The center of administration of the Marchen Academy, Bartos Hall.

In the central meeting room, except for the principal, Elena Woodlein, the main academic staff and Hegel Matapju were seated at a large round table.

In the center of the round table, the shape of a floating island emitting a mysterious color was rotating at a slow speed in place.

It is made by gathering mana grains and sticking them closely together.

It is the magic of Hegel Matapju, Aria Lilias, the master of telekinetic magic.

Arya received the contents that the wizards of Hegel’s Tower intensively analyzed the floating island in real time and engraved it in the air following its shape.

For a brief moment, a light blue flash of light occurred at some point on the floating island. A tremendous amount of magic comparable to that of a floating island.

The source of that magical power could not have been known to the key personnel gathered here.

“Lord Hegel, it was just… ?”

The vice principal immediately noticed the identity of the pale blue flash that had disappeared in an instant and opened his eyes wide.

“A Black Monster Appears.”

Aria Lilias, a dwarf woman with reddish-brown hair hanging to one side, answered with an unfeeling voice.

black monster. An unidentified monster who suddenly appears one day, destroys the demons, and then suddenly disappears.

At the news of his appearance, all of the major academic staff present were perplexed.

“After all, are you saying that he appeared…? .”

“Wherever demons appear, he always pops out.”

“Damn, should I trust him… .”

There was ‘fear’ in the gaze of the black monster at the Marchen Academy.

He must have risen to the level of an archmage.

According to Professor Fernando Frost’s testimony, in the first semester, he used world-end-class magic effortlessly to defeat the lunar demons that ruled the world like a divine being.

In other words, the Black Monster was no longer something the Empire itself could control beyond the Academy.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Of course, the fact that the black monster is continuing to protect the academy is a situation that even the academics are feeling.

However, unless you know what he is hiding inside and what his true identity is, it is impossible to show favor to him hastily.

“The black monster is on our side.”

At that moment, Aria’s words landed in the conference room.

“If you can’t believe the black monster, believe me.”

Aria Lilias, the master of Hegel’s tower, who is firmly supporting the tower.

Although seemingly dumb, the headmaster of the Marchen Academy, Elena Woodlein, is praised for her insight.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Only the two women somehow had a very favorable attitude towards the black monster.

The reason that the Marchen Academy did not focus on uncovering the identity of the black monster was because the breath of the two women played a big role.

“… … !”

Suddenly, a gloomy magical energy blew like the wind and brushed past my skin, and a chill ran through my body.

There was a heavy silence in the central meeting room. Everyone in this place must have felt the eerie magic that flowed through the air a while ago.

Arya frowned and turned her head toward the window.

something is about to come

“Enemies, on the ground… !”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

Marchen Academy grounds. From the ground, white demons made up of piles of dirt began to spurt out.

From the figure of an animal to the figure of a dwarf or a witch. They were all minions created by Floating Island.

The demons are all attacking the Marchen Academy all at once, squeezing and limping at the joints, chanting ‘nihihi’ and joyful laughter.

To them, human beings were just beautiful materials that they wanted to cut through and decorate on a floating island.


Boo woo woo—-!


Kwagaga River—!!

[Heh heh!]


However, this is the best academy on the continent. A place full of talented people, not only for undergraduates, but also for students.

In addition to the academic staff, the students also joined forces to fight against the demons. Magic and magic collide, and the swordsman emits a flash of light and slashes the demons.

So, the academy went on a siege war.

The academy allocated manpower to protect the island, and gathered the elite to form a subjugation force on the floating island.

The subjugation team rode a flying horse and charged towards the floating island all at once.

The number of subjugation squads, which consisted of professors specialized in combat, Imperial Knights, security forces, and some powerful students, reached 100.

However, in front of a floating island comparable to the size of a small country, the size of the subjugation squad was only a level that seemed infinitely small like dust.

The goal of the subjugation group is to secure Ian Fairy Tail and Matteo Jordana, who have gone to the floating island at will. And to survive by killing the demons who are controlling the floating island.

This was before the fact that the floating island itself was a demon was revealed.

If the plan fails, everyone will lose their lives when the dark brown magic circle that is being developed under the floating island is fully formed.

The subjugation squad carrying such a heavy responsibility reached the floating island.

Time passes-.


The sound of woodwinds shaking the atmosphere. The cries of the floating island reverberated in the sky and the sea.

Toward the Marchen Academy, a threat that cannot even be compared to the summoning of a minion corps comes from above the Sea of Atkins.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references I dedicate this to silkygoat

Numerous magic circles that had already been deployed on the floating island’s body poured intense red-yellow light.

