The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 73 It’s not five, it’s five hundred!

"It's the same example as before."

Ash organized his thoughts and then said:

"The magic of ancient wizards was often more powerful, while the magic of modern wizards is more subtle."

"This is because the magic power of ancient wizards is 100,000, while the magic power of modern wizards is only 1,000."

"For modern wizards, the most important thing is often not magic power, but wands and spells. Wands need to be carefully made, and spells must also be carefully designed, and the purpose of wizards creating them is to assist themselves in better performing magic. for example……"


The wand in Ash's hand waved gently, and he used magic to control the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" on the table to fly into his hand.

"Assuming that it takes 10 magic powers to perform the Flying Spell, then an ordinary wizard only has enough magic power to cast the Flying Spell a hundred times."

"But the magic wand can reduce this cost by 7, and the magic spell can further reduce the cost by 2. Therefore, with the dual assistance of magic spells and magic wands, the wizard only needs to consume 1 magic power each time he releases it, and the remaining 9 magic powers are all Compensated by the ubiquitous 'magic' in the air, the disguised form will increase the efficiency of using the 'Flying Spell' tenfold, so I say that the magic of modern wizards is quite sophisticated."

"As for the ancient wizard, even without a wand and a magic spell, he could easily cast the flying spell ten thousand times, which is still ten times the number of modern wizards. However, this is only the most extreme case."

"The fact is that ancient wizards were not barbarians. They had already begun to use wands and spells as early as two thousand years ago. Although the wands and spells at that time were not as sophisticated as they are now, they could also use the magic power of the flying spell. Cost reduced to 2."

"In other words, the magic wands and spells of modern wizards have a 1000% increase in magic power, while the ancient wizards only have a 500% increase in power."

"But the subtlety of wands and spells cannot solve the fundamental problem, which is the amount of magic power."

"The example of the flying spell is less obvious, but if it is a killing magic, the difference will be more obvious, such as... thunderbolt explosion."

Ash wanted to demonstrate it, but realized that this was an office, so he had to give up temporarily and describe it in words:

"Suppose that using a thunderbolt explosion consumes 50 mana, and the wand and magic spell can reduce this cost to 5. In other words, the wizard can use 5 mana to release a thunderbolt explosion with a power of 50."

"Theoretically, the wizard can still input more magic power to release a more powerful thunderbolt explosion."

"For example, use 50 magic power to release a thunderbolt explosion with a power of 500."

"But many wizards rely too much on magic spells. As a result, they can only use 5 magic powers to release a thunderbolt explosion with a power of 50, but cannot use 50 magic powers to release a thunderbolt explosion with a power of 500."

"This is not a flaw in the spell, but a result of the wizard's own talent."

"But ancient wizards are different. Most of them have powerful magic power, and they can control their magic power at will!"

"An ancient wizard can use 500 magic power to release a thunderbolt explosion with a power of 500 without a wand. Then if he has a wand and a magic spell, he can increase the power of magic to 500%."

"That is, use 500 points of magic power to release a thunderbolt explosion with a power of 2,500."

After a pause, Ash continued:

"What I said above is all based on an ancient wizard releasing magic in modern times, or under the same 'magic concentration' conditions. Their magic is not subtle enough, but with its huge magic power, they can still easily defeat modern times. of all wizards."

"But what if it was an ancient wizard who unleashed magic in ancient times?"

"The magic power of ancient wizards is a hundred times that of modern wizards. According to reasonable speculation, the 'magic concentration' in ancient times is also 100 times that of modern wizards, and it may even be higher."

"So, when an ancient wizard performs magic, in addition to considering the 500% increase in wands and spells, he also needs to consider that the ancient 'magic concentration' is 100 times that of today. Therefore, these two increases are not simply added together, but Multiply!"

"So the magic released by an ancient wizard using magic and wands in ancient times will have a 50,000% increase in power!"

"In other words, if the magic power consumed by the ancient wizard is 500, then the power of the thunderbolt explosion he releases is 250,000!"

"Professor McGonagall, do you understand this concept?"

Professor McGonagall didn't answer. It wasn't that he didn't want to speak, but he was too shocked to speak.

It also consumes 500 points of magic power, but the magic power released by modern wizards with all their strength is only 5,000.

Ancient wizards obviously used magic power less efficiently, but the magic power they released was 250,000, 50 times that of modern wizards! If a modern wizard can destroy a house with a full blow, then a casual blow from an ancient wizard can destroy an entire village!

Although Ash's data has not been refined in any way, it is just an assumption rounded to round numbers for convenience, without any scientific basis. But Professor McGonagall could not refute the theory proposed by Ash at all.

Because no matter what, the strength of ancient wizards is far stronger than that of modern wizards, the magic power of ancient wizards is so powerful that it can move mountains and reclaim seas, and the strength of the wizarding world is getting worse from generation to generation... These are all facts recognized by all wizards!

Whether Ash's theory is correct or not, at least he provides a reasonable explanation.

Professor McGonagall was silent for a long time, then slowly said:

"If I remember correctly, the purpose of your paper seems to be to discuss transfiguration?"

While Ash's theory is impeccable, are they beside the point?

Because I was so shocked, I chose to change the subject.

"Actually, there is a certain connection."

Ash thought about it for a moment and then said: "Assuming that the total magic power of ancient wizards is generally 100 times that of modern wizards, then this set of theories is also applicable to other magical creatures. For example, the magic power of ancient dragons is equivalent to 100 times the magic power of a modern dragon."

"As for magical creatures, there is another more important 'magic' rule, which is the operating system of magic. I call it the 'magic circuit'."

"The magic of wizards comes from the blood of wizards. We can use wands and spells to mobilize the magic in the body through magic circuits to release magic. The magic circuits of most magical creatures are completely different. For example, the magic circuits of trolls will mobilize The magic tempers their skin, which makes their skin gain extremely high magic resistance, but at the same time they lose the ability to release powerful magic."

"The magic power of giant dragons is higher than that of giant monsters, so their magic circuits can take into account the advantages of both trolls and wizards. While using magic power to temper the dragon scales to make them highly resistant to magic, the remaining magic power is also It can support them in releasing powerful magic."

"And these two are without exception. The operating logic of their magic circuits is completely opposite to that of wizards!"

"But all this time, wizards have never considered the differences in magic circuits between wizards and other magical creatures when performing transformation spells."

"Because the transformation techniques used by wizards before this, whether it was turning dead objects into living objects, or living things into dead objects, the transformed objects themselves had no magic power, so this type of transformation technique is the simplest."

"And because the wizard itself has magical power, it is very easy to have accidents when transforming the wizard into an animal, which may even lead to the death of the wizard. But as the highest achievement of transformation, the animal transformed by the Animagus needs to retain the complete Preserve the magic power and the corresponding magic circuit.”

Ash paused briefly and asked:

"Professor McGonagall, as an Animagus, this shouldn't be difficult for you to understand, right?"


Professor McGonagall did not answer, but her heart began to waver.

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