The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 95 Li Huachao, the incarnation of sin

It was already six o'clock in the morning, and the early morning sunlight could not penetrate the fog, so the streets were only slightly brighter than late at night, but the situation a few meters away was still unclear.

Except the police.

The policeman's eyes must have been strengthened. He could easily see the situation within fifty meters in the fog, which made Li Huachao envious for a while.


It was still a clean shot. The policeman raised his hand and eliminated a monster mutated by the gray gas.

Along the way back, he had already killed four or five monsters with his pistol, which also made him and Li Huachao discover a pattern.

The routine of these monsters in the fog seems to be the same as that of normal humans, rising day and night.

However, the police still need to observe further. If this is really the case, he may warn the people in the warehouse to change their living habits and switch to being out and about during the day, so as to avoid the monster's activity period as much as possible.

Yu Liang yawned in Li Huachao's mind.

Now it is the dual-card dual-standby mode of the same body. Although Li Huachao is here to control the body, Yu Liang's mental state is still tired and has not improved. It seems that he needs to take a nap to solve this problem.

"Sleepy? Then just sleep like this. I'll do the operation. Don't worry. I might have completed the dungeon by the time you hang up and come back." So Li Huachao encouraged him.

"Leave it to you?" Yu Conscience felt scared. He was almost certain that Li Huachao would cause trouble, but if he switched back and went to sleep again, he was worried that no one could guarantee his safety.

He is indeed very alert in the Kaitan dungeon and sleeps lightly. However, the attack method of the mirror spirit may be very strange. If someone takes out a mirror or something nearby while he is sleeping, he may become a target for the mirror spirit.

I originally thought that this copy only told the story of the yandere girl and the mirror spirit, but now it is leaning towards the doomsday theme, and it also involves mirror images and living sacrifices. This made Yu Liang realize that the purpose of the mirror spirit or the girl may be It's not that simple.

"Yes, leave it to me. Do you have anything to worry about?" Li Huachao chuckled, "I'm your lucky star, right? Think about your Shadow Attendant and Room 225, aren't they all in my hands?" Was it acquired through his ingenuity?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Intelligence (×)

Crazy seeking death (√)

"Forget it, I'll take a look at the situation when we get back to the warehouse." Yu Liang decided to make a decision later.

He was not at ease whether he agreed or disagreed, but after all, he was a human being with limited energy and had to rest, so it was difficult to make a choice.

But if Li Huachao controls this body, wouldn't he get tired easily?

In this case, it should be difficult to cause trouble everywhere, right?

At most, he was being mean to other survivors in this warehouse.

"Okay, okay." Li Huachao shrugged.

The policeman looked around and then said: "We'd better clean up these monsters around us in the past few days to ensure the safety around the warehouse."

"Do I also want to participate?" Li Huachao said in surprise, "But I don't have much fighting ability."


Doesn't it mean that you have no fighting ability? You can take down nine strong men by yourself, but I can only barely take down three strong men?

"Okay, okay, if I'm free, I can help you." Li Huachao had no choice but to agree. After all, the police were his fixed-point coordinates, which was of great strategic significance.

However, he didn't take it too seriously. When Yu Liang woke up, he would go to that "Yu Liang's" home. If everything went well, he would completely leave this dungeon of ghost stories, and this dungeon of ghost stories would have nothing to do with him.

It can be known from the prompt box and "her" words that Yu Liang got before:

The source ghost story is a very scary thing, similar to the existence of "her", and Yu Liang's [Naxu] can only be activated after completing the root ghost story on the current map...

This dungeon of kaidan seems to only have an escape room similar to the main mission, and there is no clear source of kaidan. Maybe this is the limitation of the single-player dungeon.

Of course, this is just Li Huachao's guess. It's hard to say what the situation will be. Now we can only take one step at a time and look for opportunities to break the situation.

To break the situation, you need to break the conventional thinking, and he is quite good at breaking the conventional thinking.

"Do you still want to go back to the warehouse now?" Li Huachao asked, "The lights in the warehouse just went out. In the dark environment, they probably didn't realize that you were a monster... Uh, I'm sorry, I don't think you are a monster."

"Well, I believe I'm not." The policeman nodded. He looked at his hands and then clenched his fists. "I just gained more strength. For survivors, this is a good thing."

"Of course." Li Huachao agreed, "But I remind you, you have to hold back and not eat 'human flesh'. It will gradually make you crazy and uncontrollable. If you get to that point, I will kill you without hesitation." Kill you."

