Ma Huimin walked all the way and cursed in his heart: "Damn, as long as you do things for me, even if I call you grandparents, what's the matter? If you go out of your house, I will scold your ancestors! Cheekiness is a fart. You can't even get a pancake when you are hungry. So, go to hell with your self-esteem

I don't know how long these two floors have gone. Anyway, when leader Ma appeared in the corridor on the 16th floor from the stairwell, he was smiling and full of pride.

In Zheng Yanhong's room sits the financial leader. They are discussing a budget. Seeing Ma Huimin coming in, Feng Qiaolan quickly stood up and said in a farewell tone: "leader Ma, you've come to leader Zheng, so I'll do it according to our agreed meaning"

ZHENG Yanhong waved her hand and said: "you go. Ma said

After Feng Qiaolan left, Zheng Yan's face was red and calm, but with some arrogance, he asked in a deep voice: "leader Ma has something to do"

"leader Zheng, I understand that if I say anything to you, it's meaningless, so I won't say anything nice, OK?" Ma Huimin actually changed her previous hypocrisy of smiling, but it's like wearing a mask. She was very cautious on her face, and her eyes were full of sadness But flashed sincerely said.

"Oh, Ma leader means" Zheng Yanhong saw that the Secretary had poured water on Ma Huimin, so she waved the Secretary away and asked with a playful smile.

Ma Huimin seemed to pause for a while and then said, "leader Zheng, actually Although I have been fighting with you, but I also understand that I can't fight with you. The reason why I fight is because I am not convinced. I always want to Our qualifications are almost the same. Why do I always have less chance and luck than you? I always fall behind you and look up your nose Alas

Looking at Ma Huimin's more and more boring face, Zheng Yanhong feels that today's woman has a sense of reality, so she puts away her pride. She stands up from the high boss's chair and sits on the sofa opposite to Ma Huimin, giving the woman a state of equality, but does not interrupt the silence brought by Ma Huimin's sigh, waiting for Ma Huimin's future.

After a moment's silence, Ma Huimin laughed bitterly at himself and said, "ha ha, actually I've figured out that I can't compare with you. I've always been unconvinced by your so-called" luck "and" chance ". Frankly speaking, it's directly caused by our different origins. No matter from ancient times to the present, there is no comparability between a daughter from a noble family and a poor peasant girl. Although I have achieved a similar position with you by my own efforts, I can never erase the sense of poverty in my heart, nor can I gain the complete recognition of the people at your level. Therefore, I can never get your luck and chance, and I will never forget Far from it

"Extreme." Zheng Yanhong didn't retort, but faintly spit out these three words.

Ma Huimin shook her head and said: "no, leader Zheng, I came here today to have a heart to heart talk with you, and I didn't intend to get your understanding or sympathy at all, so I don't agree with you to tell lies. And I'm not jealous of you, and I'm not going to fight with you any more.

Because I have understood that the war with you is my biggest mistake. If I didn't fight with you at the beginning, maybe I would be much happier and calmer from my heart to my achievement now. "

Zheng Yanhong was more and more puzzled about what this woman was going to do when she came to her to express her feelings. She couldn't help asking, "well, leader Ma came to me to meet me frankly, what do you want me to do?"

"I don't want you to do." Ma Huimin said: "to tell you the truth, leader Zheng, I'm striving to leave Yundu this time. I don't want to leave a knot between you and me before I leave I hesitated for a long time. After all, even if I leave, the province will be so big. There will always be times when my teeth touch my mouth. If we meet next time, I don't want us to be rivals

Leader Zheng, if I say that, you may think I'm going too far. In fact Alas! We are all women, but I can't achieve my present achievement because I don't have your unique background. I think you can realize how difficult it is for me There is a TV play called "why do women make trouble for women?" leader Zheng, maybe I'm asking too much. I hope we can reach a reconciliation from the perspective of women, OK "

MA Huimin actually moved her feelings, and her two peach blossom eyes were full of tears, looking very sincere. Zheng Yanhong was originally a hard outside and soft inside personality. She was not afraid of being attacked by others. As soon as they attacked her, she couldn't help it. She quickly took out the tissue paper and handed it to Ma Huimin, saying: "leader Ma, it's not as serious as what you said. There is no hatred between us, and the explanation is exaggerated."

