The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 246 Tourists Report Growth

time flies

In the blink of an eye, I arrived on February 25.

Today is another sunny day.

According to the weather forecast, today's highest temperature can reach 30 degrees, Zhang Jiawan seems to have entered the summer in advance.

"I am going, how do you come so many people in the village?"

When Zhang Haigang walked out of the house, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the green trail in the village, Yangliu Lake, there is a small square in the village, on the beach, almost every corner of the village can see the gods of tourists, which make Zhang Hai not to be surprised!

"Oh, do you also scare it?" Seeing Zhang Hai's reaction, the Amin not far away smiled helpless.

"These monks are also, don't stay in the city, all running to our villages?"

Because now is still an epidemic, although the road has been unsappur, Amin is still very welcome to these foreign people.

Because of their arrival, it will increase the risk of villager infected pneumonia, which makes the villagers like it.

"These guys have been a whole month at home, and it is estimated that they are all crazy, so they have a good weather, they will come to our villages to come to Qing!" Zhang Hai is also helpless.

At this time, there are hundreds of visitors in the village, most of them are old and small, and these guys are not afraid to have a virus, really courageous!

Because Zhang Jiawan is very close to the county city, it is four or five kilometers away, but not only the scenery is beautiful, there is water in the mountains. Recently, the Lihua in the orchard is still in full, so tourists have ran to the youth tour.

Some tourists are in the river, some are fishing around the lake, and the men and women are in a dog food. It is not a single dog in Zhanghai. Otherwise, I don't know how many dog ​​foods that are feeding!

"Brother, there are many people in the orchard in the mountains!"

On the fingers of the Aming, Zhang Haiyuan is looking forward. I only saw that the tourists were woven in the orchard in the next few days. One by one, she also took the mobile phone self-portrait, ornamentally watched the wilderness of the mountains!

"Walk, let's go to the big question!"

There are so many people in the village, not only the two people in Zhang Hai are nervous. At this time, the village chief Zhang Guoqing has turned to the group, calling to the upper level, although the above is sent, but at all, I can't stop the tourists. .

After all, these tourists are crazy, from January 25th, now, the whole month is at home 'closure'.

Now, the situation is better, and the weather is so good, the Lihua, Zhangjiawan, is still open, which makes everyone still bear, so a pass one, and it is surmured from Zhangjiawan.

"Don't take action in the village?"

When the two came to the village committee, at this time, the Burber is sitting in the door!

"What actions take? I have no way to come!"

"Ah, all the police have been here?" Zhang Hai's Aming looked at each other and then shocked.

"Well, the above said that I will send a staff member to support, and I have a test opening in the village. Only the tourists who wear a mask and body temperature can come in!" Big Bo said, then nodded.

"Is this? Is there a lack of limited flow?" Zhang Hai asked again.

Because now the tourists in the village are really a lot, and with time, visitors will definitely become more and more, when Zhang Jiawan is estimated to be squeezed, so it is not taken to take a limit measures!

If it is not in the usual epidemic, Zhang Hai and the villagers are definitely very happy. After all, the more tourists, the more the tourism economy in the village is more and more.

But now, the epidemic is in the peak period. Now the number of people who have a diagnosis every day is more than a thousand people. Although Qingshan did not find an example of cases, it couldn't be too light!

"The provisions, the above speaking is a thousand people!" Bad shakes his head.

"Hey! It seems that everyone can only go out less," Zhang Hai is not sighing, since it refuses to visitors, only take this approach.

"Well, not only don't go out, but also do a good job in the disinfection work in the village. From today, you must disinfect it every morning!"

When I said that Burber Legou began to call members of the village committee, let everyone go to the village committee to meet, and prepare to deal with the tide of tourists today!


When my husband came to the river, I found that tourists are really mad.

You said that everyone is coming to fish, playing water is also normal, but moving the mahjong table to the river, is it too wonderful.

Some people are more cow, actually to swim and life-saving circles to swim in the river, the highest temperature at noon today can reach 30 degrees, but the water temperature in the river is definitely not, it is estimated that the temperature is the highest at noon. It is really crazy to imagine these guys! !

"Brother, you are not crazy, one is chasing it here, but also shouting; there is still there, some people are playing the eagle catching chicken, how old is these people? Still playing Children play games! "

I saw the tourists played unscrupulous playing on the river, and Aming had some 'angry.

"Is this not normal? They have been in the hospital for a long time, now it is rare to come out once, of course, I have to release the next day, how can I play?"

In fact, Zhang Hai can understand everyone's excitement, which is the same as the students' crazy vent after the end of the college entrance examination.

When Zhang Hai fell to the group, he suddenly caused everyone's exclaim.

Especially those who stay in the city and classmates, now many places are still in the city, so when you see the scene here, you are envious and worried.

At the same time, it is also worried that these people are in a pleasant, they will collect together, they will cause groupual infections.

In fact, today is not only Zhangjiawan, but the parks and scenic spots near Qingshan are this scene, almost all mad tourists capture.

Because today's large-scale tourists gathered events, Qingshan News did a special report, and called everyone to reduce out, do not massively gather.

The county's response is also very fast, and the limit is announced the second day.

Status all the scenic spots and squares in the county, all implement a current limit. When there is a certain number, it will no longer receive.

After taking a limited limiting measures, Zhangjiawan's situation has finally improved.

The tourists in the village restrictions within a thousand people, although there are still a lot, but the order in the village is still a lot.

See how many tourists, although Zhang Hai is a little nervous, but the heart is still relatively stable, because in the past, the entire epidemic, Qingshan County did not have an example.

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