Biquge, the fastest update for a hundred days of trial marriage: the latest chapters from my husband!Ye Zi'an's gaze fell on her pale paper face, and the woman seemed weak to faint at any time. Jian eyebrows knotted between her eyebrows, "Go to the hospital."

"No, I want to go home." Ling Qianmo closed his eyes, but was hard at this time. "Smell the strange smell all night, I don't want to smell the disinfectant in the hospital now. Go home, OK? "

Ye Zi'an glanced at her insistence and nodded, "Call Dr. Song and ask him to come over."

"Okay, President." Assistant Lin called while starting the car.

On the back seat, Ling Qianmo didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, sitting near the door of the car, leaning weakly on the door.

The pale lips pressed slightly, revealing a sense of grievance, some panic after being frightened, and a little bit of accusation.

With the lights on in the car, Ye Zi'an easily caught the expression on her face and reached out to hug someone over, but Ling Qianmo looked at him tremblingly like a frightened rabbit with a pair of innocent eyes open.

"Shallow." The man shouted her name patiently, "It was just after meeting Xiang Heng, you didn't want me to touch it?"

After saying this, the rough action dragged her into his arms.

Ling Qianmo's resistance and dodging made him quite disgusted.Especially, she obviously looked like a ghost that could die at any time.

The man put his hand on his waist, Ling Qianmo struggled more and more, crying in his voice, "Ye Zi'an, don't touch me, let me be quiet, OK?"

At this moment, whoever touched her can remind her of the fat and greasy man before and the hands that had walked on her.

She feels sick!

"I just want to be alone for a while, don't bully me, at least not now."

Just now, the whole person was too scared to panic. Seeing him was the same as seeing the savior.

However, after sitting in the carriage, all thoughts began to become clear bit by bit.

Everything tonight is a game, no matter who designed it, it is clearly because of him.

This man is too good to stay by his side. I'm afraid such things will happen again and again.

She didn't want to leave him, but what happened tonight really hurt her nerves.

She just wanted to be well, and think about it quietly.

What should we do in the future?!

When she said this, her eye circles were already a little red, rubbing the corners of her clothes, aggrieved and helpless, like a wounded little sufferer.

Be vigilant and guard against everything around him, just want to find a quiet place to lick his wounds.

When Xiang Heng hugged her to soak in cold water, the fat man in the room had already taken the opportunity to slip away, so Ye Zi'an didn't know that there had been such an episode.

If he knew, the anger on his face wouldn't be so obvious at this time, sweeping away all his tenderness.

Mo Ran's eyes swayed with a hint of coldness, as if she had endured to the extreme and broke out, "I went to that kind of local private meeting with my ex-boyfriend in the middle of the night, Ling Qianmo, are you right?"

The man's words came out word by word, like a sharp sword, poking Ling Qianmo's heart fiercely.

Her pale face became paler, and there was even a mist in her eyes.

He believed it. Even though she was in the bathroom, she heard what the reporters said.

I originally thought that his initial gentle care and distress were not a disguise, but a real worry.

Now I want to come, but in front of everyone, not wanting to tear my face?!

Ling Qianmo was stunned before he could react, the man's fingers stretched out, pinched her waist and led her forward, and hit his lips hard.

The cold kiss, with the smell of punishment, such close contact, made her easily smell the strange smell of the man.

A mixture of perfume, alcohol and smoke, a strange taste.

Make her sick!

The pushing action was weak and weak, and the action of squeezing his fist and punching his chest seemed to be acting like a baby.

Ling Qianmo passively accepted his predatory kiss, bursts of white light exploded in his mind.

The woman's eyebrows are tightly furrowed, and the pale face is not too obvious to refuse disgust.

Ye Zi'an hadn't planned to go deeper, but the expression on her face pushed the anger that was suppressed into her bones and deepened.

Such a scene inevitably reminded her of the man before, and the shadow in her heart was multiplied, and the burning tears fell uncontrollably.

Feeling the wetness coming from the clinging cheeks, Ye Zi'an evacuated a little bit, and saw that the woman had already cried a face, and her eyes blushed.

With dense distress all over his chest, he suddenly felt like he had done a big bastard thing.

Taking advantage of the man's distraction, Ling Qianmo pushed him away forcefully, biting his lip and roaring inexplicably wronged, "Ye Zi'an, why are you doing this to me?"

"You provoke a peach blossom debt yourself, but you make me suffer. I was almost raped. As my husband, you don't know how to help me out and are still bullying me here. Are you still a man?"

Inside the carriage, there was a continuous flow of cold air.

Dark clouds were surging in the man's black eyes, and he took out his cell phone and dialed a call.

"What the hell is going on tonight?" He asked coldly.

His expression became more and more cold as the other party said.

In the end, the man opposite added, "Ye Zi'an, if you are a man, don't always let her suffer such grievances."

I hung up the phone and looked at the woman who was shrinking in the corner with an emotional expression, feeling both distressed and guilty.

After a long while, he still reached out his hand to fish him over, and circled him in his arms, "You don't know if I am a man or not."

She's already like this, he still doesn't forget to be a hooligan.

Ling Qianmo tried to get up from him, but felt the strength of the man's arms increase, locking her firmly in his arms, "Sorry."

The two words that were so low that they were almost illusory suddenly exploded in her ears, exploding all the grievances in her heart.

Tears are like broken pearls, out of control.

She just bit her lip like that, crying quietly, not talking or making trouble.

"Don't cry. Didn't I apologize? Why are you still crying?" Ye Zi'an would always be at a loss when she cried like this. No matter how cold or hard, she could soften into a puddle of water instantly.

If an apology is useful, why do you want the police?Ling Qianmo glared at him, watery eyes, and lack of strength, so instead of deterrent, he added some softness.

The man's voice softened, "Hey, don't cry, let's go home. When we look back, my husband will definitely give you a head start."

He seldom calls herself her husband in front of her, and she rarely calls him that. Although the two are already married, she has never considered using such a title.

However, at this moment, listening to him, Ling Qianmo had an unspeakable peace of mind.

The disgust in my heart was swept away, Ling Qianmo nestled in the man's arms and nodded quietly.

PS: Recently it will be stable three times a day, but I really can't promise on time.But I will watch to write more and keep the manuscripts updated regularly, so as to avoid the hard work of everyone.I'm really sorry, (3)

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