Templar Sun King

Vol 7 Chapter 40: Magic Web Three. Zero · Invitation!

Let's move the timeline forward a little bit. On April 3, the night of Simon's consecration, Adam's will came to Celtic incarnate.


When she realized that Adam's will was incarnated, Isabella was dealing with the affairs of the Themis School of Magic.

Since the trial teaching at Themis School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on February 1, everything has been going very smoothly as Isabella envisioned, gradually getting on the right track.

After being intimidated by Isabella, the professors from the Hanging Gardens were able to interpret them well even if they saw that the teaching materials were slightly different from their existing knowledge. All very good students teach earnestly.

In the meditation class held in the sky dome, three students can already sense the existence of the magic net, and the next step is to download the arcane seeds.

If it wasn't for Medora's sudden whimsical appearance of Hydra's real body in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, in the name of exercising the students' courage, and as a result, most of the students were frightened and cried, everything would be perfect.

Bella, I have three news for you.

Adam said slowly and methodically, but he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

If there is bad news, please tell me the good news first.

The good news is that no one will compete with you for the magic priesthood anymore.

Isabella's hand trembled as she put down the document, and a mood of unbelievable surprise spread across the room.

She opened a pair of beautiful blue eyes, as bright as the stars: Yasha Lord God

The purpose of Lord Yasha's creation of Chaos Star Ring is not to seek magical priesthood at all, it is just a guise so that he can successfully become the Lord of Laws. Bella, as I said long ago, the priesthood of magic is destined to be yours.

Although Isabella didn't say it for a long time, Adam knew that she was actually worried about the God of Truth. After all, that was the main **** who dominated an entire continent.

Not many people can face the God of truth calmly, let alone compete with him for the priesthood.

But more often, Isabella regards the God of Truth as a goal to challenge the difficulty of max, transforming it into a driving force for progress, and for this reason, suppresses her strength to the golden peak, in order to cultivate and strengthen the Arcanist team in Celtic .

Now, with the news from Adam, style=\"display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client=\"ca-pub-12data-ad4185134\"\"data-ad-region =\"cont_mid\"data-ad-slot=\"6246767822\"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({});This piece has been pressing on Isabella's heart The boulder disappeared in an instant, and even the spiritual power was a little more light.

After a brief moment of joy, Isabella immediately calmed down and pressed for more details: What's going on, I mean, where did you get this news?

Adam simply told Isabella about the Shadow Plane, including Morgan, who was trapped in it.

I didn't know there was such a secret.

Although determined to become the third division of the material plane, Isabella never knew that the only two divisions in history had such a short-lived cooperative relationship at the end of the Agent Empire.

However, it was such a teacher who played an important role in the history of magic and created two magic holy places, but died quietly in the shadow plane, which made Isabella sigh with emotion.

What about another news?

Adam coughed lightly, with a hint of smugness: I guarantee you will like it, it's better news.

Adam said and stretched out his right hand, spread it out, and in his palm lay a dazzling crystal sealed by the divine power of the sun.

This is Isabella looking at Adam in surprise.

At the moment of seeing this crystal, Isabella seemed to see the entire group of mages from ancient times to the present, from the ancient mages of the first era to the popular spell mages.

Not only that, but the entire magic web woven by her hand is alive at this moment, full of vitality.

And all of this is just because he glanced at the crystal in Adam's hand.

Priestly Crystal Isabella's voice was a little hoarse.

That's right, this is a mage priesthood left by the priest crystal Morgan.



You really shouldn't put this kind of thing in front of me, I almost couldn't resist the temptation to directly absorb this priesthood crystal. Isabella closed her eyes, took two deep breaths, opened them, and her eyes were clear. In my plan, I should ignite the fire by myself, and then try my best to gather the magical priesthood.

In fact, you probably won't be able to absorb it yet, Adam said to himself.

For mortals to inherit and absorb divine fire to ascend to the divine position, according to the standard given by the temple, a mage needs at least occupation level 21, which is the first level of legend.

The requirements for priesthood crystals are even higher, requiring a career level of 30, which is a demigod.

Although this mage priesthood has not become a real priesthood crystal for various reasons, it is just a virtual priesthood, but if you want to directly absorb at least the strength of the legendary rank, you will not be overwhelmed by the huge information contained in the priesthood.


You can refer to this. Originally, Master Morgan also had a magic priesthood, but unfortunately it was taken away by the Lord God of Yasha and turned into Chaos Star Ring. Adam suggested.

Maybe I have a better idea.

