Templar Sun King

Vol 3 Chapter 106: senate

Royer, Zeshi, and Cesare may not know who Janet is, but after coming to Griffin City, Major got to know several people related to Adam, including Janet. ?ranwe?n?????????`

Two years ago in Griffin City, Janet was an ordinary adventurer, and her strength was even in the black iron rank. In just two years, her life trajectory has undergone tremendous changes. Not only has her strength increased to the bronze rank, but it is said that Now she takes care of all the affairs of the Griffin City City Lord's Mansion. There is also a gossip that in the establishment of the palace, after Adam is crowned king, Janet has a great possibility to become the countess in charge of the affairs of the palace. In addition, Janet has another identity, the wife of the first ruler of the Griffin Principality, Arras (although they did not hold a wedding).

So when they heard that Janet was visiting, Major knew that they could immediately get the specific arrangements and time for Grand Duke Griffin to meet them from the visiting lady.

As Major had expected, Janet, who was completely refreshed, informed the four with a smile: "The Grand Duke has decided to meet the four in the Senate in the morning in three days." Temporary office space. Whether it is the Royal Palace, the Senate, or the Palace of Government Affairs, all of them will be rebuilt after the entire Celts are unified. What he did without Adam's knowledge earned him a lot of fame in the Griffin duchy, and lo and behold, how enlightened their grand duke was.

"Thank you for your news, ma'am. We will definitely go to the Senate on time to meet the Grand Duke Griffin." Although Janet, who was sitting opposite him, was a full rank from him, Major did not feel any contempt for it.

Three days later, the Senate, Major and the four finally met Adam, the Grand Duke of the Griffin. They had heard of Adam's name more than once before, and they knew that this 19-year-old young master of the Weiwen family had a grudge against the Dawn Church and the Silver Tower, the two largest forces in the field of light, and they played the game with the entire Celtic. Yes, they do have this idea. The Griffon Principality on Adam's side and the noble council forcibly taken over by the Church of Dawn are the bargaining chips of the two sides. As a result, the Church of Dawn and the Silver Tower suffered heavy losses, and Adam became the final winner of this battle.

Although there are the legendary master Andrew, the Grand Duchess Isabella, the first ruling Arras, a fat man and the six elders in the Senate, when the four of them entered the hall, they all set their sights on Adam who was sitting beside him. .

Young and handsome as rumored, this is their first impression. The powerful strength of the golden rank made this young man with blonde hair and blue eyes exude a self-confident charm. Appearance, family background, strength, power, plus the elegant and beautiful Grand Duchess Isabella sitting beside him, who is also a golden ** teacher, this young man is like the **** child of God. something to come.

"Major (Royer, Zeshi, Cesare) salutes you, the great Grand Duke Griffin!" Because Adam did not add any modifiers to his name, Major Griffin only saluted Add a great in front of it to show respect.

"Hope the Griffin City didn't disappoint you." They saw the young Grand Duke Griffin nodded slightly in response.

"She's beautiful and powerful, and she's going to take on a whole new level of brilliance as the centerpiece of Celtic, we all agree." That's not a compliment from Major, as Adam's first Celtic roots, plus the Lions The name of the eagle, the city of Griffin will definitely be the capital of a kingdom in the future, and is as famous as Yupler as Gren of France, Gaia of Saok, and Red Keep of Romano.

"Very good, then let's get to the point." Adam clapped his palms without introducing them to other people in the hall. Four priests entered from outside the hall, each holding a tray with a golden badge on it.

Major knew that they were priests of the Sun God, and each of them possessed the strength of the middle silver level. Just as they guessed, the relationship between the Church of the Sun God and the Grand Duke Griffin is very close, so close that the legendary master Simon calls him the same as the guardian knight Andrew. And the priests, who are priests of God, are extremely loyal to Adam's orders, as if they were oracles. You must know that in other churches, even if the king wants to mobilize the power of the church, he needs to apply in advance. There is no such wanton as Adam.

When the four priests stood in front of the four Major, Adam stood up, and the others in the hall also stood up.

"Swear to the sun god, Major, Roye, Zeshi, Cesare, are you all loyal to me unreservedly, and you will never betray me in your life?"

"I swear to the sun god, from now on, I will be loyal to Grand Duke Griffin and never betray!" The four knelt down and answered in unison.

