An Archmage is a person who has reached a level beyond human cognition as a wizard.

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Common sense is meaningless in front of them, and they perform arts and miracles that cannot be understood by cognition as if it were taken for granted.

Among them, the one who has reached the highest level of each elemental attribute is called Wonwang.

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Currently, there are only four people who have officially ascended to the throne of Wonwang.

The king of flames, the flame.

The king of water, the apprentice.

The lord of the winds, Pungje.

And the original king of lightning, the thunderbolt.

Zabrok, the land of lightning protected by purple thunder. royal household.

The man with purple hair with round bangs in the king’s chair slowly opened his eyes.

Dressed in a black robe with a mix of purple and gold. The appearance of a young man as sharp as a hawk.

The purple lightning’s magical power was twitching, and the eyes were shining even in the middle of the night.

Thunderzee, Zaul Dragoniac. He just instinctively felt a threatening magic.

It was a magical energy that was made up of very cold, thick cold air.


Zaul’s Call.

The magic of purple lightning condensed on his shoulder and became the shape of a small black sand wrapped in electric current.

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A lightning snake beast with two pairs of eyes, Jormungand. Its actual size is very large, but Zaul reduced its size to the level of an ordinary snake and summoned it.

At one time, he had a battle with Jaul, and he was eventually defeated and became his workhorse.

[I felt it too. This transcendent power… . It’s the original prison beast of freezing.]

Jormungand recognized Zaul’s intentions and responded first. As a workhorse, he shared his heart with the master, the master.

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Convinced of Jormungand’s answer, Zaul patted his chin and pondered.

Frozen original beast.

Its magical power is at a level that even Zaul, the original king of lightning, cannot surpass. Even if it had jumped out from the other side of this world, I could be sure that Zaul felt the amount of magical energy pressing down on his skin.

Even in this world, it is not enough to contain that beast. Just by appearing, the cold air of absolute zero will color the area around it with a time of the Ice Age.

The magical power of that beast just before was at a level that passed like a weak wind on his skin.

This was nothing more than weathering beyond the space of another world.

[But it is being controlled. There seems to be a master who is already serving you.]

The frozen original beast serves the master. Can the proposition itself be fulfilled?

Was it something you could control in the first place?

It was unbelievable, but if the words were true, it could be seen that the owner had already surpassed the level of the original ice cube.

And the world will face an inflection point.

The magic that the Wonok Beasts shed must have been felt by the Ice Beasts who reached the heights of heaven and earth.

Taedongak – Tugaros.



The fact that a person who could serve as the master of the frozen original jade beast appeared, they would also try to welcome the same person as a new master.

And it wasn’t hard to imagine who they would serve.

“Isaac… .”

Isaac. A blue-silver-haired boy attending Marchen Academy.

A potential next Ice emperor candidate. No, the one who is sure to become an Ice emperor. There was nothing else.

The Ice Kingdom was preparing to welcome a new king.

Isaac is a being that even Ice and Snow Dragon-Hild bows his head. He will surely reign as the new king of the Ice Kingdom.

I can’t even imagine how powerful a monarch that a man who even serves as the master of even the original jade beast will become a powerful monarch.

Suddenly, an unknown existence hidden in Isaac’s essence came to mind.

The monster with numerous eyeballs all over its body boasted a majestic majesty that could devour this world.

Perhaps the Wonok Beast knows the energy of the Ice King and the mysterious monster that Isaac has. And I must have felt that Isaac was worthy to serve as my master.

“Looks like he killed the floating island. In the process, you summoned the original jade beast.”

The news that floating islands have reappeared in the Atkins Sea has already been heard.

It happened in the Gerber Empire, so I thought they would take care of it.

In the end, the floating island seemed to have been destroyed by the next ice maker.

[Other original kings must have felt that magic. What do you mean, Zaul? It seems that an emergency meeting will be convened soon.]

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Other monarchs. When they reached the highest level of each elemental attribute, what actions they would take, beyond the control of the law, were unknown to Zaul.

