The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 76 Hogwarts’ designated plot trigger point: the women’s bathroom

Hogwarts, in the women's bathroom on the first floor.

The girl with long golden hair walked out of the cubicle and complained in a low voice angrily:

"Where did she go?"

She and Harry searched for Hermione all day long, from the astronomy tower to the basement, but couldn't find Hermione. Harry also asked a Gryffindor girl to search the Gryffindor common room, but found nothing.

"I hope there will be news from Ash..."

Cassandra muttered softly, turned off the faucet on the sink, and turned around to leave the bathroom.

She had to meet up with Harley and Ash and find Hermione before curfew.

Just as she was thinking about it, Cassandra suddenly smelled a disgusting stench, just as she wondered if someone had failed to flush the toilet. She saw a pair of huge, flat, calloused feet!

The girl subconsciously looked up along her short legs as thick as tree stumps, and saw a huge creature blocking the entrance to the bathroom.

It is twelve feet tall, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top of its huge body. It has a stupid expression like a retard on its face. Its dark and rough skin is covered with disgusting pustules and scabies, and the disgusting The stench comes from it!

It was carrying a wooden stick as thick and long as its arm, and it was approaching Cassandra step by step with a low grunt from its mouth.

Cassandra's breath hitched as she recognized the giant monster.

A giant monster that may be stupid, but is definitely the nightmare of most wizards!

Fear instantly took over, causing the girl's body to tremble uncontrollably as she retreated step by step.

Until her back hit the wall, she could no longer retreat.

"Monster, I'm not afraid of you..."

Kassandra took out her wand tremblingly, trying hard to recall the spell in her mind that could defeat the troll.

"Locomotor Mortis (Stand still!)"

The girl's voice trembled and she waved her wand at the troll's legs, trying to lock the troll's legs and make it collapse. In this way, she might have a chance to escape from the bathroom.

But when the magic spell came into contact with the giant monster's legs, it not only failed to lock the monster's legs, it even failed to slow its pace.

The troll's high magic resistance is enough to make most magic spells ineffective against it!

The troll took heavy steps and approached the girl who was forced into the corner step by step. As it walked, it smashed the pool with its raised arms. It roared and waved the wooden stick in its hand, and suddenly swung it towards Cassandra. !

But just when the girl fell into despair, she suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind the troll:


The giant monster's movements suddenly stopped. From the soles of its feet to its pea-sized head to its raised arms and the wooden stick in its hand, all parts of its body were covered with a thick layer of ice crystals, as if it had just come from Specimens dug out of the Arctic ice.

"Cassandra, come here!"

Cassandra was still dazed when the girl's anxious shouts came to her ears again.

She looked past the troll and saw Harley and Ash standing at the entrance to the bathroom. Cassandra gritted her teeth and passed by the frozen troll's feet, but just as she was about to pass through the troll, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the troll's arm seeming to move.


The ice crystals on the giant monster suddenly exploded into countless tiny fragments, and the magic was unable to trap it for long.

But at this time, Cassandra could no longer think at all, so she could only bite the bullet and continue running forward.

Seeing that the prey was about to slip away from his eyes, the troll roared and hit Kassandra with a wooden club.


In the critical moment, Ash waved his wand to Cassandra without hesitation.

The next moment, Cassandra's body suddenly lost control and was pulled by a force of magic to fly into Ash's arms.


The wooden stick hit hard, smashing the toilets and water pipes connected to the row of cubicles in front of him to pieces. Uncontrolled water jets burst out from the broken water pipes, washing away the troll's body.

The troll's clumsy body tried to turn around in the small bathroom and launched another attack on Ash and the three of them.

At this moment, Harley suddenly took out a small bottle from her cloak. It was the thunder brew that Ash gave her for self-defense!


The bottle of thunder brew shattered the moment it hit the giant monster, and the purple liquid splashed out, causing a dark cloud to quickly gather above the giant monster's head. Before the giant monster completed its turn, a bolt of lightning that was almost as thick as the giant monster's body and one meter in diameter suddenly fell from mid-air!


The lightning almost completely enveloped the giant monster, and with a deafening loud noise, the giant monster's granite-gray skin was scorched black, and the giant monster itself was completely sluggish and numb under the attack. It immediately fell headlong in the direction of Ash and the three of them, smashing the floor into pieces with a muffled sound.


But the troll was not dead yet. It only took two seconds for it to make a retching sound, shook its head and tried to get up from the ground.


Ash waved his wand again, and an invisible wind blade passed through the giant monster's charred head, opening a bloody scar on the neck, and almost completely cutting off the giant monster's head!

The giant monster's huge body collapsed again with a roar, and its pea-sized head fell to the ground with only the skin and flesh on the other side still connected to the body - this scene reminded Harley of Nick who was almost headless. This is how he died.

Ash put away his wand, felt the stiff body of the girl in his arms, and gently comforted:

"You can cry if you want, it's okay."

"I won't cry!" Cassandra raised her little face and tried to stubbornly refute Aike's ridiculous remarks. But whether it was the crystallization in her eyes or the slightly trembling cry, they all revealed her state of mind at this time.

She hugged Ash tightly, as if only Ash's warm embrace could bring her a rare sense of security.

Ash gently stroked the girl's back, soothing her uneasy mood in this way.

He had actually discovered the troll a long time ago and could have killed it before it reached the bathroom. But if Ash killed the troll in advance instead of arriving 'in time', it wouldn't have such a significant effect.

After all, the so-called suspension bridge effect means that people need to be on tenterhooks under the shaky suspension bridge to make the other person's heart beat faster and to make the other person take the initiative to throw themselves into his arms.

The plot of a hero saving a beauty is cliché, but it works!

The only question now is, where is Hermione?


Ash waved his wand again, letting the invisible magic penetrate the walls and search every corner of the castle.

The professors were at the stairs of the basement, following the muddy footprints left by the trolls and heading towards them. There were two red targets on the fourth floor. Other than that, the entire castle was empty, and even the ghosts were hiding.

But according to Harry and Cassandra, they asked Gryffindor students to look for Hermione in the common room, but found nothing.

But if Hermione wasn't in the Gryffindor common room, where could she be?

Or is she not in the castle at all?

Suddenly, Ash thought of something and his eyes were a little subtle.

Although Sherlock Holmes said that if all impossible situations are eliminated, no matter how unbelievable the rest is, it is true.

But, that’s not it, right?

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