The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 93: Strike quickly and strike hard

Early the next morning, Harley and Cassandra hurried to the auditorium.

Professor Snape on the teacher's bench waved his wand gently, causing two curriculum schedules to fall in front of Harry and Cassandra.

The course schedule for second grade is very different compared to first grade.

The three main courses of Potions, Transfiguration and Charms have been increased from two to four per week, Defense Against the Dark Arts has also been increased to three per week, and even History of Magic has been increased to two per week. , the herbal medicine class is still three times a week, and the astronomy class and flying class are only once a week.

The total class time was greatly increased from 13 periods to 22 periods, which instantly diluted Harley's expectations for the start of school!

Harley made a sad face and whispered:

"There are too many courses for the second grade, right?"

Cassandra shook her head slightly and said:

"Harry, this is the normal class schedule. It's not that the second grade has too many courses, it's that the first grade has too few courses!"

There are few courses in the first grade because of the limited cognitive and learning abilities of the young wizards. Hogwarts specially gives them time to adapt.

When you reach second grade, the main course hours will return to normal levels.

Elective courses will be added in the third grade, and the course load will reach its peak in the fifth grade. Because fifth graders need to take the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination, also known as the O.W.L. exam.

Wizards' exam scores are usually divided into five levels:

O (excellent), E (good), A (pass), P (fail), D (poor).

The scores students obtain in the OWL exam subjects will determine whether they can continue to study this course in the next year.

If a student fails to score well enough on the O.W.L. exams, he or she may not even graduate from Hogwarts. He could only apply to retake the exam the next year by studying on his own and taking classes with lower-grade students.

On the contrary, if a student can obtain "E" or above in all O.W.L. exams in fifth grade, he does not even need to continue studying in the next two years, as long as he waits to graduate.

But most students are more ambitious and choose to continue their studies in order to take the Ultimate Wizarding Test, also known as the N.E.W.T. exam, in seventh grade.

If we use Muggle common sense to describe it, the O.W.L. exam is equivalent to the graduation exam, while the N.E.W.T. exam is the postgraduate entrance exam.

For this reason, students need to participate in the ‘postgraduate entrance examination class’ conducted by professors in the sixth and seventh grades, which is also the ‘N.E.W.T. improvement class’.

Most professors at Hogwarts will only allow students who have obtained an 'E' or above in the O.W.L. student.

In most cases, these two courses are enough to determine a wizard's fate.

Only students who pass the O.W.L. exam can successfully graduate from Hogwarts, and only graduates have the opportunity to work in the Ministry of Magic. Students who pass the N.E.W.T. exam go a step further and can directly apply to become Aurors.

As the most demanding profession in the Ministry of Magic, Auror salaries are generally more than twice that of ordinary employees of the Ministry of Magic.

After hearing Cassandra's introduction, Harley asked curiously:

"How much do Aurors get paid?"

Cassandra thought for a moment and replied:

"The salary of an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Magic is 20 Galleons per week, and the salary of an Auror is about 40 Galleons per week."

"In other words, the annual salary of an Auror is only 2,080 Galleons..."

Harry did some calculations, and inexplicably thought of the pile of gold Galleons in his vault, and suddenly his eyes lit up.


Cassandra keenly sensed Harley's dangerous thoughts, immediately reached out and grabbed Harley's cheek, and said angrily:

"You don't think you have a bank of galleons, so it doesn't matter even if you can't graduate, right?! Get rid of your dangerous thoughts! Cheer up and study hard!"

"Ouch~it hurts..."

With tears in her eyes, Harley slapped the back of Cassandra's hand, trying to get her to let go of her clutches, although it had no effect.

Until she saw a girl with thick brown hair standing next to her out of the corner of her eye, calling for help hurriedly and inarticulately:

"Mei He, uncle, let me drink..."

Hermione said softly:

"Cassandra, release your right hand."

Cassandra blinked, why did she only let go of her right hand?

Although confused, Cassandra still cooperated and let go.

Although Harley was equally puzzled, she soon knew why - the moment Cassandra let go, Hermione reached out and took over her work, each holding her cheek.

And, Hermione was harder than Cassandra!


Hermione warned sternly, "In order to supervise you, starting from this week, you will study with me in the library every Saturday!"


