Templar Sun King

Vol 5 Chapter 47: Demon City prototype

"Griffin City is the political and religious center of the kingdom, and Danube City and Floating City form the magic capital as the kingdom's magic center. In the future, the construction of the two cities will be deployed in accordance with this requirement, so the Ministry of Magic and the Magic Association headquarters are extremely popular. Possibly moving to Danube City."

In the main hall, the first ruler of the Griffin Kingdom talked freely, and there was no trace of the unlucky black iron adventurer.

His strength is the lowest in the entire hall, only the bronze middle rank.

Even so, facing Arman, the golden minister of the Ministry of Magic, he did not hesitate at all.

"At present, we need to deal with the job arrangement, registration and management of the sky garden mages, including the eighteen golden mages, to eliminate unstable factors and ensure that they serve the kingdom wholeheartedly."

"According to the news from Yasha, it is confirmed that there are 18 gold mages, 549 silver mages, 2872 bronze mages, and 5125 black iron mages who have joined the kingdom."

The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Construction, who were originally just excited about the kingdom's acquisition of the Hanging Garden, heard a series of numbers, and their eyes widened little by little until they were round.

8564 mages, and among them there are 18 golden mages!

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has been dealing with numbers, came up with a number almost as soon as Arras finished speaking, and his heart was beating rapidly.

The expression on Arman's face remained unchanged, but his heart also set off a storm.

The Hanging Gardens and Babelati are famous. In the end, they are far away in Yasha. Most of the Celts only hear their voices and do not know the truth.

Now they know, a total of 8564 mages!

It is no wonder that the Hanging Gardens can stand for thousands of years in the battle with the Percy Empire and Babelati.

This is the foundation and strength of an elemental magic holy place, which is not inferior to the Church of Dawn.

"It is worth mentioning that the Hanging Garden has always followed an elite policy, and these 8,564 mages are all outstanding magicians."

"Seven of the 18 golden magicians who belonged to different spell factions went to the magic school to teach as professors and were responsible for teaching."

Isabella suggested while touching Alice, who was sitting on her lap.

The Themis School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is under construction, style=\"display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client=\"ca-pub-12data-ad4185134\"\"data-ad-region= \"cont_mid\"data-ad-slot=\"6246767822\"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({});But teachers have always been a problem.

Without him, the magic power of the Griffin Kingdom is too weak, and there are only three golden masters, Isabella, Arman, and Vesper.

Even if you add the Hydra Medora and Phoenix Phoenix, there are only five.

This is without taking into account Arman's already at the Ministry of Magic and Medora's dark attributes.

The addition of the sky garden just solves this problem.

The Minister of Construction nodded and said that he couldn't agree more, and sighed in his heart: In the future, the little wizards of Celtic will be really happy, and they will be able to accept the personal teaching of the golden magician from the beginning of learning magic.

If there was such a good thing in his time, he would have become a mage if he said anything.

Then he realized a problem, the professor of the magic school is already a golden master, who will be the headmaster?

"At that time, I will personally serve as the principal, and the vice-principal will be the teacher."

That's right, and the queen, a golden master with four-element magic talent!

Everyone nodded, thinking that Isabella's arrangement was the most suitable.

The Queen of the Griffin King, the lord of Danube, the master of the magic web, and the principal of the Themis School of Magic, all coexisted harmoniously on Isabella.

"As for the other Hanging Garden mages...delineate an area in Danube City and build pure mages villages to house them."

The floating city of the Hanging Garden must be in the hands of the Griffin Kingdom itself. Isabella, who has read the information on the floating city, knows that there is a magic crystal cannon, a weapon of mass destruction!

She was worried that the magic crystal gun would be mastered by a group of mages who had just joined the kingdom.

"In addition, when taking over the Hanging Garden, the Ministry of Magic was responsible for making two copies of all the books and magic notes, one for the Kingdom Magic Library and the other for the Magic School."

It is placed in the Magic Library to fulfill the promise made when the Ministry of Magic was established. Mage with a magic certificate can read some of the books in the Magic Library for free.

There are not many books in the magic library today, but most of them come from Vesper's private collection and the silver tower magic book given to Adam by Basel.

It may be a bit rude to describe it like this, but the magical knowledge accumulated over the thousands of years in the Hanging Garden is not known to be many times that of the current Magic Library.

Not to mention the magic school, as the cradle of the mages of the Griffin Kingdom in the future, how can there not be a vast library.

The meeting continued, everyone expressed their views, and made every effort to digest the sky garden in the shortest time possible.

"Queen, I actually think Danube City could have an immigration program," suggested the Minister of Construction. "Why don't we build the entire Danube City into a veritable magical capital? Even the inhabitants are mages!"

