The Black Market

Chapter 189 - Saint Commander Omri

"So this is Earth? What a beautiful planet this is!" A tall and skinny Avran soldier exclaimed with a surprised look after he surveyed his surroundings. The other Avran soldiers were looking exactly like him at the moment.

Their army was surrounded by a thick green forest with countless animals living within. The shade of the trees provided them with a cool sensation despite the warm temperature which made them feel comfortable and pleasant.

These Avran soldiers were accustomed to the bleak and dreary lands of Shura making their first impression on Earth into that of surprise.

The two worlds were not even comparable in terms of livability. It's like comparing the brilliance of the moon to a little firefly. 

"Contact Saint Commander Faramis this instant! We must know the progress of their mission!" A tall and ferocious-looking Avran with a knife scar on his left cheek roared towards the Avran soldiers with a dark look. 

He was somewhat suspicious about what had happened to Saint Commander Faramis and his men. They hadn't heard any news coming from their side after they left Shura. Furthermore, when they were still above ground, he saw that the planet was still in pristine condition which was contrary to what he had expected.

He thought that this world would be in shambles and chaos, but right in front of his eyes was a beautiful blue planet with no hints of disturbances.

This ferocious-looking Avran was Saint Commander Omri.

He was stronger than Saint Commander Faramis in terms of battle capabilities, but he fell short in commanding an army. In addition to that, he was the type of leader that thinks using his fists. He believes in the ideology: The ones with the larger firsts had the final say.

After hearing their commander, one of the Avran soldiers grabbed a spherical object from his pocket. He fiddled with it a few times before a projection of Saint Commander Faramis was seen in what looked to be a holographic image. 

"Omri, you still looked the same." The image of Saint Commander Faramis had a sneering look as he glanced at Saint Commander Omri.

"Faramis, you haven't changed. You're still as weak as a housefly." Saint Commander Omri had a mocking look on his face as he glanced at the familiar face. 

The two Saint Commanders glared at each other as if the other party owed them money. In the end, Saint Commander Faramis shook his head and said with a serious expression. "I've no time to quibble with you, Omri. State the reason for your appearance in the world that I was tasked to conquer."

Saint Commander Omri knitted his eyebrows and focused his reddish pupils towards Saint Commander Faramis. He did not see any difference in him and there were no signs that the other party was being manipulated. 

When he saw the perfect condition of Earth, he thought that something might have happened to Saint Commander Faramis and his men. But after being able to contact him, he grew a bit suspicious. Did this old man dare betray the Demon Immortal? He thought to himself.

"Faramis, you were tasked by Viscount Geisler to occupy this world within fifty years, but a lot of things changed. As what I can see, there is no progress in this mission of yours." Saint Commander Omri spoke with his lips curved.

Saint Commander Faramis frowned for a moment before he relaxed his tensed muscles. 

The other party was just the typical brawns for brains, so he did not think too much about his suspicions. Furthermore, he knew that the other party was merely mocking his incompetency for being unable to finish his mission. 

'This old bastard hasn't changed at all.' Faramis thought while sneering inwardly.

"I don't give a damn about your opinion, Omri! Now, f_u_c_k off! This planet is under my jurisdiction and you don't have any rights to meddle in my affairs regarding this world!" Saint Commander Faramis roared while looking straight at Saint Commander Omri.

The Avran soldiers behind Omri felt the oppressive aura of Saint Commander Faramis even if he was merely a holographic image. They could feel his anger and disdain towards their commander. Although they felt humiliated and angry, they didn't dare voice it out. The other party was, after all, a Saint-Class level expert. Just one punch from him would kill them in the blink of an eye!

Saint Commander Omri remained unfazed amidst Faramis' roar. Omri glanced at him with an 'I don't care' look on his face. "Faramis, I am under the orders of Demon Immortal Azazel himself. What rights do you have to oppose his commands?!" Omri roared back.

Faramis felt his palms moistening after hearing the name 'Azazel'. He was the nightmare of everyone in the Demon Region for his evil deeds. 

Although his soul was telling him that Cale was unmatched under the heavens, he could not forget the fear left behind by Azazel. The man was, after all, an expert at the Earth Enlightenment Realm. Someone who could swat a peak stage Immortal-Class level expert with one finger to death.

"In that case, what are you planning to do?" Faramis asked with a milder tone. He needed to act accordingly in order to not draw their suspicions. With their Saint Commander Omri's limited intelligence, he believed that he could catch all of them unprepared.

"Despite my unwillingness, I have to help you conquer this world in order to accomplish the task given by the Demon Immortal. Send me your location so that we can proceed with the next steps." Saint Commander Omri said.

Faramis sighed and showed a complicated look.

After inwardly complimenting himself for his splendid act, he then sent them a location through his communicator. "I will wait for you, Omri. Let's see how strong you have become after all these years of staying idle in Shura." Faramis taunted before dropping the call without even waiting for the other party's response.

His last words carried a lot of meaning, but he didn't want to waste his breath explaining it to Omri.

On a lush forest, Saint Commander Omri clenched his fists tightly, causing snapping sounds to echo in the air. "Faramis, you've grown gutsier after not seeing me for many years." He muttered with a cold look on his face.

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