Harley suddenly wanted to cry, but she obviously didn't say anything!

And ah! Aren’t there still three years left for the exam? Why start now?

Where's Ash? Where is Ash! Help!


Dong dong dong~!

While other students were still enjoying breakfast in the Great Hall, Ash had already arrived in front of Hagrid's hut and knocked gently on the door.


Hagrid opened the door, his black beetle-like eyes looking around nervously under his hair.

This giant, who was 11 feet tall and could bring great oppression just by standing there, had a guilty look on his face.

Ash said helplessly:

"Hagrid, there's no one else."

"It's best not to..."

Hagrid murmured quietly and turned sideways to let Ash in.

Ash saw the evasive look in his eyes and asked in surprise:

"Hagrid, have you raised any weird creatures again?"

"No, nothing!"

Hagrid denied it, looking a little troubled, "Okay, I want to support him, but my life has been terrible these past two months, and I have no time to do other things."

Ash heard Hagrid's complaint and did not ask for details, but looked around:

"Where's Shi Dejia?"


Hagrid carefully handed the bag on the table to Ash, his tone became increasingly depressed, "I feel like she hates me."

"Why do you say that?"

Ash asked in surprise as he took the bag.

Xi Dejia has also been nourished by the magic stone since he was a child. His growth rate is much faster than that of ordinary thunderbirds, and he is also far smarter than other magical creatures. Ravhine and Abrana were very obedient in the Malfoy family, so there is no reason why they should suddenly change their behavior in Hagrid's house...

Hagrid showed a heartbroken expression and poured out his bitterness to Ash:

"Two days ago, I wanted to introduce her to Aragog, but she often clashed with Aragog and killed more than a dozen of Aragog's children. Her relationship with Lu Wei was not very good either. Once again I saw her striking Lu Wei with lightning. Oh, poor Lu Wei, he can't fly, what can he do? I can only stare from below, if not for his resistance to magic. Gao, I’m afraid he has died a violent death now.”

"Wait a moment!"

Ash interrupted him, "Let's put aside Lu Wei for now, who is Aragog?"

Hagrid was startled for a moment and said in surprise:

"Didn't I tell you?"

"I'm pretty sure not!"

Hagrid scratched his head and introduced in a low voice:

"Well, Aragog is an eight-eyed spider, my old friend, I have raised him for fifty years, and I found his wife Mosag for him. Half a century ago, he and his family The family has been living in the Forbidden Forest..."


Ash interrupted him again and asked in a deep voice, "You mean you have a group of dangerous eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest? Do Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall know about this?"

"I guess so…"

Hagrid hesitated and couldn't give a correct answer, but Ash could already guess the answer by looking at his expression.

Ash frowned and asked:

"Hagrid, aren't you afraid that they will rush into the school and harm the students?"

"Will not!"

Hagrid suddenly became very excited and said loudly: "Aragog will never hurt others. In the past half century, he has never hurt me, let alone rushed into the school to hurt students!"

Facing the suddenly angry half-giant, Ash's tone remained calm:

"Hagrid, of course I believe you. It is also true that Aragog has never harmed students for decades."

"But I'm talking about them. Aragog may be good and your friend, but what about his children? How much do you know about them? Can you pronounce every spider's name, or can you guarantee Are they absolutely not going to harm students?”

"I promise……"

Just as Hagrid was about to make a promise, Ash interrupted him directly and said in a deep voice:

"Don't promise me, promise Dumbledore! You may think they are safe because you have never been attacked. But I don't believe them, because I was attacked by eight-eyed spiders more than once in the Forbidden Forest last year! "

"But those werewolves..."

Hagrid was still unwilling and tried to refute Ash's point of view. Ash asked unceremoniously:

"I can make werewolves turn into humans and go to school with the students at Hogwarts. I can also invite Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall to monitor whether they will lose control on a full moon night, and even let them work with the centaurs to protect the independents. Horned beast, can the eight-eyed spider do it? Or do you dare to tell Dumbledore about this?"

Faced with Ash's barrage of questions, Hagrid was completely silenced.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to speak but stopped, and stopped speaking but wanted to.

Ash stood up slowly and said calmly:

"I won't tell Dumbledore just yet. Hagrid, you might be able to reassess their level of danger from an objective perspective."

