to the present. Which passageway in the Octobus Hall?

White, Abel, and Roanna looked at the bracelet. Although he was just moving forward, the score engraved on the bracelet was rising at a fast pace.

It must be because one of the team members, Shera Hectorika, is killing the students.

“You seem to have some skills, something like Sheraine, or something from the Department of Magic.”

“It’s strong.”

White knew Shera Hectorica.

“The maximum amount of horsepower is S-class, but did you say that you deliberately did not use your full power in the test? So it’s memorable. He must be at the top of the B class.”

“Magic amount S-class is B-class… ?”

Roanna’s blunt eyes lit up with a smile. It was a startled look.

“I heard that the new rider at the Faculty of Magic is full of monsters… , it is beyond my imagination that an S-class of horsepower is a B-class.”

Abel smirked and said, “Heh heh.” Beings of their own age and with an S-class magical power were already a genius among geniuses who were far out of the norm.

In particular, Abel, as an aspiring magic knight, tended to have a longing for a high amount of magical power.

“It’s nice to be able to score well, but because someone like that is away, the stability is unavoidable. Well, both me and Roanna do a little bit in class B. It’s because the level of horsepower S-class is different.”

“Ah, right… .”

The team was randomly selected, but performance and skill were also taken into account.

The fact that all of the top-ranked students in Class B became a team meant that White was the weakest among the weakest.

“… … .”

Tears welled up in White’s eyes.

‘I’m so weak… ‘ And that’s why I was skeptical.

“By the way, no one uses large-scale magic. I thought the Faculty of Magic would use such a trick.”

“A large-scale magic?”

“There is such a thing. Cause a flood and sweep it all away… .”

“Ah,” White nodded.

I thought so. Why doesn’t anyone do that?

If you use magic hastily, there was a risk of being caught and attacked by someone with excellent mana sensing. So magic should be restrained.

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Conversely, it would be a problem that could be solved by pouring out large-scale magic.

“Stupid smirk.”

“Why the sudden sale, my friend… ?”

“You must have seen it before. There was Cherry Bus.”

“That pretty bug?”

“… … .”

“Could you stop looking at me like that? It feels weird.”

Roanna frowned and looked at Abel in disgust. He seemed to be contemplating whether this ignorant man might be good.

The labyrinth contains all kinds of extraordinary things. One of them, ‘Cherrybus’, was also implemented in this test.

When you touch the cherry bus with magic, it chases the flow of magic and flies away quickly.

While parasitizing the person who used magic, it devours flesh and magical power at once.

If it had already entered the body, there was no other way to survive than to amputate that body part.

The dangerous cherry bus is also just a fake here, so it won’t actually lose its flesh or magical power, but it was clear that it would be eliminated.

In other words, large-scale magic was one of the best suicide attempts to get rid of.

“I didn’t even know… .”

“Princess White is fine. It’s just pathetic that this guy studied magical ecology like that, but he doesn’t even know the dangers in the labyrinth.”

“My friend, can’t you help it? A cherry bus or something is a monster, not a beast. I’m not interested in monsters.”

“Yeah, beastly… .”


Then, suddenly, Abel stopped and stretched his arms to the side to stop White and Roanna. White was surprised.

“The 3 o’clock position, the sign… .”

Before Abel could finish speaking, Roanna quickly grabbed her bow and fired an arrow filled with magical energy.

Her light green hair fluttered in the wind.



An arrow filled with light green wind magic hit the illusion of a monster hidden in the darkness.

The magical light illuminated the monster illusion. A bear-shaped monster with long and sharp nails, but a skinny body.

The gnome let out a loud scream and disappeared in an instant.

“Awesome, Ms. Roanna!”

“It’s okay, my friend!”

“Don’t fall for that.”

In front of cheering White and Abel, Roanna swept her hair profusely and grabbed her bow.

She was a girl from the Knights School, who was gifted with a bow handling. Like Abel, he was also an aspiring magic knight.

“I only trust Roanna and go!”

“I will trust only Ms. Roanna and go!”

“… The White Princess will protect you. Do you think you should be my meat shield?”

“A meat shield, haha. Good jokes!”

Abel smiled and broke out in a cold sweat. Because if it was Roanna, she would seriously use herself as a meat shield.

So they made their way through the darkness.

Without Shera Hectorica, she had to be more careful to survive.

They repeated the battle, carefully examining the monster illusions, traps, and the scars of falling out of the darkness one by one.

As White gradually adjusted to the test, he learned to help them with wind magic.

1 hour and 30 minutes later.

The three of them reached the front of a certain passage.

This one is for that lil chicken owl

Old-fashioned lamps clung to the wall, scattering pale blue light. For some reason, it was a cold and bloody atmosphere that was different from before.

“Hehehe, if I keep going like this, I can safely reach my destination~. … Well?”

White followed with a smile, while Abel and Roanna were startled and stopped on the spot.

