Templar Sun King

Vol 8 Chapter 17: redemption angel

Adam looked at the three tall phantoms rising from the Kingdom of Love with some surprises. They had the same face as the Goddess of Love and Pleasure.

The first phantom human fish tail, with fin-like ears, similar to a mermaid, without an inch of thread, surrounded by heavy fog and foam illusions, covering key parts together with shells, accompanied by a strong temptation. The singing of the breath and the waves of the sea are full of reverie.

The second phantom is dignified and elegant, with a changeable temperament. Sometimes it is the tolerance of adults, sometimes the attachment of young girls, the understanding of the elder sister, the worship of the younger sister, and of course the hot style of the lover, and so on.

The third phantom is the image of a moon elf, wearing a pearl necklace, emerald green dress, and colorful lights, accompanied by flowers and dew, which is so beautiful that it is suffocating.

The divine brilliance of the three phantoms is connected into one piece, showing seven colors, radiating outward little by little, and connecting with the entire void, which is very spectacular and beautiful.

In Adam's perception, the strength of the three phantoms has reached the pinnacle of the true **** rank, and none of them are inferior to the five dragons who have just been killed by the truth knights.

But the true **** rank at the peak is still true god, which is very different from the main god.

However, after their divine brilliance joined together and sublimated into colorful brilliance, the overall strength of the three goddesses broke through the shackles of rank and reached the rank of master god.

Although it is the weakest kind, it is indeed the real Lord God!

According to Adam's guess, according to the evaluation standard of Paradise Mountain, the occupation level of this special Lord God is about 41, which is similar to when he just entered the level of Lord God.

"God! How can one goddess of love and pleasure become three? Three Herr Highnesses?"

"What exactly happened just now?"

"Who can tell me whether Her Highness Hiriana succeeded or failed in attacking the Lord God?"

The gods talked a lot, looking at the three phantoms above the Kingdom of Love, looking forward nervously.

"Your Majesty Adam, what's going on?"

The blacksmith **** was surprised to see the goddess of love and pleasure, who was one before the attack and turned into three goddesses after the attack.

"Probably Hiriana encountered some problems when she attacked the Lord God. It may be from the method of the priest's impact on the Lord God itself, or it may be from the curse of the Dark Goddess. In short -" Adam shrugged, "It's divided into three."

Then he added: "But at least the tenth **** of the multiverse was born—in a special way."

If he guessed correctly, the three goddesses share a main **** position, and when united together, they are the tenth main **** of the multiverse.

Once separated, it is an ordinary true **** rank.

As for the fall of one of them, it is not known whether the other two goddesses can continue to maintain the main **** Adam.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty Hyriana, you have succeeded and finally entered the Lord God."

The Dark Goddess giggled, clearly satisfied with Hyriana's special situation.

Then she turned around and said to the Demon God of Destruction and Fire who was still facing the Lord of the Sky: "Your Majesty Baimon, you have to be careful, the third main **** of the Titans was born ahead of schedule. Haha!"

"Wait until the goddess of earth and abundance are promoted to the main god." The demon **** of destruction and flame put away the front of chaos and sneered at the three phantoms above the kingdom of love.

"Your Majesty Knicks, thank you very much for your blessing just now, I will definitely take good care of the dark gods!"

The colorful brilliance of the sky closed, and the real bodies of the three goddesses came out of the kingdom of love.

On the left is a mermaid with a human fish tail, in the middle is a human figure, and on the right is a moon elf figure.

The three goddesses looked at the distant back of the dark goddess together, gnashing their teeth.

When the six priesthood crystals in the spiritual sea were about to become a seamless ball forever, the goddess of love and pleasure heard the curse of the goddess of darkness.

"Damn, isn't the Goddess of Darkness fighting the God of Truth? Is it more important to her in her eyes than to obtain a complete dragon pantheon?" The Goddess of Love and Pleasure wondered whether she should be resentful or honored.

But soon Hiriana doesn't have to worry about it, because the next second she feels a huge force roaming around her body, that's the power of the Lord God!

This power is so powerful that the will is carried through it, and it is above the gods.

The majestic divine power is surging, and the goddess of love and pleasure feels that now she can easily tear apart the kingdom of a true god.

After thousands of years of planning and waiting, he has joined the marine **** system and the elf **** system to collect beliefs in different identities.

She, the goddess of love and joy, Hiriana, finally succeeded in gaining a master **** position by virtue of the three perfect priesthoods at the end of the second era, and was promoted to the tenth master **** of the multiverse.

Not only that, but as the first main **** who took the priesthood as the foundation to obtain the main god, the founder and great forerunner of a new road, she will be the object of worship and worship of countless later gods in the long years and time to come.

