The box I saw for the first time in the narrow booth was sending out a strange image.

In the midst of the colorful lights turning round and round, the loud sound of music resonates in the ears.

Dorothy and Isaac sang along the steps, holding the microphone.

It was a coin karaoke room in the world Isaac lived.


Then, for some reason, his head moved freely.

Left and right once, twice.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

One after another, a familiar voice pierced through the singing voice and was heard faintly.

[He’s pretty deep… … … … … . never wake up… … … … .]

“… … .”

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Oh, this is a dream.

As soon as he became aware of that fact, his consciousness was sucked into reality in an instant.

She didn’t know that, but the fact that her snoring had stopped proved that she had awakened from the dream.

dark vision. A shrill voice pierced through my hazy mind.

It was Ella’s voice.

“Oh yeah… .”

‘… … !’

And a man’s voice is heard. it was Isaac

Dorothy took a breath. Ella caught the reaction, but she pretended not to know and continued the conversation with Isaac.

‘The president is here.’

As soon as she woke up, Dorothy felt the urge to play.

Let Isaac wake up screaming in the middle of his carelessness and surprise him. He has a taste for surprises and joking around.

By the way.

[Hey, it’s time to do something else. From now on, I will never know what you do to Dorothy.]

Even Dorothy, who hated using her hair, wasn’t a fool who couldn’t figure out the hidden meaning of Ella’s words.

As I recall, Isaac was the first to come in contact with Dorothy, except on the floating island.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Of course, I don’t think an upright guy like Isaac would do anything insidious to put his hand on him while he’s sleeping… .

Was it because of Ella’s remarks? A strange imagination and subtle anticipation began to sprout in Dorothy. It was irresistible.

For some reason, Dorothy wanted to keep pretending to sleep.

Somehow this atmosphere… .

‘Not bad… !’

To be honest, I don’t think it would matter if I act a little sly… !

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

My heart trembles and heat rises on my face. It was a pleasant creep.

A rare genius, the greatest power of the Marchen Academy. Even if Dorothy was often followed by such modifiers, she was also just a normal woman who was aware of her feelings for her.

How much less is this a secluded place in the Josena forest. A closed hideout filled with memories between Isaac and the two of you.

In a place like this, I’m hoping to get drunk with him in the strange air… !

Stiffened, Dorothy let out a soft breath. The sensations all over his body stand up, and Isaac is more conscious than usual.


squeaking sound. Did you get up from the chair?


Isaac moved to somewhere.

A sound of water was heard. It looked like he had washed his hands.

Isaac came back next to Dorothy, sat down on the chair, and took a deep breath, apparently exhausted.

Dorothy had her eyes closed, so she couldn’t understand his feelings.

‘I’m staring intently.’

It was the first time I felt tickled so clearly because of my gaze.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Oh right. How do you see yourself now?

I was worried that my hair might have been messed up. Maybe there are saliva marks in your mouth. Wouldn’t it be completely messed up?

The skin was trembling. When you’re thinking of all kinds of things like that.

‘Oh oh… !’

Isaac started stroking Dorothy’s hair. Reflexively, Dorothy exclaimed inwardly.

A very kind hand as if to treat something precious. Have you ever felt so deeply about the feelings of a dog who likes to be petted by its owner?

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

My body was shivering and I felt a surge of tension. She was so embarrassed that her fingers and toes were full of strength, but the instinct to feel his touch a little more gripped her.

It felt so good that I couldn’t stand it. It felt like my body was going to shudder.

“Thanks to you, I finished well.”

“… … !”

“Thank you so much, Dorothy.”

successive half-words. It’s also a quiet voice.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Occasionally, Dorothy shook her head when Isaac inadvertently uttered a slur.

How can it be so fascinating for a younger man who speaks politely and respectfully every day to use his words recklessly?

All of his senses were in a state of brittleness, but when he stroked his head and whispered in such a sweet voice, his head was dizzy with ecstasy.

Dorothy wanted to enjoy the situation a little more.

‘Cr… ! I can’t stand it, Chairman… !’

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

My body felt so twisted that I couldn’t stand it.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Of course, even if she couldn’t stand it, it was difficult to decide what to do with Dorothy, who had no male experience.

“Senior, are you awake?”

At that moment, Dorothy’s heart sank.

“… ah.”

This one is for that lil chicken owl


A groan escaped Dorothy’s mouth. She slowly opened her eyes and met Isaac, who was looking down at her carefreely.

As the strange tension was relieved, the shame I had been waiting for came suddenly. Dorothy turned her back on Isaac and pulled the blanket up to the tip of her nose.

A heavy silence flows.

Soon, Dorothy raised her upper body with a look of not knowing what to do. His face was stained bright red.

Although Dorothy was always able to capture her expression easily by wearing a smiling face like a mask.

There was still no way to know how to put the burning face to sleep.

“Wow, here you are, Chairman!”

Dorothy smiles excessively and raises her tension unnaturally.

“Senior, aren’t you hungry?”

“Uh, uh! Wow, I feel a huge sense of hunger… !”

In an attempt to drive away the shame, Dorothy responded with all her might in a fussy reaction.

“I’ll bring you stew.”

“Ah, thank you… .”

Isaac got up and headed for the kitchen.