A sign that you are about to cast a spell.

This is the island where the most prestigious Marchen Academy on the continent is located. It was safe to say that it was a place where high-level magical powers were gathered at a high density.

In other words, to the floating island, the island itself was already an irritating enemy.

Eventually, towards the Marchen Academy, the floating island spewed out magic.

────────────「Earthquake Wave (Earth Attribute, ★8)」


The red-yellow magic circles shot a large number of rays at once towards the island and the sea where the Marchen Academy was located.

In the aftermath, the waves sway mercilessly, and the islands and seas shake mercilessly.


“Everyone bow down!!”

As soon as a cookie crumbles, a hatch was carved on a part of the island, and gradually cracked to form a high cliff.

The wizards in the bachelor worked together to deploy powerful protective magic, preventing the building from collapsing and the beam attack.

[Earthquake Wave] on Floating Island was only the beginning.


A strong wave of red-yellow energy is coming.

It was as if there was even a single wall that crossed the world. The wave height is so great that I wondered if it could reach the sky like that.

Huge waves containing high-density earth elemental magic and a large amount of natural mana, the pressure far exceeds that of hitting huge rocks or chunks of land.

It will destroy anything as lightly as crushing hardened soil, causing a crustal shift.

The protection magic deployed by the wizards of the academy would not be able to stop it.

That was the country’s destruction-class magic, [Earthquake Break].

“Aren’t you crazy… .”

The top of the Barthos Pavilion.

A woman in a white robe was watching the huge waves rushing towards the academy with a desperate expression.

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Curly curled back hair. Principal Elena Woodline, a beauty with rose-red hair, who has been blessed with eternal life and is maintaining the appearance of her heyday in her twenties.

Why did these crises come one after another while he was appointed as the principal of the Marchen Academy?

Suddenly feeling a deep sense of skepticism, Elena cried, ‘Uh-huh’.

“I would retire a year earlier… .”

He was already old enough to retire.

Had it not been for the blessing of fire, she would have been an old man in his 70s, full of wrinkles and with his hair completely white.

But the regrets are only temporary.

Soon, she looked at the floating island with tears welling up in her eyes.

He raised his wand and poured out the magic that was flowing through his body with all his might.

“Yeah, go ahead. You f*cking bastard.”

As the principal Elena raises her wand and pours out magical power, a hard barrier in the form of soft petals of magic floats all over the island.

Kuwoo Woo Woong ──── !!!!!

[Earthquake Break] and Elena’s barrier collided. Pink flames exploded with a roar, covering the waves with earth attribute mana at a frightening speed.

Soon after, there was a dull roar, as if a huge piece of steel had hit a rock. It didn’t sound like a wave.


[Earthquake Break] did its best to break the barrier and landed in the sea.

In the aftermath, a strong current rose again, and strong seawater from all directions tried to attack the Marchen Academy.

Elena poured out her magic again to restore the barrier.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references I dedicate this to silkygoat

No matter how powerful the waves, ordinary seawater could not break Elena’s barrier.

“Ugh… .”

Due to the defense a while ago, Elena’s magical power was almost exhausted.

Let her lean against the pole, feeling a strong vertigo.


“… … !”

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Once again, a bundle of rays wrapped in earth attribute magic crossed the sea, and red-and-yellow waves began to flow.

It was on the verge of stopping that attack once and going into a state of depletion of magic power.

It was too much of a treat to have to endure the destruction of the country twice at once.

But I couldn’t back off. I have to protect the students somehow.

Elena squeezed out her magic one last time. Although it is weaker than before, it must be able to somehow reinforce the barrier by pouring out all of the remaining magical power.

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Can I survive with this?

Elena frowned and bit her lip. maybe… difficult though.

“You should try.”

Elena closed her eyes tightly and concentrated her mind in order to pour out all her magical power.

That was then.


Principal Elena suddenly opened her eyes at the sound of the roar of a raptor.

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Bang Bang—–!!

Thunderclouds flickered in purple, and thunder and lightning flashed through the air with a fierce force, along with the sound of thunder reminiscent of the wrath of a god.

A huge black grouse flew up and spread its wings wildly, scattering tremendous lightning energy.

Principal Elena looking at the Brain Creed-Gully with a surprised face.

Beneath the black grouse, on a cliff, a female student with her right arm outstretched in front of her was flowing out a large amount of lightning mana.

A purple lightning bolt added light to her noble beauty.

“… … .”

At the Marchen Academy, students with natural talents enter every grade.