"I understand, I am a human being, and I will not do anything worse than an animal." The policeman agreed decisively. He looked at Li Huachao, "Please, if I lose control, kill me as soon as possible. I don't want to hurt those who survived." those."


Li Huachao and the policeman returned to the warehouse through the fog. The lights in the warehouse had been repaired, so the lights here were still bright.

The warehouse was a little quiet, with only a few whispers, and a low atmosphere enveloped the place.

When a disaster occurs, people can only run for their lives quickly and have no time to grieve too much. But now that they have settled down, they will start to think about the past and the future.

The crowd was divided into two groups, distinct from each other.

Most people stayed aside and were doing their own thing, while a small number of people gathered closely around the black-robed goddess, listening to what the goddess was saying.

Yu Liang also saw this scene, and he had some bad associations in his heart.

A similar scene appeared on the painting page.

"The rest of the people who were not killed by the curse still did not repent and worshiped demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, wood, and stone that could not see, hear, or speak."

But then I thought about it, this wasn’t right either.

The goddess is not a human stone statue. She should be doing something similar to preaching. From the perspective of the church, these people should be people who have repented. This still conflicts with the content on the page.

But at the same time, there are also many people who don't believe it. After all, superstition is not a common attribute among people in this land.

"Sorry everyone, I'm back." The police became the focus of everyone's attention as soon as they entered the warehouse. "The group just now were a group of criminals who hit and run before the disaster happened."

"Are they dead?" someone in the crowd asked.

The policeman hesitated and then nodded, still feeling a little uneasy.

Strictly speaking, the death of strong men is not in compliance with the law and is a kind of lynching. Some people may be disgusted with this behavior.

"Fortunately, fortunately, they are dead. Those people are not good people at first glance. It would be too dangerous to live with them." Someone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Indeed, all of them are tall and thick, and they are still holding axes. They are very scary. They are indeed bad people." Others agreed.

The survivors in the warehouse all opened their mouths to support the police. The dozen or so strong men just now put them under great mental pressure, and their random throwing of axes and beating of the police also showed that they were not capable of anything. It is normal for law-abiding citizens to be dealt with by the police.

As for lynching…

The survivors didn't think too much about it. It was the end of the world. Who cared about this? Of course, their own safety was the most important thing.

"Hmm." At this time, the Shougui also trotted up to Li Huachao from behind a container. He still remembered Yu Liang's instructions, so he didn't say anything and just said "Hmm."

"I'm fine, don't worry." Li Huachao smiled, and he was quite happy to see that the Scrooge was still alive.

The authority of the sin of wrath has been observed, the essence of the sin of greed is around, and as for the sin of gluttony...

It's so fat and inconvenient to move around. It probably won't leave the streets near the girl's home, so it should be easy to find.

"Come over here, let me count the number of people." The policeman waved to everyone, and others slowly gathered around.

Li Huachao noticed that the two female students on the bus were already closely following the goddess, as if they were her little followers. In addition to the two female students, there were about five or six other people who had become the goddess. of fans.

Can such second-rate deception techniques alone convince these people of the Day of Judgment?

Yu Liang felt a little confused, which soon turned into worry.

Indeed, most people would sneer at such a goddess if they encountered her normally, but what is happening now cannot be explained scientifically. When humans are powerless, they can only pray to gods and worship Buddha.

In the following time, the police recorded everyone's name and occupation, and then tallied up the resources in the warehouse.

There were only fifty-seven survivors in this warehouse. When Yu Liang was still on the bus, he thought there could be nearly a thousand people in the shelter. Now that he thought about it, he was still too optimistic.

The monsters moving in the fog are far more powerful than the zombies in the movie, and therefore more terrifying. Ordinary people have no ability to resist when faced with monsters transformed from corpses, and most of the people in this town No one has a gun, not even a sharp and handy weapon.

The goddess slowly walked up to the policeman, looked at the policeman's body from head to toe with her muddy eyes, and then said to him in a slightly hoarse voice: "You, you have committed the crime of rage and are about to suffer." The one who judges.”

The policeman did not speak, but his face seemed uglier than before. He understood what he had done and what had happened to him.

It is actually correct to say that he is a guilty person.

"She was in the warehouse before. She saw you when you were angry. It's not surprising that she would say that." Li Huachao opened a chocolate bar and poked the policeman beside him with her elbow. "No, you can get a good education." A determined... warrior, how can you be fooled by such words?"

