The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 37 Snape is like this

Regardless of any kind of magic potion, talking about efficacy without regard to dosage is a hooliganism.

It is also a healing potion, but with a low concentration it is difficult to heal even a one centimeter cut. But if the concentration is high enough, even if your neck is almost cut off, it can heal quickly - of course, being able to heal does not mean that you can be saved, after all, no one can survive with their neck cut off.

As for the power of thunder brew, Snape already had a clear enough understanding.

Snape admitted that its effect was amazing and its power was not bad, but it was only good.

Although in theory this power is enough to kill a wizard, wizards are not wooden stakes and will not stand there stupidly for you to chop. The armor of ordinary wizards is enough to block such a powerful attack.

But what if the power of thunder brew can be even greater? What if the power of thunder brew is strong enough to break through the armor protection cast by ordinary wizards?

It was precisely based on this question that Snape's eyes were so intense.

Faced with Snape's question, Ash thought for a moment and replied:

"It is indeed possible to prepare a more powerful thunder brew, but the risk is very high."

Ash is a systematic supporter, so he never considers the risk of failure.

But if other wizards want to try to prepare thunder brew, they may be killed if they make a slight mistake.

After receiving a positive answer, Snape said without hesitation:

"You can use the rest of the ingredients as you like, that's what was agreed at the beginning."

"Besides that, I hope to buy the magic potion formula of Thunder Brew from you. How about thirty thousand Galleons?"

Faced with Snape's suggestion, Ash shook his head.

Snape frowned slightly and said in a deep voice:

"How many galleons do you want to sell it for?"

Ash shook his head again and said calmly:

"No, I mean, no need to."

"If it's just Professor Snape who wants to prepare thunder brew, you don't need any reward, as long as you promise not to give the recipe to anyone else."

Snape looked at Ash with a deep look. Of course he knew what was free and what was the most expensive.

Not wanting Galleons only shows that Ash has a bigger plan!

Snape said calmly:

"If you encounter trouble that cannot be solved at Hogwarts, you can come to me."

It was a promise, but only at Hogwarts.

"I will, Professor Snape."

Ash replied with a smile, then turned back to prepare the thunder brew.

Snape's eyes twitched slightly. Ash was obviously determined not to give up until his inventory was exhausted. He had no chance of preparing his own thunder brew in a short period of time - leech juice and fig fruit were not hard to find in Hogg. You can buy it at Maude.

But the corpse stink is different. This material can only be obtained from the inferi that are old enough, and each inferi has only one copy. Therefore, if you want to get enough corpse stink spirits, you can only look for the tombs of those ancient dark wizards-such dark wizards usually cultivate a large number of inferi in their tombs to protect their tombs.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to find raw materials such as corpse stink on the market, and Snape does not have much inventory.

But he couldn't change his words once he said it, so he could only watch Ash consume his inventory with a dark face.

An hour later, Ash put away the potion bottles filled with thunder brew and uplifting potion, and said with sincere gratitude:

"Thank you for your generosity, Professor Snape."

Snape didn't answer with a dark face, but just watched Ash leave with cold eyes.

The hour just now had allowed him to fully appreciate Ash's talent in potions - he retracted his original evaluation of Ash. At least in terms of potions, Ash was more talented than he thought.

But, but! He still couldn't accept the idea of ​​using magic to prepare potions!

This heretical behavior must be banned!



After leaving the Potions classroom, Ash immediately saw Cassandra, Hermione and Harry sitting on the bench in the corridor outside. Cassandra nodded slightly to Ash reservedly and arrogantly, Hermione, who was reading a book, raised her head, and Harley happily jumped up from her chair and waved to Ash.

"Why are you here?" Ash was a little surprised.

Harley said seriously:

"We're here just for you."

Seeing Hermione reading a book with great enthusiasm and obviously dissatisfied, Ash deliberately asked:

"But aren't you going to the library to study?"

Harley's expression fell, and Ash asked amusedly:

"You didn't drag them here to wait for me because you didn't want to study, right?"

"No, it's not..." Harley denied, but her voice was a little soft.

Cassandra asked doubtfully:

"Why did you stay with Professor Snape for so long?"

"I asked Professor Snape for some advice on potions."

Ash explained and handed three potion bottles to the three of them.

The three little ones curiously took the potion bottle and were fascinated by the deep purple color surging inside.

Hermione asked in confusion:

"What kind of potion is this?"

"Thunder Brew."

Ash explained:

"A magic potion for attack. If you are in danger, you can throw it at the enemy. Of course, don't use it on other students easily. Don't be too close, otherwise you can easily injure yourself."

Harley nodded in understanding, and Cassandra asked thoughtfully:

"Is this what you asked Professor Snape?"

"Yes." Ash did not deny it.

Harley asked with some anticipation:

"Ash, we are going to Hagrid's place this afternoon, do you want to come with us?"

"I'm afraid not, I have classes in the afternoon." Ash shook his head slightly, and Harry couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Professor Snape happened to leave the Potions classroom at this time. When he saw Ash standing at the corner of the corridor, his expression darkened. Just as he was about to snort to express his dissatisfaction, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Harley and others standing next to Ash.

When Harry saw Professor Snape, he said obediently:

"Professor Snape, thank you for guiding Ash in making the potion."

Snape's originally cold eyes immediately softened, and he said in a gentle voice:

"You're welcome. This is what I should do as a professor. If you don't understand anything, you can always ask me."

Watching Snape go away, Hermione whispered:

"Professor Snape seems to treat you differently than others."

"Is there any?" Harley blinked and asked doubtfully:

"I feel like he treats me and Cassandra the same way."

Hermione rolled her eyes, of course she treats you the same way, because Professor Snape also gives special treatment to Cassandra!

She considered her words and explained:

"Professor Snape treats Neville and Ron completely differently from you."

Harry said naturally:

"That's because they did something wrong. Even such a simple potion could go wrong and leave themselves covered with bruises. Isn't it normal for Professor Snape to be angry?"

Cassandra said angrily:

"You really don't have any consciousness at all!"

"Without me, do you think your end would be any better than theirs?"

"Hey~" Harley tilted her head, trying to be cute.

Cassandra put on a small face and said seriously:

"There's no point in pretending to be cute! I won't accept this!"

"Forget it today, but you must go to the library with me to study tomorrow."

Hermione added: "All day long."


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