The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 278 Cooperative Society

May 10th

All the plums from the cooperative have been sold after three days.

Today, employees finally calculated the total income of the cooperative and the division of each household.

After Wang Lei got the data that had just been released, he immediately came to Zhang Hai office and reported this good news to Zhang Hai.

"Boss, this year, our cooperatives' income and dividends have finally statistically statistically!" Wang Lei said with a face.

"Well, I will take it!" Zhang Hai is also very happy, knowing that the villagers must wait.

"Good boss!" Wang Lei took the document to Zhang Hai.

After receiving the statistics, Zhang Hai Li said.

This year's cooperative sales of peaches is: 30.45 million; plum's income is 83.55 million.

The total revenue of peach and plums is: 114 million; it is 114 million.

The total cost of cooperatives is: 3 million. Mainly fertilized and artificial expenses.

In addition to the cost, the total profit of this year's cooperative has also broken through a hundred million reached 1,100 million.

"Yes!" Zhang Hai nodded.

I heard the boss's praise, Wang Lei Lili has a smile, and I want to have no effort in these two years.

As for the dividends of the villagers, the results have been calculated, and now it has been made into spreadsheets. When they can be issued in the table.

Zhang Hai looked at it and found that the highest villagers reached more than 250,000, and the least 780,000.

As for the sixty-tenth households to choose the contract fee, their income is much worse, even if the area of ​​the orchard is the largest area, this year's contract fee is more than 10,000.

"Wang Lei will copy this data more points, then post it to the village, in order to inform you, let's start to dividends at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, the location is at the gate of the village committee!"

"Good boss! I will notify you as soon as possible!" Wang Lei collar orders immediately left.


"Notice, Notice, Cooperatives have noticed that cooperatives have been completed this year, please ask you to calculate the benefits tomorrow morning."

"Notice, notice ........."

Wang Lei not only posted a detailed and announcement in the village, but also told everyone with the news of the second day.

"Haha! Tomorrow is finally done!" I heard that Guoxing, who heard the notice, and rushed to the cooperative to run.

"Cooperative speed is very fast!" Dalin Ge is feeding a dog, after hearing the broadcast of the village, I also walked into the village committee.

Like them, the villagers have rushed to the village after hearing the news, and it is to get the first news as soon as possible, see how much you can get it.

When Amin came to the village, I found that Guoxing was watching the book of the cooperative posted, so I asked with a smile.

"How much is Guoxing, how much is your home?"

"There is not much, it will be more than 12,34!" After that, he had a satisfactory smile on his face.

Although his home's income is not the most, it is now very satisfying now, he is very satisfied now.

Because if in the past year, the income of their orchards can have a $ 20,000.

"Hey! Aming your home is also a lot? There are more than 115,000!" Guoxing is just seeing the division of the AM.

"Oh, okay, but I am not more than your home!"

Amingqian smiled, in fact, his heart is as happy as the uncle of the country.

Because I will give the orchard to the cooperative, I don't have to pay my heart, I can earn more than one million, so I can find this!

"Dalin brother, you have come, your home is more than 6,000!"

"Hey! I expected it early, how much can we take the contract fee?"

When I heard the words, the big folk who just rushed came helpless, because the original choice of the wrong contract, what can he have.

However, in this year, everyone will reinvisit and divide the contract, or everyone must regret the wall.

About ten minutes later, the villagers in the village almost gathered to the gate of the cooperative, and everyone hopped in the war.


May 11th

Early in the morning of this day, the villagers came to the gate of the cooperative, waiting for the arrival of dividends.

"I am going, how do you have a reporter?"

When Zhang Hai came to the cooperative gate, it was found that I still came to the reporter.

After reading their interviewing machine, Zhang Hai found that the reporter was a TV station in Qingshan County. At this time, the reporter is interviewing the villagers in the yard.

"Okay, you are good, I want to ask, how much is your family's dividends?"

"Oh, our home will be ten acres, this year, it is about 150,000!" The big cow he was happy to tell the reporter.

"150,000 should be a lot, can you have so much in your income?"

I heard the village, I had more than 100,000 income. The heart of the reporter was cold. I thought that he had worked for three or four years after graduation, and now it is more than 6,000 months!

"There are so many years, and it is generally more than 20,000!"

Think about everyone who is exhausted in previous years, earning two or 30,000,

But now everyone will not only work, and you can get more than 100,000 dividends every young and easy.

Therefore, the villagers are very grateful to Zhang Hai, thank you for bringing you such good benefits, because everyone is not stupid, knowing that Zhang Hai is set up in this cooperative, it is to increase everyone's income, let everyone live better. Happier.

"The audience of friends have heard, since joined the cooperatives, the income of the villagers increased by three or five times, from thousands of thousands of people in previous years, to 1200,000, can be said, join the mountain gods fruit cooperatives, become Zhang The new magic weapon of the villagers in the citizens! "

When the reporter randomly interviewed several villagers, he continued to interview the head of the cooperative Wang Lei and the village chief Zhang Guoqing.

With the deepening of interviews, the reporters are shocked. Everyone just thought that this interview was the same as before, just just took a field, showing the major achievements of leaving the poverty attack.

It is known that this interview is true. It is just a village-level cooperative. This year's total revenue actually reached more than 100 million!

More than a billion! This is equivalent to one tenth of the financial revenue of the county!

Even some remote townships, the total national product value of the year is not so much bigger!

When you think of this, the reporters are all horrified. I didn't expect the mountains and gods.

However, when the reporters learned that the origin of the mountain gods, suddenly suddenly realized that the hearts of the mountain gods can achieve such a big achievement, because the mountain god group is too bull

Mountain gods must be boutique!

Although the mountain god group did not play this slogan, the quality of the people of the mountain god group has been deeply rooted, and the trust and favor of the majority of consumers!

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