However, the magical power of the Wonok Beast spread beyond space.

Even if the other original kings knew that the next Ice Emperor had appeared, they would not have known that he was Isaac.

Even if you are the original king, you cannot be omniscient.

“… Personally, I don’t like the next Ice emperor.”

As the king of the land of lightning, it is natural to be wary of Isaac.

Isaac, whom I saw at the Marchen Academy, was strong enough, but also had an upright personality. That made a very good impression on Zaul.

A person’s humanity cannot escape the eyes of Zaul. This is irrespective of race.

So, he had feelings close to favor with Isaac, the next icebreaker.

“And he seemed to have a reason to hide his identity. I have no intention of disturbing it.”

[Are you planning to frown?]

“Now is the time. In the first place, hiding that power to the end is like trying to cover the sky with your palm.”

There must be a good reason why Isaac hid his identity and infiltrated the academy.

Aren’t you already dealing with unidentified demons under the nickname of ‘black monster’?

However, no matter how much he hid his maximum magical power, he would not be able to hide his terrifying power in the limited space of the academy.

That is, if the time comes when he reveals himself to the Marchen Academy.

Zaul was thinking that he would reveal to the other original kings that Isaac was Bingje.

Because that would be a way to respect and protect the will of the next ice maker.

“Perhaps sooner or later, we will have to meet a new original king.”

The future that Isaac will attend as the Ice Emperor at the Wonwang meeting may not be far off.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue


The faculty and students at the Marchen Academy and the Imperial Knights were all astonished.

After the floating island disappeared, all the minions of the floating island that attacked the academy melted and disappeared into gray powder.

Suddenly, a pillar of starlight magic jumped out from under the clouds and plunged into the sea.

In succession, colorful starlight magical powers dispelled the secondary mist, bursting out in the sky, and creating numerous swarms of stars. It was like a moment in a festival, a scene from a fireworks display.

A beautiful sight that will make you burst out in admiration. It was definitely Dorothy Heartnova’s magic.

People had a hard time distinguishing the circumstances, but one thing was clear.

“The floating island… ?”

“Hey, I won… . won! I won!!”

Someone knocked down floating island.

That Starlight Parade is probably what Dorothy is doing to spread the fact that humans have triumphed throughout the empire.

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Countless cheers resounded from the Marchen Academy.

The people of the Gerber Empire, which span the Atkins Sea, wept over the fact that the floating island had been dealt with and shouted joyously.

“… … .”

To the Atkins Sea, cliffs.

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Luce Eltania was staring at the Starlight Festival that was taking place on the sea.

The floating island changed its shape, and it was exuding magical energy that made even Luce tremble. Even Dorothy, who is said to be the greatest strength of the Marchen Academy, was not an opponent that could be defeated.

Therefore, the person who defeated the floating island is narrowed down to only one person.

black monster. he will be there

The reason Dorothy poured out the magic of starlight to create a shining pillar was not to reveal to the world the fact that she had won.

Probably for the purpose of blindfolding.

If it’s to hide the identity of the black monster, the front and back fit snugly.

“… uh?”

However, Luce was bewildered by the unexpected sight.

When the Starlight Parade was over, there was nothing in her eyes.

I thought there must have been a black monster and Dorothy inside the Starlight Pillar, but my prediction was completely wrong.

The swarm of stars fades and the night sea turns dark. In this way, no matter how lucky you are, you will not be able to properly distinguish them.

Luce frowned.

Did Dorothy get people’s attention with that ferocious Starlight Festival, and then secretly moved over the clouds with the black monster?

if not… .

“… Nothing, I can’t be sure.”

Luke sighed and shook his head.

Because the basis for the assumption that Dorothy built the Starlight Pillar in the first place to hide the black monster is weak.

“Isaac… .”

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references I dedicate this to silkygoat

Now that there is no need to stop the attack on the floating island, I had to go back to find Isaac, who I had been looking for for hours.

Just imagining him hurt makes me feel like my heart is being ripped apart.