Hagrid sat slumped in the chair. He had to admit that what Ash said made some sense, but did he really want to kill Aragog with his own hands?


On the way back to Hogwarts, Ash whispered to himself:

"I hope Hagrid can understand."

There is no doubt that Hagrid is an excellent keeper of magical animals. No matter what kind of magical creatures are in his hands, he can tame them extremely docilely. For example, all the Thestrals pulling carts for Hogwarts are all Tamed by Hagrid.

Even for the three-headed dog Luwei, it only took Hagrid less than a year from the time he bought it to the time he successfully trained it. In addition, he can maintain a good relationship with the horse people and can even be called friends.

However, the eight-eyed spider is nothing like these creatures.

Hagrid and Aragog have feelings for each other, and Aragog will not allow his children to hurt Hagrid.

From this aspect, the Eight-Eyed Spider is indeed safe, but unfortunately this safety is limited to Hagrid.

What Ash just said was not entirely a lie. He had indeed been attacked by eight-eyed spiders several times, although those times were all because Ash needed to obtain the venom of the eight-eyed spiders and took the initiative to enter their hunting grounds.

But regardless of the reason, it is an undeniable fact that he was attacked! Even if he was 1% at fault, didn't those eight-eyed spiders bear 99% of the responsibility?

For Hagrid's sake, Aragog can let it go temporarily, since he will die of illness in a few years anyway. But his 'children' are always a huge threat, especially when the chamber of secrets is about to open.

Ash went up against the flow of people and came to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.

As soon as Ash entered the breeding house, Ravshini, who was still flying freely in the sky, immediately flapped her wings and flew towards Ash, approaching him affectionately.

Ash touched Ravshini's cheek and whispered:

"Be good, I don't have time to play with you now."

Ravxini was a little disappointed, but still took two steps back sensibly.

As soon as Ash opened the bag, the thunderbird that had been locked inside rushed out impatiently, causing the originally sunny breeding house to become cloudy, with lightning and thunder.

The thunderbird was obviously in a state of excitement, and while making a shrill cry, it flapped its wings and flew into the sky.


This made the Ravshini sisters on the side feel threatened, and they let out a low dragon roar.

Ash stretched out his hand to stop Sister Ravshini's threat, and softly comforted:

"Xi Dejia, calm down."

"It's okay, there are no spiders here."

Even with the blessing of Veela blood, it took a while for Shidejia to calm down, landed on a boulder, and took the initiative to bow his head to Ash. But her three pairs of golden wings always remain in a state of agitation, ready to fly to the sky again at any time, summoning storms and lightning. It seems that only there is safety.

It was obvious that she was frightened.

Ash was a little helpless and didn't know what Hagrid was thinking. He actually wanted Thunderbird to make friends with the Eight-Eyed Spider!

These two species are not considered natural enemies, but the ptarmigan is definitely on the diet of the eight-eyed spider. These vicious creatures will eat anything.

And what about Shi Dejia?

Although with the help of the Philosopher's Stone, Xi Dejia grew very quickly and was close to the size of an adult thunderbird, she was only a few months old after all! What on earth was Hagrid thinking about throwing a few-month-old baby into a pile of spiders?

She is just a child!

Not to mention Sidja or the Thunderbird, this kind of magical creature is highly sensitive to danger, which often means that they are more easily frightened. The slightest disturbance can turn her into a frightened bird, not to mention that she is facing a group of spiders as big as cars!

Not to mention Thunderbird, the wizard would tremble all over when he saw that scene.

Ash gently stroked Shi Dejia's hard golden beak and whispered:

"Ravshini, Abrana, help me take care of her, don't scare her, do you understand?"

The fire dragon sisters nodded very humanely. They were a few months younger than Thunderbird, but they were smarter than Thunderbird. At least he's a step above Thunderbird in terms of obedience to Ash.

The thunderbird chirped uneasily again, and Ash comforted him softly:

"Don't worry, this won't take long, just give me ten minutes."


Slytherin's first class was with Ravenclaw, which originally made Harry and Cassandra very happy. However, a problem soon posed before them - the first class was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

And if you want to use one sentence to describe Gilderoy Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it can be summed up simply in four words.

High emotional intelligence: be unique.

Low emotional intelligence: embarrassing.

