“Damn it!"

After hitting the ground, Brown hammered the basket hard.

"Big man, the basketball hoop can't speak, you have to come to

me!" Luo Yong gestured lightly in the direction of Brown, "You almost stopped me!"

The corner of the Qiao gang leader on the side twitched, "This year's children are too uncute." "

The game quickly came to the second half of the fourth quarter.

97-83, the 76ers had already pulled the score away at this time, and there were only four minutes left before the end of the game.

But the Wizards' Coach Collins still has no intention of replacing the main team.

In Jordan's last year, still at home, he wants to give face to football fans, at least the North Carolina double star can't go down.

Jerry Stackhouse struggled to close the gap, but as soon as he scored a tough two-pointer, Iverson on the opposite side immediately returned a quick mid-range shot without giving his opponent any time to breathe.

Wizards' Jordan once again holds the ball at the top of the arc.

The MCI Center was agitated again, and the fans all stood up.

Now you can watch basketball in its purest form, regardless of whether you win or lose.

This is also the reason why the Wizards failed to make the playoffs last season, but the Wizards' home court tickets can still be sold so expensive.

Countless female fans tore their necklines vigorously in the direction of the big screen at the scene, and even lifted their coats directly, twisting their waists rhythmically with the DJ on the spot.

Jordan used a simple forward change of direction to shake off Kenny Thomas' defense.

Rayong immediately rushed in front of him, one big hand covering the opponent's right side, and the other hand stuck in the opponent's waist.

"It's kind of interesting, a little closer, a little closer. "

Director Zhang: Audience friends, we see that now Xiao Luo has faced Jordan again, and this kind of picture is less than once.

Jordan arched sideways twice before switching the ball to his left hand, while stepping away with his right leg, gently pinning the opponent's body, and at the same time leaping forward, using inertia to get up directly to pick up the basket.


the crisp sound of thugs sounded.

But the referee decided it was a pre-shot foul.

No free throws were made because the foul count was less than four.

Wizards' sideline ball.

Xu Jicheng: Xiao Luo should pay attention, he has already committed five fouls, but now that the overall situation has been decided, Larry Brown will not take the initiative to make substitutions to disrupt the rhythm of the court, and Coleman will really not play again tonight, alcohol has hurt him.

"Boy, you've escaped again, your luck won't always be so good.

Jordan shook his head and chattered in Rayong's direction as he glanced at his teammates.

Luo Yong secretly elbowed in his heart, "This guy is too noisy, you have to guard his mouth before you can defend him." Jordan

went around to catch the ball and was two steps away from the three-point line.

He first shook his shoulder with his right leg, but Rayong on the other side was unmoved.

He then lowered his weight again while his knees were naturally bent.

On the left

, on the right,

Rayong didn't dare to jump,

so he could only step forward and stick it.

Jordan really didn't make a move, facing a rookie who had already committed five fouls, how could he give up such an opportunity?

Rayong was also very smart, and took advantage of the situation to make a very exaggerated retreat behind him.

But the referee on the side was unmoved.

Seeing that acting could not deceive the referee, Rayong stepped forward again.

"I'm not going to let you score easily, I'm not going to let you score easily. "

Oh, I said it twice, boy, are you nervous?

Jordan's face sank, and he accelerated again, a simple crotch dribble followed by a deft lateral move, shaking off half a body distance and shooting himself.

"It's not over yet!" Rayong

, who was engrossed, flew up and blocked the opponent's shooting space.

Jordan in the air smiled unabated, and even increased the amplitude of his back.


the basketball flew out almost against the opponent's fingertips and fell into the net.

It's tough.

It's been prevented to the extreme.

"Don't hide, there's still time, it's still in this position next round!" Jordan

, who was lying on the floor, clenched his right fist hard, and continued to chatter at Rayong after getting up.

Iverson was in a good mood on the 76ers' side, and he handed the ball to Rayong's hand after half court for the first time, and at the same time stretched out his right hand to grip the circle, and then stretched out his left index finger back and forth to intersperse it, frequently signaling the other party with his eyes.

This is a chance for him to challenge Joe's helper.

Rayong walked quickly to the three-point line with the ball, and Jordan obviously didn't take him seriously, he just reached out and jammed Iverson on one side.

Rayong got tangled up with Larry Hughes.

Hughes's hands were quick, and he took the initiative twice and twice, although he couldn't cut off the ball directly, but he also interrupted Rayong's offensive rhythm.

He dribbled to the left side, pressed to the edge of the box, glanced at the defensive position on the inside, and then turned back to the position of one step inside the three-point line, and took advantage of the cover of his teammates to shoot two points.

Facing the opponent's key defense under the basket, Rayong chose to take the ball out.

The camera gave Larry Brown's direction, and the old man got up and clapped his palms hard, "Very good, that's it, that's it, cover more with your teammates, and throw it when you have the opportunity!"

The Wizards attacked again, and Jordan took off directly as soon as he stepped into the free throw line.

"Such a long distance?"

"No, someone is following behind you!"

"Oh my God, that kid jumped so high!" Rayong

, who was wearing the No. 40 shirt, jumped up and swept in the direction of Jordan.

Hearing something strange behind him, Jordan stuck out his tongue and pulled his body together, and at the same time switched the ball to his left hand and smashed it down in the direction of the basket...

Xu Jicheng: Can the fledgling Chinese teenager intercept this inevitable dunk of the basketball god head-on?

Although Jordan's hand was pressed on the basket, the ball flew away!

The referee's whistle didn't go off

? This was a good block?

After landing on the ground, Jordan was very dissatisfied and kept roaring in the direction of the referee.

"Michael, it's a good block, the kid touched the ball first, I'm pretty sure. The

referee gritted the whistle and turned his face away.

Covered, Rayong covered the dunk of the basketball god!

There was a commotion on the 76ers bench, and towels fluttered.

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