Let's not press the table for the time being about the arrangement of the Rockets, the 76ers' bench exploded first.

Zoom in.

Larry Brown was roaring in Rayong's direction, his head shaking so hard that his glasses fell off.

"Who told you to shoot a three-pointer?" "Who made you shoot a three-pointer?" "Who the made you shoot a three-pointer


The fatal trifecta was thrown out, and Rayong didn't even dare to look up into the coach's eyes.

"There's no one of mine under the basket, Morris Taylor is standing there, who asked you to shoot three-pointers?"

"It's just that the fast break doesn't squeeze under the basket, you can divide the two sides, the open three-point on the wing can be shot, score, play, there is such a process, it can drive the opposing defense, as long as someone moves, we can grab the board." "

Who the told you to shoot three points against the defense? And play three plus one, it looks like you can be very good, right?"

"Okay, you're so good, I'll see how you play, wait to go back and practice you!" An

angry Brown pressed Rayong directly to the bench, and Brian Skinner, who was also 2.06 but weighed 116 kilograms,

came on.


Charles Barkley: I can understand Larry's anger, and you can tell from his previous coaching of Kansas and Spurs that he is a classical, old-school, very thoughtful coach.

Barkley's words actually save face, and the positive translation is that Larry Brown is not willing to accept change, and he does not like any change, and he feels that the closer he is to the basket, the more sure he is.

Even if you really want to throw a three-pointer, it's an empty three-point that rushes in and then passes back.

The kind of three-pointer he's going to go up and kill you himself.

Kick your ass and that's light.

The situation on the court changed abruptly, and at the critical moment, he made great contributions at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends, and just finished the free throw and scored 21 points and 19 rebounds, as well as six blocks and four steals, and the young player Luo Yong was pressed to the bench by the head coach.

Now Derek Coleman was happy.

Lao Tzu can't play, and you kid don't expect to be in the limelight.

Larry Brown's basketball philosophy is actually very simple, just four words: follow the rules.

I can accept your mediocrity, but you must be obedient and must strictly follow the established tactics.

That's his bottom line, which is why after winning the Eastern Conference championship, he aggressively asked management to trade Allen Iverson.

He doesn't want his team to have a black hole of possession, even if that black hole has explosive scoring power.

On the other hand, on the bench on the Rockets' side, Francis grabbed the tactical board in the coach's hand and thrashed hard, "They just some horses shit holy banging, bro!!".

(They are a bunch of garbage who don't know what to call it, everyone, they are a bunch of garbage

) (Note: This is a high-frequency slang phrase, interested friends can remember it, it is suitable for any mood swings, very authentic expression, I once used this sentence to scold my foreign mentor)

"That bitch is standing there, come on, let us." shake their cocks!"

(Those bitches are there, come on, let's kick their cocks out)

Everyone was in high spirits, and the frustration of being overtaken was also swept away, and they went on the field with a roar.

The Rockets attacked very deeply, and Da Yao used his height to hook his hand on the right side and missed, but he grabbed it again, and then clicked, and there were.

99-100, the offense took only 13 seconds, with 34 seconds left before the end of the game.

It was very calm and efficient.

Francis was no longer obsessed with his singles, but patiently put the ball in the hands of Da Yao.

After the goal, Da Yao jumped hard and completed the chest collision with him to celebrate.

"It's not time to celebrate, buddy, do it again, and defend against this blow. The

old cat stepped forward and high-fived the little giant.

"You all go out, I'll make up for it inside, and there will be another person at the top of the arc, and then delay it, and if you dare to come in, you will close the door directly. Da

Yao's thinking is very clear, and he constantly clapps and cheers for his teammates behind him.

The 76ers had Snow in control and played extremely patiently.

But the old cat's defense is extremely aggressive, Snow's body is not superior, and strength has never been his advantage.

He could only dribble two steps before getting the ball into the hands of Aaron McGee on the right.

McGee held the ball and gestured for a long time but couldn't make a shot, and then turned to the bottom line.

Van Horn was forced to catch the ball almost close to the three-point line.

He can't get in at all, he can't stand Da Yao.

At this time, everyone missed Iverson immensely, because the moment Aaron McGee received the ball, he would accelerate straight in, and after a step, complete a split or glide shot.

No matter how bad it is, Rayong, who is sitting off the field, can also dribble to the front of the small penalty area and use his feet to find a chance to play the board at a small angle.

Van Horn saw that the players had no better chances, so he could only bite the bullet and go inside.

Hey, this is the rhythm that the Rockets want, Taylor, who had been extremely depressed all night, moved over, and immediately combined the momentum of the attack, and Van Horn dodged left and right.

Yes, when he closed the ball and turned around, he took an extra step to avoid Da Yao's long arm...

The referee is right in front of him, and he can't hide from it.

In the final 17 seconds, the 76ers failed to play and made a turnover.

It was a fatal mistake.

Larry Brown quickly called a timeout.

Charles Barkley: What should I do? One point behind, it's still the opponent's possession, there are only 17 seconds left,

it's time to foul directly, right? Moses Malone: Actually, you can arrange a defensive tactic of 5 to 7 seconds, increase the physical confrontation as much as possible, and see if you can break one, because you can't prevent it anyway, you always have to foul,

so it's better to gamble.

Kenny Smith shook his head, "Old man, your proposal is great, but Larry Brown won't take it, he will definitely foul the opponent to the free throw line, and he is willing to bet that the opponent will lose a free throw to give himself a chance to play overtime." "

Yes, as long as you lose a free throw, it is a two-point difference, and if you have a good offense on your side, you will have a chance to overtime or even a stunner.

Rayong is a thief, squeezing through the layers of crowds, rushing to be the first, standing next to the coach, flashing his big eyes and waiting for the coach to take him again.

But Larry Brown didn't look at him at all, and it was Spinner who came on the court in the end


The Rockets have also completed substitutions, and now the free throws on the court are maintained above 80% all year round.


Sure enough, Kenny Smith guessed it, and the 76ers really fouled directly, and it only took two seconds.

And it was also committed on Da Yao's body...

If it weren't for Da Yao holding the ball above his head, maybe the time could have been a little shorter.

Isn't this a fucking direct point?

"The opportunity to test this champion has come, this time it depends on the mentality, no matter what you usually do, now is the time to see the real kung fu, I think..."

99-102, a three-point difference, the 76ers used up their last timeout.

Fifteen seconds can be played for another quick two-point and then fouled.

It's just that there is no timeout later, you can only serve in the backcourt, and the opponent will definitely press all over the court, so it is safest to reserve seven to eight seconds.

Of course, if you are aggressive, you will directly choose three points and look for overtime.

It's just that the Rockets will definitely squeeze the three points on the outside, and the chances of the open positions are difficult.

Pause back.

"The 76ers need to hurry. "

Hold on!"

"Damn, the 76ers made a mistake, and the ball didn't come out at all!" "

Eric Snow made a mistake, and he served for five seconds.

You can only continue to foul and send the opponent to the free throw line.

The final score was 99-104.

After Rayong went off the court at the critical moment, the Rockets took the game directly with a wave of 6-0.

It was a double-double of 26 points and 11 rebounds.

Francis and Mobley combined for 43 points, and the rest of the players didn't hit a double-double.

On the 76ers' side, after playing a good ball all night, they lost a string in the last 47 seconds and unfortunately lost.

Although he lost the match, Rayong also played his own character, and his name began to spread in Texas.

Even many media used words like "rebounding monster" to describe each other.

His toughness on the defensive end has also caught the attention of many professional managers.

It's another year of graduation season, and the feelings of teenagers are finally being coerced forward

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