After everyone was seated, Lockhart walked out of his office, placed his hands on the handrail of the stairs and cleared his throat to signal the students to be quiet.

"Please allow me to introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"That's me, Gilderoy Lockhart."

Lockhart pointed at himself with a proud face and read his name loudly in a strange accent.

"Third-class Order of Merlin, honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts Alliance, and five-time winner of the Wizarding Weekly Most Charming Smile Award."

As Lockhart walked down the stairs, he introduced his great achievements. Under the stairs was a huge portrait. The figure in it was none other than Gilderoy Lockhart himself. He was painting Gilderoy Lockhart in the painting. special.

Lockhart turned to look at his own portrait, and his portrait looked back at him, both with 'charming smiles' on their faces.

"But I never show off. I don't drive away all the female ghosts by smiling."

A smile appeared on Lockhart's lips unconsciously, and he looked expectantly at the students below, as if waiting for their applause.

However, nothing happened, no reaction from either the Slytherin or Ravenclaw students.

Lockhart's smile was awkward for a moment, but he quickly began to change the subject:

"I see you all bought my complete set of books, which is great."

"I thought we could start today's lesson with a little quiz..."

He turned around and wanted to pick up the pile of 'Defense Against the Dark Arts, Second Year Basic Knowledge Test' from his desk, but when he reached back and touched it, he found nothing.

"What's going on? I remember putting it on the table..."

Lockhart's expression changed, and he opened his textbook and tried to find the test paper he had prepared.

Kassandra, who was impatiently waiting, urged:

"Professor Lockhart, can we start class?"

"Okay, okay, don't worry, Miss Malfoy!"

Lockhart was sweating profusely, but he still couldn't find his exam paper.

This forced him to give up his original plan. In order for the course to proceed smoothly, he could only grit his teeth and start taking the next step.

Lockhart bent down and took out a birdcage covered with a red cloth from behind the podium. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lockhart noticed that the shadow under the table seemed to move, but he didn't take it too seriously and turned around to pick up the bird. The cage is on the table.

"As you all know, my job is to teach you to defend yourself against the most evil creatures known to the wizarding world! You will face the most terrifying things here as you teach, but as long as I am here, you will not be harmed."

"I have to ask you not to scream because that will piss them off!"

Lockhart suddenly raised his voice, causing the students to hold their breath as he yanked open the red cloth on the birdcage.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Dozens of blue humanoid creatures were locked in a cage. As soon as the cover was removed, they made sharp and harsh noises and jumped up and down in the cage impatiently, shaking the cage bars.

"The Smurfs?"

Harley's eyes were a little surprised.

Cassandra asked doubtfully:

"What is that? A character from a cartoon."

"I don't know what Muggles call them, but they are Cornish elves, Miss Potter."

The corners of Lockhart's lips raised slightly and he said loudly:

"Okay, let me see how you deal with them."

There is no doubt that Lockhart was not a good teacher.

He didn't even teach the students how to deal with the creatures, so he opened the birdcage and released them without hesitation. Or maybe this is what he expected, to make these arrogant little wizards look foolish in order to establish his authority as a teacher.

As soon as the birdcage was opened, these little blue elves immediately started wreaking havoc in the classroom.

They grabbed ink bottles and threw them at the students, tore textbooks into pieces and threw them out of the window, hung a Slytherin student named Goyle from the chandelier, and even tried to remove a dragon skeleton from the ceiling!

"Hurry and get them together, they are just little elves!"

Lockhart smiled happily as he watched the little wizards scurry and hide under the table, but soon he stopped laughing because the elves began to regard him as a target.

Lockhart changed color slightly, hurriedly rolled up his sleeves, waved his wand and shouted:

"Peskipiksi Pesternomi!"

Before he could finish reciting the spell, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from under the table and bit into his wand.

It landed firmly on the table, looking at Lockhart with the wand still in its mouth.

It was a Niffler, and a piece of yellow paper was exposed from the 'pocket' on its abdomen. Lockhart could tell almost at a glance that it was the quiz he had prepared!

Where did the sniffer come from at Hogwarts? !

Before Lockhart could think about it, the Niffler jumped off the platform and ran towards the classroom door.

The teacher's door has been opened because many students have escaped from the classroom just now.

"Hey! Don't run!"