Luce turned his back and started moving, hoping that Isaac was safe.

* * *

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue


I sensed that I had come from somewhere in the Josena Forest near the main gate of the Marchen Academy by the smell of grass.

Dorothy had arrived at the hideout where she had played with me before. I could feel and understand the texture of the outer wall.

We sat with our backs side by side against the outer wall of the hideout, quietly passing the time, listening to the chirping of insects.

Dorothy gave me recovery magic with the remaining magical power, but it was only at the level of first aid. I can’t even move my body… .

So I decided to wait here until I was able to move my body somehow, and until the situation calmed down.

So I raised my head and stared in the direction of the sky.

“… … .”

“… … .”

… It was the first time that such an uncomfortable silence had passed in the presence of Dorothy.

I thought I was going to die, but when I finally got saved, I was stunned.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Or, is it because I, who has always looked weak and weak, destroyed the floating island and it doesn’t match my usual appearance?

‘Either way makes sense.’

A weak guy like Isaac saved himself from being chasing and smashed a huge land mass of demons that reached the state of an archmage?

Had I been Dorothy, I would have been so absurd that I would have needed quite a bit of time to sort my thoughts.


Then, Dorothy broke the silence.

“How did you know I was going to die?”

that… .

It’s definitely a question you might be wondering.

Anyway, I openly revealed to Dorothy that I was a black monster. Since I can’t answer, ‘I know the scenario for <Merchen’s Magical Knight>’, I decided to make a rough guess.

“Did I not notice the curse on the senior?”

“… It was too. You’re much stronger than me, so it’s only natural.”

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references I dedicate this to silkygoat

No matter how much I think about it, Dorothy is overwhelmingly stronger than me, but I decided to just ignore it and move on.


This one is for that lil chicken owl

Once she opened her mouth, Dorothy asked a series of questions.

“Why did you worry about me?”


“Actually, I have the ability to read emotions. The president has always worried about me. That, why?”

“That’s it, what… . You’re that senior fan. I know there is a curse, how can I not worry?”

“Then why did you love me so much? Is it because he’s my fan too?”


I smiled. On purpose, he smiled as brightly as possible.

The side effect of using [Ice Ice] to the limit, and the reaction that scraped away the magic and completely depleted the magic.

From a while ago, I was experiencing excruciating pain as if my whole body was being stabbed by thorns and vertigo as if my head was going to break. It was a smile so as not to show the condition of his body.

Well, the pain was slowly subsiding. It’s probably because you’re losing your sense of body.

After returning from the underworld, I couldn’t see ahead, and now even the texture of the hard outer wall touching my back was disappearing.

It felt like I was sinking into the deep, dark night sea.

The sense of accomplishment that Dorothy is now alive and next to me is so overwhelming that I can’t help but learn from the conversation.

Anyway, it was a symptom of overexertion. It will get better gradually.

“… Why did the president become my fan?”

“Senior is cool. For me, the senior was really a shining person.”

I liked how Dorothy’s eyes become like half moons when she smiles.

He also liked to laugh while showing his white teeth.

When you turn your head while fluttering your earrings, or when you tremble at trivial things.

When you are proud of yourself while praising yourself.

When you laugh out loud and joke around.

He even liked the way his brain stopped even if he used a little bit of his head.

Each one of them looked very bright to me.

“… I see.”

Soon, something was placed on my head. Hearing the rustling of the cloth with a faint hearing, he could infer that it was a hat.

The sensation in his head was completely gone, but it wasn’t difficult to guess what the hat was. It must be Dorothy’s hat.

I don’t know why she put her hat on my head.

“… Isaac.”

And Dorothy’s soft voice was heard in front of her. There seems to be a strange sense of shame for her.

From what I heard, it was as if Dorothy was grabbing the sides of the brim of the hat on my head and pulling it downwards.

“Close your eyes.”

Soon, something pushed my lips away.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

My head was gently pushed back.

For a while, our time passed quietly.

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