The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 494 Good Man Potter

Chapter 494 Good Man Potter
Quirrell is finally cold!

Voldemort's restoration of his magic was delayed.

Harry Potter, the savior who accomplished these achievements, is lying in the hospital at the moment, still unable to wake up from the coma.

Of course, all this is still a secret at present, but Albert knows that this matter will not be a secret soon.

In Hogwarts castle, secrets always spread like rumors, and the whole school will soon know all about it.

However, Albert paid little attention to this issue.

Just after the exam, the rest is the lazy vacation.

Due to staying up late last night, Albert got up late this morning. Just after breakfast, he took his cat for a walk by the lake.

At this moment, Tom was rolling on the grass, occasionally crawling to Albert's side and rubbing his head against his hand.

After realizing that Albert's attention was not on himself, Tom covered the double-sided mirror in Albert's hand with his fluffy body.

Albert raised his hand and touched Tom's head, and continued to listen to the report of the house elf Bit.

Under the command of Albert, the house elves had already stepped on the Forbidden Forest outside Hogwarts Castle in advance.

In the early hours of this morning, after Albert confirmed that Dumbledore had sent Harry to the hospital, Bit, who was ready, immediately set off to dig out the several Galleons that Quirrell had buried under the tree.

Thanks to the house elf's hard work and obedience to the command, Albert has successfully recovered all the Galleons he earned from Quirrell.

According to Bit's report, some problems were indeed detected in the four bags of galleons, and some kind of tracking magic was cast on one of the money bags.There are also three fake Galleons with traces of unknown black magic.

Because of Albert's strict requirements, Bit wore dragon leather gloves all the time and was not affected by black magic.Those cursed objects were naturally reburied according to Albert's request.

He harvested a total of 797 Galleons.

It has to be said that Quirrell still kept his promise.

Of course, it is also possible that he found that no one was poaching Gallon away, and he planned to get Gallon back after obtaining the Philosopher's Stone.

Unfortunately, he never expected that the other party would wait for him to die before digging.

At Albert's request, the house-elf deposited most of the Galleons in Gringotts.

By the way, Gringotts common vault costs at least 500 galleons to use.

According to Albert's understanding, it is difficult for most Muggle wizards to have their own vaults in Gringotts after graduation.No way, the rental price is too expensive, and they usually don't have many Galleons to store in the vault.

Bit successfully helped Albert manage the treasury, which was somewhat beyond Albert's expectations.He thought he needed to go by himself, but he didn't expect the goblin to handle it directly.

In fact, the goblins at Gringotts don't care much about who deposits their money with them, not to mention that house-elf minions are often symbols of old families.

As long as there is no malice, even the Dark Lord will not be turned away.

Of course, the goblins don't dare to do that.

"Quirrell is such a good man." Albert touched Tom's stomach and sighed again, "Do you think so, Tom!"

However, from this time, Albert also felt that Garen in the magic world was hard to earn. It should be said that no matter where it was, money was hard to earn.

If you want to make a fortune, you have to rely on windfall. Basically, it is difficult to make a fortune through formal business.

Most of the original accumulated gold coins are stained with blood.

Of course, Albert just felt a little bit emotional, he has already left the stage of worrying about making money.

I have to say, the prophecy is really good.

Although it cannot be abused.

With Garen, Albert never treats those who follow him badly. The house elf Bit, who has been busy all night, has been rewarded by his master and has a small amount of control over Garen. He needs to make himself decent .

As for the so-called clothes on Bit, Albert designed them.

In a piece of cloth, cut three holes, then put the cloth on the body, tie it with a cloth tie, and then simply trim it.

This is Bit's latest "clothes". There is no way, house elves have rules about not being able to wear clothes, so in order to make Bit decent, Albert asked Bit to make clothes that are not clothes.

The effect of this kind of buying elves is particularly good. In the double-sided mirror, Bit cried bitterly, and his loyalty to Albert was directly maxed out.

House elves will also want a good home.

Albert stuffed the double-sided mirror back into the shape-shifting lizard's leather pouch with satisfaction, pulled a weed from the ground happily, and began to tease Tom.

When Tom got tired of playing, he took out a book, sat on the chair he conjured up and read it, enjoying the moment of tranquility.

However, the tranquility didn't last long, and was soon interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps.

The Quidditch captain of Gryffindor College walked towards this side panting, his cheeks flushed from running too fast.

"What's wrong with you?" Albert asked knowingly.He hopes to be able to get new tasks from Wood.

Harry Potter was hospitalized, and the only person who could help Gryffindor win the Quidditch game was himself, the alternate Seeker.

Of course, Albert did not have absolute confidence.He hadn't touched Quidditch for a long time, and no matter how arrogant he was, he didn't think that he, a half-baked man, could easily hit others on the court.

"Potter, Harry Potter is sick and hospitalized, and he is still unconscious." Wood said out of breath.

"I remember that your relationship is not very stiff?" Albert said pretending to be surprised: "Potter is unconscious, what are you doing in such a hurry!"

Wood was choked up by Albert's words.

Last time, after Harry made Gryffindor House deduct a lot of points, everyone started to hate the three of them and speak ill of them everywhere. It is said that the Quidditch players called Potter "seeker".

These were what Fred and George had told him.

"What did Madam Pomfrey say?" Albert closed the book, and stopped making trouble for Wood.

"Madame Pomfrey doesn't know when he will wake up." Wood looked in a bad mood, "We need your help, there will be a Quidditch match tomorrow, if he can't wake up... "

"Don't be nervous, maybe Harry will wake up soon." Albert comforted casually, "You have to trust Madam Pomfrey's ability."

"No, no, I can't pin my hopes on this. I hope you and I will go to the Quidditch pitch for emergency special training. You are also a substitute for Gryffindor Seeker."

"Even if you say that, I might not be able to catch the Snitch." Albert stretched out his hand to cover his yawn, "You should have some confidence in Harry."

Wood was about to be driven mad.

The Quidditch trophy that is about to be handed is going to fly away like this?

No, he will never tolerate this kind of thing happening, absolutely not!

Albert suppressed a yawn and changed the subject: "Do you know why Harry suddenly fell ill and fell into a coma?"

"This... I'm not quite sure."

After Wood found out that Harry was unconscious, he almost went crazy. He went to Albert immediately. How could he have other thoughts to think about these issues.

"Let's go visit Harry!" Albert asked after thinking for a while, "What would be better to bring to the doctor, um, it seems to be carnations, right?"

"I beg you, you are also a member of the team, and you don't want us to lose the game inexplicably like this!" Wood reached out and grabbed Albert's hand, staring into his eyes and said seriously.

At this moment, Albert finally triggered a new task, and he agreed to Wood with satisfaction, saying that he would try his best, but before that, Albert needed to go back to the castle to get a broom and visit Harry Potter by the way .

This is a good person. The other party has helped him solve so many troubles. If he doesn't visit him, he will feel embarrassed.

Well, in addition to carnations, send Harry a good man card!

(End of this chapter)

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