Templar Sun King

Vol 3 Chapter 116: coronation (1)

The first day of the seventh month is the coronation day of the Grand Duke Adam of the Griffin and the day when the Holy Griffin Kingdom was established. r?anw?e?n?`

The newly built Griffin Square was already full at dawn, even though the actual start of the coronation ceremony was ten o'clock in the morning.

"It's a pity that the time is a little short. It would be more perfect if the coronation ceremony was held in a brand new palace." An adventurer squeezed into the crowd and complained.

"If that's the case, the grand duke's coronation will have to be postponed until next year, man." Even now, neither the first government nor the senate has any intention of choosing a site for the palace, and building a magnificent building on zero basis. The splendid palace takes absolutely a lot of time.

"What's more, it's a question of whether you can grab a position with a wide field of vision."

Another advantage of holding the coronation ceremony in Griffin Square is that the venue is wide enough to accommodate 20,000 people at the same time - if you squeeze it, this number can continue to rise - if you get here early, you can grab a good one. The location is closer to the high platform used for the coronation of Grand Duke Griffin.

For example, they have been in the square since yesterday afternoon and never left. In fact, many people spent the night in the square.

The Yupler people can't understand all this, it's just a coronation ceremony, is it necessary to make it so grand and crazy? If someone explained to them that this was the first unified kingdom in Celtic history, the first king to be crowned, and the legendary experience of the soon-to-be-crowned king Adam, they might be able to empathize.

Time just passed by the expectation of 20,000 people. At 7:00 in the morning, it was rumored that 1,000 soldiers trained by the legendary master Paladin Andrew came to Griffin Square to maintain order.

Many adventurers looked at these 1,000 people with envy and even jealousy, and obtained a kind of fighting spirit personally guided by the legendary master Andrew. Just thinking about them made them flutter. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was missed because they were not soldiers, and a few adventurers who had reached the bronze rank were even more regretful.

Among the soldiers, Gunnar held his head high and enjoyed the gazes of envy or admiration from all directions. It seemed that his fate had undergone tremendous changes from the time he joined the mercenary to fight, which was fantastic.

Soon, three other teams also began to enter the Griffin Square. They were militiamen with tridents, guards with swords in one hand and shields in the other, and marksmen with bows and arrows and quivers on their backs. area protected.

The adventurers were very curious about the private soldiers of the three Griffins, as if they appeared from York overnight, went south to take over the noble council, and then hurried back after completing the task.

"Soldiers trained by the Weiwen family." A businessman said mysteriously, "Don't forget the surname of the Grand Duke."

The surname often means a family that has been passed down for a long time. Although they have never seen a member of the second Weiwen family, it does not hinder the power of this family in their minds. Just cultivating Adam, who was promoted to the golden rank before the age of 20, doesn't know how many families who claim to have inherited the ancients feel ashamed.

Not to mention that Andrew, the guardian knight of the Grand Duke Griffin, is now a legendary master, and the already mysterious Weiwen family has become even more legendary.

When the time came to nine in the morning, the sharp-eyed people found that there were three teams coming towards Griffin Square from three different directions.

The ranks in the middle are the administrators headed by the First Ruler Arras, members of the Senate and the War Department, who are the ministerial officials who now hold most of the power in the entire Griffin Principality. In normal times, they can definitely gain countless admiration and admiration, especially Alas's particularly inspirational experience always makes people sigh and envy, and can't wait to replace it. But today, 99 percent of the people in Griffin Square turned their attention to the other two teams.

On the left are the Holy Inquisitor Simon and the Confessor Teresa, headed by two legends, eighteen silver priests, ninety-seven priests, and 735 shining spirits in the sky. Holy light. Compared with the Church of Dawn, the priest team of the Holy Church is obviously not strong, but no one dares to say that the strength of the Holy Church is weak. Even if the two legends bring down Celtic, they are well-known masters, standing at the top of the professional system. top.

Everyone knows that the Sanctuary has a close relationship with the Grand Duke Griffin. Recently, there is even a gossip that the Grand Duke Griffin has the identity of the Holy Son in the Sanctuary. In terms of dignity, it is still above the two legends!

On the right are the Weiwen family forces headed by Paladin Andrew, two golden knights of glory, fifteen royal griffins, and 686 silver-backed wolves. One legend, two golds, this is part of the power displayed by the Weiwen family.