"I ask you in the name of Grand Duke Griffin, Major, Roye, Zeshi, Cesare, are you willing to be my people, serve as the elders of the Griffin Principality, and fulfill your obligations?"

The moment they heard this sentence, the four of them were stunned for nearly two seconds before they reacted, and answered loudly, "I do!"

The four priests handed over the badge in the tray to the four Majors, which is the status symbol of the elders of the Griffin Principality. Major took over the golden badge and found that it was a griffin on the front and a sun cross on the back, symbolizing the Griffin Principality and the Church of the Sun God respectively.

The result was really unexpected. According to their expectations, Adam was very generous in letting them return to the south to serve as the lord of a city. Who would have thought that the other party would directly give the position of the elder! Although the elders of the Griffin Principality do not have direct administrative power, they have a lot of glory and power. The legislative system of the entire principality is in the hands of the Senate, and they also have the power to discuss and advise.

This decision was the result of a morning consultation between Adam, Arras and the Senate.

The four Majors could decisively resist the Dawn Church and purge the church's power in Yeoman before the final battle to show their favor to Adam. Of course, he would not treat them badly. This was the first reason why Adam made this decision.

The second reason is that it can speed up Adam's rule of the South with the help of the four. The four, especially Major, is the speaker of the noble council. His reputation in the southern region is quite good. He accepted the four members of the noble council to become the elders representing the north and south. Unification eliminates the possibility of continued fighting in the South, and makes it easier for the people of the South to accept the rule of the Griffin Principality.

Taking over the nobility council without a single soldier and zero loss is much more brilliant than Gavin's forcible takeover of the nobility council by force. By the way, he was able to gain a good reputation among the people in the south and buy people's hearts, and all he paid was the position of the four elders, so that the four of them would stay in Griffin City for the rest of their lives to help him give advice and share state affairs with gratitude.

A very good deal, Adam is very satisfied.

"There is one more thing to announce next." Adam looked at the chubby businessman, and the other's small eyes disappeared into the smile on his face.

Arras knew what Adam was about to announce, conferring the office of Minister of Commerce in the Principality of Martin Griffin. After the establishment of the Griffin Principality, each city in the original seven-city federation had a consul (generally held concurrently by the city lord), a financial officer, a trade officer, a construction officer, etc., and at the national level, these positions corresponded to the first governor. , Minister of Finance, Minister of Commerce and Trade, Minister of Construction.

By the way ~www.readwn.com~ After nearly three months of training, Arras finally succeeded in being promoted to the bronze rank a few days ago, and there was an extra Dou Qi seed in his body. He was very excited about it, even though he was the least powerful one in the center of power.

To be honest, Aras was a little bit unhappy about the fact that Martin was about to become the Griffin Principality's Minister of Commerce, well, maybe a little bit more. Because he took the initiative to become Martin's mercenary, and his performance was quite embarrassing. If it wasn't for Adam's help, he would have been buried in the mouth of the ogre. So every time he sees Martin, he will think of that unbearable past, and can't wait to erase that history from the long river of time. It's a pity that he doesn't have that ability, so he can only bury this matter in his heart.

Janet, who got along with him in the past, quickly discovered his abnormality and enlightened him: "You are the first ruler of the Griffin Principality, and Martin is only the minister of commerce and trade in the administrative system. In terms of official position, the first ruler is above the minister of commerce and trade. In terms of strength , you are a bronze warrior now, Martin is just an ordinary man. If I say it's Martin who should be embarrassed, the adventurer who once looked down on him is now sitting on his head. I don't understand why you are unhappy? Just Because you used to be his mercenary?"

Alas patted his head and felt that this was indeed the case.

So when Adam announced Martin to be the first Minister of Commerce and Trade of the Griffin Principality in front of the ten elders, Arras sent a bright smile, which scared Martin quite a bit.

Arras knew that in addition to the Minister of Commerce and Trade, Martin would also hold another position, the president of the Griffin Principality Trust Chamber of Commerce. This is a proposal of Adam. In some special fields, the state monopolizes trade, and other chambers of commerce and businessmen are not allowed to intervene. However, at present, the Trust Chamber of Commerce is only a plan, but it is certain that a very shrewd businessman will be ushered in the Celtic business field. (To be continued.)

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