Li Yuanhang took the cup of tea with his hands touched. After drinking it, he sighed deeply and said, "Alas Teacher, it's hard to be a local official! If I am too strong and my subordinates are rebellious, if I am too democratic, I will be easily influenced by others. In addition, I am a cautious person, and I don't want to form a reputation of unfair behavior in Yundu. Therefore, I always make the mistake of overcorrecting Xiao Zhao.

He has made a small mistake that can be forgiven. As long as someone stares at him, I can only take a regardless attitude and let them check it. If it is verified, I have to deal with him according to the result Alas! I have wronged the young man! "

Lu Bowen said with a smile: "Oh, you apologized to me for this. It's unnecessary. Long voyage! Although Zhao shensan is my son-in-law, he is my younger generation in my family. When he goes out to work, he is your soldier. How to deal with it is your business. If you feel wronged and wronged, just tell him to change it. How can you mobilize people to come to me and apologize? I have never heard him complain to me about whether you wronged him! "

Li Yuanhang shook his head and said sadly: "this is the valuable part of Xiao Zhao! He would rather not tell you that he is wronged by himself. He is loyal to my subordinates and superiors, filial to you and children, and he is not willing to give you any trouble! Alas! I don't know about this

but Teacher, the cloud is complicated! Hao Yuanyuan is a native and has rich connections with the lower class. He always encourages a large number of grass-roots workers to rush up and put pressure on me. In addition, this time he is leaving Yundu, he is more willing to take social capital with the mentality of "one by one". He even bargains with me in the adjustment of department level leading staff, and colludes with some deputy of the unit to force me to leave Fan.

I don't know if you took Xiao Zhao to Beijing for a meeting this time, but they seized the opportunity to say that Xiao Zhao hid the truth after the accident. If he couldn't cover it up, he would be afraid of crime and hide. If he didn't give Xiao Zhao a suspended punishment and send another leader to take charge of the work, there would be mass incidents soon.

Me too Alas! It's a lesson from the past. I'm afraid there will be more trouble at the end of the new year In a word, for a moment, he was confused. On the one hand, he didn't like Xiao Zhao. On the other hand, he wanted to appease Hao Yuanyuan and his group and stop staring at Xiao Zhao. For a moment, he asked the leader recommended by Hao Yuanyuan to go for a few days. In fact, there is no appointed post, and there is no clear level in the documents. Even the organization department only sent him to the staff section.

But the more I thought about this person, the more I felt that it was improper. At noon, I asked the leader of the organization, comrade Qingliang, to find this person. Now it is still reserved for Xiao Zhao. "

When Li Yuanhang spoke, Lu Bowen always kept a serious attitude of listening. In the process of listening, he nodded his head from time to time. He didn't show that he recognized that Li Yuanhang's explanation was full of hypocrisy. After listening to it, he said seriously: "Yuanhang, since you were in the Education Department, you have followed me. Naturally, I understand your strictness. Can you tell me To make this decision, there must be conclusive evidence that Zhao shensan really concealed the truth of the accident, right? If so, you can just give him a punishment of suspension for investigation, and already take care of him. How can it be regarded as overcorrection? Besides, is he going to the capital with me to have a meeting with him? His personal mistakes are not in line with each other. How can you because of this He regretted that he had summoned all the comrades who were sent to take over the post and said that he would keep them for Zhao shensan.

Don't you think it's too hasty for a leader to deal with such a serious issue as the appointment and removal of department level staff? To be honest, I'm very confused, and I can't understand why your change came from. "

Li Yuanhang did not expect that Lu Bowen was not fooled by his equivocation at all. Instead, he revealed the problem and asked him back. He blushed and said for a long time Well, it's I carefully considered Hao Yuanyuan's attitude towards forcing me to do this, and carefully considered the so-called investigation results they provided me. I found that Xiao Zhao's mistake was very weak. If he could be more intelligent and cautious in dealing with the accident, he would not have left so many things to be caught.

