After coming out of Shenniu gorge, Zhao shensan proposed another scenic spot on his way home, which is his second development idea - religious and cultural tourism route. He asked the leaders if they were interested in seeing it.

at the moment, Li Yuanhang did not intend to interfere in Zhao shensan's sudden behavior, but took it as if he had arranged Zhao shensan to do it. And Li Wenbin more understand Zhao shensan has understood his mind, where can not be happy naturally agreed.

The car zigzagged along the mountains, but the smooth road drove to a hillside between the green mountains. Before getting off the car, the faint bell came out. The mysterious atmosphere of religion made everyone feel solemn. Under the guidance of the leading vehicle, the car stopped in front of an ancient and simple Mountain Gate. On the Stone Mountain Gate, there were three big characters "Manjusri Temple", which naturally worshiped Manjusri Bodhisattva It's too late.

On the wall beside the gate of the temple, there is a shining bronze plaque, which says "Tongxian religious tourism route designated Temple". Naturally, the village next to the temple is the same three story building as the Shenlong gorge. Such a remote and poor mountain can have such elegant dwellings. Needless to say, Zhao shensan borrowed chicken to make eggs, and used the investment attracted by tourism resources to improve farmers' living conditions The living environment has changed.

After entering the temple gate, several monks in cassock came out and saw a large group of leaders, but they only showed respect to Zhao shensan. Although Zhao shensan had already introduced that he was the only leader in the group, these monks still did not change their attitude, which was enough to show that he was more important in these people's hearts than Li Wenbin.

Like most monasteries, there is no need to talk more about it. The most surprising thing is that there are several ginkgo trees in the courtyard, which are very rare for their luxuriant branches and leaves. After everyone enjoyed it with great interest, Li Wenbin beckoned Zhao shensan, who was far behind the team, to come to him and asked him about the composition of this religious tourism route. Zhao shensan ran over and immediately realized that his chance was coming!

Zhao shensan realized that the opportunity was coming, so he quickly reported: "leader Li, leaders, under the restriction of resources, the religious tourism route I engaged in must not be limited to Tongxian county.

Before I went to the grassroots level, I was the Secretary of our leader Li. A few years ago, when our city first started the development of Fengquan mountain and Jinfo Temple scenic spot with the nature of contract, it was leader Li who appointed me to work with the contractor, so I am familiar with it.

After I took the post at the grassroots level, our leader Li attached great importance to my ideas and kept asking me how I used religious tourism routes to improve farmers' lives. After listening to my difficulties, he decided to extend this project to the whole area of Yundu.

This gives me the biggest space for development. I put the source of this line at the Jinfo temple in Fengquan County, which is adjacent to Tongxian County, because the giant Buddhas there belong to one genus and two high in Asia, and their influence is also very large. Then according to the one-stop line, it covers Wenshu Temple in Tongxian County, Guanyin Temple in Sanqing Guanyuan County in Zhuyang city and Yunshan temple in Yundu city Jiaomingshan temple has formed such a religious themed route. In addition, tourism management projects have been established for local people in the villages and towns where the temples are located, which not only improves their living environment, but also creates a golden rice bowl for them once and for all. "

Speaking of this, Zhao shensanhao suddenly said: "by the way, leader Li, from Manjusri temple to Jinfo temple in Fengquan County, do you want to have a look at the source of my line"

Li Wenbin laughed: "ha ha! I didn't expect that, if I want to improve the quality of life of farmers and broaden their economic sources, I can be surprised by this young man's way of thinking. A remote mountain temple, a remote temple, can be transformed into a Wutong tree that can bring Golden Phoenix.

Yes, yes! It seems that this time I took a photo of the country and said that our province would create a new way of rural work, which would not be disgraceful! In fact, comrade Yuanhang's decision-making is very wise. Although Zhao shensan is the leader of Tongxian County, the local people are not the people of Yundu. Your religious tourism routes benefit the whole city, which is what Comrade Yuanhang can't wait for. He's not stupid. How can he not support it? Hahaha!

It seems that I am more and more interested in this journey. I think we should work hard and go to the Golden Buddha Temple. Let's also go to the aura of the Great Buddha and see what the "dragon head" of Comrade Zhao looks like.

with such high interest of leader Li, who doesn't agree with him? What's more, they are all full of enthusiasm for the Golden Buddha Temple The mysterious temple is full of curiosity. Anyone who doesn't want to have a taste of it in person will naturally agree.

