Chapter 434

Players on the road suddenly heard a “swish”!

I saw a woman hugging a man and flying over them.

“My God, what was that just now?”


“Why have I never heard of flying skills? It’s too nonsense…”

“Wait, why do I seem to see a girl with big breasts flying while holding a man?”

“Don’t look, hurry into the hospital, there will be nothing late!”


Finally, he landed smoothly on the top of the hospital.

At this time, Su Mu discovered that these red liquids, which looked like blood, were not blood, because there was no bloody smell and there was no sign of drying up after so long.

At this time, Shuang Shuang said: “This is RZS synthetic fluid and one of the important materials for synthetic chips. These synthetic fluids can also be used to repair our bodies and non-fatal wounds.”

Su Mu nodded, thoughtful.

No wonder that when the RZS-002 appeared, there would be so many synthetic fluids gushing out.

Same as without money…

From a closer look, there are many small particles in these liquids that are similar to metal materials, and many…

Hold tight, enter the building from the entrance of the top floor, and start looking for the legendary chip.

The map only shows that the legendary chip is in this building, but the specific floor and location are not marked.

The hospital building has not many floors, a total of fifteen floors, but each floor has a large area.

The first to enter is the fifteenth floor.

Unexpectedly, in Tianqing City, which has been in ruins, the hospital still maintains electrical work…

The interior of the hospital is not as messy as imagined, and there is not so much dust. On the contrary, it is a little strangely clean.

It’s like… someone cleans it regularly.

Shuang Shuang followed Su Mu, looking respectful, “The tenth to the fifteenth floors were originally dedicated to the study of evil spirits.”

“Research demons?”

When he was surprised, he just walked to a shop window.

This, this is…

The pupils shrank in bursts.

On the hospital bed inside, there was a creature that looked like a giant locust.

He is bigger than an average adult.

However, the giant locust was completely dead, and it was ripped apart, and nothing was left in it.

The body is also in a state of air-drying due to time.

Along the way, almost every room has the bodies of giant locusts… Su Mu frowned.

If I remember correctly, this is a monster in the SP scene, and it is also the lowest level evil monster.

It can be said that there is only a trace of the blood of the evil demon clan.

The current situation is obviously that the apocalypse has come, but these low-level demons were killed by humans and brought into the research room.


These are all creatures, and Shuangshuang and those RZS are more mechanical. Is there any connection between the two?

Demons controlled humans to create mechanical life, and then replaced humans with mechanical life?

Su Mu shook his head, feeling a bit nonsense.

Demons represent destruction, and there is no need to engage in these fancy things…

Along the way, it is really the same as Shuang Shuang said, the 10-15 floors are all places to study evil spirits.

All kinds of demonic creatures, mutilated/dismembered, broken open…

As for the legendary chip, it has not been found yet.

There were no other players, no hostile targets, and Wan’er and the others were not there. Su Mu asked, “Shuangshuang, what is RZS?”


“To be precise, it is a robot called an artificial god.”

RZS turned out to be man-made gods, but it is still something made by humans…

“You should be regarded as mechanical life.” Su Mu asked.


“You have a human brain, a human heart, not what mechanical life is.” Su Mu retorted.

Shuangshuang shook his head and said, “The master is not like this.”

“RZS-First Generation and RZS-001 have human brain and heart as the core, but RZS-002, 65% of the whole body is human structure, 35% is machinery.”

“You said that 65% of the guy floating in the air outside is human?”


“Isn’t that the mechanical life?”


At this moment, Su Mu suddenly thought of something.

I always thought that Shuangshuang was the first generation of RZS-, but now it doesn’t seem to be…because she can fly and communicate with herself, and she doesn’t want to be as dumb as RZS-first and RZS-001.

So Su Mu asked: “What model do you belong to?”



As if he knew what Su Mu was thinking, Shuang Shuang continued: “Although I am RZS-002, I have no fighting ability. I am a failed product. The one outside is the real RZS-002.”


Su Mu smashed and said, “Then more than 65% of your body is also a human structure?”

“Yes.” Shuang Shuang nodded, “My chest, lower body, neck, and head, although part of it is mechanically implanted, it basically retains the human structure.”


These positions are still people, doesn’t that mean they can still be used?

What a fuck…

Su Mu: “Then I ask you, do we have a deep understanding between us?”

Shuangshuang: “Learn more…Master, are you my code and parts?”

“No, I mean the body.”

“Oh, you are talking about the in-depth understanding of human reproduction, right? No, you are away all year round. This is the first time I have seen the master.”


I saw it for the first time, so the reason I was able to recognize it was entirely based on the implanted information.

Sweep the sweeping cool.

Between E-F.

The important parts are all human structures.

The future self is really violent.

At this moment, the building suddenly vibrated violently! Shuangshuang exclaimed: “Master, RZS-003 is about to start!”


f*ck, the RZS-002 outside can’t handle it. Let’s have another RZS-003, how can I play it?

“How long is it!”

“At most thirty minutes.”

“How long can you influence RZS-002?”

“ten minutes.”

ten minutes!

In other words, after ten minutes, those RZS-first generations, RZS-001 will re-launch the attack! Including laser weapons that do not know where they are hidden.

There is also RZS-002 suspended in the air!

Is it destined to be a dead end? !

No, no, as long as you find the legendary chip, you will be able to crack the threat! ! !

Finally, seven minutes later, on the seventh floor of the hospital.

It is like a factory assembly line, full of RZS-first generations.

It’s just that their heads and hearts are still empty, and they are completely mechanical, without skin grafts.

On the only console of this “factory”, Su Mu saw a chip emitting golden light.

The legendary chip…found it!

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