The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1017: ,Danger

Zhaxi looked at him. Chinese was still blunt, but he clearly expressed his dissatisfaction: "I once said that when I arrived in Hoh Xil, I would listen to me. The original arrangement was in the east. If you didn't want to continue, you would turn around. Going down the mountain, this matter is over. Going west is not the agreed scope. I don't accept it."

"You!" The debugger still wants theory.

The female team member was in front of him, and the camera was still hanging around her neck: "If it is because of faith, you can't go, it doesn't violate the rules."

"No, this is a violation of my rules in my mind." Tashi insisted.

The female team smiled and shook her head: "So it is so stubborn that you Tibetans are not strong, but we are different, as long as there is enough oxygen, there is no reason to stop us from going to Xuefeng." The female team member turned her head. : "All are prepared, want to go directly to the snow peak, we have instruments on hand, can accurately distinguish between the north and the south, other courageous people can follow Zhaxi back, after all, no one left to take risks is justifiable of."

This mountaineering team is too young, too young to meet the favorite scenes, it is often easy to forget to listen to other people's opinions.

In Hoh Xil, a Tibetan is better than ten instruments.

This is nature. Only those who really live here can understand where to go and where to go.

Tashi suffered a rebellion and no one listened to him again.

However, he can't let go of these people. The wolf dog runs happily behind Tashi, but he never wants to go to the western snow-capped mountains. This means what is most obvious.

In this land, animal intuition is often more sensitive than humans...

The wind and the snow are still going on, and the colder it gets, the colder it is, and it is accompanied by a strong altitude sickness.

After a few players walked for a while, they took turns to exchange oxygen.

As they say, it is very convenient to have an instrument on the body.

It’s just that walking on the plateau at an altitude of more than 6,000 is more difficult than walking on the flat. They think that the snow-capped mountains are close enough for them to walk for five hours.

When the purpose is reached, the sun has begun to have a tendency to go down the mountain.

People who live in Tibetan areas know it.

Don't walk outside at night, it's too dark to go back to someone who smokes. This is the rule.

Tashi once again stood up and tried to get them back.

"There will be wolves in the evening, and there will be avalanches. These glaciers may also melt, you really don't understand!"

The debugger held the camera with one hand, and there was only the beauty of the place in the eyes: "It is really a fairyland on earth, such a beautiful place, why didn't I find it earlier!"

Tashi’s fingers are tightening, why don’t these people listen!

The female player is polite, but when it comes out, it always carries a little falsehood: "Tashi, there are dogs around you, we also have torches, I also played in the wild, wolves, afraid of fire."

"That's a wolf you haven't seen in groups!" Tashi blushes and says in Tibetan: "We must go back immediately!"

The female team member did not agree. When picking up the telescope, I was shocked: "Tent! There really is a tent there!"

Tashi also paused because no one in his impression dared to camp here, and even they would not choose to spend the night in the no-man's land. That would be too dangerous.

After all, the wolves of Hoh Xil are much more ferocious than those people imagined.

For a moment, Tashi thought of the employer who dragged the coffin into the night.

Is the tent her?

There is no room for Zhaxi to stop, and the climbers have already strode over there.

At this time, strange things happened. The wolf dog that Tashi took was not willing to go one step further. Instead, he predicted that something terrible, and the shivering nest became a group.

"Look, what is that!" The female team member was breathing heavily, and her eyes were full of surprises.

There are no wolves at all, and there is no danger in the guide.

On the other hand, three kilometers on the snow line, a man sitting next to the glacier cliff, he has a very good figure, wearing a cloak like a cloak, like a silent and powerful snow leopard, only revealing a pair of deep eyes, handsome like a Come out in the comics.

"Is it a local?" The female team member was excited to guess, and went up and said in Tibetan: "Tashi has a good time."

Listening to the Bailijiajue, the head reveals a charming smile, and the devil's best confusing tone: "Your body is incense."

The female team member stunned and the face could not control the red.

At this time, she did not realize that the fragrance of Bai Lijiajue was another meaning. She thought that the perfume oil used on her body played a certain role.

"Do you speak Chinese?" The female player laughed again. "That's great. Just now our guide said that no one in this place is very dangerous. Let's not come. It seems that there is no danger here. Instead, there is a Big handsome guy."

The singer of Baili hangs his head, and the cloak cleverly blocks his nails that have been completely blackened. He sticks his tongue out and rubs his lips. The corner of his lips opens an elegant arc: "It’s a long-lost fragrance, it’s easy to make people Fallen?"

The female player’s face was hotter, but when she saw the glass in his hand, she couldn’t help but wonder: “How come there is such a red wine? Does the wine on the plateau freeze?”

"This is not wine." The head of Bai Lijia was too raised and smiled: "It is blood, very fresh blood."

His voice is very low, even good.

But echoing in the endless snow-capped mountains, but let everyone be quiet!

Half a ring, the female team smiled and smiled: "Oh, you are really humorous?"

"Humor?" Barry Gregory lifted his head up, and the silver hair fluttered in the dark, his fangs, making him look evil.

The female team member suddenly changed her face suddenly, and her footsteps took a step backwards, thinking about running away!

However, it is already late!

A ridiculous smile appeared in the eyes of Bai Lijiajue


He moved.

It is the kind of action that flashes past and is as fast as the speed of light.

He should have been sitting in the snow, and his blink of an eye appeared in front of the female team member. The left hand firmly pinched her neck, the wind blew his silver hair, and the scarlet cockroach did not have a normal time. The lazy, without the occasional evil charm, but also the impatience of facing Helian Weiwei.

Yes, it is just murderous and cold.

The most important step in the demon's magic is the rendering from human desires.

And this step, Bai Lijiaju finally completed ahead of today...

To the reader: May 9th, 2016 at 22:55, the first one, what?

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