Isabella took the virtual priesthood from Adam's hand and looked at the magic lamp. The crystal in her hand reflected a beautiful rainbow light.


Feed it to the Weave

As the former president of the Falcon City Mage Association and now the head of the Ministry of Magic of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, Arman and Adam have always had a good personal relationship, so Isabella's magic web plan did not hide him too much.

After seeing the magic net, to be honest, Arman did not have much resistance to the new spell-type profession of arcanist.

Although there is a limit on the number of times you can cast spells per day, the advantage is that you can cast spells across spell factions.

Now put it in front of you generously, how can you not be tempted.

On the day the Silver White Illumination Society was established, the female White Mage chose to give up her identity as a White Mage and changed her career to become an Arcanist, which is enough to show how tempting the magic net is for the Mage.

And after learning that Isabella had the idea of ​​using the magic net to seal the gods, Arman felt even more relieved about this. Unconsciously, Paradise Mountain already had a huge lineup of one main **** and five demigods.

If the Lord of the Church establishes a **** system, Isabella will be the queen of gods in the future

If it weren't for the fact that the highest level of arcane magic that the magic net opened to the outside world was silver first-level six-ring arcane, he would have wanted to transfer to a real arcanist as soon as possible.

Things turned around on the evening of April 3.

As always, Arman spent the first half of the night meditating.

Suddenly, he felt a strong wave of magic power.

Although this magic power fluctuation is strong, it gathers and does not disperse, and it becomes more and more intense. It will soon exceed the limit of his golden master's perception. This means that if this magic power fluctuation is converted into spells, it will be a process beyond the golden level. Bit of Legendary Spells

That's the direction of the palace. Could it be that Queen Isabella is finally going to be promoted to legendary

At this stage in the entire Celtic, if anyone has the most hope of being promoted to the legend, it is definitely Isabella.

Arman walked out of the room, floated in the air, and looked in the direction of the palace.

I saw that the entire palace was shrouded in a funnel-shaped magic vortex that was hard to see with the naked eye, and the two patriarchs of the sanctuary hung in the air to guard it.

The dark clouds in the sky were torn down by the terrible suction, and by the way, they helped Griffin City to disperse the heavy rain.

With a bang, it sounded directly in Arman's mental perception, instead of relying on the ear to receive the sound and the magic vortex disappeared.

A silver-gray net flashed over the palace, and instantly disappeared into the void.

Immediately afterwards, several ripples spread in all directions with the palace as the center, sweeping across Griffin City, Danube City, Godenburg, Celtic, Lysus Sea, Lyon.

In the Hanging Garden, the golden teachers of Themis School of Magic felt the magical aura that was swept away almost at the same time.

Magic Web

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Arman felt that the magic net was many times stronger than before.

He went back into the room, closed his eyes, and felt the magic web mentally.

The next moment, a net with a clear distinction and a total of nine layers slowly unfolded in front of Arman.

It is so vast, like a sky, between reality and virtuality.

Wait, the ninth floor Arman was stunned.

The level setting of the magic net is very simple and clear, a ring of arcane spells is a level.

Zero-ring arcane spells are apprentice-level spells, and their power is still lower than that of ordinary black iron spells.

Then there are the first and second rings of black iron, the third and fourth rings of bronze, and the fifth and sixth rings of silver, with a total of seven layers.

The Queen of Heaven raises the magic net to the point where it can cast golden spells

Arman's spirit immediately entered the magic net, rushed upward, and soon came to the sixth ring where the arcane power was similar to that of the silver high-level.

Continuing on, the Golden Master quickly broke through an invisible shackle and entered the eighth floor.

The vastness is incomparable, as if the void of the starry sky is dotted with the seven-ring arcane spells that Arman is familiar or unfamiliar with.

It's really all natural disasters

Arman was in a hurry and continued to charge up, entering the ninth layer of the magic net, the arcane area of ​​the eighth ring.

Earthquake, Parasitic Spore, Tsunami, Death, Cold Tide, Blade, Storm, Railgun, Meteor, Fire, and Rain. The natural disaster spells of the seven spell factions are impressively listed.

In addition, there is actually the Diablo Wrecking Ball, the golden spell with the most powerful attack in the black magic, and several eight-ring arcane spells that Arman can't distinguish between spell factions.

Arman rushed towards one of the bright light groups, and the arcane information immediately appeared in the spirit.

Summoning the Elemental Lords: Eighth Ring Arcane

Spell Faction: Conjuration

Spell effect: Summons an earth element lord or water element lord or air element lord or fire element lord from the inner plane to fight for you, duration, three minutes.

