The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 207 Big Pen hoarding substance

In the blink of an eye, you have passed three days.

After half a month, the first batch of mountain gods finally made completed.

Today, the company will follow the order, send these bacon and sausages, for up to three or five days, the earliest netizens can receive the most favorite mountain gods.

"Hi boss!"

"Xiaohai inspects work? We are not lazy!"

Zhang Hai came to the temporary factory of the food company. It was the house of a villagers, very spacious, about thousands of square meters. After a simple transformation, it became the company's temporary plant.

The villagers saw Zhang Hai and opened a joke.

When I heard everyone, Zhang Hai smiled and nodded toward everyone, and then the various stations saw it.

"When you pack it, you must pay attention, there is no dried bacon, you can't send it, you must really have the quality of our company!" Zhang Hai did not worry, and then three employees who were packing.

"Don't worry, the small sea, we know it, we have to pick it up without drying!"

"That's good! Everyone has worked hard!" When you hear everyone, Zhang Hai finally relieved.

"Hard work, we have taken wages, of course, to help you do good!"

"Just, we are here to go to work, don't blow, it is not lost, more than working on the slope!"

The villagers said all the laughs, I am very happy to work here, because although the salary is not high, it is more than two thousand in January, but the work is relaxed, it is more than 100,000 miles than the dry farm, that is, the village seven Eighty-year-old people can do it.

Seeing that everyone is working in an orderly, Zhang Hai is not stopping.

In a short while, the truck of the courier company came directly to the village, and the thousands of parcels that were completely packaged first.

Zhang Hai took a small video and was ready to send it to the official website, telling consumers who have sent good news.

The video just issued a few seconds, it was found by the obsessive netizen.

"Lying in the trough, the wax we bought is finally shipped, I thought the boss's volume ran!"

"Haha, I have never moved, I also thought that the boss and the little sister ran!"

"Finally, it is necessary to receive the goods, Konsen, bacon is here, ready to eat a good time to celebrate!"

After the news of the netizens saw the news, I was very happy, from the order of the order, now I have been in the next fifteen days, many netizens are the first online shopping for so long.

Now the speed is super fast, the next morning, there is a netizen in the province, and the province has been received by the mountain god.

When they will receive bacon and sausage to the mall, the netizens in other regions have been sour, all envy.


The things of the wax have been going on track

Zhang Hai also shifted to hoarding medical supplies.

So he gave Liu Minghua, the general manager of the landscape pharmaceutical industry called.

"Manager Liu, how is our factory masks and protective clothing?"

"Boss, all our production lines are produced in full load, and now there is 10 million one-time protective masks, and 2 million medical N95 masks."

"In addition, it is now possible to produce 100,000 sets of protective clothing every day, with 50,000 hot guns ..."

After listening to Liu Minghua's report, Zhang Hai is very happy, according to the current production, one month can produce more than 300 million masks, it is expected that a total of seven or eight billion masks can also produce five six people. Millions, the amount of the amount of temperature guns should be less, but it can also produce 3 million pairs.

"Well, very good, how many of these products are we produced now?" Zhang Hai calculated, and then curiously asked Liu Minghua.

"The boss, our masks have been produced more than 150 million, and the protective clothing has also produced more than 1.5 million pieces, more than 800,000 hot guns."

"But the boss, our funds have been used fast, do you see if you hurry?"

For the decision of the boss, Liu Minghua has always been guilty, because the sales situation of these medical supplies is not good, the boss also makes the production so much, if you can't sell it, then you don't have to die!

"Liu Yuger you can rest assured, I have already found it, this batch of materials have been booked, you don't have to worry about the production of the factory, I will give you 3 billion!"

Zhang Hai certainly can't tell him that the epidemic is coming soon, so I can only have an excuse, dispel the concerns of Liu, let him rest assured that bold organizational production, and strive to produce more products before the year.

Sure enough, I heard the boss has found the buyer. Liu Minghua finally worked with it. Although there was still a little confused, but as a workman, he did not immediately inquire about the specific details to the boss.

"For Liu Yi, I will give you a billion, you can help me order ventilators with the company, the better."

"Good boss, I will handle it as soon as possible!" Liu Minghua nodded, although there is doubt and intake, but he still can perform a boss's order.

The importance of the ventilator is very clear, this is an urgent equipment in the intensive care room, especially during the epidemic, and each ventilator can save a few lives, so Zhang Hai must prepare in advance.

This is just the first batch, Zhang Hai will also have a case in Jiangcheng, and then buy a batch of ventilator, according to the plan, Zhang Hai will accommodate around the ventilator,

Although I don't know if these ventilators are not enough, they can help anti-vlasts while making money, and why is not the life of the compatriots!

During the command of Liu Minghua, Zhang Hai finally loosked a sigh of relief. After the phone was sent, Zhang Hai directly lying on the seat.

I have now reached December 10th.

It has been only more than 40 days from the outbreak of the epidemic.

Zhang Hai is preparing to accumulate 800 million masks before the New Year, including 600 million in ordinary masks, and 200 million medical N95 masks.

6 million protective clothing, 300 air guns, 3,000 ventilator.

Zhang Hai is roughly calculated, 600 million ordinary masks, each 2 cents, this is 120 million yuan; medical N95 mask cost is slightly higher, about each cost is 5 cents, production of 200 million will spend 1 100 million yuan.

In addition, the cost of the temperature gun is not low, one is about 50 yuan, and 3 million will be 150 million yuan.

There are still 6 million isolation and protective clothing, each cost is about 30 yuan, and it takes more than 80 million in the production of protective clothing.

There are 3,000 ventilator, with a total of 150 million yuan per unit.

Finally, Zhang Hai's statistics, all materials added, actually spent 700 million.

Zhang Hai helplessly shook his head, and sold pork to more than 7 billions. I didn't expect to have a clean and clean, really hard, and I was so hard to go back to liberation.

If you are in the country's stock market, there is still ten billion funds, and you will have to pay for this batch of things.

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