Chapter 227 Tianshidun appeared, a conscientious enterprise

Tiandun Building (formerly Hanmer Industrial Building), is holding a press conference for the search instrument patent auction.

Hundreds of well-known production companies in the United States came to participate in the auction of patents. Now the United States alien monsters are raging, and even the White House has been attacked.

If you can win the patent of the search instrument, you can definitely make a lot of money.

In business, these businessmen don’t care whether they are making money for the country’s difficulties, and this is a good thing for the country and the people.

More enthusiastic than the production company are the major news media of the United States.

Before the press conference, they carried out a large-scale report. The search instrument was like the last straw, and everyone had to catch it desperately.

ABC TV station: “This is the search instrument patent auction site. This time the search instrument research is led by the famous superhero and scientist Ye Xuan. Monsters have nowhere to escape

CBS TV station: “Alien monsters ravage the United States, and they are very slippery, often hidden in the dark and difficult to find, with this search device”

NBC TV: “”. Other TV stations have finished my words.

The mainstream media that have severely stepped on Ye Xuan in the past have applauded 163 for this search instrument patent auction conference.

Suddenly, everyone shouted for joy.

Ye Xuan is here.

I saw Ye Xuan wearing a small white suit, black bow tie, and a suit of business elite. He came in from the outside, with a faint smile on his face, and nodded slightly to everyone.

“Mr. Ye, at what price do you want to sell the search instrument patent this time?”

“Now the alien monsters are in chaos, the front military said it was you and Mutant

“Mr. Ye, do you have any new views on the attack on the White House?

“Why are you willing to auction the search instrument patent instead of taking the opportunity to dominate?

“I think this kind of patents should be shared with the world, instead of selling patents, directly for free, to benefit all mankind.”

All kinds of questions flooded Ye Xuan like a tide.

He didn’t answer in a hurry, still with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and continued to walk forward.

Soon, I arrived at the front desk of the press conference, and Ye Xuan sat down.

After blinking, everyone saw the Spider-man and the electric man walk in side by side, behind the Hulk and Deadpool, as well as a few shapeshifting kings, they were so powerful, like a well-trained team. (bifh)

“I heard that Ye Xuan established the Sky Shield, it seems to be true.”

“Fuck, no wonder the government and the military will target Ye Xuan, he is an obvious challenge to S.H.I.E.L.D.

“When I fought against the alien monster last time, I saw the superhero of the Sky Shield play, and it was no worse than S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“These superhero appear here, I don’t know what Ye Xuan is doing.”

Everyone was talking again, but no one could guess Ye Xuan’s thoughts.

Soon, the heroes of the Sky Shield were standing on both sides of Ye Xuan.

“Thank you very much for coming to the search instrument patent auction conference. Here, I will first answer two questions. The first one is that the alien monsters that the military said were introduced by me and Mutant. This is a false falsehood. All are aliens, that alien spaceship is originally not something we can make, I believe time will give us the truth,

The second question is that the main body of this press conference is not Stark Industry, but the Sky Shield. The few people behind it must be familiar to everyone. Thanks to their efforts, they will continue to interact with Alien in the future. Monster combat. “Ye Xuan said concisely.

In fact, Ye Xuan has another intention to hold the search instrument patent auction this time, which is to push the Tiandeng Bureau to the front desk. Although the Tiandeng Bureau has been established, it has not been open to the public.

Shi Stark has now joined S.H.I.E.L.D. Although the two are friends, the Sky Shield and S.H.I.E.L.D are opposed to each other.

He didn’t want to make Shi Stark embarrassed, he had already decided to leave Shi Stark Industry, and set up a new stove based on the Sky Shield.

As the patron saints of New York, Spider-man and Dianguang Man have a higher reputation than Deadpool and the Hulk. Everyone in the audience looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D heroes on stage and applauded warmly.

At this moment, the Sky Shield is truly available!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan announced loudly: “The search instrument patent auction has officially started!”

Before the words fell, the audience was applauded again.

Soon, more than one hundred well-known companies in the audience began to bid.

“We are willing to spend five billion dollars to purchase patents.”

“Our company bid six billion U.S. dollars

“Add another five hundred million.”

“We are willing to add another billion

Suddenly, the entire auction hall was full of gunpowder. The bidders of major companies were red-eyed and refused to give each other. They all wanted to win the patent right of the search instrument, and were reluctant to let go of this piece of fat.

The wool comes from the sheep, and the higher the price of the patented search device, the higher the price of the finished product.

Now in this special situation, even if the search instrument is sold at a sky-high price, it can definitely be sold, and the money is definitely not worthy of life.

In less than ten minutes, the search instrument patent has been sold for a staggering 10 billion.

Moreover, the price has not stayed for too long, and it continues to rise.

Ye Xuan didn’t say a word. He could see the thoughts of these guys at a glance. They didn’t care how much the patents were sold for. They didn’t make the money anyway.

“Eleven Billion”

“12 billion”

“13 billion”

In just half an hour, the search instrument patent auction has already created several records in the United States’ auction history.

Over 10 billion at the fastest!

The most companies participate in the auction!

As for the final auction price, no one knows what it is!

At the beginning, bidders from major companies held up signs and thieves fast, but now their arms are sore and their movements are much slower.

The people in the hall did not speak either, their eyes focused on the auction price.

If this continues, it is estimated that there will be no results tomorrow. This is the result that Ye Xuan had expected a long time ago, and it is also the result that he most wants to see.

“Everyone, please be quiet. I want to clarify one thing. I am not holding the search instrument patent auction to make money. I just hope that more companies can participate in the production, so that we can effectively supply, get rid of the alien monster as soon as possible, and return it to the United A peaceful world for the people of States.” Ye Xuan exclaimed.

His speech immediately aroused warm applause from the audience, and everyone said in their hearts: “This is an entrepreneur with a conscience and a conscience, and it is worth learning from all entrepreneurs.”

Ye Xuan continued: “I officially announced that the search instrument patent auction ends here. The companies that came to participate in the auction today can participate in production as long as the technology is mature. We do not charge patent fees. Each search instrument is priced at 100 US dollars. Each company produces a search device to give Tiandeng a 20% commission.”

“Fine,” thunderous applause rang out again from the audience.

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