Templar Sun King

Vol 3 Chapter 112: Fusion Divinity

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After resuming Teresa from the sanctuary space to create the illusion of resurrection - it is estimated that the real resurrection will not appear until at least Adam ignites the fire - Adam saw the number of believers and the power of faith in the agent interface The numbers in the two columns kept jumping up, with no sign of stopping for the next few days. Chinese website

In order to maximize the benefits of this influence, Adam simply arranged for Teresa to take two Glory Knights to the south. In name, it was to assist the four elders to speed up the process of taking over the southern region. Only a few people like Adam knew that the real purpose was to let more people know that the priest Teresa, who was killed by Gavin, had been resurrected in a miracle.

Miracle, this is what all believers and priests who witnessed Teresa's resurrection in the pillar of light called the ceremony.

After Teresa returned that day, one of the ninety-seven priests in the church used this to recast their faith. With the powerful aura of faith, she broke through obstacles and advanced to the bronze rank, and obtained the opportunity to learn 6th-level divine arts. Before that, he was just a well-known businessman. Who would have thought that one day he could become a 6th-level priest of the church.

To make up for the lack of talent with faith, this is probably the greatest advantage of all priests.

Pastor: 97

Believers: 12912

Power of Faith: 62735o

This is the latest data given by the agent interface. The number of priests has not changed, but the numbers in the columns of believers and the power of faith are still being refreshed. Adam sat in the room, his consciousness immersed in the sanctuary space. At first, Adam, who was reluctant to extract divinity because of too little power of belief, could no longer suppress the urge to try to extract divinity after seeing that the power of belief reached 620,000.

Consuming a hundred thousand faith to extract a trace of divinity, it should be no problem to try it once. Adam comforted himself like this, and then clicked on the interface to prepare to try.

"Extract divinity."

Adam issued an order, and the power of faith was directly reduced by 100,000. In return, a hazy milky white light beam emerged from the void and floated in front of Adam, like silk like mist, very dreamy and beautiful, this is the divinity extracted from the power of faith.

Divinity: The attribute of light, the basic material for igniting divine fire, the origin of divine creatures.

Adam stretched out his right hand to hold this divinity in his hand, and soon obtained the prompt of the sanctuary space again:

"The agent hopes: 1. Store divinity as the basic material for igniting divine fire; 2. Integrate divinity, strengthen the source of life, and transform into primary divine creatures."

If you want to ignite the divine fire, a trace of divinity is obviously not enough. You must store enough divinity to ignite it smoothly and sublimate the soul to give birth to the divine fire. Adam has just been promoted to the golden rank, and he is still 5 levels away from the minimum requirement of level 21 to ignite the divine fire. Of course, he spent 100,000 faith power to extract divinity not just to watch it. If it can be converted into immediate benefits, it is really the best.

Integrating this divinity into the soul to strengthen the origin of life and become a divine creature is obviously more in line with Adam's appetite.

According to the knowledge he had obtained from the space of the sanctuary, divine creatures were essentially the closest creatures to gods, and possessed all kinds of incredible ordinary abilities. As for what kind of ability Adam can obtain, it is not clear, it depends entirely on the divine attributes and how much, but one of them is possessed by all divine creatures-inheriting spells through blood. That's right, divine creatures have the ability to write spells into their bloodlines and inherit them according to their abilities.

"Fusion Divinity!"

The hazy milky white beam twisted and fell on Adam's head and submerged into his body. He could even clearly see a beam of light extending from his forehead to his lower abdomen in this temporary body composed of holy light. In the next second, a vast force exploded in the body, radiating from the inside to the outside to transform the consciousness that came to the sanctuary space and the body outside. After about ten seconds, Adam's consciousness gradually became awake, and the prompts kept beating out in front of him.

"Integrated with divinity, career progress is increased by 10%, and the cumulative progress is 60%!"

"Fusing divinity, the agent strengthens the source of life and becomes a primary divine creature!"

"The agent is promoted to a primary divine creature, style=\"display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client=\"ca-pub-12data-ad4185134\"\"data-ad-region =\"cont_mid\"data-ad-slot=\"6246767822\"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({});Get a mortal power, virtual realm!"

"The agent was promoted to a primary divine creature, and obtained a mortal power and bloodline transformation!"

"The agent is promoted to a primary divine creature and activates the magic system!"

a correct choice.