While Lockhart hurriedly avoided the attack of the elves, he chased Sniff and left the classroom. Before leaving, he did not forget to shout, "Miss Potter, Miss Malfoy, the task of this class is to catch these elves back in their cages!" I believe you can do it!"


In order to prevent the elf from catching up, he even closed the door hard the moment he left the classroom.


Cassandra and Kassandra were back to back, waving their wands at each other to freeze the elves flying towards them, but there were too many elves, and even Cassandra was a little tired of dealing with them. Fly up to her.

It was too late to cast the spell now, and if she possessed him and avoided it, it would be Harley who would be the unlucky one.

Cassandra closed her eyes in fear, but at this moment, the girl heard a spell:


In the screams of the elves, their bodies were suppressed by the invisible force and fell heavily to the floor. Several were killed on the spot, and many more were knocked unconscious on the spot.


Ash waved his wand again, and all the elves automatically flew towards him and flew into the cage following the guidance of the wand.

Just when Harley thought everything was finally over, Ash pointed the wand at the cage again and whispered the spell:



A dazzling purple light exploded, the cage was instantly torn apart, and the elf inside was completely wiped out in the explosion.

"That's how it should be!"

Cassandra waved her fists excitedly, and even kicked Lockhart's table out of anger.

What a professor! It's simply less reliable than Chilo!

Even if he is a minion of the Dark Lord like Quirrell, he will not let the elf tease the students.

If she hadn't learned this spell yet, Cassandra would have wanted to give Lockhart a blast herself.


Harley couldn't bear it and asked in a low voice, "Isn't this too cruel? They actually didn't do anything too extreme..."


Cassandra glared at Harley and was about to lecture when she was stopped by Ash.

Ash walked up to Harley, caressed the girl's cheek, and said in a gentle tone:

"Harry, you are very kind and gentle."

"But you have to understand that not everyone deserves your gentle treatment. Those elves are trying to hurt you and Cassandra. Do I have to be gentle to them? Do I let them cause harm to you?"

"Harley, Cassandra, if you saw me in danger, and you had the ability to stop the dark wizard who was about to kill me, would you choose to kill him, or let him kill me?"

Ash's question hit Harley's heart like a heavy hammer, shattering her innocence and kindness.

"I will kill him!" Kassandra answered without hesitation.

Harley pursed her lips tightly, her voice was a little dry, and she whispered:

"I, I will kill him too..."

"That's what I'm doing."

A smile appeared on Ash's face, he gently stroked the girl's smooth black hair, and said in a soft voice, "Harry, you are still too young. You have never seen the real darkness, nor have you seen those unforgivable people. The dark wizard who cursed you. This is not your fault, but you will have to face all this sooner or later, and you must grow up in advance!"

"Only in this way, when you face such an enemy one day, at least you will not sit still and wait for death."

Harley trembled slightly, the dream in her mind suddenly appeared, and became more and more detailed——

She saw Ash casting the death curse on her, and 'she' was also casting the death curse on Ash!

She knew that it was not a dream, but a scene of Ash confronting the Dark Lord!

If, if Ash hadn't decisively cast the Death Curse that time to counteract the Dark Lord's Death Curse, if the Dark Lord had won, maybe she would never see Ash again!

"you're right."

Harley pursed her lips, her body still trembling slightly, but her voice became extremely firm.

Because she believed in Ash, believed in everything Ash said, and everything he did was for her own good.


The door to the classroom was suddenly pushed open, and Snape, who looked like an old bat, hurried into the classroom, holding the wand in his hand.

Harry and Cassandra subconsciously turned around, and Snape was able to confirm that they were all safe, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Ash touched Harley's head and whispered:

"There is an old saying in China, being kind to your enemies is cruel to yourself. I hope you will remember today's lesson!"

Snape walked up to the three of them, looked at them condescendingly, and said calmly:

"It makes some sense, but not much."

"Miss Harley, I want to teach you another truth. Being kind to your enemies is not only cruel to you, but also cruel to your friends!"

Snape seemed to remember something, and he suddenly tightened his grip on the wand. The veins on the back of his hand bulged out, as if he wanted to crush the wand.

Harley replied weakly:

"I remember, Professor Snape."

