The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 592 How Many Learning Points

Chapter 592 How Many Learning Points
Almost the entire school is discussing the Dueling Club. Perhaps some students from wizarding families have heard of wizarding duels, but they must have never seen it. There is no doubt that the appearance of the Dueling Club has brought everyone an unprecedented sense of novelty
It will undoubtedly bring more happiness to everyone if we can attend an interesting party after a day in Hogsmeade.

Of course, they didn't know in advance that this duel club was organized by Lockhart.

Isobel arrived later than expected. When the two came out of the auditorium, they saw Filch, who was fully wrapped up, standing at the gate of the castle with a list for verification.

The administrator's temper remained unchanged, and he always glared unkindly at the laughing crowd.

"Come on, let's go to line up too."

Albert wrapped his cloak tightly, put on gloves, and covered most of his face with a scarf. After signing his name, he slowly walked out of the castle next to Isobel.

There was light snow floating in the sky, and the wind was blowing head-on, and the exposed part of the skin was painfully frozen.With their heads down, the two stepped on the slush with difficulty and walked in the direction of Hogsmeade.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

"No, just tell me if you have something to say?" Albert heard the meaning in the girl's words.

"Well, something is up." Isobel nodded, and asked again, "You have mastered Apparation, right?"

"Apparition?" Albert raised his eyebrows, "You know, we can't use magic outside of school!"

"According to the usual practice, when the new semester starts, there will be Apparition classes in the school."

"Oh, I almost forgot, you will be an adult next year." Albert couldn't help but sighed, "You can get married already."

"If the girls hear it, they will be very sad." Isobel smiled and put his arms around Albert's arm, "In their hearts, you are a perfect boyfriend."

"Let's forget about the perfect boyfriend or something. I don't think that kind of persona fits me." It's rare for Albert to open a cheat in this life. Of course, it's how to live comfortably.

"It's really like what you can say." Isobel said with a smile, "I'm going to take the apparition test next year."

"Are you going to let me teach you?" Albert frowned when he mentioned this. He himself can use Apparition, but he can't teach others, and he rarely uses Apparation, so he is not familiar with it.

"No, of course not, Uncle Mog will come to teach me." Isobel shook his head and explained, "By the way, how is your plan to find two or three girlfriends now?"

"Come on, how long has passed, don't make fun of me with this incident." Albert was a little embarrassed, this is one of his rare black history, especially this incident was still reported by Isobel Got it.

"Katrina is not bad either, if it weren't for me, you might be able to do it." Isobel said to himself, "As for the French Miss Louise, it is said that she is also a beautiful beauty. Bloodline, if it is not far away, maybe it can be done."

"How do you know that Louise has Veela blood?" Albert asked in surprise, he remembered that he had never mentioned this.

"Uncle Mogue said that the Delacour family has Veela blood."

"Oh." Albert nodded, "Louis is indeed beautiful, but unfortunately, no matter how beautiful she is, she can't resist the erosion of time."

"You guys are really annoying." Isobel turned his head, a little unhappy.

Women hate talking about getting older.

Hattok provided them with Sacrisa Tugwood's notes, but the potion of youth still didn't work.However, this is also a matter of course.

On the way to Hogsmeade Village, you can see students wrapping themselves up tightly. This winter is really cold. If you disperse to Hogsmeade Village, it’s better to just nestle in the castle and drink tea. Come comfortably.

Albert asked curiously: "However, Mr. Mogg is free to teach you."

"I also find it incredible." Isobel brought the topic back: "However, is apparation easy to learn? I'm actually curious about how you learned apparation."

"Apparition was very uncomfortable at first, and you need to gradually get used to the discomfort caused by apparation." Albert carefully organized his words and described the process of learning Apparation to the girl.

"It's incredible."

Isobel always had the illusion that Albert was fooling her, how could anyone learn apparation so easily.

When they had just approached Hogsmeade village, Albert noticed a huge black shadow walking towards them.

"what are you doing here."

Albert looked up at the person who came, Hagrid's eyebrows and beard were covered with snowflakes, he was wearing that huge, scruffy beaver fur coat, and he was carrying a cage covered with black cloth in his hand. I don't know what's on it.

"Don't you want to get a dark creature?" Hagrid patted the cage on his hand and said with a smile, "I asked Aberforth to get me a Grindylow, you know, less dangerous The dark creatures are actually not uncommon, but it is more difficult to get them in winter."

"It cost you money, how much is that thing?"

"It's not worth a few Galleons." Hagrid said in a low voice, "I'll tell you something interesting when you come here, I have to go back and find a water tank to raise it so it won't freeze to death. "

After walking a few steps forward, Hagrid stopped again, turned his head and said, "By the way, the thing you gave me last time was really useful, but it was a bit brittle, and I accidentally crushed it. When will you come here?" Then, bring me another one."

With that said, Hagrid waved his hand and walked away.

"Detection ball?"

"Yes, I just didn't expect him to spend money to buy it." When the two entered Hogsmeade Village, Albert suddenly said, "Hagrid still cares about that matter."

"If it were me, I wouldn't mind."

"Let's go to the Three Broomsticks for a drink first." Albert and the girl turned into the bar.It's really cold today, he wants to drink some hot drinks to warm his body.

When Albert returned to the table with two cups of hot butter beer, he saw that Mr. Mogg was already sitting next to Isobel.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Today's schedule is indeed a bit full." Mr. Mogg nodded.

"So, it really wasn't because of training Apparition." Albert asked tentatively, "What do you want me to do?"

"Not all, we'll talk about it later." Mr. Mogg ordered himself a glass of hot whiskey, pushed it in front of Albert, and asked with a smile, "Would you like a glass?"

"Forget it, to be honest, I'm not much interested in drinking."

"Not interested?" Mr. Mogg winked at Albert and said, "The liqueur you made from Pitt is very good. You don't mind if I take some away, my wife likes it very much, she thinks that kind of wine It is very suitable for making eggnog, and next time I have a chance, please have a drink."

Albert noticed Isobel staring at him, and corrected with a light cough: "That's just a drink."

"If you want, that kind of liqueur will definitely sell for a good price." Mr. Mogg took a sip of the hot whiskey and said in a low voice: "If you need help, we can help you. If you don't want to run the business, you can Pay directly."

"It's a little surprising that you actually care about it."

"No one thinks Garen is too young." Mr. Mogg muttered, "Besides, this can make our relationship closer."

"That's right, let's talk about it next time, I can't escape anyway."

"A Christmas gift? You can always surprise me." Isobel said softly. After drinking the warm butter beer, his body became much warmer.

"Come with me!"

Mr. Mogg greeted the two of them with a smile after they finished drinking the butter beer.

"Today I will teach you some social etiquette. I don't know if you have learned it, but you have to know how to dance anyway, and there are some precautions." Mr. Mogg said with a smile, "Oh, don't act like that." You will use it more or less in terms of socializing and socializing in the future, so there is no harm in learning more."

The two followed Mr. Mogg along the path to a remote house in Hogsmeade Village.

"By the way, this is for you. You may use it here in the future." Mr. Mogg handed the key to Albert, winked at them and said, "Of course, there is nothing here. But, wait for Yi After Zebel graduates, you can secretly come here for a date, anyway, it’s not difficult to sneak out of Hogwarts.”

Albert was speechless immediately, not knowing what to say.

However, he still took out the keys silently, thinking about whether he wanted to renovate the house, and it would actually be nice to come here for a date in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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