The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 99 (4k5) Riding the Savior Alone

After getting enough information from the store manager, Li Huachao also started to take the next step.

First you need to find the sea of ​​flesh.

Li Huachao looked at the thick fog on the street. Why did he feel that the fog on this street was thicker than before?

Although it's still not to the point where I can't see my fingers, the visual range is still small, only two or three meters in front of me.

Where did that idiot go?

Even if you know it won't go very far, it's still hard to find.

Li Huachao sighed, stopped the money-keeping ghost and asked about the current time.

An hour had passed since Yu Liang fell asleep.

He estimated that he would wake up after another five or six hours of sleep. By then, Yu Liang would have taken back control of his body.

And so far, he has only observed a desire, which is far from shocking Yu Liang.

At least he had to deal with the fleshy sea as well, and then complete the small plan he had set. He was very sure that when he got to that point, he would definitely shock and impress Yu Liang.

Forget it, let’s arrange the venue first.

"Grudge, take out all the gold and silver jewelry that I just deposited with you. I want to use them now." Li Huachao walked to the middle of the street where he met, walked back and forth to delineate an area, and then said to the Ginger.

"Okay!" The Scrooge handed a handful of gold necklaces to Li Huachao, and Li Huachao started the process of making and placing the animal traps step by step.

"This is..." The money-keeper's eyes widened as he watched Li Huachao turn the gold and silver treasures into large animal traps. Such an ability was beyond its understanding. It said in confusion, "You... you Not a human being?"

"Isn't it strange for a person to master several skills to make a living?" Li Huachao replied casually.

It took him nearly an hour to make and place nearly a hundred bear traps. These bear traps were almost transparent and difficult to detect in the fog, but to the hunter, their positions would be the same. This one appeared in Li Huachao's mind.

During this period, no monsters appeared on this street, which also helped Li Huachao a lot. He did not want the traps he had worked so hard to lay out to be destroyed by these random monsters.

As for why there are no monsters around, it's probably because the sea of ​​flesh, the Sin of Gluttony, ate all the nearby monsters.

I don’t know how old this guy is now. The last time I saw him, he was twenty meters tall. Now a few hours later, he must be as tall as thirty meters, right?

But it's not necessarily true. At his size, if he wanted to grow another ten meters tall, he would probably have to eat much more food than before.

After the entire trap array was set up, Li Huachao finally stood up from the ground. Holding a chocolate bar in his mouth, he stretched and moved his muscles that had been tense for a long time. The feeling of comfort spread through his whole body, making him unable to help himself. cried out.

"That's almost it. Let's go find that idiot." Li Huachao twisted his neck and carried the money-slinging ghost behind him. Then he stepped around the bear trap on the ground. He turned his head and pointed at the money-sucking ghost on his back. He said, "I'm warning you, don't pee your pants in fear later, or I'll feed you to that fat guy."

"I know, I know, I won't!" The Scrooge remembered the ferocious appearance of the fat man, his body began to tremble, and his head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Li Huachao embarked on a journey to find the sea of ​​flesh. As he walked along the street, he kept whistling, and the whistle was loud enough to spread several blocks away.

If the meat sea was nearby, it would definitely hear it, but it was uncertain whether it would run over curiously. After all, it is not convenient to run around with such a large body.

Although it is not guilty of laziness, it can definitely be guilty of laziness. If it were Li Huachao who was so fat, he would definitely not move his butt unless he couldn't find anything to eat.

Li Huachao thought this, then opened a pack of beef jerky, opened his mouth and stuffed half the pack of beef jerky into his mouth.

He whistled for a while, but still didn't hear the sound of the guy running here.

"Still can't you hear it?" Li Huachao walked along the shops on the street. These streets were completely different from the ones he had seen before. Almost every few steps he could see a completely demolished shop, with the walls broken into stones. It lies in the middle of the street.

After walking all this way, almost no building here is intact. They have all been violently demolished, as if every building was once a battlefield for Rainbow Six players.

To put it bluntly, it was like a minor earthquake had occurred here, and now only ruins were left.


It doesn't look like there are people here at all, everything is in an eerie silence.

Li Huachao looked at this miserable situation and couldn't help but sigh.

This guy is really edible. It would be great if I could kill him directly by cutting off the meat on the back of his neck.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The faint laughter coming from the distance made Li Huachao instantly alert. The laughter was very loud, but the volume was very small, and it seemed to be coming from a very far away place.

