The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1376 That's right, this is a trap

Chapter 1376 That's right, this is a trap

Late at night, in the temporary lounge on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, several Aurors in charge of the left-behind school were discussing the absurd things that happened today in low voices.

Kidnapping family members and threatening students?

Probably only Death Eaters who don't even want a face can do it!

However, the most absurd thing is that the group of Aurors who made it their mission to catch dark wizards became the accomplices of the Death Eaters who did these ridiculous things.

"Perhaps, we were wrong from the beginning." A middle-aged Auror said suddenly.

"We are not wrong." Gavind interrupted impatiently. "We are only following the orders of the Ministry of Magic. If there is a mistake, it is the Ministry of Magic's fault."

"That's right, our allegiance is to the Ministry of Magic, not the You-Know-Who." Dawlish agreed.This is actually the main reason why many Aurors remain in the Ministry of Magic.

At least this ostensible reason will allow everyone to stay in the Ministry of Magic with peace of mind. It doesn't matter whether they are commanded by a mysterious man or a Death Eater.

"You should be very clear, that's just deceiving yourself."

"Calm down, Prout."

"Calm down, look at what good things we have done, kidnap family members and threaten students?" The Auror named Prout growled to his colleagues, "When did Auror become a dog under the feet of Death Eaters. "

The Auror who was about to say something suddenly fell silent.

Prout's words seriously hurt the hearts of everyone present, causing them to break their defenses on the spot.

That's right, the current Aurors are like the dogs raised by the Death Eaters, they can only humbly obey their commands and wag their tails. This is undoubtedly unbearable for many self-proclaimed righteous Aurors.

"What do you want?" Dawlish raised an eyebrow.

"I'm already going to give up the damn job," Prout said disgustedly.

"You don't want to join Kingsley, join the Order of the Phoenix, do you?" Garvind stared at his colleagues' eyes, his tone suddenly became extremely cold, and warned, "You really think they will allow us to join the Phoenix society?"

"At worst, I'll just resign and leave the UK." Prout really wanted to escape from the UK, escape from this damn place, and live a peaceful life in a country without Voldemort.

"As long as you dare to resign, I dare say that the Dark Mark will appear on the roof of your house that day." Gavind explained a fact calmly, "I hope you don't forget how many Death Eaters we have killed, we still have to pay attention." To be alive is entirely because we still have the value of being used."

"You are just changing the concept secretly, you have deceived everyone from the very beginning." Prout stared at Gavind with eyes fixed, and said excitedly, "From the very beginning, you have betrayed us and Skrein Jay, you... liar."

"Feel sorry."

Gavind had raised his wand at some point, pointed at his former colleague, and used the Oblivion Curse first before he drew out his wand to fight back.


The other Aurors were staring at Gavind in amazement, and some had already pointed their wands at him.

"At least he can go on living."

Gavind ignored the wand in the hands of his former colleagues, let Prout continue to lie on the table, and muttered, "Isn't it good to live, why do you have to think about dying?
Everyone really couldn't accept Gavinde's actions, but they all chose to remain silent.

"We don't owe Scrimgeour anything, we just want to survive in this damn war." Gavind murmured.

"They're gone," said Williamson suddenly.


Dawlish's eyes were dazed, and he didn't understand what happened at all.

"The guy who watched us has already left, saying that Prout is such an idiot, he would do such a stupid thing." Williamson looked at the still young Dawlish and laughed at himself, "Since the incident in Hogsmeade last time , you don't think that group of Death Eaters will continue to trust us, do you?"

"Could it be that you... are all acting?"

Dawlish looked at his colleagues in amazement, and he suddenly felt like an idiot.

"Not really, we just want to protect ourselves." Gavind glanced at his young colleagues and explained, "We have done enough for the British wizarding community, now we don't care about this pile of shit, anyway, Harry Potter, with guys like Albert Anderson around, let them take their time with the Death Eaters."

"Do you really think that the Death Eaters are all idiots? If we dare to collude with the Order of the Phoenix, we will be finished soon." Williamson looked at the unconscious Prout, frowned slightly and said, " Then again, the guy wasn't normal today, and I don't remember Prout being like that."

"It's really a bit unusual..."

The conversation in the common room was later revealed in the Pensieve in the principal's office, where several Death Eaters were gathering to discuss the matter.

"I just said that these guys are unreliable."

A hot-tempered Death Eater with a murderous look on his face wanted to kill those vicious Aurors immediately, but they were all deceived.

"We all know they are unreliable, but as long as those Aurors don't join the Order of the Phoenix, it's enough for us to use them."

Snape raised his hand to stop the Death Eaters from arguing, and said blankly, "You can't demand too much from a dog."

"What are you going to do?" Many Death Eaters asked directly without further comment.

"We just want to find out whether these Aurors will betray us." Snape said unhurriedly, "From the conversation just now, you should also be able to hear that they were completely threatened and forced to be driven by us .”

"They can't be trusted."

"No, you missed the point."

"What's the point?" The Death Eaters looked at each other, not understanding what Snape was talking about.

"That Auror named Prout might have a problem."

Snape also realized that there were no particularly intelligent people among his colleagues, so he stopped playing riddles.

"You mean he's from the Order of the Phoenix?"

"No, I suspect that he may have been controlled by the Imperius Curse, and Albert Anderson may repeat his old tricks, stirring up conflicts between us and Aurors, and sparking a bloody conflict again." Snape said that he had just The secret discovered, "I need someone to break the news to Yaxley and make him more vigilant."

"Is such a thing really possible?" Carlo took Snape's words, "With all due respect, we should be here today to target Dumbledore's Army."

"They will appear." Snape said firmly, "Even if they know it's a trap, Dumbledore's Army will definitely take action, because they have no choice but to disintegrate from within. And the biggest challenge we face The question is how many people will come to save them, will people from the Defense Association and the Order of the Phoenix show up, and if so, how many people will come?"

(End of this chapter)

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