
you are special

It was just that one word.

With a serious face, because of that single word that his father, who was indifferent to him every time, uttered.

Tristan Humphrey’s prodigal life took a dramatic turn.

He slept sparingly, looking through books, and practicing his magic no matter how much coffee he spilled.

When tomorrow comes, he will be stronger than today, and his eyes looked forward to seeing himself always growing.

As he lived like that, his skills improved day by day, and he was respected by the people of the mansion.

As I became so acclaimed, I realized infinitely that each and every one of them is their own person who is responsible for them.

He also felt a duty to ensure that their respect was not in vain.

So, as if to remind you of how great the person you serve, Tristan always smiled with excitement and lived with prideful words, ‘I am special and superior!’

He hides the time stained with blood and sweat in his arrogance.

Trusting her back and following her, Tristan always smiled arrogantly.

That is the attitude of those who stand on top. It was the way of life that Tristan Humphrey had nurtured.

… …

Alexa, a girl with a golden diamond pattern on her forehead, was expressionless. Her outstretched right arm aimed at Tristan Humphrey.

Tristan’s eyes met reality. Attribute superiority, the difference in maximum magical power. That girl is much stronger than herself.

But, how does one who is weaker than the opponent fight?

Yes. It was Isaac’s fighting style.

Having clashed twice with that cheeky bastard, Tristan never achieved a win-win.

I had to take what I had to take. If Isaac gave him enlightenment, he had to accept it. I have to be strong. That was the reason why he threw away the dogfight philosophy that attack is defense and focused on training defensive magic.

Besides, there are still a lot of guys stronger than you in this damn academy.

That female junior had magical powers close to those of Luce Eltania or Kaya Astreane.

Will you go away though?

‘under! No way.’

He entered the Marchen Academy to become a great wizard. Avoiding battle was impossible for him.

Everything in this academy was just a prey for his own growth.

Whoa woo woo woo—-!

Tristan’s light green wind blows.

“Go ahead, kid.”

He had a gentle smile on his face.

“… … .”

Alexa was speechless. do i need to answer He followed Alice Carroll’s will and merely fought for the kingdom.

That unlucky and weak-looking blonde man will be able to get rid of it quickly.

Soon, Alexa’s rock magic circle radiated an intense light.

Duk Duk Duk Duk–!

A pillar of rock rose from the ground and swung wildly across the air towards Tristan.

4 star rock magic [rock collapse].

Tristan couldn’t even fathom how dense the magical power contained in that topazite rock was. No amount of magic would be able to break that rock.

The fundamental problem of superiority in power cannot be solved even if one fear is blown away in front of a strong person in the first place.

However, his goal is to fight equally, even if his opponent is a strong enemy, and to win in the end.

Tristan got that hint from Isaac’s fighting style.

The result of endless trouble and training was now taking hold of his body.

His wish was aimed at himself, not the enemy.


Five stone pillars tried to drive away the tornado and crush Tristan, but in the blink of an eye he was gone.

Alexa was perplexed.

“where… ?”

Alexa’s eyes quickly followed Tristan’s magic.

“… … !”



Suddenly, she felt a strong shock in her side and flew to the side, rolling several times on the floor.

An explosion of condensed wind power and a strong kick hit her.

Alexa reflexively wielded her magic and threw a pillar of rock at something that attacked her.

The thing was dodging Alexa’s magic at a speed that was hard to follow with her eyes, and then she adjusted her posture.


Alexa made a rock with [Create Rock] to support her body and stopped rolling.

Her squinted eyes turned to the man who attacked her. He had wind magic wrapped around his body. That unlucky blonde, the hem of her school uniform and cape was gently swaying in the wind.

Who would be a wizard and would try close combat from the start of the battle? Alexa didn’t expect the unusual event at all.

Besides, the speed that seems to be integrated with the gale is amazing.

“Okay, ah… . Doesn’t it hurt… !”

… However, the way he grabs his shin and hurts after attacking is pretty unsightly.

The method Tristan sought to deal with a wizard stronger than herself.

It dramatically increases the speed with wind magic, and shoots the enemy with great speed and hand-to-hand combat.

It was similar to Isaac’s fighting method. Because he’s in the School of Magic, and he tries close-quarters combat without hesitation.

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No matter how cocky he was, he had no choice but to acknowledge his wit and ability.

The reason why the power was increased by adding an explosion of wind magic was inspired by the fact that Isaac used [Freeze Explosion] in close combat. This was because casting magic at close range could inflict greater damage to the enemy.

It was still difficult to handle properly, so his batting average was only 40%, but fortunately, he succeeded in his first attack.

An ineffective way of fighting for a wizard. However, if certain conditions were met, it would be the most effective method of combat.

“under! Are you just rolling around like this? Wasn’t he completely weak!”

The condition is that the opponent’s physical ability is not good. Just like that younger guy.

In order to reach this state, he recalled what was inside him over and over again, and he shed countless drops of sweat amid the convulsions and intense rejection that his body caused.

Finally, it can be used in practice. Tristan was very excited.

“… ugh.”

Alexa clenched her teeth. A crucifix appeared on her forehead. Tristan’s provocation was effective.

She staggered out of her seat, clutching the side kicked by Tristan, and glared at the blonde old man.

If it hadn’t been for even wearing [Basic Protection Magic], I would have vomited blood. Anger surged so much that blood rushed to his head.

“annoying… !”