The gods may not know who first discovered the promotion of the Law of Enlightenment to the Lord God, but they will never forget that it was the great His Majesty Hiriana who gave them the second choice to promote the Lord God on the basis of priesthood.

What a great honor and great achievement this is!

The goddess of love and joy opened her eyes, full of joy, and her whole body was lifted up.

However, at the next moment, Hiriana was horrified to discover that everything was just an illusion caused by the curse of the Dark Goddess, and the process of her impact on the Lord God had not officially ended!

"Ah—Knicks you bitch, bitch—"

The Goddess of Love and Pleasure hurriedly concentrated her efforts to make amends, but it was too late.

Because of her slack at the critical moment, the round ball in the spiritual sea shattered, together with the "master position" and body that she had just acquired.

Hiriana watched helplessly as a miraculous change occurred in herself. The divine fire was divided into three, the consciousness was divided into three, the flesh and blood were divided into three, and the six priesthoods were divided into two groups.

The three groups of flesh and blood even absorbed part of the divine fire and consciousness with the help of the feedback from the cosmic force to form three brand-new bodies.

A few seconds later, the complete consciousness that belonged to Hiriana disappeared, and three new goddesses who inherited Hiriana were born.

The first goddess is the Illusionary Goddess, who is in charge of the illusionary priesthood that evolved from the fusion of the two priesthoods of mist and foam.

The second goddess is the goddess of love, in charge of the two sacred functions of love and joy.

The third goddess is the goddess of beauty, in charge of the two priesthoods of beauty and art.

It's a wonderful feeling - Hiriana doesn't want to experience it at all - the three goddesses have their own minds and consciousness, inheriting Hiriana, but not Hiriana.

Only when the three goddesses, the goddess of illusion, the goddess of love, and the goddess of beauty, are united together, is the complete Hiriana, sharing a main **** position, and can emit the radiance of the main god.

Once separated, none of the three goddesses is Hyriana and the main **** in the true sense, and only retains the strength of the true **** rank.

"What are we now?"

"I am me, you are you, she is her, together is the complete Lord God—"

"The three goddesses of beauty love!"

The radiance of the colorful main **** shone through the void, and the tenth main **** of the multiverse, the three goddesses of beauty and love, was born.

"It actually succeeded in such a peculiar way?"

In the kingdom of truth, the **** of truth looked at the figures of the three goddesses of beauty and love thoughtfully, but for a while, he didn't even notice the increasingly wrong faces of the five truth knights.

In the end, the Ash Knight, who had been following the God of Truth, summoned up the courage to take a step forward and carefully confessed: "My lord, time... The crystal of the law of time is gone."

The Ash Knight could not wait to strangle himself to death because of his carelessness.

From persuading the dwarf pantheon, to deliberately provoking the irritable giant dragon pantheon, to taking the opportunity to seize the crystallization of the law of time and destroy the giant dragon pantheon, the God of Truth has planned for a long time.

But when they returned to the kingdom of truth, the knights of truth were horrified to discover that the crystals of the law that should have been collected by the radiance of chaos were gone!

For a time, the whole kingdom of truth was extremely quiet, until God of truth opened his mouth.

"Don't worry about it, I have long expected this situation, or rather, this is my real plan. Besides, I have not gained anything."

The God of Truth said lightly, not feeling angry or annoyed at all, which made the Ash Knight even more uneasy.

"At least, I now know to what extent the prophecy of the three goddesses has affected the real plane with the help of the realm of impermanence."

The God of Truth looked at the kingdom of destiny in the distance, prophesied that the three goddesses might be proud of grabbing the crystals of the law of time from the knights of truth, and laughed unpredictably:

"The value of sending them a wrong message through a crystal of time law is far greater than the value of obtaining the crystal of law itself. I can't wait to appreciate the horrified expressions on the day they fell."

"I feel very sorry for the situation of the three goddesses of beauty and love, but what is certain is that Hailia-well, the goddess of love was deviated in the process of promotion to the main **** because of the curse of the dark lady. In other words, the promotion of the main **** is based on the priesthood. The way is successful, no problem!"

The gods of the sky, the three goddesses of beauty and love, and how the gods of destruction and flames talk cruelly to each other, the gods subconsciously ignore them. They only know one thing now, that is, in addition to the traditional law of enlightenment, the second promotion to the main **** method was born.

As for whether there is only one priesthood to be promoted to the main god, the collocation between the priesthoods and other details of the promotion of the main **** by the priesthood, the gods do not have the extra energy to delve into it for the time being.

Now, they just have to be happy.

