The Black Market

Chapter 104 - Surprise Assault

"Wolf King, now that we are part of this group that you call Earth Alliance, can you at least tell us what the main purpose of this group is?" Ask one of the leaders. He can barely hide his dread after glancing at Wolf King who was still playing with one energy bomb in his hand.

"Oh, right. I apologize for my negligence." Wolf King feigned a surprised expression as if he had really forgotten about it.

Everyone's lips twitched at his obvious act, but they said nothing. Would they dare say anything against such a man? No, they didn't dare provoke Wolf King at all! Especially now after knowing a bit of the rallying power that he commands.

"The main purpose of the Earth Alliance is to..." Wolf King purposely made a suspenseful mood while glancing at everyone's expression. 

'I'll bind you guys with me. Do you think that I'm an idiot who will just threaten you guys to join me? Of course, I have to solidify my hold against you.' He thought to himself while laughing coldly in his heart. 

Everyone held their breaths and waited for Wolf King. Their gazes were full of anticipation and a bit of expectation.

"We have two main purposes for the establishment of Earth Alliance; first is to protect our world, and second is to kill all those demi-humans. Sound so simple right?

But don't get me wrong, both of which are things that we may fail to do. We might have the knowledge about their arrival, but their sheer strength and weaponry alone are enough to destroy all our preparations.

So I want everyone's full support here if you don't want to end up as slaves to those alien race. 

And I am very certain that we only have a few more years before they strike. After calculating and theorizing, I am expecting them to attack us in two to three years."

Wolf King's words sent alarm bells ringing on their heads. They never would have thought that even the powerful Wolf King could say such words. This denotes his seriousness regarding this matter.

"And for those who are part of our Earth Alliance, you will have to listen to every commands given by those who are superior to you. Failure to follow a command means rebellion and we are not lenient about betrayal. 

But as members of the Earth Alliance, we will give you full support when those demi-humans will attack your country or your groups. We will send the strongest fighters available to aid you. 

Later, you will receive an e-mail about everything we know about those aliens. Also written on the email are rules that are needed to be followed as members of the Alliance."

Wolf King glanced at everyone's numbed expressions. Now he knew that being able to control these so-called world leaders was such a satisfying feeling.

The meeting continued with Wolf King controlling the entire flow. The leaders could not even voice out their disapproval and they could only listen obediently with gritted teeth.

"That's it, everyone. When there are meetings in the future, make sure to be there so that you won't miss anything important.

Okay, let's end the meeting here."

Everyone helplessly nodded their heads before they left the meeting room. But inwardly, they were happy about knowing the matters regarding those alien race. For if they did not know anything about them, then they might die without even knowing how they died.

* * *

Meanwhile, within the Earth Alliance Academy.


A loud booming sound reverberated from outside the academy grounds. Everyone inside the academy was stunned shitless which made them stopped whatever they were doing.

The academy's alarms rang loudly and the classrooms were painted with red lights. The professor's knitted their eyebrows while calmly evacuating their students. They pacified their students and urged them to stay composed.

All the students were sent into the underground floor which had the tightest level of security and safety. No one will be able to hurt them here and the thick metal walls were even sturdy enough to block missiles. But with the academy's defense system, it was nigh impossible for a missile to hit the walled basement.

The students' expressions were full of apprehension after the surprising event, but they were also curious as to who would dare attack the academy which was owned by Wolf King, who they knew as the strongest man on Earth.

* * *

Outside the academy, several robed silhouettes can be seen engaged in a crossfire with the academy's elite guards. The robed men's weapons emitted bright rays of light which looked like laser beams in a sci-fi movie.

The academy's guards who were also armed with Energy Guns fired back in response. They looked very well-practiced as if they had mastered the art of marksmanship. 

It was because all the guards of the academy were at least at the S-Class level in gunsmanship. Although they were weaker in terms of close combat, their skills in sharpshooting were beyond the best of humanity's elite soldiers.

The fighting between the two groups became more intense as more and more robed individuals came to attack the academy. 

The academy's defense system had long since turned on. And multiple energy bullets and missiles were fired against the attackers, but the missiles could not even get near the attackers as all of them exploded in midair.

The opposing party actually had an anti-ballistic missile system that intercepted all the ballistic threats fired towards them.

In response, the attackers fired their missiles towards the academy. But the academy similarly had its own anti-ballistic missile system. So the only threat was the unending energy bullets fired by the invading party.

Demetrio stood atop the walls of the academy. He observed the group that was attacking them. Behind him were the two vice-headmasters of the academy. Both men had solemn expressions.

"This aura, they are not demi-humans. Then who else is capable of sending this many soldiers with such advanced weaponry?" Demetrio muttered with confusion.  


A man suddenly appeared in front of the three headmasters. His broad back was facing them as the man looked towards the attacking group.

"The Marchand Family! You're finally here!"

His grayish-white pupils radiated killing intent and his aura which was already at the initial stage of the Divine-Class level exploded wildly. 

Demetrio, Kenji, and Leonhart were surprised at the man's strength. They never would have thought that Zero had already broken through the Divine-Class level!

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