Alexa exclaimed nervously. However, due to his introverted personality, his voice was on the low side.

Once again, the magic circle around her and the ground vomited the 7 stone pillars dauntingly. [rock collapse]. The attack was aimed at Tristan with great speed.

However, the speed difference was clear. Tristan disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He slashed at her, avoiding [rock collapse] at a speed that Alexa couldn’t track.

「Rock wall (rock attribute, 4)」

Deaf and deaf—!

defense. Alexa had a wall of rock pulled up and wrapped around her in a circle.

One after another, [Rock Collapse] rained with a terrifying force, but Tristan swam freely in the air and leisurely avoided the rock attack.

“You are slower than a slug! Even if you take a deep breath, you can avoid it!”

ha ha ha! And while provoking, Tristan focused his attacks on a point on the [rock wall] that protected Alexa.

Wind magic [Windblade], [Windtusk]. Fist and kick with wind power. Even if Alexa’s [rock wall] was quickly restored as soon as it was damaged, Tristan did not stop and continued to attack.

broken leg bones Blood poured out of his mouth. Excessive physical overload. However, Tristan did not stop and engaged in a fierce battle with Alexa.

faster, faster.

Tristan’s succession gradually increases the speed.

“Fly fly… ! Baby fly… !”

In the rock, Alexa felt very irritated and grabbed her dark brown hair with one hand and shook her body.

at that time.

Kwaga River–!

“… What?!”

A part of the [rock wall] was pierced, and a strong wind blew through the gap.

Alexa couldn’t believe it. Tristan’s quick strikes surpassed Alexa’s recovery speed, breaking through her defenses.

Tristan’s hand entered the broken crevice of the [rock wall] and grabbed Alexa by the collar.

While Alexa’s magical power was disturbed by panic, Tristan smashed the [rock wall] with [Windtusk] as sharp as a wolf’s tusk.

Kwagaga River—–!!

Immediately, Tristan was about to unleash the wind magic that had gathered in her hand.

Alexa’s eyes flashed a mad man grinning with blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

There was a great sense of disgust. Alexa’s expression darkened.

“Caught… !”


Alexa’s magic was faster. [Rock Collapse] prepared in advance rose from the ground and attacked Tristan, pushing his body to the ceiling.

Quang! There was a shocking sound as if something was going to explode.


A pillar of rock was thrust into the ceiling without mercy.

However, Tristan’s tornado was hovering in the air with great speed. It was clear that he had run away along the way.

“Hahahaha!! That’s pretty good!!”

crazy bastard.

He was the only one who didn’t say that.

Despite the shattered bones from the [rock collapse] and the blood gushing out, Tristan only smiled more frantically, engulfed in excitement.

Why? The sound of that man’s laughter is getting more and more creepy.

Even though it is clear that I am weaker than myself.

“… eww!”

Boom, boom!

Alexa surrounded herself with the [rock wall] again, and stretched out a pillar of rock to block all passages.

Soon, a light brown stone magic circle spread widely on the ceiling. fierce magic. Tristan felt goosebumps all over her body.

It was the magic circle of 6-star magic [Hwangseok Shower] that drew the trajectory.

“It’s already a 6-star magic on a first-year theme… .”

A laugh escaped Tristan’s mouth. It was an absurd sight to behold.

If you’re a first-year student, even if you use 5-star magic, it’s a plate that is praised for being great.

The level of already using up to 6-star magic is comparable to that of Luce Eltania.

You should go through the passage to avoid that attack, but Alexa’s rock has already blocked all the passages.

Even the rock pillars that could be hidden underneath Alexa got rid of them all. Light brown magical powder scatters in the air and vanishes in vain.

Tristan’s eyes captured the majesty of the six-star magic circle carved on the ceiling.

A terrifying power was pouring out.

you are special

With just one word, Tristan Humphrey’s life took a dramatic turn.

He never truly thought he was special.

After all, he was the next head of the Humphreys, so his father, who had a hard time uttering a compliment, just said it out of desperation.

Tristan was well aware of that. Rather, even that single word, ‘You are special’, might not have had a very good meaning.

But the words alone were good. Just one word was enough to change Tristan’s life.

And the more he trained in a good environment, the more Tristan realized that he was just a lucky human born into a wealthy and powerful family.

That is why I decided to do my best to be special in gratitude to the Humphreys.

It was for that reason that he dared to say that he was superior, that he was special, that he was a great human being.

Even if it’s just vanity.

It is he who makes the special, he had thought.

That was the reason why Isaac especially caught Tristan’s eyes at the Marchen Academy.

E-class maximum horsepower. It’s a shame that it’s clear that he didn’t even put in a proper effort in magic since childhood. poor commoners. extremely low status.

He had no hesitation in battle, spared no effort in training, and was now standing in front of him, earning the respect of many students.

So I didn’t like Isaac.

Because that guy was just realizing what Tristan himself believed in.


Tristan’s wind energy created a violent whirlwind.

Deploys a 4-star defense magic, [Wind Wall] at maximum output.

It is you who will become the greatest and most special wizard in this academy.

I didn’t want to lose to someone like Isaac. Wasn’t he the one who was born under much better conditions in the first place?

It was natural for him to be ahead.


Perhaps that junior has been called a genius.

genius? It’s a funny word. I will trample you

“Come here, little one!”

Soon, the magic circle engraved on the ceiling poured out light.

A large amount of pyrite rained down like arrows.

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