"Why can't you hold back, you want to talk to me"

"If you want to talk to me, just tell me, don't say pull it down"

Lin Chuan's bulging appearance was reflected in the old man's mind, and the old man understood Lin Chuan's attitude somewhat. After all, young people today are also called young and vigorous.

"Me? My name is Zhuge Liuyun"

"Zhuge Liuyun has never heard of it. I don't know why you are locked up here? How old were you when you were locked in?"

"I don't know why I was locked up, but how old I was when I was locked in, it seems to be similar to what you are now. As for how many years I was locked up, look at the way I am now, these beards grow here. from"

Hearing the old man say this, Lin Chuan was a little disappointed. If it was really like that, how long would he be imprisoned here?

Looking at Lin Chuan who was disappointed in front of him, the old man also persuaded Lin Chuan.

"As soon as you come, you can rest assured. I have a few books here. You might as well go and have a look."

Lin Chuan was very surprised when he read those books. Can this old man still read books while he is in prison?The treatment is also very good.

"This is the book you read, why are they being so nice to you?"

"They probably want to hear me tell stories. Anyway, I have nothing to do here, and I have been hanging out with them for a long time. I am writing my own books to pass the time when I have nothing to do here. You need to know what is here. Don't do anything, but it's boring."

Hearing the old man say this, Lin Chuan nodded. It seems that it is also a very good thing for him and the old man to be in the same cell. After all, it is quite good to have someone who can talk to him.

The old man also asked Lin Chuan.

"What's your name? Why are you here?"

"¨〃My name is Lin Chuan. I was arrested by them wrongly. They insisted that I was some kind of flower-picking thief, but I was completely different from the person in their portrait. I explained it for a long time, but they didn't listen at all. mine"

Hearing Lin Chuan say this, the old man laughed.

Lin Chuan was very surprised at the old man's smile, but he just talked about his own affairs. Why did the old man have such an attitude?

Or did the old man think he deserved to be caught here?

"I said you, Lin Chuan, you are still reasoning with them, can they listen to you? If you listened to you, would you still be arrested here? At first glance, your head is unclear, did you get kicked by a donkey here? "

When the old man said this, Lin Chuan was very angry.

I've been wronged and I can't reason with them.

Shouldn't they just let them bully themselves Gu?

He doesn't want to take this black pot, but now he can't take it if he doesn't. .

Chapter 547 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 547 The Eve of the Storm

"Old man, didn't you ever think about running away? Are you willing to stay here all your life?"

Hearing Lin Chuan's words, the old man laughed even more.

"Lin Chuan, aren't you a little whimsical? Here, take a closer look at the iron walls. How can I escape? Besides, it's better to be safe outside than here. I live here very comfortably. "

The old man said this, and Lin Chuan looked at him with surprised eyes. Is there anyone who would like to stay in this cell for the rest of his life?

He didn't want him to have a bright future outside. As for the 680 tasks given to him by the system, he has not done it yet. If he stays here for the rest of his life, what should he do with the rest?

He didn't even dare to think about it.

Lin Chuan looked at the cell for 4 weeks in his spare time, and only saw the dense numbers on the wall.

Lin Chuan was also surprised by those numbers, so you asked the old man.

"What are the numbers on the wall?"

"It's nothing, it's just to pass the time. If you have nothing to do, you can write before then, maybe time will pass quickly."

Lin Chuan didn't want to waste time, he still had to figure out how to escape, so Lin Chuan thought about it, but there was no way.

I don't know how much time has passed, day after year, year after year, Lin Chuan's beard has grown out, and seeing this Lin Chuan in front of him makes people smile very comfortably.

Seeing such an old man Lin Chuan didn't know what to say to him. This old man would laugh out loud from time to time. Is it funny to see him?

"Lin Chuan, didn't you notice that your current appearance is different from the one you just came in?"

Hearing the old man say this, Lin Chuan was also very surprised, he is still himself, why is it like this in the eyes of the old man?

"What do you mean, old man? I haven't changed much."

"No change. When you first came in, you were a young guy, but now, your beard is older than that of an elder."

Now that the old man said this, Lin Chuan suddenly realized that he touched his beard, and he had been in this place for too long. No wonder the old man looked at him like this.

For the current state, Lin Chuan was also very angry that he still wanted to go out, but there was no way he could stay here now.While Lin Chuan was thinking hard, the official in the cell brought some meals. Lin Chuan was very surprised to see today's meal. Why is it so rich?

There is also chicken legs, which I couldn't eat before. Looking at the chicken leg, Lin Chuan picked it up and gave it to the old man. He thought that the old man had been here for a long time and should eat something delicious.

But for the chicken legs he sent, the old man did not dare to eat it, but gave the opportunity to Lin Chuan.

Since the old man doesn't appreciate it, he has to eat it.

The smell of the chicken legs in the mouth made people linger and forget to return. It was very disappointing to see the old man Lin Chuan like this. The old man also stood up and slid the name of Lin Chuan on the wall instantly. The move, Lin Chuan was very surprised.

"Why did the old man cross out my name?"

Hearing Lin Chuan's question, the old man also answered him by the way.

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