Ma Huimin choked completely and said: "I'm sorry No, leader Zheng, I understand that you are tolerant and magnanimous, or you don't care to see things the same way as me. It's more likely that At the beginning, I only took you as my opponent unilaterally. You never paid attention to me

However, what I want to say today is about the leadership of Zhao. I am also because Because of the promises and misleading of leader Li and leader Hao, they came forward to investigate leader Zhao, and then facilitated Pei Jianxin's trip to Tongxian county. Now, the situation is like this. Except for our uncle and sister-in-law, the initiators are just I just want to remind you that sometimes, don't trust the promises of some leaders too much, it's not reliable! "Listening to Ma Huimin's choking voice, she realized her seemingly incoherent but actually profound reminder. Zheng Yanhong deeply felt sad for this seemingly cunning woman who was always used by others. She nodded and said: "leader Ma, since you can meet me frankly today, I also advise you to say that it's up to you whether you listen or not."

"Mm-hmm, you say."

"Don't trust men's promises too much." Zheng Yanhong said: "why do I say 'man' instead of 'leader'? Leader Ma must be able to tell you what I want to tell you. If you come here today with a smile and wish me success in the leadership competition in advance, I won't tell you that, but since you are frank with me, I won't keep a mask for you. " Zheng Yanhong said.

"I know what you mean."

"Well." Zheng Yanmin said: "even if you come from a woman's family, it's hard for me to understand that you are superior to Ma Huimin. I want to tell you don't trust men. I just want to remind you that although men can be extremely humble animals in front of us, they reveal a male animal's unique sense of superiority and selfishness. Even if they make a promise, it may be a moment of flurry. When it comes to influencing their decision-making, the credibility of the promise is very important Very little!

Just as you want to fight with me, first you trust the leader of Lin Maoren, then you trust the leader of Gao Mingming, and now you trust the leader of Li, and you trust the leader of Hao. When did they take you as a shield for their own protection, but you all ended up in failure, so Whether you go or stay is really of little significance to me. If I say that, you may think I am arrogant. In fact, if you think about it a little bit, you will understand that I am telling the truth. Have you affected me? Since you can't influence me, what does it have to do with me whether my competitor is you or another person "?

MA Huimin is even more gloomy, although she has repeatedly stressed that Zheng Yanhong may not disdain her When the opponent, but the other side really admitted, never put her in the equal position of the opponent to compete, she still has a kind of despised sad.

Zheng Yanhong certainly won't Miss Ma Huimin's sadness, but she is very strange and doesn't hit the opponent's most painful part of the complacency, on the contrary, she has a kind of cold sympathy. She reaches out her hand to cover Ma Huimin's hand on the armrest of the two sofas, taps it gently and says: "but, we women really can't improve our self-confidence without these smelly men Have you lost your position? No! Since it is doomed that we are in the category of the weak, why not use the so-called protection consciousness of those conceited men to soften our fingers and achieve our own goals?

so, even if it's a farewell speech, even if it's the speech of colleagues in the future, I advise you to grasp the right opponent and be more careful when you use your mind in the future Seize the opportunity, this can give at least get the most.

Well, leader Ma, I'm Zheng Yanhong. I'm a crisp person. I'll give it all. But as you wish, the enmity between you and me ends here! Ha ha, if I say this, you can feel at ease "

MA Huimin got Zheng Yanhong's approval. Naturally, she was satisfied and even very moved. She said with a slightly embarrassed smile:" hee hee, leader Zheng, thank you. I feel much more happy to talk to you! By the way, leader Zhao of your family Well, it's time to say that leader Zhao took office today. I saw Minister Liu personally send him to take office this morning. Congratulations! Well, his partner will be enough for him in the future. Maybe However, the Zhao leader of your family is very good at it, and there are friends on it. There may not be any big prodigal son over there... "

Zheng Yanhong was surprised because Hao Yuanyuan and Li Yuanhang did not say anything about the leaders of Tongxian County, which made her mistakenly think that because Zhao shensan refused to take the lead, they decided to temporarily maintain the pattern of Zhao shensan carrying one shoulder, at least until the project acceptance.

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