After merging the divinity, Adam officially became a divine creature, although only a rudimentary one. He felt as if his body was warm and very comfortable in a hot spring. He was full of energy and energy, and his state was unprecedentedly good. These are the benefits brought about by strengthening the origin of life in the process of integrating divinity.

What surprised him was that the fusion of divinity could actually improve career progress, and the fourth way to improve career progress was officially put in front of Adam. If it wasn't for the fact that the power of belief was only 520,000 left, and there were still several hints that made Adam's heart itch, he might have made an impulsive decision to continue to extract divinity and integrate divinity. Although the fusion of a touch of divinity brings only a 10% progress, just four more times can push him to priest level 17.

Secondly, after becoming a primary divine creature, he obtained two mortal powers, one is the virtual domain, and the other is bloodline transformation.

Virtual Realm: You can consume mana at any time to build a three-meter radius virtual realm to attack or defend, and add custom spell rules (any kind of sanctuary spell below level 16) to it. (Note: The virtual realm must be used in conjunction with the light field)

From the name of the supernatural power of the virtual realm, it can be seen that it is opposite to the official realm of the legendary master. The realm constructed by the legendary master exists, can be freely retracted, and reflects the attributes and spells of the legendary master. Adam's virtual realm is virtual, so it needs to be used in conjunction with the light field. Even so, the virtual realm is a very useful spell for a gold-prime cleric.

Adam can write any Templar spell below level 16, such as Holy Fire, such as Judgment Spear.

"Virtual Realm!"

With a buzzing sound, a spherical field with Adam as the center slowly opened, and Adam gave birth to a sense of absolute control in the place covered by the field.

The spherical field is visible to the naked eye, showing a faint milky white color, but it is empty, without any spells and rules.

"Absolutely bright!"

"Holy Flame!"

Absolute light is the only kind of rule that Adam can now write into the virtual realm, and the sacred flame is one that he randomly picks from the Templar spells. After the spells and rules were written, the virtual realm suddenly changed, and all the other elements and energies covered by the entire virtual realm were dissipated, and it was absolutely bright. Not only that, but the realm also ignited a white-gold-like sacred flame, wrapping Adam in the middle like a huge white-gold fireball.

Unless the virtual realm is forcibly broken, any attack on Adam will be endured by the virtual realm. And once the enemy is brought into the virtual realm by Adam, he will suffer the strangulation from the light field and the burning of the sacred flame at the same time.

Bloodline modification: You can modify the divine bloodline and write the spells that you hope to inherit through the bloodline. Given the agent's class level 16 and the status of a primary divine creature, any two temple-based spells can currently be written.

The basic spells of the temple refer to the six spells of level 1-5, light, healing, holy shield, dispel, holy arrow, and sun beam.

Bloodline transformation is very similar to genetic inheritance in modern society~www.readwn.com~ Ordinary people, even the descendants of legendary masters, cannot directly acquire their parents' spellcasting abilities. At most, they inherit good spellcasting talents, including attribute talents and spiritual power Wait. Only divine creatures whose bloodlines have been transformed can write spells into their bloodlines and inherit them accordingly.

The offspring of divine creatures can acquire spellcasting abilities by activating the divine bloodline hidden in their bodies. And there is no need to learn and build spell models, and have the talent to directly release spells. Of course, this is only for the spells that can be obtained in heredity, and they also need to learn the spells that are not written into the bloodline. Unfortunately, this bloodline ability is not permanent, and will gradually weaken according to the strength of the divine bloodline itself and the algebra of inheritance, until it disappears completely.

In fact, there is a powerful bloodline called Divine Blood on top of the Divine Bloodline, which represents the descendants of the gods. After activating the Divine Bloodline, they are natural spellcasters, and the spell list is more abundant and powerful.

Adam now has the ability to write two Templar base spells into his bloodline.

He touched his chin, and finally chose the healing spell Sun Flame Beam, one assisting and one attacking spell.

Two beams of holy light descended from the sky and fell on Adam respectively, representing the two temple spells written into the bloodline.

From then on, Adam's descendants, especially sons or daughters, can directly release healing spells and sun beams after activating the divine bloodline. It is an instant before the magic power is exhausted, but it does not mean that Adam does not gain any benefits. In fact, at the moment when the two basic temple spells were written into the bloodline, Adam also obtained the ability of these two spells (although he always used the ability to cast spells with the help of the temple, but often pretended to chanting spells in order to hide people's eyes and ears). appearance), and gain an understanding of the nature of the Light for the first time.

Then, Adam focused on the third prompt, the magic system activated! (To be continued.) 8

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