Elemental Lord, Gold Rank

Using this eight-ring arcana means fighting alongside another golden master who is good at elemental magic within three minutes.

Arman sighed twice and crashed into another light group.

Binding: Eighth Ring Arcane

Spell Faction: Enchanting

Spell Effect: Creates a magical field that binds the enemy.

Conjuration, enchanting, is this how arcane spells are divided into factions?

Arman thought about crashing into the third unfamiliar light group.

Elementary Moonwell: Eighth Ring Arcane

Spell Faction: Space

Spell Effect: Banishes the target into a dry space well without any elemental energy.

Space faction, there is actually the rarest and rarest space faction spell in the main material plane in the magic net

It's time to change jobs

In the past, Arman did not officially change jobs because the magic net could not support a golden master to release spells, but now it is different.

Leyline not only supports, but also has a variety of spell factions to choose from.

When this thought rose from Arman's mind, it went out of control.

In fact, Arman just hesitated for a second to download the second arcane spell that was necessary for transfer after the Arcane Seed from the magic net, the Arcane Fire.

The magic power all over his body spun at a high speed and disappeared, sublimating into a fist-sized silver-gray flame rising in the sea of ​​Arman's spirit.

At the moment when the arcane fire was formed, Arman lost the ability to cast spells with his spiritual power, but a new arcane ability was born in him.

Ignite the arcane fire, transfer to arcanist

Detecting the Arcanist's spiritual talent, magic talent, and the final spellcasting talent in the comprehensive judgment of the occupation level: Excellent

Arcanist Spellcasting Template Generation

After three mechanical female voices, a transparent one appeared in Arman's mind.

Name: Allman Occupation

Rank: Eighth Ring Arcanist

Spell slot: 555555553

At Themis School of Magic, Bolognat felt the unbelievably powerful magical aura that had swept away just now, and remembered a term in the textbook: magic net

The professors looked at each other, and finally a voice broke the silence: Maybe, we can experience the magic net tonight.

it is good

At the palace, Isabella opened her eyes with joy.

In Adam's vision, Isabella stood in the middle of a huge net full of mysterious luster.

This giant net is the magic net. It rolls and stretches like a foggy flower.

In the center of the flower, there are six more hazy and bright stamens, which are the six divinities born after the magic net devoured the priesthood of the mage, the magical divinity

This is a very critical transformation. Like the previous Adam, Isabella was promoted to a primary divine creature when she was in the golden rank.

I use the energy and knowledge contained in the clerical crystal to strengthen the magic net, open up the ninth layer in one fell swoop, support the arcane magic of the eighth ring, and cover as far as the United Kingdom of Thork

Obviously, after the last magic net devoured half of the silver moon and part of the moon well, the magic net has undergone another evolution and officially upgraded to magic net 3.0

Also, the magic net can draw energy from the void on its own

The consumption required for the operation of the magic net has always been borne by Isabella herself, plus the magic and spiritual power that the arcanists pay every day, it can only be said that it is just better than maintaining a balance of payments.

But that's all in the past. From now on, the magic net can draw energy on its own. Although not much, it will at least relieve Isabella's pressure to a certain extent.

In addition, I became a divine creature and gained two supernatural powers, exorcism and bloodline transformation.

Exorcism: Dispel any spells and spell effects of gold and below.

And bloodline transformation is the extraordinary divine power that Adam has obtained before, which can transform the divine bloodline and write the spells that he hopes to inherit through the bloodline.

In other words, Adam and Isabella's son or daughter will inherit from Adam's Templar magic and Isabella's magic at birth

This is blood and talent, and others cannot envy it.

Congratulations, Isabella, you are one step closer to the goal of the priesthood of magic.

It should be said that I am one step closer to becoming the hostess of Paradise Mountain.

You are now. Adam hurriedly said in a very positive tone.

Isabella did not struggle with this question, but instead asked: What about the third news?

you are getting married

Of course, is this news so surprising?

Adam raised the invitation card in his hand.

I think Arros means that His Highness Adam may be more willing to focus on the main material plane, given the extremely abnormal weather there and the scorching dynasty that is just around the corner. You must know that even the Underdark has experienced terrible rainfall during this time, not to mention the Prime Material Plane.

This dialogue takes place in the kingdom of death, the kingdom of death, Arlos and Scarlett, the **** of sleep, when Adam invites the two gods of death to attend his upcoming wedding.

Yes, the wedding, the third message from Adam's mouth.

After Simon Fengshen Tianshan's strength was further improved, he finally had free time to organize his own wedding.