There was only one road ahead.

Judging by the compass, it would have been possible to reach the destination only through this path.

However… .

“what… ?”

As if there were scratches on the ground, red magic was scattered for a long time. It was the ‘scarring of disappointment’.

But how come that number… very much

The scars of the drop-out were engraved here and there to the extent that it felt promiscuous. It was an uncountable level when I looked at it for a moment.

“There is something in front of this. Even though this is the only way to get to your destination… .”

Looking into the compass, Abel said in a tense voice.

The compass marked all the lengths around it.

The road so far has been divided into several branches.

Previously, the tactic of turning around and hitting the back of the other students was possible because there was not one road.

However… This section was different. Here, we could only go through the dark passage in front of us to reach our destination.

Beyond this dark passage, it is clear that there is something very dangerous.

“Pooh, is it a predator… ?”

White asked in a terrified voice.

Abel and Roanna looked at White. be a predator It was, of course, a possibility that came to mind.

Predators are Class A, or those who are comparable to Class A. It is understandable that there are so many scars of falling out.

White thought of Luce Eltania or the shaman Miya. They were all monsters. Class A was the only one with such a terrifying talent… .

“That is… . Predators over here don’t bother to wander around, but stay in one place?”

I thought if it was a predator, of course it was roaming around.

I did not know that there would be someone who took the role of a gatekeeper on the road.

“… Whoa.”

Although the situation was terrifying, White had no intention of backing down.

If we join forces with Abel and Roanna, we might be able to move forward somehow.

White remembered the high-five he had with Isaac.

Let’s do well on this test.

She decided to move forward, even thinking about Isaac who worked hard for her.

“It’s okay, it’s okay… !”

However, White’s voice had not yet calmed down.

“Because there is no need to defeat the predator. Confused somehow… A quick escape on the next route would be a good idea.”

“I agree too!”

Abel responded to White’s words with his hands wide open to the sides of his face, smiling naturally.

“I can’t back down because the road is only here~. Roanna, what do you want to do?”

“Snudge, take the lead and be my meat shield.”

“Haha, you are such a f*cking friend!”

Abel responded cheerfully to Roanna’s blunt tone.

Their purpose is to be at the top. No matter how many predators were in front of this, no one wanted to stop here.

In addition, the more time you delay, the less points you earn, and the situation where you don’t even know who your opponent is. It was impossible to plan a detailed strategy with ease.

It was just time to move forward.

The three of them concisely thought of each other’s specialties and devised a simple tactic.

Abel gripped the scabbard around his waist.

Roanna drew her bow and prepared herself for battle.

White calculated all sorts of tricks in her head, and was ready to cast magic.

“… let’s go.”

They were determined and entered the dark passage.

Roanna covered the lamp with a light veil, seeping into the darkness.

Abel and Roanna felt that surprise was a bad choice. I couldn’t get a good view, and the location wasn’t good.

In this narrow passage, if they recklessly fire a ranged attack and get a counterattack, they would be helpless.

Abel felt something damp against the ground. The seawater was shallow enough to submerge the soles of the shoes.

Be careful with the sound of footsteps. The three looked at each other and nodded, then slowly and carefully took one step at a time.

Eventually, the light falls.

As they passed the aisle, their view opened.

The moist and cold air enveloped the skin.

A place where seawater is shallow on the ground. Flesh ice in the shape of floating ice crystals.

A neat facility with luminous stones scattered on a high wall, in several luxurious lamps, scattering a soft blue light.

In the middle of it, a blue-silver haired male student sitting on a clenched fist made of ice magic caught White, Abel, and Roanna’s eyes.

A magic weapon and Janya’s staff were draped over the blue-haired male student’s shoulders. The magic stone attached to it was shining brightly like the sunrise at dawn under the light blue light of the lamp.

Abel and Roanna swallowed dry saliva. It wasn’t that hard to intuitively recognize that the man was a ‘predator’.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing and this belong to huehue

Meanwhile, White’s pupils trembled. She couldn’t hide her surprise.


The blue-haired man raised his head.

Blue brooch on a tie. The color that symbolizes the second grade.

He wore round glasses and had a gentle impression, so he was just a good-looking senior.

But White knew who he was.

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Contrary to its appearance, it is overly determined.

A very planned and meticulous human being. That’s why he’s a mentor I respect.

“Senior Isaac… ?”


The silver-haired man got up from the ice chair and touched the ground with Janya’s staff.

And took off my glasses.

“I can’t get past this place.”

This is the only road leading to the Eltra Sea.

He couldn’t let anyone pass this way in this joint tactical evaluation.

Because that was one of the conditions for obtaining the Black Sea Empress’s Ring from the Deep Sea Monster, and at the same time it was a way to protect people.


2nd year B-Class 1st place in the Faculty of Magic, Isaac.

His icy cold air spread all over the place.

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