The motorcade circled along the mountain road to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was cold because of its height. At the moment, although it was mid spring with peach blossom at the foot of the mountain, the top of the mountain was covered with snow. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it was divided into three different colors. The pink peach blossom at the foot of the mountain and the fresh green spring grass at the hillside, together with the white snow on the top of the mountain, were so beautiful that all the leaders got off the car and stood on the top of the mountain with admiration.

After enjoying the mountain scenery, we got on the bus and went down from the other side of the mountain. Because there is a hot spring vein at the foot of Fengquan mountain, the high ground temperature makes the rice ripen twice a year. In February of the lunar calendar, the fields are full of green seedlings, and even the relatively barren land in the middle of the mountain is filled with large areas of rape flowers. The breeze is blowing slowly, and the strong fragrance of the flowers is refreshing.Looking up from afar, the tall Buddha statue on the opposite mountain is bathed in the golden sunset. It looks so solemn and kind, and the familiar five leaders who twinkle in the sunset make every leader move in his heart, and can't help thinking

The closer you get to the Golden Buddha Temple, the more awe you feel from the Buddha that has taken root in your heart. When you get out of the car at the foot of the mountain, listen to Zhao shensan's talk about how he negotiated with the contractor to develop the project by taking advantage of the advantages of the mountain, and how he built a new community for the people on the opposite ridge, which is similar to the urban community Led the leaders to visit the new community and the business projects opened by farmers on the street, such as visiting hotels, hot spring bathing and so on.

At this moment, it's time for dinner. Seeing that the tourists coming out to travel while the spring flowers are blooming are in an endless stream, making the business of the whole street very prosperous, leader Li and his party are more satisfied.

Riding the spring twilight, we ride up the mountain together. In the boundless, the Buddha is more solemn and kind. Li Wenbin stood at the foot of the Buddha, looking up at the golden statue of the Buddha, his face full of solemnity, although he did not bow down, but the look of admiration is clear. All the followers stood beside him in silence. For a moment, no one spoke except the bell in the temple.

For a long time, Li Wenbin sighed and said: "Alas! The power of belief is huge. Although we as workers are atheist materialists, we still need to support and carry forward the things that the majority of people believe in. After all, this is also a cultural vein handed down for thousands of years. The promotion of Yundu can not only enhance the religious environment, but also promote the economic foundation of the local rural areas It's a matter of benefiting the people! Yuanhang, I want to thank you for that! This kind of move in your city is a public opinion move beneficial to the future! "

At the end of the day, Li Yuanhang has been flattered by Li Wenbin's praise for several times. At the moment, his heart is like a spring of joy, but he deliberately makes a deep and introverted appearance and says in a low-key way: "leader Li has flattered me. This is also our first step to make good use of the local resources and improve the living environment for the common people It's not as far-reaching as I thought. "

For dinner, Zhao shensan deliberately arranged to eat vegetarian food in the Golden Buddha Temple. Sitting in the quiet and elegant hall, he ate light and refreshing dishes. The leaders thought it was particularly novel. In fact, these people were not atheists in their bones. They all had a pious mood about today's experience. They ate this kind of food very sweetly. It seemed that the monks brought it in with trays, Naturally, I can't guess that it was elaborately made by Fang Tianao, a chef from Suzhou and Hangzhou.

After dinner, it's already dark. February 2 was not a good time to watch the moon, but when you walk out of the mountain gate, you can see a crescent moon hanging on the opposite mountain top. Although it's only a narrow corner, it's so bright and clear, and it's dreamy and beautiful set off by the stars.

The night is so clear, the sound of frogs in the pool at the foot of the mountain, I don't know where it comes from, the curling music of Sanskrit singing, and the faint fragrance of flowers in the mountain and incense in the temple from time to time.

All of these make the leaders who have been immersed in the secular world for a long time feel pure. The spring wind is also warm and comfortable, which makes them have a kind of extraordinary and refined mood. They have a kind of attachment to the temple.

Zhao shensan whispered to Li Yuanhang: "leader Li, I've arranged some rooms in Wenquan Town not far from the foot of the mountain. You can ask for Li's advice. If they don't want to leave, can they stay nearby?"

Li Yuanhang has already planned. Li Wenbin is likely to return to the provincial capital on the same day. Even if they don't leave, they have already arranged five stars in Yundu tonight It's a first-class hotel. However, leader Li unexpectedly increased the number of observation points, which disrupted his plan. Even so, when he got on the highway from here, he arrived in the urban area in no more than an hour. He didn't expect to live here at all. After listening to Zhao shensan's suggestion, he was stunned and looked at Zhao shensan suspiciously.

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