To be able to smile like this in such an environment is either a lunatic or a sea of ​​flesh.

Li Hua speeded up and ran quickly along the edge of the street in that direction. At the same time, his eyes were always paying attention to the nearby shops.

He needs to find a handy weapon.

The body of that meat sea is so huge that the two table knives Li Huachao is using cannot break through the defense at all. He estimates that the fat meat on this body of meat is several meters thick. If the knife cuts it, it will be just a little bit thick. It's of no use.

Even his proud ultimate move, Blade Storm, is at best just a high-speed spinning top in front of this sea of ​​flesh.

Turning the gyro to its extreme speed may cause damage to it, but presumably the damage to the gyro itself is higher. It is completely stupid to injure the enemy by 250 and damage yourself by 2500.


Li Huachao's eyes passed through the glass door of the hardware store and fell on a large saw inside.

This is a good thing.

He walked in between the broken glass doors, took out the saw, and grabbed a pair of sledgehammers on the side, one in each hand. He walked around the hardware store and picked up a pair of thickly made labor protection tools. Gloves.

Li Huachao obviously didn't want to use hammers and saws as combat weapons. These two things were equally stupid to use.

He quickly set his sights on the ruins on the roadside, where the entire wall was broken, with steel bars standing high.

"Just find a steel bar to make a weapon." He walked over with a hammer and saw, and then used the hammer to break the wall bit by bit until the steel bars in the wall were completely exposed.

Li Huachao picked out a section of the steel bar, which was about four meters long. He then used a saw to trim the branches around the section of steel bar, and soon trimmed it into the shape he needed.

A simple spear appeared in his hand. He put on the labor protection gloves he had just taken out at the hardware store and tried to swing the steel spear in his hand a few times.

He has the blessing of being proficient in cold weapons, and this spear still belongs to the category of cold weapons, so he can still dance like a tiger.

I have to say that this hunter profession is really useful. It is normal to go hunting in the mountains and carry a bow, but he is also proficient in spears...

This is too super model, use it quickly, otherwise it will not work well if you cut it.

Li Huachao patted the money guard behind him and ran towards him following the laughter. But as he ran, he suddenly realized something.


A young child on his back.

If you put this money-sucking ghost on your chest, isn't this Zhao Zilong riding the savior alone? !

Suddenly, a unique sense of mission appeared in him.

Li Huachao grabbed the gun with one hand and spun a big windmill. He felt that he was in good condition now.

"Brother, can you let me down? It seems to be nearby. Let me down and you can fight again." The Scrooge has smelled the unique smell of the sea of ​​flesh in the air, and it feels timid sincerely.

Of course, the main reason it wants to come down is because it will definitely not be conducive to Li Huachao's battle.

"No, I can't. Without you Adou, how can I recreate the heroic appearance of Changbanpo?" Li Huachao refused immediately, and refused without leaving any room for argument.

The money-keeper felt a chill in his heart, and he began to regret following Li Huachao out to make money.

If it weren't for the money, I wouldn't be in this desperate situation.

For the first time, he doubted himself.

After a while, Li Huachao came to a building.

There is no fog here.

There was no fog on the nearby streets. To be precise, the fog was very thin.

Li Huachao was very familiar with this situation. He had already seen it when he encountered the flesh sea before. This was because the flesh sea sucked the nearby fog into his body.

Li Huachao's eyes fell on the huge thing in front of the building.

The sea of ​​flesh is now thirty meters high, and even standing in front of the ten-story building, they are equally matched.

The body like a mountain is covered with fat, and the upper body is naked, exposing the hundreds of densely packed heads on the chest, while the lower body is only covered with several sheets stuck together to cover the key parts. At this time, it starts from the back He looked like a sumo wrestler.

This thing is a bit difficult to deal with.

Li Huachao couldn't help but feel a little helpless in his heart. Anyone would find it difficult to deal with such a monster. This was definitely not a monster that human beings could fight against.

It would be great if this town was a military stronghold. Using a rocket car might be able to wipe out this sea of ​​flesh to ashes.

"Hahaha, let me see if there is any prize here." Rouhai's majestic laughter came from above his head, and only now did Li Huachao notice what it was doing.

