The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 612 The dominance of the richest group, the damn sense of oppression

third day.

When the first ray of sunlight breaks dawn, a news report quickly radiates to the sea.

It immediately caused an uproar.

Directly overwhelming the explosion of the Four Emperors Pirates, the fall of the BIG MOM Pirates, and the heat of the Vegeta Kingdom incident, it can be said that there is no warning like a depth bomb.

"Big news! Big news!"

"The richest group above the Four Emperors is making trouble again."

"That morning, the lucky queen of the Richest Group announced to New World that the site of the original Four Emperors Exploding Pirates and the site of the Big Mom Pirates belonged to the Richest Group, and warned some forces and pirates to leave within ten days. And you can't vandalize or kill innocent people indiscriminately when you leave.

If some forces do not evacuate within ten days, or deliberately sabotage and kill innocent people indiscriminately, the richest group will be completely cleaned up. "

"Anyone and any force must evacuate the explosion sea area and the BIG MOM sea area within ten days."

"The Richest Group's domineering warning."

"That is, after the four emperors exploded and the monarch and BIG MOM were destroyed, the richest group began to fully take over the site."

"The new world is going to be chaotic."

When one piece of news spread to the sea, people saw the dominance of the richest group, and also saw the new world that was about to bleed into rivers.

There is never a shortage of cannon fodder in this world.

Those who are dissatisfied, those who sneer, and those who are self-confident are everywhere.


There are still some smart people who have a clear understanding of reality.

"What is the richest man group, thinking that destroying the Explosive Monarch and BIG MOM can scare me?"

"It's just in time, as long as you catch the Golden Emperor, the whole world will belong to me!"

"Stupid, I still don't believe that the richest group dares to make an enemy of the whole new world."

"If you want to fully occupy the Explosive Sea Area and the Big Mom Sea Area, you should think about how to deal with the other two four emperors! The Beast Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates have occupied the territory that is not the Explosive Sea Area."

"Whitebeard Pirates, Flying Pirates, Navy, Revolutionary Army, Landis Pirates, Insect Pirates, and the richest group will be destroyed?"

"Idiots talk about dreams, sensationalize the public!"

Some pirates who were licking their blood didn't pay attention to this news at all.

The sky is falling and there are still tall people standing on top of them. Before them, there are still many big forces or strong pirate groups. Is the richest group capable of destroying them all?


There was no accident, except for some self-aware forces who left, more than 90% of them never left, but intensified their plundering of islands or treasures.

Marin Vanduo, Revolutionary Army, Beast Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates.

Many forces have held meetings.

They are also waiting and watching to see if the Richest Group is coming for real, and who will be the first to follow.

Some people are even lobbying each other whether to join forces to eliminate the richest group.

It is really that the richest man group is so powerful that it almost overwhelms everyone and all forces.

What is above the Four Emperors?

Kaido and Red Hair were the first to disagree.

Day by day passed like this.

The whole new world became inexplicably depressed, and a sense of oppression when the storm came, silently pressed on some pirate groups, forcing them to evacuate.


The eleventh day came.

"let's start!"

golden city.

Gaia Building.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Chaos looked at the endless golden city, as well as the clouds and mists surrounding the high-rise buildings, a group of suspended islands, or the ground full of flowers, or waterfalls and flowing water

And all kinds of traffic.

It all shows that this is a paradise city that is beautiful, luxurious and brilliant, combined with modern technology.

he knows.

There must be a lot of eyes on Gaia Mansion right now.

They all want to see what choice the Richest Group will make when the time comes.

"Bon Voyage!"

Behind the scenes, all the responsibilities are there.

And this time Chaos will not bring all the staff, and intends to only let Enilo, Aquino, Xiong, Betty, Ivanko, Bowness, and Caesar keep up. It is left to guard the Golden City.

Clang clang clang.

Under the countless gazes in the Golden City, a golden flower sea avenue descended from the clear blue sky, stretching across the entire sky as far as the eye can see.

Immediately, under a pair of shocking gazes, it began to transform into nine lifelike huge dragons, pulling a high platform like a pyramid, on which eight thrones wriggled and appeared.

