Finally, no one went up the steps. She lifted her skirt in her hand and ran into the hall in a hurry. She saw Qiao Yuanzheng talking to he Pengfei. Both of them were holding fireworks tubes in their hands, ready to spray fireworks when the wedding began. When he saw Zheng Yanhong running over with no grace, Qiao Yuanzheng joked: "tut Tut, look at this bride. She's so impatient to have a wedding. How can she..."

"Xiao Zhao is gone! Qiao Chu, you should go to the bathroom to have a look. He Chu, you should also go and have a look around My God? Zhao shensan, you said you would never leave me. Don't leave me today Zheng Yan's red face is full of anxiety, and his eyes are full of sadness and helplessness. At the beginning, he begged for their help, but at the end, he cried bitterly.

Qiao Yuanzheng and he Pengfei realized that the situation was not good. He didn't have time to ask what happened to Zheng Yanhong. He ran into the men's room and yelled, "Zhao shensan, Xiao Zhao, come out for me!"

Unfortunately, Zhang's answer was silence.

On the other hand, he Pengfei also quickly turned the guest's private room, where there was Zhao shensan's shadow, asked the Zhao family old man, but also said that he didn't see it.

At this time, the microphone of the master of ceremonies sounded: "distinguished guests, today is a beautiful day. We welcome the wedding ceremony of Mr. Zhao shensan and Miss Zheng Yanhong here. Now, please take a seat at the viewing platform. Our wedding ceremony will begin immediately!"

All of a sudden, the rooms were opened one after another, and the distinguished guests were sitting on the viewing platform, happily waiting for the wedding to begin

The sound of the master of ceremonies repeated twice in a row, and the music began to ring. However, he found that only the bride stood there alone, and the leader of the bridegroom didn't know where to go!

The wedding assistant ran to him and asked anxiously, "bride, the bridegroom is about to start the wedding now. It's time for you two to go to the ceremony. How can you not see the bridegroom?"

ZHENG Yanhong is watching Qiao Yuanzheng and he Pengfei come and go in the hall to find Zhao shensan, and she finds nothing from their increasingly anxious faces.

In the face of the wedding master's assistant's inquiry, Zheng Yanhong's anxiety finally broke out after suppressing for a long time. Out of control, she screamed in a voice that completely changed its emphasis: "how can I know where the bridegroom is? Do I hope my wedding doesn't have a bridegroom? What do you eat for? Why don't you watch him and keep him from running"?

at this moment, the sound engineer is tuning the music, so it's accurate Prepare to put on the sacred and solemn Wedding March. The music has just stopped, but it hasn't sounded yet, so Zheng Yanhong's voice is extremely sharp, almost everyone in the front row of the auditorium heard it.

Zheng Haonian is an old soldier who has been strict with himself all his life. At the moment, listening to his daughter's gaffe, he glared at his wife and said, "go and see what's crazy about this girl's hair. Today is not the time for her to lose her temper. Don't let her force Xiao Zhao away. That's a big joke!"

When Zheng Haonian urged her, Zheng's mother had already stood up. Meanwhile, Ling Yan and several daughters-in-law of Zheng's family were standing up. The men's relatives almost rushed to the door and pulled Zheng Yanhong to ask what was the matter

before Zheng Yanhong answered, Zhao shensan's daughter yaya suddenly crowded over and said timidly, "Mom, your mobile phone has me Dad's message... "

"Give it to me quickly!" Zheng Yanhong is going crazy. She grabs Ya Ya with great strength and roars.

Yaya is so scared that when she just enters the auditorium, Zheng Yanhong gives her the mobile phone she holds first because she has no place to install it. She shakes her hands and opens the SMS interface, and then she sees a message written on it: "Honghong: maybe I'm wrong at all. No matter how hard I try, how can I catch up with the successful people you are looking forward to.

You married me today wearing someone else's family jade bracelet. You have already told me that you are not reconciled. Well, rather than you regret it in the future, I'll leave first today. Our marriage certificate was originally made to avoid investigation. You are still free. I wish you happiness. Zhao shensancheng.

Zheng Yanhong was on the verge of losing control after she had just lost her temper. After reading this text message, she was overwhelmed by fear and despair. Of course, she collapsed completely. She cried sadly and said, "he's gone He didn't want me Because I'm still wearing Lin's jade bracelet Lin's family heirloom Lin Maoren, are you satisfied now! Are you satisfied? "

In the eyes of the onlookers, Zheng Yanhong suddenly went crazy. She dropped her mobile phone on the ground and stretched out her hand to pull down her jade bracelet. The more anxious she was, the more she couldn't pull down her jade bracelet. She bit her teeth fiercely, as if this jade bracelet was her enemy.

