The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 62 Astronomy class and the secrets of the bathroom

On Thursday night, Slytherin's little wizards made their way up the marble staircase to the castle's Astronomy Tower.

Although the process of climbing the stairs was not easy, almost everyone was excited.

Because this is their first and only astronomy class every week. On the other hand, since Slytherin's common room is in the underground area, this is almost the first time that most students have been above the eighth floor of Hogwarts.

In fact, Slytherin was supposed to have astronomy lessons in the first week, but just like flying lessons, astronomy lessons were canceled due to sudden heavy rain.

Therefore, the astronomy class in the second week is a continuous class, lasting a full hour and a half!

Although this would completely miss the curfew time, the opportunity to be able to reasonably move around outside the curfew time made them even more excited.

The astronomy classroom is located at the top of the astronomy tower, a circular room that is very different from the classrooms for other subjects.

The chandelier suspended in the center of the classroom simulates the orbits of the nine planets in the solar system, rotating counterclockwise around the 'sun' at different speeds.

The bright moonlight penetrates the glass windows on the wall, reflecting the stars dotted on the walls and ceiling.

Everything here made Harley feel extremely novel. She had never seen such a wonderful classroom.

The only thing that disappointed her was that she was going to have this astronomy lesson with Hufflepuff, not Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

Harry was a little frustrated. She didn't know a single friend in Hufflepuff, and the only one whose name she knew was Hannah Abbott - Harry was deeply impressed by this blond and red-faced girl who was the first to be sorted!

She and Cassandra were sitting near the door of the classroom. A dark-skinned lady walked into the classroom. She looked quite young and wore a pointed hat of the same style as the Sorting Hat.

The dark-skinned lady showed a kind smile and introduced herself:

"Good evening, my name is Aurora Sinister and I am your astronomy teacher."

"Before we begin today's lesson, I hope you will remember one thing - astronomy is not a divination!"

She said with a serious expression:

“Some people often confuse astronomy with ‘astrology.’ This ignorant misunderstanding is simply ridiculous.”

"We are concerned about the mysteries behind the stars and the moon, not nonsense conjectures! The mysteries of the vast stars are definitely not hidden in the lines of palm veins or in the scraps of tea leaves!"

"Those who question astronomy often fail to understand how much wisdom is hidden in the stars!"

As she spoke, her expression turned a little regretful:

"It's a pity that even if you yearn for it, the sky is still elusive."

"Only by relying on perseverance and careful observation without missing any clues, can we have the chance to discover that amazing glimpse!"

"I hope you will remember what I said today, and then please bring your own telescopes. The observatory will be our classroom tonight."

Under Professor Sinistra's passionate speech, the students could not help but have more hopes and expectations for astronomy.

However, soon after they climbed onto the lookout, most of them began to regret it.

There is no doubt that the mystery and charm of the starry sky fascinated almost all the students - it was just that the wind was a bit strong.

If they had checked the weather forecast, they would have found that the average temperature in Scotland tonight was only 7°, with strong winds. Therefore, the students in the astronomy class tonight can fully appreciate the ruthlessness of the Scottish Highlands.

With a sad face, Harley pulled Cassandra's robe with her almost frozen hands and said pitifully:

"Cassandra, I feel like I'm freezing to death."

"I'm cold too!"

Cassandra was also shivering from the cold, and while complaining softly, she secretly regretted why she didn't change into a winter cloak. Although Hermione had warned them that the astronomy class might be a bit cold, Hermione never said it would be this cold!

Harley suddenly hugged Cassandra from behind, causing the latter's body temperature to rise instantly after a brief stiffness, and a blush crept onto her cheeks:

"Harry! What are you doing?"

Harley smiled and said: "I think two people are definitely warmer than one!"

Cassandra said angrily:

"Class is in session now!"

"It's okay." Harley murmured in a low voice, "Look at your stars while I hug mine. I'll probably change them later~"

Facing Harley's coquettishness, Cassandra's face turned red, but she couldn't bear to reject her.

She could only maintain this position and continue to observe the stars in the sky, even though she had no intention of studying now.

The one-and-a-half-hour lesson almost made the Slytherin and Hufflepuff students almost freeze.

The moment Professor Sinister announced the end of get out of class, most students rushed to the marble stairs immediately. It's so cold here that the students who are crying without tears now just want to return to the lounge to keep warm!

Cassandra frowned. She didn't want to be crowded with the messy Hufflepuff students, and...

The girl squeezed her legs hard, put her little hands on her abdomen, pulled Harley who was about to leave, and whispered:

"Harry, let's go to the bathroom first."

"Okay." Harley noticed that Cassandra's face was a little red and her walking posture was a little strange. Has she not recovered yet?

They walked through the long corridor, passed the wall hanging with the tapestry "Troll Beats Barnabas the Fool", and finally arrived at the bathroom.

Kassandra pushed open the bathroom door with a blushing face and rushed to the nearest cubicle. The sound of water jets rushing inside was soon heard. Harley did not rush into the bathroom, but looked at the corner of the corridor with some surprise. She seemed to have seen a figure just now.

When Cassandra came out of the cubicle, Harley was already waiting for her outside.

They left the bathroom, and when they turned a corridor, Harley stopped talking:

"Cassandra, just now..."

Cassandra said angrily:

"Don't mention this again!"

"Okay then." Harley whispered.

She just wanted to say that the figure she just saw looked a lot like Ash.

But it was already curfew time, and Ash didn't have to attend astronomy class, so why was he outside?

Maybe it's just a ghost?

Harley thought so and followed Cassandra out of the bathroom.

Cassandra walked quickly and arrived at the marble staircase area without stopping. Harley jogged all the way to barely keep up with her pace, and the two of them left the eighth floor along the stairs with handrails on both sides.

Just when they were walking between the fifth and fourth floors, the stairs under their feet suddenly moved to the other side!

When they reached the end of the stairs, there was a closed iron door in front of them, but there were no downward stairs on either side.

Harley said with some frustration:

"Looks like we'll have to wait a little longer."

There are a total of one hundred and forty-two stairs in Hogwarts. Some of them are wide and large, some are narrow, small, and shaky, and most of them will move suddenly or even disappear directly. This is not the first time they have encountered this situation.

Cassandra was about to speak when she suddenly saw a light appearing in a certain area upstairs, accompanied by a man's hoarse, sinister voice:

"I saw you two, don't even think about running away! Damn it, I will definitely put you in confinement today!"

"It's Filch!" Harley and Cassandra looked panicked.

If the second worst thing about Hogwarts is meeting Peeves, then the worst thing is meeting Filch!

"Go this way!"

After hearing Filch saying that they were going to be put into confinement, Cassandra hurriedly opened the door in front of her.

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