Chapter 449

Before long, armed off-road vehicles were parked downstairs, causing panic in the entire community.

Uncle the doorman originally had only three teeth left, but after so much tossing at night, he frightened one out…

In desperation, Su Mu followed the convoy and left.

When I came to an office of the Court of Arbitration, a few soldiers on the balcony started barbecues on the set-up stove.

There are more than 20 boxes of Niulanshan on the ground indoors, and more than a dozen boxes of Red Bull.

Su Mu was stunned, looked at Dong Hui, and said, “You pay, I die, and drink together to become crazy?”

Dong Hui grinned, “It’s rare in life to get drunk. If you want to drink, you must get drunk!”

“Your arbitration court, can’t you stop drinking?”

“Special approval today.”

“Niu batch, once a special batch, you will die?”

“The east wind is blowing, the drums are fighting, who is afraid of who is drinking today?”


Sitting down, putting on the skewers, Dong Hui began to mix drinks.

Niulanshan and Red Bull were mixed together, stirred, and some ice cubes prepared in advance were also lost.

Come prepared!

“How about it, can you drink it?” Dong Hui asked.

Su Mu: “Hehe, my drinking capacity, even I am afraid of myself, it’s here, Brother Dong, don’t think I’m young, I’ll tell you in advance, if Qingdao doesn’t fall, don’t fall, snowflakes don’t float. Don’t float.”

Dong Hui: “Okay! Let’s do this first!”

Su Mu: “Haha, use a cup.”


“Disposable cups are not environmentally friendly. Do you have vinegar dishes?”

“Do you want to have cephalosporins.”


After three rounds of wine, slightly drunk.

Dong Hui laughed a few times, and said aloud: “You guy can drink enough! It’s been a long time since I had a drink so happy, cool!”

Su Mu: “You are the first person who can drink so much with me and still doesn’t fall, Niubi.”

“This is interesting, turn around and praise yourself?”

“All boast.”

Dong Hui filled the wine glass, the expression on his face gradually put away, and said in a calm voice: “Actually, after what happened that day, Taichu asked me to take you there.”

Su Mu’s stringing movements stopped for a moment, “…”

Dong Hui continued: “However, Boss Jiang was pressed down there, and because of this incident, they had a lot of conflicts.”

“Oh, by the way, you don’t know the boss of Jiang yet. His name is Jiang Qi. He is the great general of our China and one of the principals of Taichu.”

Su Mu: “The person in charge, one of…”

Dong Hui drank the wine in the cup and said, “Yes, although he is the person in charge and has the right to direct most of the departments in the early days, there was still a person in charge in the early days who was on an equal footing with Boss Jiang. Brought over.”

Su Mu: “It means empire?”

Dong Hui smiled, did not answer, but said: “It’s okay now, and the general has all taken care of it.”

“And I also said here, let me take you over, unless you kill me!”

Su Mu: “…”

Although Dong Hui didn’t say everything thoroughly, his words have already explained one thing.

If I were really taken to the Taichu base, nothing would be a good thing.

Even losing the freedom of life is intolerable.

Sure enough, sometimes indifference is necessary…At this point, Su Mu followed his own selfishness.

No, it can’t be described as selfish now.

Infiltration events, the ability to awaken special abilities through the apocalypse, these empires have already known, except that the final advent has not happened, other things are already known.

Therefore, as an empire, it has reached this point, and it is impossible not to consider the possibilities of coming, invasion, and integration.

So, it doesn’t matter if I say now that the apocalypse will come.

But I didn’t expect that this incident also affected Dong Hui and General Jiang Qi.

Su Mu coughed, grinned, and raised his full glass.

“Brother Dong! Feelings are not ironic!”


“Then don’t be afraid of stomach bleeding! Drink it!”

Pour the second cup.

Su Mu: “Is the feeling deep?”


“Then don’t be afraid to get an injection! Drink!”

“Deep feelings, stuffy mouth; light feelings, lick; strong feelings, not enough to drink; feeling iron, drink bleeding!”

Su Mu can guess that because of this incident, Dong Hui must have been under a lot of pressure.

Because this is already considered a violation of the military order.

In the Court of Arbitration, this kind of thing can already be regarded as a crime of decapitation.

Now he can still sit here and drink with himself, probably because the general is on the same front with him.


Many things, high-level decision-making also has two sides.

You can make some sacrifices, but if you make yourself a research object, you definitely disagree.

This is simply impossible, there is nothing to talk about.

It was late at night and people were quiet, and the charcoal fire had all turned grayish white, exuding residual heat.

The ground is full of empty wine bottles…

Su Mu was shocked by how much dry liquor can do.

I can also understand that the amount of alcohol is good, and the body has undergone a certain degree of “mutation”, and its immunity to alcohol seems to have improved a lot.

But Dong Hui can drink so much, it’s really amazing.

These people are glamorous outside and have a lot of power that ordinary people envy, but at the same time they also have too many burdens and pressures on them.

Talking to Dong Hui this evening, Su Mu also got a lot of news that he didn’t know.

At the beginning, it was a very large system. There were many departments below. The company was one of them. There was also a “shadow” that had close contacts with the Arbitration Court, and was responsible for the “Vientiane” of the network, including the newly established “Hongmeng”.

However, even though the person in charge of Hongmeng is himself, he has never wanted to have direct contact with high-level officials.

So the current situation is to put a name on it, and Dong Hui is mainly responsible, but Dong Hui respects his decision, so the two are complementary.

In addition, there are “Four Seas”, “Tai Xu”, “Great Wasteland” and so on.

Tell Su Mu about these things because Su Mu is now a member of the early days, knowing that these things are not illegal.

My colleague, Su Mu now finally knows that his father and mother are also part of the early days, and that his father is still the person in charge of the “Great Wasteland”, whose main fields are paleontological research and archeological work.

The empire has already started deployment.

The world thought that the empire was indifferent, and when it really stood up in the early days, it would shock the world.

No matter what the process is, the ending must be like this.

Under the influence of alcohol, Su Mu and Dong Hui finally couldn’t stand it, one lying on the table and the other lying directly on the ground, falling asleep.

It’s really a drunk party.

He was groggy, and his thoughts were a little confused.

I’m a rebirth, yes… I don’t have a Gold Finger that will destroy the world.

Even because of my selfishness, I didn’t dare to reveal my identity, just thinking about wretched development.

But isn’t this just a person?

Haven’t experienced the darkness, how do you know how terrible darkness is?

Have never experienced despair, how do you understand the preciousness of being alive?

You can say that I am rubbish, say I am useless, say I have no IQ.

But…Along the way, all the experiences have made me who I am today.

Step by step, from Xinshou Village, to Fengming Road, to Wintery City.

Sweep the hidden copies, enter the forest of souls, battle the ghosts of the souls, enter the city of souls, and face the disasters of the city of souls.

Fight against the eye of the hurricane, infiltrate the devil’s brain with anger, plunge into the supernatural fire…

I am not a god, but in the future, I will stand higher than god!

I am a born again.

My name is Su Mu.

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