Chapter 305 The Player’s Catastrophe

The dungeon that Su Mu is experiencing in the world of apocalypse is extremely similar to his father’s progress in Ecstasy.

But the two didn’t know each other before, let alone Su Mu is still in a coma.

Although the form of the two repetitions is a bit nervous, at least they have been developing in a positive way.

But the other players in the ghost swamp are not.

After the so-called “Culture of Soul Tai City” began, as long as there are players on the entire map, it has now become “Purgatory on Earth.”

Since the monsters all come with real damage, most players are afraid to fight these monsters, only knowing to escape.

Because once the monster’s attack falls on the body, it will transmit 100% pain.

This is the most terrible place.

Not afraid of pain? Do you know what it feels like to be torn…

The attacks of these monsters are not as simple as mosquito bites… As soon as your claws are down, your hands may be torn off.

One bite, your head may burst directly…

This kind of pain, let alone how it hurts, can’t help the legs feel weak just by imagining.

The players were defeated like a mountain, and the players on the two maps of Qiancoffin Town and Huangquanyou Road had been completely suppressed by monsters at the resurrection point.

However, even the resurrection point is not safe now.

Because these monsters can directly rush into the resurrection point and attack the player.

At present, the players at these two resurrection points can only hug each other and share the same hatred, so as to relatively reduce their mortality or the number of deaths…

As for the Soul Forest and Soul Forest City, the player’s counterattack power is relatively strong, so for the time being, the monster has not been completely suppressed at the resurrection point.

But this is only temporary.


The sword of the Black Dragon Palace used Half Moon Slash to seal the throat, flashing behind the duck’s head, and then stabbed a monster with residual blood with a sword.

“It won’t work like this, we can’t hold it anymore.”

Yijian Fengmao’s situation is not optimistic now, his blood volume is only half, his body is covered with wounds of various sizes, and his body is bloody.

Very tragic.

Although the number of people who came to the Black Dragon Palace this time was not large, each of them was an elite among the elites, and their combat effectiveness was good.

In the face of these monsters with real damage, they abruptly propped up a battle circle dominated by them in a small park in the city of Soul.

However, these monsters can’t be killed at all, although they seem to have an advantage now, they can stop the monster’s attack.

But once everyone is exhausted, or the cooling time of the skill item cannot keep up with the consumption of the health bar, or someone becomes unconscious due to real damage.

Then this so-called advantage will disappear in an instant and become ashes.

It is now moving in this direction.

Someone has been repeating in the team channel, saying that they can’t hold it anymore and they need help.

It can be said that now, everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, so there is still time to help teammates?

Duck-headed continuous shooting, ultra-high attack and precise archery, every arrow will hit the monster, and between one or two arrows, it will take away a monster.

Although these monsters have real damage, their original attributes have not been improved.

And the monsters in high-level scenes did not appear.

This is a lucky place…

Duckhead dadada’s face was cold, she knew the situation was critical, but what could she do?

Keep killing monsters, everyone’s experience has risen quickly, and the gold coin income and drop income are also considered optimistic, but…

But this is different from the frontier battlefield.

Although the border battlefield also has experience and the blessing of drops, at most everyone is fighting each other.

But the monsters here bring real damage!

Just now she saw a player bitten off his neck by a monster and bit his head.

What kind of pain transmission would be like, she couldn’t imagine.

But once this is out of defense, they will soon experience this terrible pain transmission.

In severe cases, you will immediately fall into a coma…

It also……

too frightening.

“Shrink the scope of the defending side, take care of each other, and stick to it.” Duckhead can no longer think of other ways, and now only in this way, is it possible to stabilize the circle back.

Soul Tailin.

At this time, Jiang Zhiyu and several other members of Death Song were being chased by a monster.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyu suddenly switched his attack state to the full mode, releasing imprisonment skills on the people around him!

“Fish eyes!!!”

“Dammit! You stink!”

Before the two people had finished cursing, the monster rushing up behind tore them to pieces and ate them.

And now Jiang Zhiyu, who has become the vice-chairman of Death Ode, went directly to the guild interface and kicked the two players out of the guild.

Jiang Zhiyu’s operation unintentionally exploded the dark side of her heart, selfishness, completely.

In the face of unimaginable pain and consequences, she wouldn’t do that for herself.

Although it is very disgusting to do so, she believes that this will definitely be the way many people will choose.

And in the soul of the forest, this kind of thing is indeed happening everywhere now.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die!

Not to mention… not to mention this is a catastrophe for the players of Azure Wolong in Ghost Swamp…

Ten more minutes passed.

The situation continues to deteriorate.

At this time, no one is used, no team, no team can hold it.

Jiang Zhiyu tried everything he could, but he met the hidden BOSS of Hundanlin, the disciple of He Bo.

Under the surge skills of the disciples of Hebo, many players were directly drowned and killed.

But Jiang Zhiyu was swallowed by the waves and died because of the broken wood that was shot through the lower abdomen.

Due to the reduction of other players, the number of monsters soared, and the defensive circle of Duck-to-DaDa finally fell.

As a string controller, after being approached by a monster, she ended up horribly.

Blood flowed into a river, and corpses were everywhere.

Thousand Coffin Town fell.

Huangquan Road was defeated.

Soul Tailin fell.

The city of Soul Tai was broken.

Therefore, the player is suppressed by the monster at the resurrection point, and has to withstand the surprise attacks and attacks of these monsters again and again.

Now, even the resurrection point is bloody.

All hope seems to have disappeared at this moment.

The light is swallowed by darkness, and the will is eroded by pain.

Fear spreads and despair occupies the soul. They don’t know how long this slaughter-like hidden event will last and when will it end.

They even want to give up all resistance.

Because they can no longer see any hope.

This is not a hidden event.

This is not a copy of an online game.

This is not a system bug.

This is a slaughter of players by the game.

This is a catastrophe for players! ! !

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