her actions held much meaning, and she did not speak anymore.

The party had already begun.

The host of the announcement was a third year senior and a fourth year senior. Miss Tong could tell that the senior didn't have a natural look when she went up on stage. Although the senior's attitude was a bit better, it wasn't by much. In the end, the two of them were only students. Bearing such pressure was still a bit too much for them.

Miss Tong smiled at the two hosts from below the stage, hoping that this would make them feel better.

The male host first picked up his line card: "Respected Leaders, Teachers …"

"As soon as the host spoke, Qin Fen began to complain to the Miss Tong in a low voice. With just the four of us, where would the leaders and teachers come from? "

There were only four spectators, and the two of them talking to each other was too obvious, so Miss Tong only replied to Qin Fen and did not continue talking.

However, Qin Fen tilted her head back towards Zhou Heng: "I wonder what rank A Lou and Ye Yan's programs are ranked at?"

Zhou Heng shook his head lightly, and answered softly, "I don't know either." In fact, there were plans for the program, but Snowlight General did not take it, and the academy did not dare to do anything unnecessary, since Snowlight General was not an ordinary customer.

"It can't be the finale, right?" Qin Fen frowned, "I was afraid that I would be too bored and fall asleep."

Zhou Heng thought in his heart that your attitude is good, if it were any other person in this kind of situation, they would have already become nervous to the point of trembling, right? Even Zhou Heng would occasionally turn his head to look at the movements of Snowlight General's followers, but it was Qin Fen who acted as if nothing had happened.

"Aren't you afraid?" Zhou Heng couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What's the use?" Qin Fen retorted, "And isn't this your Zhou Shao!? "Haha, hahaha!" In the end, she still wanted to make fun of Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng sincerely gave her a thumbs up.

At this time, Qin Fen reached out and gently tugged at Qin Fen's sleeves.

"What?" Qin Fen turned her head.

"Sister Fen, the first show is about to begin." The Miss Tong reminded her.

"Oh, okay, thanks." Qin Fen turned her body and focused on the stage.

At this time, Snowlight General raised his head and looked at the sky again. The school had checked the weather before the party was held, there would not be rain tonight, but right now, the starlight was gradually spreading to the gradually fading above their heads.

Within ten minutes, this was already the second time that the Snowlight General had raised his head. Zhou Heng followed the Snowlight General's movements and looked up, but didn't find anything abnormal in the air.

After pondering for a few seconds, Zhou Heng turned around. The group of followers that Snowlight General had brought with him were still standing neatly behind him, like a row of motionless sculptures.

Suddenly, one of the followers moved.

Zhou Heng turned his body around and released a bit of magic power, allowing the magic power to sense the situation behind him in place of his own eyes.

The follower that had met Zhou Heng once before and carried a demonic weapon on his back started to move about.

His movements were extremely light, and even Zhou Heng, who had an extremely strong sense of hearing, could not detect his minute footsteps. However, Zhou Heng did not need his hearing to know that the magic power had a natural ability to sense the weapon behind his follower's back.

Two more followers moved. They were not carrying any extremely demonic weapons, but their footsteps were not as agile as the first follower.

Although the footsteps of the three were extremely soft, Zhou Heng could clearly feel that the first person's strength was much stronger than the other two.

Where are these three going?

Zhou Heng frowned.

After the three of them had left, Zhou Heng's response to them had also gradually weakened. At the end of the day, Zhou Heng was just a human. In a situation where he didn't intentionally strengthen his senses, the range of his senses couldn't compare to a radar. However, if it was deliberately strengthened, the energy from the spell would make the surrounding people feel uncomfortable.

The direction they were heading towards seemed to be the Bell Tower?

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