The invitation between the secular kingdoms of the main material plane has long been the responsibility of the Sanctuary and the Griffon Kingdom, and the gods are personally invited by Adam.

Before coming to the **** of death, Adam had already traveled to the kingdom of Aphalon and the kingdom of the **** of abundance.

According to the rules of this world, when men and women get married, they usually invite a respected elder or master as a witness.

Adam's original intention was to copy the Western-style wedding, but the priest's choice

In the end, he combined the wedding forms of the two worlds and invited the goddess of life as his witness.

It is probably the first time in the entire multiverse that such a wedding is witnessed by a main god.

There are not many gods in the multiverse, but there are many bachelors.

Among the gods, only the goddess of life, the goddess of nature, and the **** of death Arlos and the **** of sleep Scarlett, who are sitting in front of Adam, cannot be counted.

This is Adam's first visit to the Kingdom of God of Death, and it is also the first time that he sees the famous Goddess of Silence who has now stripped away the priesthood of death that was contaminated by the law and obtained the God of Sleep in the field of eternal sleep.

She is not indifferent and scary as rumored by the outside world. On the contrary, at least in Adam's view, her attitude is quite kind.

Come on, the abnormal weather is beyond my control, especially when the culprit is most likely the fifth god. Adam pretended not to care.

It is not only the Celts who suffer from extreme bad weather, but the entire main material plane, including the Percy Empire, which is blessed by the God of Truth, and the Burning Dynasty of the Demon God, and it has recently begun to spread to the three-layer underground world.

Compared to the surface world, the geography of the Underdark is obviously more susceptible to flooding, such as flooding.

And in the north of Yupler and Yasha, an unprecedented cold wave is brewing.

According to the Ministry of Magic's investigation and Adam's eyes, once this cold wave breaks out, the power is no less than that of any silver-level frost spell.

This may sound a bit sensational, it's just a silver spell, but if its spell range is the entire northern part of the continent, and ordinary people are affected, the situation will be very serious.

Faced with a wide range of silver spells, black iron and bronze professionals are helpless, how many ordinary people can survive

Of course, Adam said that the whole Yuppler was most worried about the Kingdom of Ice and Snow. Once the cold wave broke out, they would definitely act as the brunt.

The six-armed Naga, who has been fueling the flames behind the scenes, has almost become another terrifying creature known as evil after the people of the Ice Kingdom say the devil.

You mean that the four main gods will take the lead in solving this problem. said the silver-haired goddess.

Of course, the dwarven pantheon is said to have turned to the realm of truth for help, you know, the water flows down low, and the dwarven's Modine cave is a pit. Moreover, the Jiao Yan Dynasty definitely did not want to see the cold wave break out.

The last time the dwarf patriarch rejected Yanar, he used the excuse of flooding at Modin Cave, which has recently come true.

Although the demons from the lava area of ​​the third layer of the underground world are brave and chaotic and brutal, this extreme weather is obviously not suitable for them.

If the Demon God of Destruction and Fire still wants to open up territory in Yupule, the weather is something that must be resolved.

You must know that Frans has taken the opportunity to organize two counterattacks, although the effect is not great.

So, my wedding on April 22, what is your opinion? Adam brings the topic back in time.

Punctual. Arlos said that he took the invitation from Adam's hand, and suddenly became a little dazed.

When he saw Adam for the first time, he only had a silver rank, and he didn't even know that there was a divine presence in him.

And now, not only is Adam getting married, but he is also a well-known true **** in the multiverse.

Death opened the invitation and gave Adam a strange look: Silver Eden

Yes, the wedding venue, the sanctuary was prepared there for a full month.

I thought it was Paradise Mountain~www.readwn.com~ No no no, Paradise Mountain is too far away, I also invited some secular people to participate.

For example, the important personnel of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, the king and prince of the United Kingdom of Sauk, the Pope and the Holy Maiden of the Church of Plenty, etc.

Sleeping God expressed her understanding, but she couldn't help but add: If I read it correctly, the transitional plane next to Silver Eden belongs to the Lord of Dawn and Order.

Adam shrugs: so

Compared to Sleeping God's subtlety, Arros is more straightforward: the Lord of Dawn and Order will be mad sooner or later.

On the one hand, there are lonely people, on the other hand, the bright gods who came up later; on the other hand, the kingdom was divided up, suffered natural disasters, and the clouds were bleak.

To say that Adam didn't mean to show off intentionally, Arlos would not believe it.

Believe me, if I could really **** off the Lord of the Dawn, I would hold ten grand weddings in a row in Silver Eden without hesitation. To be continued. .

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