Ba Dao’s figure surrounded by fancy special effects slowly lifted into the air, and finally sat on the throne, or propped his face with one hand, or crossed his legs, or played with his hair, or yawned

The suffocating BGM also began to radiate.

"Notify the captain quickly."

"Notify the headquarters quickly."

"The Golden Emperor is playing for real."

"Is this going to start a big war? There are seven people in charge!"

first timing.

The undercover agents of many forces informed the forces behind them one after another.

The posture of the Richest Group is definitely not as simple as just playing around.

"It's been a long time coming!"

Seeing the large row of noodles gradually turning into black spots, Stussy withdrew his gaze and began to prepare for the follow-up matters.

It should have been three months ago to take over the territory of the Explosive Pirates and the BIG MOM Pirates, but it was only delayed because Chaos wanted to develop the Soul Fruit.

She, Stussy, is not the kind of woman who wastes everything and spends a lot of money.

Now that the Explosive Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates are eliminated, the territory of these two pirates is naturally the territory of the richest group. How dare other forces get involved?

That is, the richest group is not taken seriously.

For matters of face, I only need to say a few words in front of that man, and then I don't need to worry about the rest!

That man has no concept of how much property he has, how much power he has, and how much money he has.

But when it comes to things like "face", "pretentiousness", "arrogance", and "vanity", it's a sea of ​​swords and fire, and he will crawl to find his way back if his leg is broken.

To die is to be the first.

What can she do with such a weird boss who doesn't do his job properly and doesn't care about things?

Also very desperate!

I can only break my heart.

"That's it!"

"There's nothing wrong with the suffocating soundtrack and exaggerated appearances!"

"It's the Richest Group that's dispatched."

"Where is this direction?"

"My God! Is this the richest group above the Four Emperors?"

"This breathless horror."

"Damn oppression."

New world at this time.

I don't know how many pirate ships encountered the traveling group of Chaos on the sea.

It has to be said that the high platform of the Nine Dragons Pyramid, and the eight blurred figures in the special effects, coupled with the suffocating and oppressive BGM, fully interpret what is visual, subversive, impactful, and gorgeous.

Special effects, appearance, soundtrack, and background are all top choices.

You only need to see it once and you will never forget it.

It's a man who wants to be like this, whether it's face or face!

The first half of the great voyage.

an island.

Revolutionary Army Headquarters.

"Dragon, this is the latest news, Emperor, cough~"

"The Golden Emperor has set off with seven leaders, should we evacuate?"

Intelligence Control Officer Terry looked a little heavy.

Although the Golden Emperor is the emperor of the Revolutionary Army, and the Richest Group also has good relations with the Revolutionary Army, there is still competition for things that should be there, such as some important mineral islands of the Original Explosion Pirates and the BIG MOM Pirates.

Not only the Beasts Pirates and other forces are vying for it, but their revolutionary army is also secretly robbing.

It's just that since Big Mom was wiped out, the richest group has not made any noise for three whole months, which gave a wrong signal to the outside world, thinking that the richest group is not interested in the territory.

After all, the original site of the Explosive Pirates was only dispatched with a few people in charge. After a blow, they didn't care about it, at least not as big as this time.

The revolutionary army also took advantage of the advantage and not the bastard, so...


Long looked at the information in his hands, frowned after thinking for a while.

No matter how tacitly the two parties are, the Vegeta Kingdom incident has not passed for a long time.

I have to mention that the revolutionary army still needs the ally of the richest group.

Long still doesn't want the gap between the two sides to get bigger and bigger.

If Huang Jindi was a calm and calm person like him, and had a big picture, he would not evacuate.

But the key point is that the Golden Emperor never plays cards according to common sense, and does things entirely by virtue of his mood.

If one is unhappy, a trivial matter may completely break the relationship between the revolutionary army and the richest group, and if it is not good, it will be either you die or I live on the spot.

That man can definitely do this kind of thing.

Best face ever.

It was reported ten days ago, and the whole world was buzzing. If the revolutionary army still continues to occupy those island resources, it will be a slap in the face. With the vanity of the Golden Emperor, this will not kill you ?

Regardless of whether you are an ally or an enemy, kill them first.

It has to be said that Long understands Chaos very well. .

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