The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 69 Czech Doyle’s Grave

late at night.

Qiu Zhang climbed out of bed quietly, and Marietta was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her with bright eyes.

She asked excitedly:

"Shall we leave now?"

"Yes." Qiu Zhang pretended to be calm and nodded.

As long as you do what Ash says, there will be no problem. Trust Ash!

They quietly left the common room and walked up the dimly lit stairs away from Ravenclaw Tower.

The portraits on the wall were all staring at them, which made Marietta suddenly afraid and asked in a low voice:

"Where are we going?"

Qiu Zhang was also furious in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm and said:

"We are going to the third floor, where there is a secret passage leading directly to the Forbidden Forest."

"Forbidden Forest?" Marietta's face turned pale. "Why go to the Forbidden Forest? It's very dangerous there!"

"There's nothing I can do. I only know this secret path leading to the Forbidden Forest."

Qiu Zhang explained, and then pretended to comfort:

"But don't worry. The Forbidden Forest is actually not that dangerous. The probability of encountering werewolves and eight-eyed spiders is very low. At most, you will only encounter giant monsters."

"Troll?!" Marietta's voice rose several decibels, it could almost be called a scream!

Such a sound is very conspicuous even during the day, let alone in a silent castle at night.

Qiu Zhang's ears hurt a little from the scream, and he complained:

"Keep your voice down, we will be discovered by Filch!"

"No! We still..."

Marietta's face was pale. She wanted to give up but was afraid of the enemy. Halfway through her words, she hurriedly made an excuse, "We, let's go back first. I, I forgot to take the wand."

She said, hiding the wand in her sleeve.

Qiu Zhang pretended not to notice her little move, frowned and said:

"But the secret passage is just ahead and will be there soon. It doesn't matter if you don't have a wand, I will protect you. In fact, the troll is not that dangerous. As long as you run faster, you won't die."

"Death?" Marietta took a step back with a pale face, shaking her head like a rattle, "Actually, I actually want to go to the bathroom..."

Qiu Zhang was very moved and wanted to just agree to Marietta and return to the Ravenclaw lounge, but she still insisted:

"There is also a bathroom on the third floor. I can wait for you!"

Marietta fell silent and took a step forward.

Qiu Zhang's heart tightened. Could it be that he was self-defeating?

"I don't want to go, can we go back?" Marietta held Qiu Zhang's arm tightly and begged.

"All right."

Qiu Zhang let out a long sigh and deliberately said with a straight face: "Forget it this time, but if you do this again next time, I won't be able to take you out again."

"I'll never come again!" Marietta's voice was filled with tears. No one told her it would be so dangerous before she came!

At the corner of the stairs, Ash watched the two people who had given up as soon as they went out return to Ravenclaw Tower and turned around to leave.

It was naturally his plan to let Qiu Zhang scare Marietta, but he did not expect that the other party would be so frightened. Where did they end up? Filch was waiting on the third floor, but they went back home without even leaving Ravenclaw Tower.

But this is also a good thing, at least he doesn't have to waste more time on this.

He came to Hogsmeade from Hogwarts with ease, and met the giant wolf that had been waiting here in the nearby Forbidden Forest.

But unexpectedly, it was not Shirako who came today, but Setsuna.

As soon as he saw Ash, the white wolf immediately came forward and rubbed his head affectionately against Ash's cheek.

Ash gently stroked Setsuna's soft hair, while the latter squinted his eyes comfortably and said softly:

"Setsuna, can you take me to Bai Zi?"

Setsuna immediately lay down on the ground with her tail wagging, making it easier for Ash to mount her back.

After Ash sat down, Setsuna immediately ran towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest, because their destination was still a long way from here.

After spending nearly an hour, Ash finally saw his target from the overlapping forest - a small waterfall with not too big water flow, a stone bridge built over the waterfall, and a waterfall formed by the waterfall. Clear lake.

The giant wolves have been waiting here for a long time, and several of them are on guard around.

The rest are gathering next to the lake and resting in an open space under a cliff. Some are closing their eyes to relax, while others are drinking water by the lake.


As soon as it saw the arrival of Ash and Setsuna, the alert giant wolf roared loudly.

In the open space, Bai Zi's ears covered with silver-gray hair trembled slightly. She stood up and looked at Setsuna who was running towards this direction.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ash got off Setsuna's back and rubbed Bai Zi's ears.

In the center of the clearing where the giant wolves were, there was a scarred forest monster. Although its body was covered with bloody claw marks, one could even see through the scars on its chest its bloody and weakly beating heart.

But no matter what, thanks to the giant monster's powerful vitality, it is still alive.

Although it is lying motionless on the ground now, as if it will die suddenly at any time, at least it is not dead.

This was a perfect fit for what Ash wanted from Shiro: a giant monster, alive.

"Well done." Ash rubbed Bai Zi's head hard, took out a piece of sizzling honey candy and threw it into Bai Zi's mouth. Setsuna watched all this eagerly, so Ash took out another sizzling honey candy and threw it to her. Setsuna quickly bit the candy in mid-air and enjoyed it happily.

Although they are werewolves, these giant wolves unexpectedly like candy - this may be because there is an extreme lack of sugar in the Forbidden Forest.

After feeding each giant wolf, Ash walked towards the center of the clearing.

The troll is the key experimental subject of tonight's research. In order to prevent it from dying suddenly during the process, Ash first poured half a bottle of invigorating potion into it——

Less is a bit less, but Ash's purpose is not to revive it, just to make sure it doesn't die.

After seeing that the scar on the troll's chest was healing, Ash stopped paying attention and looked at the birdbath in the center of the clearing.

Due to lack of maintenance over the years, the birdbath has been completely covered in moss and vines, and its original appearance is almost invisible. But if you look closely, you will find that these vines grow in a clockwise swirl shape, which is definitely not a pattern that can be formed naturally!

And this birdbath is one of the reasons why Ash came here.

Ash approached the birdbath, waved his wand and said:

"Intramuros (the wall is open)!"


As the spell was uttered, the cliff in front of the basin suddenly cracked!

When the outer rock wall was completely peeled off, a spiral door composed of countless long stone bricks appeared in front of Ash.

Amidst the huge roar, the swirling door slowly spread around in a counter-clockwise manner, gradually revealing in front of Ash the secret passage behind the door that led to the depths of the underground.

Deep in the secret passage is the tomb of Czech Doyle, and it is also a trial palace created by ancient wizards.


Ash pointed his wand at the giant monster, used the floating spell to lift its one-ton body, and led it slowly into the secret passage.

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