Chapter 177 The Latitude Line of Death

When I got home, it was still early for lunch.

So the two logged in to the game at the same time, each busy.

Since Wanshen activated Sands City on the 6th battlefield, she obtained the permission to station in the city and also activated the teleportation array in Sands City.

Now the guild members basically go to the border battlefield to spawn monsters, after all, triple experience and triple explosion rate are not a joke.

And at present, the inner circle of the desert on Battlefield No. 6 is only the members of Fengshen Valley, and no one else.

As long as you avoid some dangerous areas sent by Wanshen, and powerful BOSS, everyone will be able to brush wild monsters together.

The speed of upgrading is very fast, and the burst rate of various red and purple outfits, including skill books, is also jaw-dropping.

As for Su Mu, he is very busy.

Su Mu first went to dig up the treasure map of Kunlun Mountain that he had obtained earlier, and obtained some miscellaneous things, but also a meteorite from the sky.

In this way, Su Mu has ten pieces of divine jade and nine pieces of meteorites from the sky. The opportunity to upgrade the legendary equipment is one piece away from the meteorite.

After digging up the treasure map, Su Mu ran to find August again.

After all, the task in August has not been completed, and Su Mu is also looking forward to what kind of buff she will give herself after the intimacy with August reaches 60.

This time, August finally remembered the clues of the other half of the ancient jade.

It’s just that this clue makes Su Mu very speechless…

Because according to the memories of August, the other half of the ancient jade is not in Winter City, or even Kunlun Mountain. But in another SSS-level main city scene-Soul Tai City.

The city of Soul Dang (dàng) is the same as Winter City, and its scene is very similar to a specific place in the real world.

Winter City is in Kunlun Mountain, and there is also Kunlun Mountain in the real world.

The scene in which Souldang City is located is called Ghost Swamp. The degree of danger may not be as high as that of Kunlun Mountain, but the mechanism and difficulty of this place are much higher than Kunlun Mountain.

In other words, the method of unlocking the city of Soul (SSS and the pre-trial task of the main city) may not make you dead, but it will definitely make you crazy!

In the real world, there is a place called Lost / Soul Tai.

Mi/huntai is also called soultai.

The soul dang is in the swamp area of ​​Sichuan Province, with complex terrain and abnormal geology.

Once an outsider enters, he sees the complicated path of the lake, it is difficult to distinguish the direction, and he does not know how to advance or retreat. In a daze, it is like losing his soul, unknowingly losing his due judgment and reason.

According to records, people who entered this area were basically lost, missing or dead.

Over time, this weird place was called “Soul Tai” by the locals.

For many years, the “Wawu Mountain Soul Forest Phenomenon” has left a series of unsolvable mysteries to the world, and has also attracted great interest from domestic and foreign experts, scholars, tourism, expeditions and many people.

Even if you are traveling in the soul, the mobile phone and GPS do not have any signal, and the pointer in the watch swings to the left and right, etc., which can not stop the explorer’s footsteps.

Bizarre not only that.

According to records.

In mid-September 1970, an experienced local hunter brought the hunting dog into the Ecstasy. Not only was he missing, but the clever hound was also missing.

On April 17, 1972, two women at the foot of Wawu Mountain went up the mountain to dig medicinal materials and broke into the remote Hun Dang, and then disappeared.

On October 31, 1974, a local wild animal resources survey team entered the virgin forest of Tamia and got lost.

On July 13, 1975, the Wildlife Resources Investigation Team entered the Soul Tai again, still lost.

In 1979, a team led by an expert from Sichuan Province strayed into the soul. After walking in it for three days and three nights, I became unconscious. The watch and compass lost their functions. I didn’t know how many circles I went around, but I still stayed where I was. Later, he cut a path hard with a knife and stumbled out.

On June 13, 1990, the overseas expert Andrew and a group of more than ten people went into the heart of the soul to investigate. Due to the failure of the compass, he originally planned to head toward the west, but he stayed where he was after a long walk.

On December 2, 1999, a young scientific worker, accompanied by local mountain people, walked up the mountain in a daze, and the two quickly lost their way. After the two of them gave up going together, the mountain people went down the mountain all night and all morning. After he arrived with the rescue team, although he found the young man, his whole body was frozen and he died unfortunately.

According to folklore, the soul dang is a gossip fan/soul formation set up by an ancestor when he was preaching here. Of course, this is currently only defined as a legend.

According to the various bizarre events of Kuntai, many scholars have also put forward their own opinions.

One, the magnetic field said.

Among the various bizarre events that have occurred in Wawushan Ecstasy, compass failure is the most common occurrence, which makes people associate it with geomagnetic anomalies.

The earth’s magnetic field has two magnetic poles, namely the geomagnetic south pole and the geomagnetic north pole. But their position is not fixed, but is constantly changing. The abnormal geomagnetism can easily cause the compass to fail.

However, there are different opinions about the source of Kuntai’s magnetic field. Some say that the moon acts on the earth’s tides, and some say that there are huge meteorites hidden underground.

Second, said the miasma.

Miasma refers to people suffering from a lack of oxygen in the forest, causing symptoms of poisoning such as dizziness. It may be caused by the decay of animals and plants producing methane and other toxic gases in the swamp.

Third, the theory of visual illusion.

When this phenomenon occurs, people visually feel that the surrounding landscape is exactly the same, without a reference to the direction, and the same scene appears in different places. It may be caused by the continuous duplication of the same terrain and vegetation in this area.

Of course, these three kinds of these are just hypotheses of scholars, and each hypothesis can only explain a certain phenomenon, but cannot completely solve the mystery of the soul dang. This is also the magical charm of the soul dang to attract the world.

There is just one thing that makes you have to consider metaphysics.

The latitude of the soul is between 29°32′-29°34′ north latitude.

People who don’t understand may see this latitude and don’t understand it, but for explorers, this latitude is extremely mysterious and dangerous.

Because this latitude is exactly similar to the sensational Bermuda Triangle and the magical pyramid.

Explorers call it-“death latitude line”.

With such a mysterious background in the real world, the Soul Tai City, located in the ghost swamp of the Apocalypse World, naturally sits on the position of the SSS-class main city.

The biggest headache for Su Mu is that even in his previous life, the main attack of Chinese players was the Kunlun Mountains.

As for the information on the ghost city of this ghost swamp, there are very few.

Going to the SSS-level main city is originally confidential information, and Su Mu can grasp even less.

Gu Yu is in the city of Soultai, so I feel a headache after thinking about it…

The matter of going to the soul city is really a long-term plan, after all, it is the pre-task of the SSS-level main city.

Once you set off, you can’t look back if you don’t find the city of Soultai.

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