Professor Snape said coldly:

"Now, leave. There will be no need for this class for the time being. I will have a good chat with Lockhart."

"Let's go."

Ash patted Harley on the head and motioned for Cassandra to pull Harley out of the classroom.

Snape looked at the chaotic Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and frowned. He was supposed to be in the Potions classroom now, but now he had to help Lockhart deal with this mess!

As for Lockhart, he was still chasing his wand.

"Help me, someone help me, that damn Niffler stole my wand!"

Although Lockhart felt humiliated, he was forced to speak up and seek help from others.

However, it was class time now, and there was almost no one in the corridor, so no one could help him.

Even if there were, probably no one would help him.


On the eighth floor, there is a room where everyone can ask for help.

This is not the first time for Harley and Cassandra to come here, but they are still novel about everything here.

Harley asked softly:

"Is it really okay if we come here during school hours?"

Cassandra said nonchalantly:

"What does it matter? Aren't the others in class? Even Lockhart himself is busy looking for his wand all over the school. No one cares, Harry."

They followed Ash into the breeding facility. The dragon and the Thunderbird were flying freely in the sky, chasing each other, and playing. This was smoother than Ash imagined, but it also highlighted how careless Hagrid was in caring for Sidja. , can even be said to be bad.

Of course, this also has something to do with Hagrid's inability to comfort Sidja as quickly as Ash.

He couldn't even comfort Shi Dejia, let alone restore her calmness.

"Abrana, Ravshini, come to me."

Kassandra excitedly waved to the dragons in the sky and called their names. However, the dragon sisters who were no longer tamed by her did not give her any face and did not even bother to look at them.

It wasn't until Ash waved that he came down from the sky and landed in front of Ash. He lowered his head affectionately and let Ash caress him.

Harley said with some surprise:

"They should be about the same age as adult dragons now, right?"

"It depends on what kind of dragon it is."

Kassandra gently stroked Abrana's golden horns and explained softly, "The adult Welsh Green Dragon is 18 feet long, but the Hebridean Islands Black Dragon can grow up to 30 feet, and the Hungarian Horntail is the largest. Also the most dangerous of the fire dragons, they can grow up to 50 feet long."

Ravshini's body length is already 20 feet, about six meters, not counting the tail. Abrana is bigger than her sister, but she is only 25 feet, almost 7.5 meters.

Judging from their age, they can still continue to grow, and their maximum adult size is likely to exceed that of the Hungarian Horntail!

Cassandra suddenly felt depressed and said distressedly:

"Ash, what exactly did you feed them? Why is there such a big gap between my raising and your raising?"

Although the fire dragon grew very fast when she raised it, it was only 10 feet long. Now it has more than doubled in size once it is in Ash's hands. This gap really puzzles Cassandra.

She didn’t treat them badly either! The freshest beef and mutton are available in unlimited supply every day. She has read the books on raising dragons no less than ten times. She has tried every method mentioned in Naxi's book. Why doesn't it grow so fast?

"Maybe it's just the growing season."

Ash replied with a smile, not giving Cassandra a chance to continue asking, and suddenly said, "Harley, Cassandra, do you want to ride on it and try it?"

"May I?!"

Cassandra looked pleasantly surprised. She had been wanting to try this since summer vacation.

Ash took out his wand and smiled:

"Of course it's no problem, I will catch you even if you fall."

Cassandra said excitedly:

"Then I want to love Brana!"

She trotted to Abrana's side, and the dragon also heard their conversation and took the initiative to lie on the ground so that Cassandra could ride on it better. But even so, the huge size difference made Cassandra not know how to climb onto the back of the dragon that was taller than her.

Until Ash conjured a small stool under her feet, allowing her to step on the dragon's back.

"Abrana, fly."

Ash gently stroked Abrana's cheek and whispered.


Abrana opened her huge dragon wings that were even longer than her body, flapped them fiercely and flew into the sky, rushing into the sky.

Kassandra held Abrana's neck tightly. This was the thinnest part of her body except for her tail, and it was also the only place where Kassandra could hold her tightly as the strong wind howled past her. The excitement brought Cassandra surprises and excitement she had never experienced before, even though she had already ridden in a carriage pulled by Pegasus.


Harley hugged Ravshini's neck tightly, and the dragon surged up amidst her screams, chasing her sister who got away early.


