Hua Yueling didn't expect to go to that world so early. Only one day after Sister Aroline told her about it, she came back and told him that she could go anytime if she was ready. .

"Sister Aroline, have you been there?"

I asked such a question curiously, and the answer was negative.

"That place is not so easy to send to the past, so it takes a while to be able to go there once. If you want to go again after this time, it will take about a month."

"Does it take that long?"

"Well, that place is a bit special, so even my sister can't guarantee that she can go there at any time. And my sister also said that that place is not a good place. People like us had better not stay there too long."

Unexpectedly, what she was going to was such a dangerous place, Hua Yueling hadn't really thought of it before. Although he already felt that the guy who existed there was terrible, he did not expect that the world itself was also terrible.

Hua Yueling became a little worried after listening to Sister Alorin's words, but the worry was just worry, no matter what, he couldn't stop going to that place, he must go.

"Okay, if there is no problem, then there is no problem to go now. Is there still Yuetong under the name of Shang Ningshuang?"

"Call it all, let's go together, if Sister Yun has the skill, call Sister Yun to go together."

"Do you want sister Yun too?"

"It's better to call."

Aroline said with certainty.

Hua Yueling didn't expect to call Sister Yun too, but since Sister Alorin said so, let's call Sister Yun. She must have her reasons for saying that, and there is no need to ask herself, just do as she said.

And after all, she was going to a new place. Sister Yun would probably want to go there too. If she hadn't told her to go according to Sister Aroline's instructions, she would probably not go.

"Then where do we go, do we go to another world first and then go to another world, or from this side?"

After Hua Yueling dialed Sister Yun's phone, she asked Sister Alorin next to her.

"Just talk to Sister Yun, just go directly to my house, let's find two other people and go directly. It's troublesome to avoid going around."

Aroline did not answer directly, but said so. Hua Yueling nodded, at this time the phone was also connected.

"Hey, it's Xiao Ling, is there something?"

Sister Yun’s gentle words came out of the phone, and sister Huayueling immediately said her intentions after he greeted. Just as he thought, Sister Yun said at first that he would not go, but when she heard that Aroline said that she should go with her as much as possible, she was somewhat hesitant in her words.

Aroline will not aimlessly, since she said that she had better go with her, then there must be something that needs her to help. After thinking about it, Hua Yun didn't think about it for too long. Hua Yun made a decision within ten seconds at most.

"All right, sister will go back now."

"Don't come home, we'll go to Sister Aroline's house in a while, and Sister Yun, you can also go directly."

"Okay, I am as soon as possible."

After saying goodbye to each other, Hua Yueling also hung up. Next, they should leave to find Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong. The two of them don’t know about it yet, but they don’t have to call them. Just go directly to find them. Anyway, go to A Luo. Sister Lin's house also happened to be on the way, which was quite easy.

In this way, Hua Yueling cleaned up and went on the way immediately. In fact, there was nothing to clean up. After all, they weren't going to travel long distances, nor were they going to settle down there.

Riding a bicycle to the house of Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang, the two of them did not live together, but they almost lived in an area. There is some distance between the two, but the distance is not that far, so it is actually quite convenient to find the two of them.

Hua Yueling rode a bicycle all the way to Lu Yuetong's house, their home is still slightly closer to Lu Yuetong's. It will only take a few minutes to go from Lu Yuetong's house to Mu Ningshuang's house, very quickly.

"Bang bang bang."

Hua Yueling knocked on the door, and soon heard footsteps coming from inside.

"Here, who is it?"

"Auntie, it's me, I'm coming to Lu Yuetong."

Hua Yueling has not come to Lu Yuetong's house many times, but Lu Yuetong’s family still has a deep impression of him. After all, there are relatively few people who have such good ties with Lu Yuetong, and they are basically girls. , There are no boys like him at all, except for him.

Lu Yuetong quickly ran down from upstairs. She didn't expect Hua Yueling would come to find herself, so there was some surprise on her face. Walking quickly to his side, Lu Yuetong directly asked him if there was anything wrong.

If nothing happened, he wouldn't take the initiative to come to him. Lu Yuetong understood this, so he asked directly.

Hua Yueling briefly talked about the matter. In fact, he had told them about this matter before, so they all knew it, and they didn't expect it to be so fast.

Lu Yuetong naturally wanted to go with him. She also wanted to go to that terrible world to see what kind of world it was that could make Hua Yueling say terrible words.

After Lu Yuetong joined the team, Hua Yueling and the others immediately went to find Mu Ningshuang, and it was easier to find her, without even having Hua Yueling to explain anything, she came out directly and left with them.

This is considered to save them some time. Although it is useless to save time, they still have to wait for Sister Yun to come over. They couldn't leave before Sister Yun came over.

When they arrived at Sister Alorin’s house, Hua Yueling and the others could have time to talk about this topic, but it’s basically useless to talk about it. After all, no matter how much they talk, they have never been there. . As for what the world is like, in the final analysis, it is just thinking about it. As for whether this conjecture is correct, you still have to go to that place to find out.

Now it is useless to guess more. After all, guessing is nothing more than guessing. Facts are not the same as guessing.

So talking about Hua Yueling and they talked to other places, after all, it is meaningless to just speculate here. Don't take your guesses as truth, that's funny.

Hua Yueling and the others chatted casually during the period before Sister Yun came over. There was no specific topic, and they talked whatever they thought of.

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