"Brother, your sweet potato is really too big, one can make people!" Aming made a bit, and touched the drums of the drums smiled and said.

"Why don't you pick a tenth to eat?" Zhang Hai turned a white eye.

"Oh, I am picking, but isn't so big?" Aming thoughtfully said with a smile.

Because too much is taken by Zhang Hai, it has become a small piece of small pieces, which is more easily cooked.

The brothers were teasing to return, and Aming was like Zhang Hai proposed: "Brother, let's go to the lake to dig some lotus roots?"

Today's weather is very good, the sun is high, the outdoor temperature is about twenty degrees, and today, the water is not too cold.

I want to think about the scent of the spicy, Zhang Hai, who is teeth, and the squid are hooked out.

So my brother took the water clothes and back, I was ready.

"Mom, we went to the lake to dig," Before leaving, Zhang Hai and my mother said.

"Go, but pay attention to safety!"

"Know your mother!"

I saw that I walked in the wild, I was sitting in the yard, I was sitting in the yard. The girl, the horse, launched her own four-wheel motor, and the hands and feet chased the sea, while climbing it while crying!

"Mom, ... ..."

"Oh, you are slow, your little girl is really, you have to go, you want to follow."

I saw my daughter climbed out of the hospital. The big sister smiled and shook his head. When I grabbed my daughter, I raised this four-legged beast.

At this time, the little girl is like a small turtle, and the limbs are constantly waving, and it seems to be climbed out.

"Mom ... Play ... Play ..."

Seeing your own little beast, I wanted to go out, Zhang Qin didn't have a way, I had to hold the little girl into the baby stroller, and said with Wang Guilan, I pushed Xiao Niu Niu to the lake.

At this time, the two people have come to Yangliu Lake.

In the winter, Yangliu Lake is the deepest place but one or two meters. The shallow north bank has visible to the bottom of the lake, and the two will be under water.

"Be careful!"

The bottom of the lake covers a thick layer of sludge, and Aming just a water, it almost fell, but also Zhang Haicheng's hurricane quickly pulled him, or this guy has fallen in the lake.

"I didn't pay attention!" Aming smiled, because the first foot of the water was unlikely, so it almost fell.

Zhang Hai shakes his head, and you will know that this guy is a man who is a hair.

Because of the careful person, every time you go, you must first try the depth in the lake. Only when it is tempered, it will take another foot.

Zhang Haibai glanced at him and then started to get roped in the lake.

I didn't dig the Zhanghai, but I didn't eat pork, I saw a pig run. Just find a dry lotus leaf, and then touch it, I can find a lotus root down.

Soon, Zhang Hai's face is happy, the right hand seems to have touched a lotus root, and this lotus root seems to be good, Zhang Hai's body, let the right hand explore more, and finally dig all the lotus roots.

"Brother, do you dig one?"

Not a minute, I saw Zhang Hai, I dug a lotus root, and Amin was surprised, because he didn't try it, but Mao did not touch one, knowing that digging is not so easy. .

"Oh, your kid is not good!" Zhang Haishun thrown the lotus root into the back of the shore, then glanced at Amin.

"Why can't I do it? I immediately dig a look!"

Aming is somewhat not to serve, and immediately in the lake, I took a half-day rotten mud, I dug a lotus root of egg size.

Seeing that Zhang Hai can't help but laugh.

When I can't do it in the Aming, the big sister pushed the little girl and came to the shore.

"... ... ..." The little girl reached out his own lotus root arm, five fingers kept waving to Zhang Haoyou.

"Yeah? How come you?" When I saw Xiao Xiao, I felt that my mood was better, and I was more powerful.

Xiaoshou just started to learn, and I said half a day, and I didn't understand it, I didn't understand it, but I could see that Xiao Niu Niu is very excited from her sunny smile.

"Do you drink soup for you?"

"Eating ... eat ..." The little girl listened to eating, and immediately took a small hand.

Seeing the little girl is so greedy, then look at her fat, the big sister can't help but shake his head, I want to wait for her a little bit, I don't want her to lose weight, because the child is too fat.

Soon A Ming finally 'one snow shame', digging out a one-meter long lotus root, excitedly, this guy is called, and it is a hundred million.

"Sister, let me take a photo! Fast, I will send it to a circle of friends!" Aming this guy is quite excited, and the hands are high, holding lotus roots, waiting for the big sister to take pictures.

Although I don't like the look of Amin, but the big sister is still difficult to help him take two.

The lotus root in Yangliu Lake is a lot, because there are not many people who dig, so Zhang Hai brother digs slowly in less than half an hour.

"Young guy, can you sell me a few pounds?"

I saw the big and long and long, and the uncle on the side was attracted.

"Selling, uncle, you have a few times, it is not worth money anyway!" Zhang Hai said with generous.

Because there are not many people eating in the green hills, so they generally have no one to buy it. I can't buy a high price on the street. Therefore, Zhang Hai Ge has not thought about digging money, preparing to send two, let everyone Taste fresh.

"Oh, then thank you!"

Uncle Zhang Hai is so enthusiastic, and immediately thanks to him, then two lotus roots from their trains, about two pounds.

"You will go back first, I and Niu Niu went to the village to see if there is no ribs, and I have to buy some going back to stew soup!" After Zhang Hai and Amin climbed up, the big sister smiled and said.

"Good sister, go, don't ribly buy some keel!"

Zhang Hai nodded. When he heard the big sister, he would buy a ribanese and lotus roast soup. He thought of the days of going to college that year, I remembered the ribs and ribs soup of Jiangcheng University, which made the aftertaste.

After the big sister pushed Xiao Niu Niu, Zhang Hai brought the lotus root that was harvested to go home.

"Xiaohai, do you dig so much?"

"Dig it back to eat?"

"Oh, I thought you dug back to feed the pig!"

On the road, I just met the little macle from the ground. I saw that he did two Mars and asked.

Zhang Hai two people suddenly smiled, and the heart thought that Xiao Ma is still as deep, as long as it is a little not paying attention to it.

However, the two did not say much, smile, a few lotus roots gave Pony, the heart wants' feed pig, everyone, I will feed it together, who is not a pig?

"Oh, you are two stinky kids!"

After a strong plug, a few lotus roots, Xiao Ma sudden looked at the two people who escaped.

"Haha ... haha ​​..."

When I ran old, I was stopped at the Zhanghai, and then smirked, I feel that I finally set the Pony Shu.

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