"Ah ah, what's wrong with your child? What's the strength with a bracelet?" Lingyan saw her crazy pull down, her wrists were broken, and the red blood had begun to seep out, so she quickly went up to try to stop her.

But where can the weak Lingyan pull Zheng Yanhong, who is already crazy because of excessive fear? She didn't pull her. Zheng Yanhong stepped on the hem of her wedding dress and fell to the ground. The culprit on her wrist, who brought about today's great changes, immediately fell apart on the terrazzo floor. After the precious jade became a piece of ground, she looked very beautiful It's no different from ordinary glass.Falling on the ground, Zheng Yanhong's head touched the ground. The five meat and eight vegetables she had been thrown were not light. Her forehead was already blue and purple, and she was still oozing blood. But she still did not understand hate like crazy to those pieces of jade in her hand, desperately pinching, as if want to squeeze these pieces into powder.

When she found that she couldn't crush it, she put these pieces into her mouth with a hand that was even more frightening. She bit them with a "bang bang". When people reacted to stop her, scarlet blood began to emerge from her mouth

Lin Maoren has been paying attention to Zheng Yanhong secretly for a long time. When he saw that Zheng Yanhong was wearing his jade bracelet when she got married, his heart was no less shocked than Zhao shensan's despair!

However, this is the opposite of Zhao shensan's despair. It is a shocking surprise, a regret of making mistakes one step at a time and a faint hope. When as like as two peas of a jade bracelet are exactly the same, Lin Mao feels that his hope is not hopeless.

Sure enough, the development of the situation is proceeding according to his expectations step by step, which is far beyond his original intention of just using jade bracelets to keep the poor little corner in Zheng Yanhong's mind. It is a good situation that is likely to completely overturn the defeat!

Zhao shensan never missed his performance just now, even when Zhao shensan left Zheng Yanhong and walked behind, he went to the bathroom to follow him. In Zhao shensan's fury, where could he find someone following him and went out from the side door of the hotel? Lin Maoren watched him wave for a taxi, got on the bus and left. Only then did he go to the banquet , calmly waiting for the Zheng family to find out that the bridegroom is missing.

He even thinks that he is the man who really knows Zheng Yanhong. He knows how arrogant this woman is. It will be a great shame for her to be thrown at the wedding by Zhao shensan, an abusive woman. Then, it is reasonable to have a relationship with her surname Zhao. Later, it is not the time for her to appear.

the woman is being abandoned In the middle of rebellion, Roumei Xiaoyi begins to coax her, and then annoys her with the rumors of being thrown into everyone's jokes at the wedding ceremony. She doesn't worry about the humiliation of Zhao shensan abandoning her in order to wash her away. She marries him in anger. As long as she marries him, what about anger? Lin Maoren has the patience to make her completely submit to him.

Therefore, Lin Maoren, who has been looking coldly at the flustered situation after the loss of the bridegroom, has never told anyone that he saw Zhao shensan had gone, but when he looked at Zheng Yanhong's miserable scene at the moment, he finally couldn't bear it. No matter from the real love for Zheng Yanhong or from the development of the situation, he knew it was time for him to do it!

"No!" When Lin Maoren, who has been sitting quietly beside his elder brother Lin Maotian, saw Zheng Yanhong fall to the ground, and then his mouth was foaming with blood, he finally ran past like a wounded beast and cried out: "Honghong, don't do this It's not your fault. Blame me, don't do this to yourself

Huang Xiangyang and Huang Tianyang, who hate Lin Maoren, are standing in front of Zheng Yanhong. Looking at Lin Maoren, the two brothers come forward to block him.

Looking at him crying to get inside, Huang Xiangyang whispered in his ear: "if you destroy my sister's reputation, our two families will lose! In a word, let Lin Maoren ready to continue to perform the sad drama that he and Zheng Yanhong were forced to break up. He was stunned. He was such a stunned God. Lin Maotian had caught up with him quickly and said solemnly, "since something happened to someone else, let's go!" Said, with Lin Maoling pull Wuzi step three chapter head looking at Zheng Yanhong Lin Maoren quickly out of the door.

And all of them quickly got Zheng Yanhong up and helped her to the rest room

Up to now, the unexpected wedding has dazzled everyone present. Even Li Wenbin, who is going to fight Zhao shensanping and persuade Zhao shensan to return to politics in the middle of the banquet, can't figure it out. He calmly asks Lu Bowen, "what's wrong with this? Little Zhao is really ridiculous. How can he disappear?"

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