Because of this, Teresa's process of igniting the divine fire on the inner plane was extremely smooth, with no troublemakers and no divine punishment.

Well, there was actually a God of War Merika who tried to sneak attack when Teresa was all focused on igniting the fire, but was stalked by Adam.

So, ten seconds after the three goddesses of beauty and love were promoted to the main god, another demigod in the multiverse was born.

This is the eighth god, the fourth demigod, and the fifth Seraph!

When the holy light shrouded in Teresa dissipated little by little, revealing the brand new Seraph, the gods recovered from their cheers and were amazed by a six-winged seraph.

"Seraph, another blaze!"

"Before igniting the divine fire, wasn't she human?"

In the inner plane of the light attribute, Teresa opened her eyes and felt that her state had never been so good.

This new Seraphim has the same youthful and soft face as the Gospel Angel - the difference is that Teresa is more compassionate, while the Gospel Angel is holy - six pure white and bright wings fluttering slightly behind: " I am the Angel of Redemption, Teresa!"

Name: Teresa

Rank: Demigod, Seraph

Title: Angel of Redemption

Level: 30

Ability 1. Speed ​​of Light: As a powerful divine creature born from the infinite brilliance, the angel has the ability to act at the speed of light and can deal a fatal blow to the enemy in an instant.

Ability 2. Immortality: The body of the angel can be destroyed, but the will is immortal and will be reborn in the church seven days later.

Ability 3. Resurrection: The highest mystery of the church, the angel of judgment can resurrect any number of church troops and sun **** believers, ten per day.

Ability 4. Absolute Purity: The holy light emanating from the Angel of Redemption has the ability to purify absolutely pure, the defense ability of divine protection, and the blessing ability to eliminate negative spells.

Any dark, undead, and evil creatures will be purified as soon as the holy light shines, and there is nothing to hide; the temple troops, sun **** believers and friendly forces can obtain the blessing of defense spells, and can be immune to all dark, undead, and evil factions Holy aura of curses and negative spells.

Ability 5. Ark: An Ark of Hope built with the power of the law of light, effectively defending against any attack of the same rank.

Ability 6. Covenant: Any priest, knight or templar whose piety level reaches 7 mad believers or true believers can sign a covenant with the Angel of Redemption. Limit: 12, giving up worldly glory, power and pleasure in exchange for extraordinary strength .

The stricter the covenant signed with the Angel of Redemption, the stronger the power acquired during the period of abiding by the covenant's behavioral standards, up to occupation level 5.

Once any violation of the covenant occurs, the soul of the signer will be completely annihilated within three days, and even the angel of redemption cannot redeem it.

Ability 7. Final redemption: As a seraph representing redemption, Teresa can guide all beings, even creatures in the dark, undead, and evil domains, to the embrace of the Holy Light, the Lord Sun God.

"The Confessor Teresa of the sanctuary ignited the divine fire, promoted to demigod, sublimated in essence, and the angel of redemption was born!"

"Teresa gets the realm of redemption!"

"The Lord of the Temple acquires the realm of redemption!"

"The Lord of the Temple has obtained the realm of redemption, analyzed the law of light, and his understanding of the law of light has risen to 92!"

This time, what the Seraphim fed back to Adam was the realm of redemption, the thirteenth realm of the sun god.

And the progress of the Law of Light, which has not made much progress after the feedback of the refining world's will, has finally been improved by 2, reaching 92.

To be honest, Adam has always been very concerned about the understanding of the law of light, especially when he saw that the God of Truth was fighting against the Goddess of Darkness and the Source God of Water Elements without falling behind, and after the strength of the Demon God of Destruction and Fire, he was even more eager to fight against the God of Truth. After the matter at hand is dealt with, all thoughts are thrown on it.

Today, Paradise Mountain looks bright and bright, but it is still very dangerous if it is against the realm of truth or the demon pantheon.

Adam still hasn't forgotten the principle of being vigilant in times of safety.

"My lord!" After igniting the divine fire, Teresa and the three blazing angels turned into holy light and plunged into Paradise Mountain and returned to the Temple of the Sun.

"it is good!"

Adam looked at the five blazing angels in the Sun Temple, and suddenly remembered that when he appeared in the image of the Holy Light Lord, he seemed to have wings on his back, and the number was as high as six pairs of twelve!

Maybe when he should also appear in the image of the Holy Light Lord?

The angel of dawn Uther, the angel of gospel Raphael, the angel of punishment Uriel, the angel of judgment Simon, the angel of redemption Teresa, the **** of knights Andrew, the temple guard Alas, this is the strength of the heaven mountain today.

Now they can be collectively called the Shining Seven Gods for now, but unfortunately this name will be changed after Garon and Sergey become gods, Adam thought.