Geniuses, such as Dorothy Hartnova or Alice Carroll, that even academics would laugh at are examples.

Among them, Luce Eltania, the first year head of the Faculty of Magic.

A purple thunderbolt was spreading like a chain around her in all directions. Her rose-gold hair, her cape shawl and the hem of her school uniform fluttered in the aftermath.

As distant as the deep sea, eyes like the blue sea are pointing towards the floating island.

Luce’s magic, which borrowed the power of the Thunder Creed, blended with Elena’s magic circle and spread throughout the island.

Grip Jijiki——–!!!!!

[Barrier of Brain Gong].

The powerful lightning barrier of the Thunder Creed that occupied the former Marchen Academy site during the evaluation at the end of the first semester was added to the barrier developed by Principal Elena Woodline.

The ability to blend magic so well is possible because of the overwhelming level of [Elemental Efficiency].

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Kuwoo Woo Woong ──── !!!!!

The lightning bolts split innumerable, and scattered the magical energy that had been engraved on the high waves.

It is a Thunder Creed that has been living in the Thunder Clouds in the southwestern part of Gerber for many years. The lightning barrier formed by the legendary beast boasted an extremely high defense.

Waves reinforced with earth attribute magic covered the barrier.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Only the sound of an electric discharge and the dull sound of something hard hitting the barrier resounded, but the [Barrier of Thunderbolt] remained intact.

Despite the harsh waves that followed, [Barrier of Thunderbolt] kept the Marchen academy with a shudder.

Woo Woong-.

The momentum of the red-yellow magic circle engraved on the body of the floating island has decreased.

It looks like they’re trying to get some time to rearrange themselves for the next attack.

At the top of the Bartos Hall, Principal Elena sighed a sigh of relief and sat down.


The gentle voice of the brain creed reverberated in Luce’s head.

She lifted her head and looked at the giant grouse flapping its wings in the air.

Each time the beast flapped its wings once, a gust of wind and purple thunder erupted.

[Now what?]

“I’m going to that island.”

In the middle of the purple electric current whirling and whirling in the air.

Luce stared at the floating island with her bloody eyes and answered in a cold tone.

“Greungyi, it will be there.”

Where demons appear, a black monster, Groung, will always appear. He must have appeared on that huge island as well.

Luce was already almost convinced that Isaac was a black monster.

From the time the floating island appeared until now, I’ve wasted a lot of time looking for Isaac.

If Isaac had come to that huge island as a black monster, he could fully understand why he was invisible to Luce himself.

I wanted to confirm it with my own two eyes and get confirmation that all the unsolved questions would be blown away.

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Confirmation that Isaac is Green.


Luce’s cynical order was given to the Thunder Creed.

But the brain creed only shook his head.

[…] It would be good to reconsider.]

“… … ?”

The Thunder Creed is a legendary beast much stronger than my master, Luce.

Already, he was sensing someone’s huge magic power rushing from the floating island with his tremendous mana sensing ability.


Far away, above the floating island, a silvery wind of frost began to swirl.

The wind blew widely and covered more than half of the floating island. It was such a bitter typhoon that the sound could be heard from far away.

And someone was calling the being that was creating the wind like a workhorse.

His terrifying icy energy erupted over the floating island.

“… … ?”

At the same time, there was a group evacuating from the floating island. It was the subjugation squad that marched towards the floating island earlier, as Luce had to look at it with excellent eyesight.

Among them, Ian Fairytale, who was stunned, and Matteo Giordana, who was riding him on his workhorse, stood out.

Even the second seat, Kaya Astreane. As she left the floating island, she looked at the island with concern.

“… … !”

And in the sky, hundreds of huge magic circles filled the sky.

The color of the magic circle could not be distinguished due to the wide silver wind caused by something, but it was quite possible to guess that it was composed of at least 7-star magic.

[If we went up to that island, there would be nothing we could do but die.]

In the purple current, Luce and Thunder Creed held their breath and watched the upper part of the floating island.

That sky would now become a battlefield for monsters that even the Thunder Creed could not reach.

* * *

1 hour before.

“You guys… ?”

This one is for that lil chicken owl

On the floating island.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

Me and Kaya stood still and looked down at the fainting black-haired man.

Kaya is restless with troubled eyes. On the other hand, I was just blankly keeping my ax eyes open.

Just in time, Matteo Giordana, a boy with brown hair with bangs turned up, arrived and spoke to us.

I didn’t feel like reacting at all… .

‘You’ve been doing fine before… .’

The boy, fainting peacefully on the floating island, was, as always, Ian Fairy Tail.

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