"This suggestion sounds crazy." Janet couldn't help but comment.

"I think it's great! Once it's built, the city of Danube will surely be known as Juppler."

Just like when the silent people established the kingdom of wizards, of course, it cannot be compared with Babelati.

But it is also the first mage city in Yupler.

"There are mages walking on the street, and mages live here. The shops on both sides sell all magic-related items and props. In such a place with a strong magical atmosphere, I believe that the future little mages will have a greater sense of magic. interest."

The Minister of Construction became more and more excited and danced.

Under his description, a brand-new beautiful city full of magic was born little by little.

Honestly, this sounds very tempting.

If it weren't for the lack of mage talent, Janet would have thought of such a pure mage city to experience life.

"If this is the case, the number of people who come to study and visit the entire main material plane will undoubtedly be an objective number, and it will also be of great benefit to the development of Danube City and Celtic."

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, an elderly man born into a merchant family, added.

Isabella was a little moved by this suggestion. A city full of mages, plus a magic school, a sky garden, the Ministry of Magic, a magic guild, and a court of mages, would be a worthy magic capital.

Just as she was about to nod her head to indicate that she could discuss in detail, Isabella suddenly felt dizzy, her body was a little weak, and her face was pale.



Janet immediately noticed Isabella's discomfort.

The Minister of Construction was extremely nervous. Could it be that his proposal made the Queen dislike this much?

Yes, he suddenly remembered that Danube City was the queen's city, and the last city lord was the queen's father.

Damn, why didn't you think about that just now.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. When the Minister of Construction was about to admit his rashness, he just heard Isabella wave his hand and said, "It's okay, then make a plan according to this proposal."

The feeling of powerlessness came suddenly and went away quickly. Isabella hurriedly ended the meeting and decided to go back and check it out.


As the Celtic native was busy building a magic school, preparing to take over the Hanging Gardens, and planning the magic capital, Assange, the city lord of Lyon, received a letter for help.

The messenger was a silver knight, and the silver armor was stained scarlet with blood, showing how fierce the battle was on the road.

He was from Nice, a city east of Lyon.

Assange and Bit read the letter together, looked surprised, and asked the knight with some uncertainty: "You mean Nice needs Lyon's help?"

"Yes, Lord City Lord. As the City Lord said in the letter, Nice needs Lyon's help very much."

"I assume you know that standing in front of you is the city lord of Lyon City, the Holy Griffin Kingdom."

The knight nodded firmly: "I know that after the crisis in Nice is lifted, the whole of Nice will be under the leadership of the Sun King."

The city of Frans actually asked for help from the Griffin Kingdom, and Assange looked a little dazed.

You must know that since he accepted Adam's appointment as the lord of Lyon in the Griffon Kingdom, to be honest, his reputation in France has become more stinky than the mouse in the stinky ditch.

This is still under the circumstance that there are three major natural disasters to distract attention, otherwise it will be even more miserable.

"No lie," said one of the patriarchs sitting next to him, and polygraphs could testify.

The knight glanced at the patriarch quickly, and the powerful aura on the other side told him that he was a priest of the golden rank, a golden professional that Nice dreamed of.

"In that case, no problem." Assange made a quick decision, "Lyon will send troops to help Nice. But before that, you have to tell us the current situation in Nice."

"Of course, that's the way it is."

After receiving the Patriarch's treatment and Assange's affirmative answer, the knight breathed a sigh of relief and told the reason.

Since the law was adjusted that day and the legend was removed from the main material plane, the pressure on Frans was greatly reduced, and he finally eased a little, and the major cities began to fight back under the leadership of the remnants of the church.

The acquisition of the clergy of the Lord of the Dawn Order gave a boost to the Church of Dawn.

All the priests of the Church of Dawn discovered on the second day that they could learn a brand new magic~www.readwn.com~order magic!

The number of order magic is not much, only three, but it is very practical in the context of the outbreak of the three major natural disasters.

Undead creatures banished, dark creature banished, demon banished.

After these three kinds of gods are applied to an area, the undead and other creatures will automatically avoid this area. Unless the strength of the undead and other creatures is higher than that of the priest who cast the magic, they will never realize the inexplicable behavior just now.

Moreover, these three divine arts can even be performed on the entire city - at this time, multiple priests are required to perform together - to ensure that the city is not attacked by natural disasters.

Under the action of the three divine spells of order, undead creatures, dark creatures, and demons with insufficient strength cannot enter the city, and can only wander around.

Before being wiped out by the Church of Dawn and the army of Franz, these undead and other creatures sometimes seek to attack cities without Dawn Church priests or weak cities.

Nice is one of the unlucky cities. (To be continued.)

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