However, compared to the two brand-new demigods, Adam was willing to accept even the unpleasant title of "Nine Gods of Radiance".

"Next, the focus of the propaganda of the church and the empire will fall on Garen." Adam ordered.

Create a god, create a demigod with the power of faith that spans two continents empires!

With Teresa igniting the divine fire, among the five heroes Adam recruited, only Garen and Sergey were left between legends and demigods.

Of the five heroes, Andrew inherited the **** of fire from the Feathered Serpent, Simon absorbed the virtual **** of fire from Master Morgan, and Teresa ignited the **** of fire on her own.

If nothing else, Galen and Sergey also ignited the divine fire on their own. After all, Adam could not find a second divine fire with bright attributes or a virtual divine fire with no attributes, and the two would inherit and absorb it.

Teresa was able to quickly extract enough divinity through the imperial beliefs in a short period of time to ignite the divine fire smoothly. First, she had the huge belief support from the Holy Griffin Empire. Second, she had enough talent for creation as the master of the three laws. Third, The Heavenly Mountain gods are behind it.

Now, it's the turn of Kanon and Sergey.

The Angel of Dawn agreed and said: "Yes, when Garon and Sergey ignite the fire of God, we will probably have the strength to confront the demon gods head-on, and then—"

Uther made a rare rude gesture, which represented death and fall.

The Devil of Destruction and Fire was Adam's goal, something that all the gods of heaven knew.

As long as the Demon God of Destruction and Fire falls, Adam can directly inherit the law of destruction that remains in the Book of Genesis.

Adam has calculated that it is about 20, which is enough for him to gather the priesthood of destruction and seize the opportunity to obtain the law of destruction.

The crux of the problem is how to let a demon master with two main gods fall, but after seeing the three goddesses of beauty and love, Adam's mind is alive again.

"The greedy devil bewitched the Lord of the Sky, so that the latter's madness was sealed, the Earth Goddess was strangled by the demon gods, and when the Goddess of Love and Pleasure attacked the Lord God just now, the Destruction and Flame Devil came to obstruct..."

Adam concluded in a very good mood: "The enmity between the Titan gods and the demon gods has deepened again."

"The Lord of Space, the Lord of the Elf, His Highness Faresa, the Lord of Titans, plus my Lord, there are five Lords. Maybe we can expect to add the God of Eros." Teresa thought for a while and said.

"The three goddesses of beauty and love were not originally in my plan, but since she has been promoted to the main **** in a special way, I can really consider it. I had known this before-" Adam laughed at himself, "She came to me to wash away the dark elves. I can be a little gentler when I curse."

"That's the attitude that the goddess of love and pleasure should have when facing the Lord of Heaven Mountain." The angel of punishment defended solemnly.

The Gospel Angel chuckled and agreed: "I think the Titan gods will definitely not reject our proposal, after all, the Titan gods hate the demon gods to death, right? When the time comes, the six gods will join forces~www.readwn.com ~Maybe, the entire demon pantheon will be completely destroyed like today's giant dragon pantheon."

There are many gods offended by the demon gods, but they are suppressed or hidden due to the power of the demon gods of destruction and fire.

Once the destruction and the death of the flame demon god, the contradictions that have been accumulated over the years will definitely erupt in an instant.

In fact, the more powerful the gods, the more unknowingly offended or hostile you will encounter - the same is true of the gods in heaven, and the kingdom of truth is the best example - once a problem occurs, the revenge suffered is even more than that of a small god. It is ten times more violent.

"But then again, isn't the pattern of the three gods, the Goddess of Illusions, the God of Eros, and the God of Beauty, sharing a main divine position unexpectedly familiar?"

The three gods... share...

"The three goddesses of prophecy!" Adam was the first to think of these three goddesses.

The three goddesses of prophecy are also in this mode!

It's just that the three goddesses of beauty and love share a main divine position, while the three goddesses of prophecy share the priesthood of prophecy.

It wasn't long before Grace and Dutney lit the fire of God, and immediately climbed to the rank of true gods after sharing the priesthood of prophecy with Fett.


"The three goddesses of beauty and love were divided into three parts by the priesthood because of an error in the middle of the attack on the main **** because of the curse of the dark goddess. The three goddesses of prophecy were all genuine individuals before they ignited the fire."

Adam is very sure of this. Adam doesn't know about Fett's original deeds, but Dutney is the legendary prophet of the Romano Empire, and Mrs. Grace is the leader of the Church of Calamity. The traces on the main material plane are traceable. of.

"Is it because I think too much or the two are just a coincidence, there is no connection at all ~www.readwn.com~ friends, you can search for "", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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