"No, I just lost my mind." This sentence also woke the policeman up. He smiled at the goddess, "Sorry, I was impulsive before. It's easy for me to do this when I see criminals. I will try to control myself in the future. .”

"You don't understand, you don't understand, you lost sheep still don't understand." The goddess snorted coldly, and then turned her gaze to Li Huachao.

Li Huachao looked at him with her big teeth bared, which were covered in black chocolate.

"You!" The goddess's body trembled involuntarily. She pointed at Li Huachao, her eyes widened, her lips moved up and down, but she could not speak for a long time.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Huachao licked the chocolate off his teeth with his tongue.

"You have committed seven deadly sins. You, you have committed all the crimes. You are a complete blasphemer!" These words came out of the goddess's mouth, and her body was still shaking uncontrollably. He seemed frightened and frightened, "You will kill us all! You are the disaster itself!"

"Uh." Li Huachao was also stunned when he heard this. He carefully thought about everything he had done since birth, "Is it so serious?"

He asked Yu Liangdao in his mind: "Have I really committed the seven deadly sins?"

Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust...

Not a single case was lost?

Yu Liang also thought with him, and then gave a positive reply: "Indeed, she is right."

Li Huachao was surprised: "So she does have great supernatural powers."

"Forget it. Strictly speaking, these seven deadly sins are no different from the seven emotions and six desires of normal people. It's just a matter of degree." Yu Liang definitely couldn't believe this goddess, so he attributed it to clichés.

"Then according to what you say, how should I atone for my sin?" Li Hua raised his eyebrows and looked at people through the slits of his eyes.

"You..." the goddess thought for a moment, and then gave an uncertain answer, "If you can concentrate on studying God's principles, maybe you can live a little longer."

"Forget it, I prefer to be in close contact with the smell of death. If I don't die for a day, it's like having ants crawling on my body." Li Huachao smiled, turned around and walked away with the money-grubber, "I'm tired, let's take a rest. Just do whatever the police want with them."

"Okay." The policeman nodded, and then explained to other people around him, "He has been busy with me all night, and he just spent a lot of effort to subdue the group of terrorists, so let him rest for a while. "

The survivors nodded.

"Uniform? What uniform?" Li Huachao turned around instantly.

The policeman felt that he could no longer make up the story.

Li Huachao's eyes swept over everyone present, and lingered on a few of the women for a while. However, the female survivors now did not have time to manage their appearance, so they looked disgraced.

"It's not as good as the zoo." He muttered quietly, turned around and walked towards the depths of the warehouse.

There were sleeping bags in this warehouse. He had seen someone taking them out and using them before, so he also found one, put his own sleeping bag in a corner, and then threw a plastic bag of compressed biscuits and water into the sleeping bag. inside.

Along the way, he also "checked" the things on the shelves on the road as if he had ADHD, but the content he got was similar to before, reminding him that the things in the mirror world were all false.


"Hey, Yu Liang, the things here can't be combined into characters and taken away, but that doesn't mean they can't be combined into some noun items, right?" Li Huachao suddenly realized this.

Verb characters must be put into the character column, so there are requirements for "authenticity". However, if two things in the mirror world are combined, all three are false, then they can all exist in this mirror world. inside.

"It seems... makes sense." Yu Liang nodded, feeling that Li Huachao was right, "But the synthesized items shouldn't be of much use, right?"

"I'm just reminding you, maybe you can use it at a critical moment." Hua Chao smiled, then found a dead insect from the shelf, and lit a fire with a lighter.

It is still the easiest way to make "candles".



Name: Candle

Texture: Fire

Note: Mirror items are all illusory.

"Illusions are illusions, but they feel quite honest in your hands." Li Huachao weighed the weight, but he didn't feel anything was wrong.

"I understand, this is a useful rule." Yu Liang said, "I'm going to sleep."

"Oh?" Li Huachao asked Yu Liang, "Would you like me to tell you a story to coax you? Let me tell you, I am good at telling bedtime ghost stories."

"Just shut up for a while, stay quiet, and switch back when I wake up." Yu Liang already felt a lingering sleepiness lingering in his mind. He knew that he should sleep, at least mentally. .

I hope that when he wakes up, Li Huachao will give him less surprises.

With such thoughts in mind, Yu Liang finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell into a deep sleep.

After a while...

"Yu Liang, Yu Liang?"

Li Huachao called softly twice in her heart, and when she didn't get any response, she got up from her sleeping bag with relief.

Looks like he's completely asleep.


A smile appeared on his face.

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