The thunderbird crowed softly and spread its wings, squatting next to Ash expectantly, as if hoping Ash could ride her.

"Not for now."

Ash gently stroked Shidejia's beak and whispered, "I have to watch them, but it will be your turn later, please be patient for a while, okay?"

It's a pity that Hermione is not here, otherwise the thunderbirds can fly with her.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ash heard the girl's exclamation coming from behind him:

"What are you doing?!"

Ash turned around, and Hermione, Bai Zi, and Setsuna were standing in the hall, looking at what was happening in front of them with expressions of disbelief.

Hermione was a little unbelievable:

"They're on the back of a dragon?! Don't you know how dangerous this is?"

Ash raised the corners of his mouth slightly and asked with a smile:

"Hermione, do you want to dance too?"

"Eh? Eh!"

Before Hermione could react, Ash was carrying her on Thunderbird's back.

Sidja immediately flapped her golden wings and raised her head to the sky, forcing Hermione to exclaim and hug Sidja's neck tightly.

Setsuna approached Ash and asked expectantly:

"Master, do you want to ride me?"

Ash didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He touched Setsuna's head and said comfortingly:

"Don't make trouble, not now."

But there is a saying, giving Setsuna a pair of wings is not enough.

Horses can grow wings, but wolves can't?

Of course, this requires a certain amount of time for preliminary testing, otherwise accidents may easily occur.


Bai Zi said softly, "Those two test subjects are dead."

Ash raised his eyebrows, a little surprised:


"last night."

"Failed again?"

Ash frowned. The experiment of turning wolves into humans has been a complete success, but the experiment of turning humans into werewolves has still not been able to achieve a breakthrough. Either it simply fails to transform, or it transforms into a werewolf and cannot change back, and it is completely impossible to maintain sanity.

"Do you want them to catch two more?" Setsuna asked obediently, wagging her tail.

Ash nodded gently and warned:

"Tell them to be careful. The Aurors may notice the missing people in Knockturn Alley. If they are discovered, abandon the target. Safety first."

Although most of the wizards in Knockturn Alley are losers, they are still wizards after all.

More than ten wizards have disappeared inexplicably within half a year. Even if the Ministry of Magic is no longer capable, someone will eventually discover something abnormal.

Bai Zi glanced at the one bird, two dragons and three dragons still racing in the sky, and asked softly:

"Do ordinary Muggles still need it?"

Ash pondered for two seconds and then ordered:

"Yes, but not from prison this time. The number of death row prisoners is too small to keep up with the attrition. Is the gang boss arrested last time still alive?"

"As long as you are alive, then just extract his memory and find his subordinates and partners."

These people are the scum of society. Even if they disappear, it will not cause much trouble. Even if they are discovered by the Muggle police, they will only conduct a little investigation at most. Even their relatives and friends will think that they are running away and were discovered. The risk is almost zero.

If it doesn't work, you can still use Forgetfulness. Muggles have no way to resist mental attacks.

Ash kept his eyes on the sky and asked inadvertently:

"What did Professor McGonagall teach you this summer?"

Bai Zi tilted his head and summed up very concisely:

"Property, justice and integrity."

"There are still exams!"

Setsuna made a sad face and complained, "She said that if we fail to pass this semester, we will have to stay in school! She is just like the evil old witch in fairy tales!"

Ash didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He rubbed the girl's soft white hair and comforted her softly:

"Professor McGonagall is a good person. You may not like her ways, and you may not do what she says, but she does do it for your own good. You can't say bad things about her like that, do you understand?"


Setsuna puffed up her face, but she felt that Professor McGonagall was not a good person, but the master was.

Is someone who teaches a werewolf how to do homework considered a good person?

Bai Zi glanced at Setsuna slightly and said softly:

"Professor McGonagall is indeed a good person, but she is not suitable for us."

When they are ostracized by centaurs and wizards and will be abandoned by the world, the master is the only one who accepts them, not Professor McGonagall.

Although Professor McGonagall is a good person, she will always be on guard against them with her wand every full moon night.

From beginning to end, the only one willing to trust them without reservation, the only one worthy of their loyalty, was Ash.


second grade

Gryffindor curriculum

Ravenclaw timetable

Slytherin curriculum

Hufflepuff curriculum

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