Dorothy pulled up the blanket and buried her head.

In the face of the first feelings she experienced because of Isaac, she was nothing more than a shy man in the middle of the day.

* * *

I already knew that Dorothy was awake. I think it was meant to surprise me.

It didn’t really matter. Because I wanted to say thank you without pretense.

‘I don’t think it was a good thing at all.’

I didn’t know Dorothy would be so reluctant to be so squeamish… . You will need to restrain yourself in the future.

“Meat Stew!! Do you have chicken?”

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references I dedicate this to silkygoat

Now, as if when, Dorothy was the same as usual. You pretend you don’t know, baby. It was shocking.

After boiling the meat stew, I put it in two bowls and went up to the roof of the hideout with Dorothy in starlight magic.

The winter wind was chilly.

Snow clouds dyed in the color of night were still gently pouring snowflakes.

He developed [Ice Curtain] to block the cold wind and snowflakes, and handed Dorothy a bowl and spoon with a warm stew.

It felt very good to cover a thick blanket with her and use a fire attribute spell in the middle like a bonfire. Should I say it was cozy and comfortable?

As it is, we chatted briefly.

“Do we have much to talk about?”

Dorothy’s next question.

‘Come here.’

Living in the academy and destroying demons, I have been constantly worrying about it.

So, the scenario I drew up was to provide only the most trustworthy people like Kaya at the right time with information to subdue evil spirits.

‘I was thinking of the appropriate time right after the subjugation of Alice.’

Before that, the hasty act of revealing the secret was considered a double-edged sword.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references I dedicate this to silkygoat

No matter how trustworthy your partner may be. It’s going to get in trouble if suspicious parts are exposed out of my reach.

However, Dorothy knew that I was from another world. I was in a situation where I had to reveal a secret that I didn’t even want to reveal.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

On the way back, I finished worrying about where and where to tell the truth.

Because of this, I decided to tell Dorothy the first and most important secret.

“Yeah, what… . I have a lot to talk about.”

Do not mention the status window, <Magic Knight of Marchen>, or the original scenario. It will only increase confusion.

It was the middle of winter, so there was no sound of grasshoppers. Only the flame raised by the fire attribute spell makes a crackling sound.

In that cozy atmosphere, I started talking quietly.

I come from another world. I don’t know the details of how I came to this world.

Actually, I’m not very strong. However, it has the power to become stronger against demons.

You can see where the demons are coming from.

And I know that evil spirits will come out later.

In order to make it as easy to understand as possible, I put the essential and simple contents in my mouth.

Silence. The meat stew, which had been steaming all of a sudden, remained lukewarm.

Dorothy bowed her head slightly and pondered. He was blocked by the magic of the starlight and his mind could not be read.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

My story doesn’t make sense right away. I looked down at the cooled stew and waited for Dorothy’s response.

“… That’s why you trained so hard.”

As expected, Dorothy didn’t doubt my story at all.

In the first place, she can examine my emotions and detect lies. I didn’t lie, and since I’ve built a trusting relationship with her, it was natural to trust her completely.

still… Isn’t that too cool to accept? As if I knew my purpose from the beginning. The previous answer felt like a message I had prepared in advance, so I felt uncomfortable.

“The reaction is cooler than I thought.”

“Nihe, I knew there was something huge hidden there. I was mentally prepared in advance. After all, the president knew there was something going on.”

… It seemed like a lie, but there was no way to prove it.

I had no intention of questioning Dorothy out of unfounded intuition. Anyway, there’s a strong possibility that it’s my mood, so let’s move on.

“There are so many things I want to say… , I’ll figure it out slowly. To be honest, I feel like my head is going to rattle just by talking about it.”

just don’t do it If I were Dorothy, I would.

“But it’s like a fairy tale. It’s like the story of a warrior who catches the demon king.”

“The composition is similar.”

“Then, is the president a hero?”


It was a grand name that somehow made me laugh out loud.

For a while, time passed quietly. It felt like we were struggling with what to say.



Dorothy finished her thoughts and raised her fist with a soft smile. As if trying to reassure me.

“I’ll help you. Let’s defeat evil spirits together.”

Suddenly, I remembered Dorothy, who wanted to destroy the world during the Trial of Frost.

His voice was calmer than then, but he was very determined.

“… Thank you for that.”

I reached out my clenched fist and pressed it against her.

Dorothy said with a bashful laugh that the hero’s party had been formed.

* * *

Bartos Hall, a palace-shaped building located in the center of the Marchen Academy.

In the student council room filled with darkness, only the faint light of a luminous lamp placed on the desk was swirling around.

There, a girl with long alchemical hair tapped her work desk with her slender fingers.

Black and white checkered choker worn around the neck, black and white earrings hanging over the ears.

With her presence alone, the air in the student council room sank heavily.

[Alice. It’s a hindrance.]

In the dark, a fat purple cat, sitting comfortably on the couch, radiated a mysterious blue glow.

Freaky – Cheshire. The beast laughed, revealing its pure white teeth.

[Do you still think ‘Isaac’ is correct?]

Upon receiving the question, Alice Carroll, a girl with alchemy hair, stopped beating the desk.

Her pale pink eyes looked out the window. The night sky was still pouring pure white snowflakes.

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