By the time the waiter returned, Yu Shuai was no longer in the hall, only sitting cross-legged on the sofa and laughing.

"Miss Ding!" The attendant greeted Ding Ling respectfully, "Miss Ding, may I ask, did you see a man here just now?"

Ding Ling pointed at the waiter and laughed: "Aren't you?"

The waiter smiled awkwardly, then said, "That man is a handsome guy."

"Run!" Ding Ling stretched out her arm and waved in the air, saying.

"Why did you run away?" The waiter's expression was somewhat anxious.

"I gave him a fright with the gun, and he ran away." Ding Ling said in dissatisfaction, "Bastard, how boring!"

The waiter revealed a wry smile, thinking that this brat must have had a hard time, to actually meet this living ancestor.

Yu Shuai ran out of the shop, and did not dare to stop for even a single step. After running for a few streets, he gasped for breath as he sat down. At the end of the day, he was just a punk on campus. How could he not be scared when someone pointed a gun at him?

He definitely would not dare to return to the Phantom Shadow Club again, but he had no idea where he should go right now.

He walked along the street alone, distracted, sometimes feeling that someone was following him, causing him to look back warily, sometimes feeling that someone was holding a gun to the back of his head, forcing him to run a few steps in panic.

Suddenly, Yu Shuai who had lost his soul bumped into a passerby.

The man was tall and had a black hood over his head.

"No, sorry!" Yu Shuai hurriedly apologized. Then, he raised his head, and saw the face of a Foreigners under the hood.

"Sorry!" Yu Shuai apologized again in English, "I'm sorry!"

The foreign man looked down at Yu Shuai. He suddenly reached out his hand to grab Yu Shuai's collar.

Yu Shuai realized that it was already too late for him to dodge. The foreign man grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up.

On the other side, after Zhou Heng paid the boss five thousand as deposit, he left drunkard's workshop and went back in a taxi.

At this time, Ding Long sent a message, probably saying that Yu Shuai had come and gone.

Zhou Heng was not really concerned about Yu Shuai's fate. After glancing at the message, he did not reply and extinguished the phone.

When the taxi reached near the Coastal University, the car slowed down. Many people even went back and forth on their bicycles. This was what the drivers were afraid of the most, not to mention that there were many local princes who were studying in the Coastal University, if they bumped into any of them, it would bring them a lot of trouble.

Zhou Heng tilted his head and rested his head on the window of the taxi.

"Woof!" "Woof!" Two barking dogs came into his ears.

What was going on? Zhou Heng's gaze moved forward.

He saw two hounds chasing a white shadow through the crowd, heading this way.

"Quick, stop the car!" Zhou Heng warned the driver.

"Zi --" The driver fiercely stepped on the brake. Fortunately, the car was moving very slowly, and the two people's bodies only swayed along with the inertia.

A white figure stepped on the hood of the taxi, and without a moment's rest, it sped past again.

"What is it?" The driver did not have Zhou Heng's moving vision, so he could not clearly see what stepped on his car's hood to jump over.

Zhou Heng sighed in praise. "What a beautiful white cat."

The two black hounds also ran over. One of them barked twice at the taxi, as if urging the driver to leave and not block the road. The other hound directly ran around the front of the taxi.

Zhou Heng watched as the two hounds chased after the white cat. Although the cat's body was very pure, the dog's body was filled with an evil aura. Zhou Heng's interest was piqued, he said to the driver beside him: "Get off."

"Alright." The driver helped Zhou Heng to take out the invoice, "47 yuan, check your belongings, don't leave it on the car."

Zhou Heng handed over a piece of fifty paper and pen: "There's no need to look for it." He didn't take the receipt from the driver and got out of the car.

The speed of the white cat was not as fast as that of the hounds. The two hounds seemed to have received professional hunting training and knew how to coordinate with each other. They would use all kinds of methods to surround and block each other.

But this was a densely populated school, and it happened to be just after school in the afternoon. The students walked out of the school, looking for a nearby restaurant to enjoy their dinner.

The white cat shuttled back and forth through the streets, using the cover of the crowd deftly. Every time the distance was shortened by the hounds, it would use the corner to pull the distance away again. Even so, he was unable to shake off the two hounds that were chasing him.

With Zhou Heng's capabilities, it would be easy for him to catch up with the two dogs and the cat, but since there were so many people around, it was inconvenient for Zhou Heng to chase after them.

The white cat saw that it was about to be caught up again, so it immediately turned into an alley.

If it understood feng shui, it would definitely not turn into this alley, because this alley at this time of day belongs to the "Great Malevolence" position.

However, it was only a cat after all. When it realized that this was a dead end, it was too late to turn back. Two black hounds that were several times the size of it blocked its path.

The white cat took a few steps back. Behind it was a high brick wall. Even a nimble cat couldn't climb over it.

"Meow!" The white cat barked viciously at the two hounds.

The two hounds did not respond to the White Cat's threat. They slightly shifted their position to better block off the White Cat's possible escape route.

"Meow!" The white cat's hair stood on end. It was ready to fight the two hounds to the death.

The two hounds approached it from the left and right. They raised their legs and fell down at the same time, making it impossible for the white cat to guess which one would be the first to attack.

"Wah!" There's no hair on his head at all! " A man's voice came from behind the hound.

Both hounds were startled. With their canine hearing, they did not know when the man had appeared behind them.

The man crouched down and waved at the white cat, then said in a teasing voice, "MiMi/MiMi, Little White, come over here!" In this man's world, all white cats could probably be called 'Little White'.

The two hounds turned their heads and glared at the intruding man.

This man was Zhou Heng.

"Don't be afraid." Zhou Heng let out a gentle voice as he tried to lure the cat over. "Don't be afraid, Little White.

The two hounds looked at each other as if to exchange their opinions. A second later, they all turned around at the same time, exposing their fangs, preparing for Zhou Heng.

The dog let out a low growl. This was the warning before the beasts attacked.

Zhou Heng looked at the two dogs and curled his lips. They were not simple indeed, the malevolent aura they emitted made them seem more ferocious and unscrupulous than ordinary hounds, but these were all things that ordinary people would never be able to see. In front of Zhou Heng, these two dogs were no different from infants who were baring their fangs.

Even Zhou Heng who had dealt with who knows how many wraiths, couldn't possibly put the two dogs in his eyes.

But why were two bloodthirsty hounds chasing a white cat in the city? This was what Zhou Heng was worried about. The answer was obviously not the dog but the white cat.

Zhou Heng did not care about the threats posed by the two hounds. He spread out his hands to show that he was not a threat, and then walked towards the white cat step by step.


The two Hounds pounced towards Zhou Heng at the same time.

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