This building is probably a single apartment. Looking from Li Huachao, the building has ten floors, with about twelve rooms on each floor. The sunny side of the building is all covered with glass windows, and each pane of glass windows represents One family.

Rouhai stretched out a finger to poke one of the glass windows, then put his huge eyes on the glass window, observing the situation in this house, but he could not confirm whether there was anyone in this room just by observation, so It covered the broken glass window with its big fleshy mouth and took a deep breath, like sucking in a snail.

In just an instant, all movable objects in the room were sucked into its mouth by this powerful suction force.

Rouhai moved his big mouth away from the building, then chewed what he had just sucked into his mouth, and spit out something on the ground from time to time.

They were some chewed boards, stones or other debris. They were wrapped in withered yellow saliva. They drew an arc in the air and hit the ground heavily, breaking a mature tree on the roadside. , stuck on the ground.

A strong stench spread far and wide, just like a person with a bad stomach who ate garlic last night without brushing his teeth and suddenly exhaled all the rotten gas in his stomach through his smelly mouth the next morning.

Li Huachao always wore a mask, but he still felt like he was suffocating.

This sea of ​​​​meat is completely unhygienic, so the trick of turning corpses into shit is probably of no use to it, and maybe the smell is the same.

As Rouhai chewed, he suddenly opened his eyebrows. He closed his mouth tightly and said vaguely: "This seems to be a prize."

It put its finger into its mouth and took out a little boy from its mouth. It became excited: "I got it, I got it!"

The boy's whole body was wet with thick phlegm-like saliva. It seemed that the previous chewing had bitten off his lower body, so only his upper body was healthy at this time. The pain from the broken waist made his face distorted and tears flowed across his face, but his whole body was covered with tears. It was covered in saliva so he couldn't scream at all.

Blood-soaked intestines and other internal organs continued to leak out from the wound on his waist, falling from the air to the ground with a loud thud.

"He's still moving! He's still moving!" The woman's head on her navel was equally excited. She stretched her neck three to four meters and opened her mouth to catch the boy's fallen internal organs, which were filled with blood. The internal organs fragments hit its face, dyeing its entire face bright red.

"He's not dead yet?" A curious expression appeared on Rouhai's plump face. He stuffed the boy in his hand back into the apartment through the glass window, then watched him struggle in the saliva, and tried his best to move into the room with all his strength. Crawling away, his survival instinct kept him as far away from the monster as possible.

"Haha, run away, run away." The sea of ​​meat laughed at his futility, but it did not continue and captured the boy again.

Because it saw that the boy was about to die, and it liked to eat its prey while it was still alive. Only that would be the most desperate.

"This is for you to eat." Rouhai handed the boy in his hand to his belly and let the woman bite his head off, blood spurting out.

Li Huachao looked at this scene and suddenly thought of the blind box that was often sold at the door of small stores a few years ago. It cost 50 cents a time. Sometimes he could poke a small toy, sometimes again, but most of the time there was only one. A small note saying "Thank you for your patronage".

After he was born, he also appeared in that vast white space and quietly read the excerpts of Lao Du's life.

Because he is an audience member, Li Huachao is sure that he is Li Huachao and not the "resurrected Lao Du".

In Lao Du's childhood memory, little Lao Du would never poke the blind lottery box, but he still watched and laughed happily with his classmates.

And now this sea of ​​meat is played in this way, and it is just as fun as those children back then.

Li Huachao fell into rare silence.

He didn't think much about it when he broke the wall that hid the girl's family of three.

Of course, at that time, even if he knew it would cause a disaster, he wouldn't care too much, because this is just a mirror world, not reality.

Besides, Yu Liang also has another chance to restore the timeline, so he can play this archive in any way, as long as he can get more information.

It's just that he couldn't be happy seeing such a scene.

Eating prey is fine, but he hates playing with it.

"It makes me very unhappy that you are so happy." Li Huachao whispered, then waved the steel bar in his hand and rushed towards the sea of ​​flesh.

He originally planned to seduce the monster and lead it directly to the ambush point.

But now Li Huachao changed his mind.

He wanted to kill this damn monster right here if he could.

"Ha, if Yu Liang were to write this plot, he would definitely not let the protagonist confront this kind of monster. Because the protagonist cannot do things without rewards, otherwise readers will scold them." Li Huachao muttered something. , and then laughed.

"But it's okay to write about people like me, because I am Li Huachao and I can do whatever I want."

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