There were bursts of cheers in the square, and some people turned their heads to the left and to the right, and they didn't know where to look for a while.

A businessman held a memory crystal in one hand under the jealous eyes of others: "It must be recorded well. After the coronation ceremony, this crystal is worth at least 100,000 gold coins."

With two melodious and crisp tweets, two figures, one red and one white, appeared in the sky. The milky white is the bird of paradise, with a little bit of holy light swaying between the wings, and the red one is the phoenix, swaying in the wind with flames.

Adam and Isabella are sitting on the two epic creatures of the golden rank, the two masters of the golden rank. Adam and Isabella both wore crimson velvet gowns, very grand. In addition, they had no other followers and lineup, and the two descended on the bird of paradise and the phoenix.

No one can complain about the rudimentary lineup. If it is still rudimentary to use two epic creatures of the golden rank as mounts, the kings and emperors of Yupler who travel in carriages will be ashamed to death.

"Phoenix and Bird of Paradise, two epic creatures!" A year ago, the golden rank was unique in Celtic. Just one year later, even the number of legends has been pushed up to three, and the overall strength level has undergone earth-shaking changes. .

"Here comes the great Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of the Griffin!"

"I'm sorry about the wedding..." Adam said to Isabella in Birds of Paradise. It was originally planned that they would have a grand wedding first, and then the coronation. Forced by the helpless situation, he needs the first Celtic kingdom to inspire everyone to prepare for the upcoming attack of Francis and the Church of Dawn.

"Then use a victory as compensation." Victory over the Church of Dawn and victory over Frances, Isabella is full of confidence in this. Three legends, the number of legends in the Church of Dawn may not exceed four.

Birds of paradise and phoenix circled three times in a row over Griffin Square, receiving applause and cheers from the excited crowd. There has never been a moment when they were so close to history. There is no doubt that they will be recorded in the history books today. Even in a hundred thousand years, some people will see them in the history books and experience their excitement and excitement from history.

The bird of paradise and the phoenix landed on the high platform. Today’s hosts, Grand Duke Adam Griffin and Grand Duchess Isabella, stood side by side on the high platform, and the whole square erupted with shocking shouts. Some people have hoarse voices and blurry eyes, but they can't stop them from venting their excitement and excitement. They are witnessing a great history and the birth of a kingdom.

Ryan looked up at the young man on the high platform~www.readwn.com~ He was wearing a gorgeous dress today, smiling, noble and elegant, waving his hands to salute the crowd, like a prince walking out of a novel, his appearance and strength are in He appeared in perfect harmony.

Levitt of Goldberg once wanted to forcibly unite the Federation of Seven Cities by force, but it fell short because of the young people on stage. While others are still fighting over the seven cities, the youth's goal has long been on the whole of Celtic.

The unification of the Seven Cities Federation, the establishment of the Griffin Principality, the expulsion of the Church of Dawn, and the surrender of the Aristocratic Council, he said that as long as he can accomplish one of these things, he will gain extraordinary prestige and great support in Celtic, and when all these major events are completed, he will gain extraordinary prestige and great support. When done by the same person, he is the king that everyone expects.

He can't do it, Levitt can't do it, the Seven Cities Federation can't do it, Major can't do it, Gavin can't do it, the Noble Council can't do it, and the Church of Dawn can't do it either!

Adam the Griffin did it!

If he can't be crowned the first Celtic king, who else can?

The four majors were equally complicated. If they surrendered at first, they just surrendered to Adam's force and safeguarded their own interests, but when they really stood on the Griffin Square and accepted the applause and cheers of the people as the elders of the Griffin Principality, their mentality Changes happen quickly.

A new era has really come, and anyone who can't keep up will be ruthlessly abandoned. Fortunately, he made the right decision, although in the years to come he could only follow in the footsteps of Grand Duke Griffin.

He heard that the city owner of Falcon City, Bit, and the president of the Mages Association, Arman, had received the guidance of Andrew and Simon respectively, and he said that he must be included in the list of Celtic gold powerhouses in the future.

"Let's start," Adam said to Simon of the Templar team.

The coronation ceremony of King Adam of the Holy Griffin Kingdom officially begins. (To be continued.)

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