Moreover, he has such a deep mass base that his next work can not be without him, and I found that the person who was sent rashly could not go deep into the work left by Xiao Zhao, which was very unfavorable for the completion of the unit model project next year. So I called the person to wait for Xiao Zhao's problem to come to a conclusion, and let Xiao Zhao Zhang take charge of the work. "

Lu Po Wen burst out laughing: "ha ha ha, Yuanhang, I said that you are a leader today. You don't hesitate to condescend and become sticky. He Pengfei is eager to see me. When you see me, you make excuses, apologize and feel guilty. After dealing with Zhao shensan for a long time, you heard that the new way of rural development has been taken seriously. I'm afraid that Zhao shensan will not be able to make a name for that project, and you can't give it to me. So you come to challenge me and try to pull me into the water. When it comes time, I have to press Zhao shensan's head for you to be an ox envoy, right Your teacher, I'm old. ""Well Teacher, how can you I'm not, I'm not I just Li Yuanhang's face suddenly became more red, and he didn't explain clearly for a long time.

"Well, Yuanhang, in our circle, I'm still a good friend if I don't know what you mean. Even if I understand what you mean, I should pretend to be confused, give you face and give Zhao shensan a way out, so that everyone can be happy, right? But why do I make this taboo to expose you?

that's because you are different from ordinary employees in my eyes. Why do you call me teacher instead of leader Lu? Why do I call you Yuanhang instead of leader Li? This is the difference between you and ordinary workers. The difference lies in that I regard you as a student, a friend and even more as my own person. Just because of this, I can't connive at your being smart. I want you to understand how to treat me and Zhao shensan in line with your true identity as a leader or a student boss! " Lu Bowen stopped laughing and said sternly.

Li Yuanhang's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he didn't know whether to nod or explain, but in the end he cleverly chose to be silent and bowed his head in embarrassment.

"It is reasonable to say that although I am a leader because I am a leader in the provincial capital, we are not doing the same kind of work. How should we deal with the mistakes of our subordinates? I do it every day. If you look at me and give me a few careless eyes, can you muddle through? As far as Li Yuanhang's character is concerned, a few threatening words can influence your will Well, even if you put aside the internal contradictions in Yuncheng City and just talk about the matter, do you honestly say that Zhao shensan has been dealt with by you this time? Is he a coward or a wronger? It's because the snow has collapsed the grass house and some children have been injured, but some people say that he is cheating Did you hide the truth? With Zhao shensan's cleverness, I really want to hide the severity of the accident. The investigation team you sent can get the real evidence. You're looking too high on your subordinates. Ha ha ha!

Yuanhang, you don't think I'm serious. As the saying goes, only when the drum rings can I use a heavy hammer. If I don't want you to take a detour, why should I be such a villain? I'm better at being obedient than you. If you want to listen, I can make you happy, but the key is that those who are obedient are meaningless. But if you really want me to analyze it for you, you can't be afraid that I have a heavy voice. What do you choose? "Lu Bowen then uncovers Li Yuanhang's selfishness one by one.

Li Yuanhang quickly said: "teacher, you have said that when I am one of my own people, I should not point out a clear way for the students. Now I have become a local old hat with blocked information at the grassroots level. I am really easy to be deceived and confused!"

Lu Bowen slowly poured tea for both of them. After drinking, he continued: "Yuanhang, since we've talked about this, I won't save your face, because I'm the only one here. No one knows whether you can save your face or not. First of all, let me briefly analyze why you took away Zhao shensan because of such a small thing. In fact, you obviously killed the chicken for the monkey, and this is to give Zheng Yanhong a downfall, right

you may have guessed that after Hao Yuanyuan left, Zheng Yanhong would be able to take over the leadership of Yundu and partner with you. Of course, you know her better. Although she is a woman, she is strong in character and fierce in work. In addition, you think that your background may be a little inferior to her. Once you partner with her in the future, you are likely to be constrained by her. So you listen to Hao Yuanyuan's suggestion and make Zhao shensan's mistake into a rope to tie Zheng Yanhong around her neck. If she goes too far in the future Just tighten the rope to make her worry. Ha ha ha! Although I don't like the metaphor, it's roughly the same meaning "

Li Yuanhang, no matter how thick skinned he is, Lu Bowen can't stand it when he talks about it. He blushes and wants to explain.

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